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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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stand, who are they? new guys, is this with me, passenger, reporter, director? i
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came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, white roses, can you, can you sing sometime, i shave , i’m alive, names we don’t need to, don’t kill her, or what, don’t kill yours, well, you, chamomile, god’s light, homer, to the machine gun, there’s something to do, commander, what’s up, shoot, call sign passenger.
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when will russia be able to achieve technological sovereignty, what are the difficulties for this? it is necessary to overcome what is the advantage of the work of industrial competence centers. about this and more in an interview with alexey mordashov, chairman of the board of directors of severstal. alexey alexandrovich, hello, on the site. tsypr is actively discussing import substitution. as for it, how feasible is the mission in this sector? i think that it is quite doable, well, firstly, russia is traditionally known for its specialists in the field of information technology, and there are russian fleets before hackers, well known in the world, we have intellectual abilities in russia for sure, but today there are serious challenges related to the fact that we need to overcome the gap that has formed with the change in the environment for us, where we have access to the best technology. in it,
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which western suppliers provided us, this access is gone, but the task of replacing, these are their products, the task of ensuring that same technological sovereignty in it, it looks solvable, but it will take time and a lot of resources. but industrial centers of competence, how involved they are today in this work, pitfalls, pros and cons in your opinion? industrial competence centers have performed quite well, they have probably performed differently in different industries, in different work groups, but in general...
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but at the same time, we are starting to really think about some strategically important topics, such as substitution irp based on which was very widespread in our country, the creation of a new open source control system system may not even be possible, we consider it right to do it with open source, in this sense this is the experience that has developed within the framework of the icc, it helps us to continue to make joint plans for the development of such products, no one can do them alone, and here is just this...
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he was, remains, and indeed, we we are all in the struggle for talent, but on the other hand we see a lot of talented people in our country, well, we see that this is a solvable task, and at the same time it is also a complex, difficult task, we have a lot of work to do to attract the best talents, here we are severstal, for example, as well as in many other companies, we are in an active struggle for talent, we try to attract personnel to ourselves, and here... there is a place for a large number of different tools, and competitive salaries, and the right social packages, taking into account the interests of employees, and the right company culture in which it is interesting to work , and new business opportunities that allow our it specialists to grow, all this is what we are trying to provide, but as a result we
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see quite a serious attractiveness for us as an employer, we traditionally occupy there, well, not traditionally, for the last few years they have been ranked first in terms of employer reputation for non-it among non-it... top indicators are growing taking into account new technologies, how positive will the outlook be? well, undoubtedly, new technologies open up new horizons for us, we ourselves don’t fully understand these horizons now, for sure, but already the first experience of using such well-known topics as artificial intelligence, for example, speaks of
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enormous prospects, we spent there $2000 increased unit performance for one of our important large units by almost 6%, without any investment. only by adjusting the technological parameters there, that is, the prospects for such digital technologies and robotization seem very great, they will certainly help solve, as i already said, the shortage of personnel, but in principle they will probably open up for us great new opportunities for increasing efficiency our productions. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get super cashback in rubles every month, withdraw cash for free from
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at cypr-2024 norilsk nickel presented well-developed prototypes that are being developed for the mining and metallurgical industry. this is how you basically assess the work of the icc and itska metallurgy in particular. i believe that the idea of ​​the icc is generally very good and effective; it allows us to solve practical problems, in particular the icc, which deals with problems of metallurgy. also achieves good results, and this is not only the fact is that we are already creating and implementing prototypes of some solutions, but also that there is very good interaction between the members of the etsk, we are using the developments that severstal and metal-invest are doing, they are using ours, and this is very important, because the amount of work to replace imported systems is very large, we don’t have much time, so uh...
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information systems, at the last cipra there was
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a blanket in the field of government orders from mikhail vladimovich mishustin to overcome this kind of problem, and its overcoming was expressed in the decision to create a single showcase, the so-called digital data, which will allow business representatives. use such a single window and a single standard for issuing this information so that the ministry, department and other interested government agencies can already use this for their own purposes, that is, it is a significant relief for business if such a standard is developed, but since the decision it is customary to develop this standard, which means i proceed from the fact that it is will be developed, in addition, the government will provide business with a window of opportunity. on maneuvering, on the timing within which
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import substitution should be carried out, some solutions lie on the surface, they are available from russian vendors, this is done quickly, some solutions are developed within the framework of the icc, yes, that is, the cable competence centers, they are also subject to implementation, but there is some zone, so to speak, in which there are no such solutions yet, so we... the government hears us so that we can these terms should be changed, varied depending on the availability of analogues, so that there is an easier way to prove that there are no such analogues.
