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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would n’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance at all we were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, what right now? i’m proud, it was something like the whole
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film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital decisions to be brought to a new height, there is a prospect, even more brutal, more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what is the overall situation with production, raw materials, exports, what is our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. next, the author’s program of kiril vyshinsky is a typical novorossiya. deportation of crimean tatars during the soviet period. what was really happening in crimea at that time and how things are now with national minorities in novorosiya. and also the story of how simple a guy from lugansk anthracite became a twice hero of the soviet union, conqueror of the stars. watch it now. hello,
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kirill vyshinsky is here, and this is the typical novorossiya program. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. through a careful look at history we will try to reveal the originality. of its present day, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. stalin's deportations from crimea, the eightieth anniversary of the tragic events. how today the small peoples of crimea live, why does speculation around their deportations not stop? conversation with a program expert. the village
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stepped towards the stars. twice hero vladimir lyakhov. 80 years ago one of the darkest pages in the history of novorussia and crimea was written. on may 18, 1944 , mass deportation of crimean tatars began on the peninsula; entire villages of them were forcibly put on trains and taken away. to central asia to the urals. the decision on deportation was made by the state defense committee. then the highest governing body in the country under leadership of joseph stalin. the reason is the facts of cooperation of the tatars with the fascists during the occupation of crimea, which became the reason for the punishment of an entire people. in total , over 190 thousand people were taken from the peninsula. there were crimean tatars. and not the only ones
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who, by order of the gko, were forcibly removed from crimea. back in august '41 , the first echelons with unreliable crimean soldiers left. germans, followed by a small colony of italians who were deported. in 1944, deportations became widespread; after the tatars, crimean bulgarians, greeks, armenians, more than 250,000 people in total, they were sent to kazakhstan, siberia and the urals. the process of rehabilitation of deported peoples began with the crimean tatars. in 1967, a decree was adopted. supreme soviet of the ussr about citizens of tatar nationality who previously lived in crimea. he lifted all sanctions against the crimean tatars and recognized the sweeping nature of the accusations unreasonably applied to the entire
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tatar population of crimea. true, this document made no mention of either rehabilitation or the return of deportees. after 22 years in at the height of perestroika, the supreme soviet of the ussr adopted a declaration recognizing the deportation of peoples during the stalin years as illegal and criminal. this opened the possibility for their mass return to the peninsula. during the years of ukrainian independence, official kiev often speculated on the topic of deportation. the issues of settling the crimean tatars and obtaining land for development became the subject of scandals and scams. most. the mejlis played an active role in escalating interethnic tension in crimea. an organization that is not registered in any register claimed political representation of the crimean tatars. in 2014
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, after the reunification of crimea and russia, its leaders and activists located outside the peninsula organized an energy transport blockade of crimea and demanded it. return to ukraine, in 2016 the supreme court of crimea recognized the mejlis of the crimean tatar people as an extremist organization and banned its activities in russia. in 2014, the president of the russian federation vladimir putin issued a decree on the rehabilitation of the peoples of crimea who were subject to deportation. among them were crimean tatars. status of rehabilitated persons under the legislation of the russian federation. includes a variety of payments and benefits that the state provides to victims of deportation. about what has changed in the life of small peoples in crimea over the past 10 years, in the story of anna efimova. mom, it’s you, it’s
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your little sister, and najie. and it was a life full of serious trials, but hardships and hardships did not break her, she trained to be a nurse, during the years of the epidemic she single-handedly organized the work of a cori point in one of the villages of the fergana region, on she nursed even seemingly hopeless children in her arms, can you imagine, she has 70
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children, every 4 hours, every 6 hours she needs to take penicillin, she needs to constantly boil syringes, she went out on sleepless nights for 2 months. and doctors came from the regional health department, but they didn’t have doctors, she treated everyone herself, they came to her, she didn’t have a death, so she was a hero at that time, the kurtasanov family returned home to their native crimea only at eighty eighth, like many other crimean tatars, today, when eyewitnesses of those events are asked to describe the concept of deportation in one word, there are simply no words, this is what it is associated with, which ones? echoes of the fact that in 1944 they were torn away from
