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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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homer to the bullet gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no, call sign is my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. now the economic news is short: europe will not transfer income from its assets to russia even after the lifting of sanctions, this has been said.
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gazprom took control of the bosch household appliances plant, now enterprises in st. petersburg will be controlled by a subsidiary of gazprom household systems. bosch herself stopped it. the dutch yandex&v plans to buy back all its shares by the end of the year, tas writes about this with reference to the company. the securities will be purchased from shareholders who will not want or will not be able to take part in the offer from the new owners of the russian holding. they are yandex.
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plans to return most of the funds that the company will receive from the sale of the russian business. earlier, yandex closed the first stage of the transaction for the sale of russian business, consortium of investors. and wealthy russians already hold assets worth 13 trillion rubles in banks. the growth in 2023 will immediately increase by one and a half times. this is stated in the study by frank rg. the agency cites the reason for this dynamics as a reduction in capital outflow from russia; difficulties with... this was economic news, briefly. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs. and nothing extra, we give
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free service for 3 months when opening an account for business, ural sip bank, nothing extra. well, now about the work of the russian asa anti-aircraft missile systems. they are usually located in a direct line of contact and protect our troops from air strikes. report by eduard punigov. the ukrainian armed forces unit endures the stinging blows of this combat vehicle extremely painfully. zenit on the osa missile system covers our infantry, artillery and armored vehicles. this is one of the most common air defense systems on the front line. it is extremely difficult to fly past it unnoticed, and even more so to dodge missiles. the asa anti-aircraft missile system is capable of hit targets at a distance of about 10 km at an altitude of about 5 km. the vehicle, as a rule, is located in close proximity to the combat line. this crew has just
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returned from the front line. the factory workers are carrying out maintenance, reloading ammunition, so that they can soon go to the front line again. combat missions are crewed 24x7. the asa complex can destroy six missiles at the same time, but as a rule, the crew uses only two; more are not needed, because near the combat line it is necessary to launch it immediately as quickly as possible leave the danger zone so as not to...
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it’s normal, i’m a military man, i knew who i was marrying, but why did you decide to sign the contract? protection, a shield for people, the anti-aircraft gunners of the eastern group count hundreds of downed targets, the soldiers have long stopped counting hit targets, there was once too much combat work, we work mainly on drones, since the speed of the missile does not allow us to chase airplanes; birds fly a lot. just a week ago it was calmer than now, now there are more of them, what precautions should be taken? are you taking steps to face a responsible blow? changing positions, after duty, changing garages every time, each new place. when an order is received, the crew
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is ready to move to the specified position instantly, preparations are allotted only 5 minutes, in a day the crew can have up to ten combat missions, the sky is in the donbass. atomic energy agency of the people's republic of china janken today in moscow. at the invitation of his russian colleagues, he has already visited the rosatom pavilion at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. both in the past and in the present, cooperation between russia and china have shown in the field of peaceful uses of the atom. a very good result and it was very effective, i personally all of us in china expect and hope that the future will not let us down and that we will continue to be good and effective partners in this area. social studies and computer science are the most popular elective subjects
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on the unified state exam this year. this was announced by the head of rosobnadzor anzor muzaev. he also spoke about how exams will be held in the new russian territories. according to muzaev, graduates. new regions this year will be able to receive certificates without passing the unified state exam. high school students in sevastopol will have the same opportunity. we, i will say this, are in daily contact with the belgorod, bryansk, and kursk regions. we know that, like last year , the situation there is not easy. our top priority, therefore, is the safety of children; the exam procedure prescribes special conditions for them.