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actively develop the coast of the azov sea, it will soon become a new place. a place of attraction for tourists, it is expected that by 2030 the region will be visited by about a million travelers, new embankment hotels and recreation areas will appear there. the reconstruction project is large-scale, it is already being called an economic springboard for the region. about the revival of meotida, see the special report by vadim topalov. with what first of all
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associated with the sea of ​​azov? naturally, this is recreation, recovery, fishing and, of course, recently this is the inland sea of ​​russia, it washes several regions of the country: rostov region, krasnodar region, crimea, kherson zaporozhye region and, of course, the southern part of the donetsk people's republic. settlements stretched here on the donbass coast; they were founded by the greeks who moved from the crimea. this water surface is still called myatis. the ancient greeks called the sea of ​​azov tida in honor of the local meotian tribes. according to one version, this word comes from the term meuthek, which in translation means a sea that becomes cloudy. maybe, if we take it literally , nothing fundamental has changed in 3.0 years, but what is known for sure is that these
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waves and waters have every chance of becoming the main place of attraction for tourists, not only everything... the coastal zone of the sea of ​​​​azov for residents of donbass has always been a popular vacation spot, it’s not far away, just an hour or two of the road, and you’re on the shore. to give you an idea, there are several resort villages nearby from mariupol, this includes milikino, yalta, urzov. at the moment we are on the belosarayskaya spit. all these years, this territory was occupied by the kiev regime. even at the beginning of a special military operation for ukrainian militants it was the definition of a stranger, now the village is literally a time capsule, nothing has been done here over the years of ukraine, recreation centers have been chosen by representatives of nazi military units, behind bars with barbed wire rise the buildings of what was once a children's health center camp, abandoned, there is a lot here, all
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these 8 years there hasn’t really been a season, but there is faith in a bright future. everything will be fine, everything will be gradually, everything will get better, i think there will be a resort here and we will count the stars, so to speak. alexander dolgikh, one of the first to start his work as part of russia, says that if last year tourists were still looking closely, then this year they are already booking rooms until august, funds have appeared in order to do a small construction project, he hopes to be in time by the end of may, the price tag is different, luxury two-room suite with a view at sea it will cost up to 500 rubles per day, he himself is from crimea, but in his heart it is not the black sea, it is the sea of ​​azov. it is very healthy, rich in iodine, people come here to improve their health, this is a very big plus, a beautiful coastline, and, of course, fishing, you can’t live without it. the development of the azov coast is a priority task, which was also supported by
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the president of russia, the plans are grandiose, at the end of last year the head of the republic denis pushed ... despite the fact that most of the plans are already being implemented only on paper preparatory projects. the first is logistics; we see a completely different road , which now has increasingly clear outlines around the sea of ​​azov. secondly, we see more and more investors now coming to our coast. it is used to attract capital to the donbass on the azov coast. all possible resources, one of the main tools is a free economic zone, the task set by the president is to increase tourism revenues to 5% of the country’s gdp this year. we are planning a modernization update on a number of our beaches on the ozov coast , we are planning to create new modular hotels, so-called glampings. the need
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for the hotel fund is very high, no new hotel complexes have been built in recreation centers in ukraine, and the existing ones cannot cope with the load. andrei polyakov arrived from nizhny novgorod in august 1922; as he says, his sense of intuition worked, and he always tries to rely on it. found an old administrative building, according to. bathhouse, barrel, on the ground floor vacationers will take spa treatments, i think not this city will be worse than sochi, the prospect is simply colossal, and yes, it is necessary to build,
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improve, welcome tourists, the sea here is cool, there are all conditions for entrepreneurs, the long-term goal is to organize not only resort, but also business tourism in donbass, such a private initiative is quite fits into the general plans, so if the republic last year... in novoazovsk in the madguzhsky district, but also the creation of new sports and fitness centers, centers and children's camps. the work ahead is enormous. russian inland sea
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they plan to ring it with a high-quality four-lane highway. the federal road will be called r-280 novorossiya. 635.5 km of asphalt will be sewn into one transport hub, new regions, crimea and the rostov region. the expressway will provide logistics to all ports. azov and black seas, which means it will have a positive impact on the economy. in addition to being a resort, the sea of ​​azov is also a promising fishing base. traditionally , vedovo fishermen go fishing early in the morning. the tractor pushes the skiff into the sea, we are with them, there is some romance in this. oh sea the sea has become devoted, you will give the surf for a short time. on the boat to the stan, this is.