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their native land, on which they lived for centuries, passes through the memory of generations, but deportation is not just a black page in the history of an entire people, since the early nineties in the ukrainian ... in the crimea, it became political a tool that was used to combat the vast majority of the russian-speaking population of the peninsula. for the role the extremist majlis chose a battering ram against everything russian. at first. more than 180 peoples, russians, ukrainians, tatars, armenians, greeks, jews and everyone contributed
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to the development of this region, its cultural heritage and spiritual heritage. this is bakhcesarai, a city very popular among tourists, a real center of crimean tatar culture on the peninsula. everyone knows that the legendary khan’s palace is located here, but not everyone knows about another truly iconic place, the house and museum of ismail gospo. outstanding philosopher, educator, politician, publisher of the first russian turkic-slavic newspaper, translator terjeman. ismail gosprinsky in 1881 spoke out for the united nation, which he called like russian muslims, and with this idea he tried to unite all turkic-speaking peoples professing islam on the territory of the russian empire. and based on these views, a whole galaxy of public opinion leaders grew up. these
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shots were taken during the festive prayer in honor of eid al-adha. early in the morning , about one and a half thousand believers gathered for worship within the walls of the crimean cathedral mosque. no words the most important thing is that we made it to the holiday and opened ours. believers have been pushing for the construction of this mosque since the beginning of the 2000s; in 2004, the city council of simphepol even allocated land for it, but soon the decision was canceled, while endless trials were going on, as a sign of protest , people brought shell rock to the site of construction that had not yet begun, this pile of stones was dismantled already russian builders. in krymdak, the construction of a cathedral mosque is a very significant event for muslims; we have been waiting for it for a very long time.
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this means that we will fix it in the constitution of ukraine crimean tatar autonomy, he promised, they created a constitutional commission and that no one even remembers what kind of commission this is. meanwhile, the broadcasts of the unknown radio liberty were broadcast under loud headlines, such as the cathedral mosque in simphepol, a new crimean unfinished construction, and from television screens the audience was actively frightened by the supposedly impending large-scale repressions, new deportations and a complete ban on everything crimean tatar. it's been 6 years now. since the annexation of the peninsula, the russian authorities have not allowed the crimean tatars to honor
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the memory of their ancestors. in reality the situation is otherwise, a memorial complex at suren station. it was from here that the infamous teplushka carriages left in 1944. the attitude towards the tragedy of the deported peoples is clearly illustrated by dry statistics: after the reunification of crimea with russia, assistance to them increased 27 times, new housing and kindergartens are being built. separate measures of social support are also provided; probably, some issues always exist in society, but society is not organized in order to resolve these issues as conflict-free as possible, or, in any case, overcoming these conflicts creating living conditions acceptable for everyone, and this task has been systematically solved over the last 10 years, during which crimea has been part of russia, because in fact the famous phrase “crimea is ours” means only one thing, it is “a common home for us all.” anna efimova , valery sovelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossia. why does not
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stop speculating on the topic of deportation of small peoples from crimea, and what is happening to the national minorities of novorossiya today? we will talk with our regular expert, historian and political scientist alexander. vasilyev. sasha, good afternoon. sasha, in the ukrainian media. the topic of deportation from crimea after 2014 is one of the most used, it is often, well, i’ll even use this word, it is talked about, while they say: only about the crimean tatars, they don’t talk about other peoples who were deported 80 years ago, they continue to talk about deportations today, why is this happening? the fact is that this was originally a political factor in ukraine, from the beginning of the nineties, and here it is very important to recall that indeed these are the representatives deported peoples
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did not return in an organized manner, although they were already rehabilitated there as in khrushchev’s time, yes, but there was no mass... to their native places, indeed, well, since it was the ukrainian soviet leadership that in every possible way prevented this, kiev signaled to moscow then that there is no need to stir up white, that’s why they will return, and this will be tension, and we have nowhere to resettle them, why yes, because at that time it was unprofitable, that means for the ukrainian, soviet elites, back in the 60s, back in the 60s -s here when under khrushchev there then... i want to remind you that this soviet-ukrainian elite, how it quickly turned nationalist, yes, that is, starting there with kravchuk, kiev, under any, again, administrations has always used this factor is based on the principle of dividing power, that is, on the one hand, no real social problems of the crimean tatars were resolved, precisely in order to constantly