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already on the shore, fishermen sort the catch into boxes, standing knee-deep in sprat, they distribute it in buckets, the catch is average. what season will be, it will still show, as it were , volumes, but the estimated ones, well, somewhere around 250 tons of sprat, somewhere around 20 tons. last year, the fishery gave the republic up to 1.0 tons of fish, in addition to sprat, pilengas, goby, the volumes, of course, are now incomparable with the former glory of the azov sea. warmed to the bottom by the sun, the sea is rich in plankton. where is the abundance feed, there is fish. during the soviet period, myatis was considered one of the most productive seas in the world. 275 thousand tons of catch in the thirty-sixth year, 760,000 tons in the early sixties,
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now not only the numbers, but the inhabitants seem surprising. here beluga and sturgeon were bred and caught on an industrial scale, all this was explained by the high reproduction of fish and the large influx of press water. after the collapse of the soviet union, the industry began to collapse. under ukraine, there was no money... no one allocated collective farms, previously, which had 150 seiners have been launched. during the fighting , the remaining fleet in mariupol was virtually destroyed. and out of about 26 vessels in winter mooring , only three have retained their buoyancy, and even then they are in a damaged condition. it must be admitted that the fishing industry in the republic is currently going through difficult times. this is due to the weak influx of fresh water into the sea. lack of workers, as part of the development strategy for the azov water area, they plan to revive the fishing industry. by 2040, the sturgeon catch will be 1,500 tons, and the production of black caviar
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will make up. there are environmental problems that also require attention. the azov sea, where jellyfish and mussels feed, is a litmus test; the reservoir becomes more salty, and this, in turn, is not liked by commercial fish. why is this happening? one of the reasons is that 500 thousand km of the azov basin are not sufficiently saturated with press water. 80% of the inflow is the don and kuban rivers. water is taken away by moisture-loving crops, and the beds of donbass rivers, overgrown during the war years, prevent the influx of press water. we will clean out all areas where congestion blocking the device, we will restore the water flow. work is now being carried out in areas up to 50 km, the kalmius river and the wet wave are being cleaned. the smooth surface of the waterways finally begins to emerge from the dense wall of trees. we will try to finish all
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this in september. again , many difficulties arise, you see, well, in what condition our river is, that is, even the approaches to the riverbed are very difficult, the efforts that are being made to revive the myotis are by no means a waste of money, on the contrary, one of the most promising... industry and development of the economy of donbass, for this there are all the conditions, both natural, climatic, and most importantly ours - the sea of ​​​​azov. its uniqueness, the fact that it warms up well, it was, and we hope will be, one of the most productive reservoirs in the russian federation. the work ahead is serious. the donbass agrarian academy plans to conduct a large-scale scientific work related to research
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into the inhabitants of rivers and seas. possible diseases. ligulosis, aeromanosis, rubella, carp, these diseases can become infected fish. the main problem is that when eaten, these parasites can penetrate into the human body. the task is to determine the habitats of problem fish and study the chemical composition of the water. since 2014, for obvious reasons, this work has not been carried out properly. scientists will have to determine the damage sources of pollution. i think that other ministries and departments that are also interested in the research will respond to our requests. this is one of the projects that fits into the announced strategy for the development of the priozovye region, it will take place in three stages, by 2040 it is planned to achieve not only all-russian indicators in the tourism and fishing sector, but in some aspects to surpass it, to create 650,000 hotel
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infrastructure facilities and more... jobs. although it seems that this is still on paper, initiatives are already actively beginning to be implemented. the mariupol embankment is being transformed, where just yesterday there was a vacant lot, not far from the railway leading to the port, pedestrian zones are being laid out, all conditions are being created to attract tourists and provide comfort to residents of cities in the donetsk region. as we have seen, the projects announced and already being implemented are by no means. a drop in the ocean, an important one, including an economic springboard for donbass, to make the region again attractive for tourists, the task is quite feasible, fortunately, everything is there for this, resources, talented, hardworking people, as well as such a dear and warm azov sea.
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a farewell ceremony is taking place in tehran with president ibrahim raisi. many people will take part in the commemorative events foreign politicians. on behalf of vladimir putin, russia is represented by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. he has already arrived in tehran. vrana is also expected to receive visits from the deputy prime minister of the state council of china, prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan. now. in revolution square in the capital of the islamic republic , tens of thousands of people are led by the personal leader and spiritual leader of iran, ayatallah ali khaminii. to bid farewell to the deceased politician, people spend long hours waiting outside under the scorching sun. to many things are getting worse, several hundred people have already needed medical help. the funeral itself will take place tomorrow, with details from our own middle east correspondent, alexander.


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