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fuel some kind of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction among them, and to make them a counterweight to the russian one. population, and it got to the point that in the fourteenth year , there really was an absolutely illusory threat of a very serious interethnic conflict hanging over the wing, in the localities, especially in settlements with a mixed population, well, witnesses of those days remember there was very, you know, such a tense atmosphere of mutual distrust, and it was just such a powder keg that kiev was going to throw this match, only such russian intervention in this sense did not just rid crimea. from the confrontation with kiev, that’s how we later saw in donbass, yes, it was precisely this internal scenario in the balkan spirit, and bloody, therefore, of course, no other small affected peoples, then there, not the bulgarians, not the greeks, no one else, were interested in kiev in this regard, yes, this topic is being raised all the time
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time, precisely in order to turn, so to speak, the tatar population into some kind of factor. until now, now even, so to speak, with renewed vigor, kiev politicians and many historians who are beginning to return, so to speak, to history, to the origins of history novorusiya, why do they always say that deportations have never stopped and do not stop now, but this is very important, because i repeat that these people are not interested in any historical memory, injustice, or anyone’s feelings, but they are interested such fuel for propaganda, primarily for the military ... propaganda of today, we remember the resettlement of christians from crimea under catherine, then it was actually about salvation , salvation, yes, because - in the same way , just a banal massacre threatened christians who supported the russian troops who entered the peninsula, that same suvorov, he was just fighting with this, so that this process would take place as much as possible, so to speak, with the least losses, and
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now it is being declared deportation and such a very important narrative is being built, that means it was catherine. great deportation, which means stalin is deportation, today, yes, today’s russia under president putin is again deportation, which means that they don’t have enough factual evidence today, well, of course, not enough, but who ever bothered with that, the very in fact, today this is being declared deportation, that the population was massively deported deep into russia, that means in the kherson, zaporozhye region donba thousands who left kherson in an organized manner, these endless conversations about deportation, there...
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here they portray local residents. okay, let's go back to the peninsula. what is the situation today related to interethnic relations, because the peninsula still remains, well, like russia, a multinational territory, there is ethnic diversity, historically established, and accordingly, these mechanisms of interaction between ethnic groups, they too, well, for centuries, despite all the turbulent events that we talked about, if you don’t artificially... stir up, so to speak, some of these extremist sentiments, then people have nothing to divide, and with the existence of a normal state that provides infrastructure in a normal way, yes. which ensures the legality of doing business there, small business, and so on and so on, without deliberately pitting people against each other, talking about real interethnic
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tension, even comparable to what happened under ukraine, is simply impossible. sasha, thank you very much for a very interesting, detailed story. we continue to talk about famous people who were born in novorusiya. which would not have been conquered by people from donbass. it seems that this was the slogan of danchanin's most famous pole vaulter, sergei bubka. for the first time in the world, he jumped the bar at a height of 6 m. but before him there were those who soared much higher and reached cosmic heights. the childhood of the pilot-cosmonaut, twice a hero of the soviet union, passed in yenakiev union of george. beregovoy. he received his first star during the great patriotic war and flew 186 combat missions. he flew into space at the age of 47, becoming the oldest earthling in
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orbit. another donetsk hero of the soviet union, alexander volkov, flew into space three times, went into open space twice, his constant underground, donbass-1. twice hero of the soviet union, leonid kizim. from krasny liman, donetsk region, flew three times, went into outer space six times, in total, spent almost a day there, in the nineties deputy commander of the russian military space forces. georgy shonin was born in rovenki, lugansk region. in the sixties , he, along with his comrade yuri gagarin, joined the cosmonaut corps. the crew of soyuz 6, commanded by shonin. took part in the first group flight of three spacecraft, and at the same time, for the first time , various methods of welding metals in space were tested. colonel vladimir lyakhov, a native of
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lugansk anthracite. he has three flights, a total of more than 333 days, and three spacewalks. vladimir lyakhov became twice hero of the soviet union. how. a boy from a small mining town, born in the year the great patriotic war began, managed to conquer the stars, in the story of olga mokhova. the future cosmonaut with the call sign proton-1 was born a month after the start of the great patriotic war; vladimir afanasyevich did not know his father, a miner who went to the front from the first days and died in 1943.
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of course, there was no other opinion, until my mother told me about my father, that my father and i considered myself that i would be a musician, i once wanted to be a pilot, but did not pass the health everything else, then i had a dream to fulfill my father’s dream. when yuri gagarin flew into space and the whole country fell ill with dreams of the stars, lyakhov was already a cadet at the kharkov higher military aviation
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school. after graduation, he served in air defense units on sakhalin in the khabarovsk territory. then he submitted a report with a request to be allowed to be selected for the cosmonaut corps. the go-ahead was received and after successfully completing a multi-level testing program, his dream came true. from 1967 to 1960. a black abyss, so i remembered about it later
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going into outer space is like getting into lyakhov. then the radio telescope antenna caught on the station structure and essentially blocked it. in general, on every flight lyakhov encountered emergency situations that required unconventional thinking and endurance. he worked on the salyut-6, salyut-7 and mir space stations. as a pilot, he mastered 10 types of aircraft, including drying aircraft. he was the leading tester of the supersonic missile carrier tu-22m. three flights crew commander. as we know, the crew commanders are the most experienced cosmonauts, who have a large amount of knowledge, a large number of skills to get out of non-standard emergency situations, the more unique the emergency situation, the more unique the astronaut’s experience, in this i think lyakhov has no equal. during the return to earth after his third flight, then lyakhov led the soviet-afghan crew, a failure occurred in the automatic orientation system, and the landing was postponed. the astronauts spent more than a day in the descent module without water, food, or
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a toilet. that at that time he became almost the only hero of afghanistan who was not afghan, after a successful landing, president najabullah personally awarded him the order of the sun of freedom, and he also loved his small homeland very much, came to anthracite often, and in moscow he headed the lugansk community. everyone who was in anthracite, they adored this man, made any request, having authority, services to the country, he went to the meeting.
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fellow countrymen. surely i wouldn’t remain indifferent now. lpr aircraft modelers dream of a real card track in lugansk, so that it would be convenient for children from all over the republic to come here competitions. in the cosmonaut’s hometown , at the station, young technicians, boys and even girls, learn the basics of aerodynamics, come up with and assemble their own models, from a kite to a drone. the principle of our circle, as i say, is design. we are starting to design the plane. there, if possible, there are old engines, we make cord models and fly on a cord, but we need to do just that, because these are our technical, as they say, youth, growing up, among viktor ivanovich’s graduates there are many pilots, there are aircraft designers, he has his own author's program, of course, there is not enough fuel, engines, radio equipment to put into practice all his childhood dreams, but his team certainly
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returns from competitions with medals and diplomas, these rockets are very training, they are made of cardboard, this uh top made of foam plastic, i dream that i would make a uh yak-52 racing plane, who knows, maybe right now a future space conqueror is launching his first glider, like their fellow countryman, forty -fifth in... lists of soviet cosmonauts and ninety-first international classification. vladimir lyakhov was a very down-to-earth person, passionately loved fishing, had a third grade in football, but until the end of his life he never ceased to be proud of the country that had conquered space and sought to infect young people with this feeling. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelel, typical novorossiya. that's
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all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon! iran says goodbye to president risi, hundreds of thousands of people are on the streets, state duma speaker volodin has already arrived in tehran, what is known about travel events. in russia, the first stage of application exercises. nuclear weapons involve iskanders, the main strike force of the russian army, as well as kinzhal hypersonic complexes, what tasks are facing the military. norway, ireland and spain decided to officially recognize palestine as a sovereign state. israel is already recalling diplomats, what other steps can we expect from it? the head of the ministry of emergency situations kurenkov flew to yakutia, where floods continue. 3,000 people were injured.


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