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establishments, they also have the same preferences. a unique premiere took place in moscow in sixty other russian cities. this is the film version of one of the most operas performed in the world, giuseppe verde, aida. multi-camera filming and advanced light and sound technologies will allow you to see and hear what was previously inaccessible to theater audiences. gulya boltaeva plunged into the mysterious world of ancient egypt. it seems. will compete with the theater-in-cinema project in november, still in itself, the queen of spades, with which it opened at the box office. during this time, 40 thousand residents in sixty russian cities saw seven of the capital's best performances on big screens, for which it is difficult to get tickets even if you live in moscow, and two ballets from
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st. petersburg and kazan were dissatisfied, we already receive comments about why there are so few sessions, in different cities, there is only one session or two in yekaterinburg, where, when else ? even next time to cinemas in regions where people cannot pay 1500 to come and watch an opera, a ballet or something else, to see it in cinemas, it’s wonderful. aida by giuseppe verde, which not everyone has seen, but many have heard. the opera has long been dismantled into concert quotes. the most an exotic and monumental opera by the famous italian was written for the opening ceremony of the cairo theater in 187. the plot itself, it seems to me, is so necessary, it is so vital that many people, probably even for themselves,
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will see some patterns, how to continue to behave in life, many of our colleagues are afraid to film their performances, because they think that this will have a negative impact on the box office, but i can tell you for sure, it’s just the opposite, the audience. goes to the theater because he saw it and he wants to see it again, there, where we feel good, we always return. dmitry bertman's version is the result of archival searches, in which the verdi foundation helped, unearthed the overture. giving the main role to the king's daughter, and not to the slave. i have staged aida many times, i love it, i really want to see dmitry bertman’s version. in italy , interest in coperi is declining; the situation in russia is much better. the theatrical film season will close with another unconditional hit. i sample where i am famous.
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order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases withdraw cash for free, not just profitable al. profitable thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, megamarket - just grow with us, it’s not easy to catch a firebird’s feather, so get a fire rate anyone can get up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on for you, who wants to solve all the mysteries of nature , for you, plus those who are especially attentive to details, i
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checked and for you, for whom curiosity opens up new horizons, you know where find out hey, what are you doing here, it’s not italy, but the delicious spot italy, roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings. lemonade capri. just eat. italian, delicious. and period. apply for a loan from sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it. and also receive monthly cashback - 2% interest rate. more profitable with sberp prime. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i am sedentary. life sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple
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helix, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts onto one halva bank card, refinance them for 24 months and conveniently pay them off. and also with holwa. i didn’t sign up for this, but i signed up for the gazprom bonus, every day with me, bonuses and discounts at hand, subscribing to the gazprom bonus with benefits for life, this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are close, maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never
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keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. go to the island and pronate. all include, lunch and clouds, among millions of hotels, apartments, relaxation. starts with o. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to sim card swow tariffs, a month of communication free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. roman burger and roman chicken burger pairings at a great price. in italian: delicious, period. transfers between your accounts are now free for russians if the amount per month is not more than 30 million rubles.
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irina matyushenko will tell you in the program instructions about what rules and tariffs the bank of russia has established in the fast payment system. you can now transfer money between your accounts in almost any amount without commission. we will tell you in 5 minutes in the instructions what rules and tariffs in the fast payment system the bank of russia has established. from... may you can transfer up to 30 million rubles to a month without restrictions without commission on these operations, how to manage the limit is up to you, there are no daily restrictions on the amount, the only thing is: the operation cannot be more than a million. if you need to collect money in one account, for example, for a large purchase of several million, you will have to make several transfers in a row. by law, banks do not have the right to limit the number of transfers or set fees on them if the amount of all transactions does not exceed 30 million per month. if the bar is passed, the commission half a percent, but not more than one and a half thousand per
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transfer. if your bank has a limit on the daily volume of transfers, even between its accounts via sbp,. additional steps may be required. within the framework of current legislation, from may 1 , a person can transfer between his accounts completely free of charge, without any restrictions, to different banks, transactions amounting to up to 30 million rubles. banks do not have the right to establish any restrictions on the number, amount of transfers, or frequency of transfers. moreover, and banks does not have the right to install any. or obligations for clients, and in order to take advantage of free transfers to yourself in different banks, buy, attach any other bank service, for example, biometrics, the rule about zero commission has two. if there is
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an operation in your application, a person must once again pay attention to which phone number he has chosen and which system he has chosen, for example, if a person wants to transfer money using a fast payment system, then he selects a phone number, his or his friend to whom he wants to transfer, he definitely uses it. in the transfer by phone number section of the options, where the logo of the fast payments system is shown, if the client makes a transfer to himself between different banks in his mobile application within the limit established by law, i repeat, this is up to 30 million rubles, then in
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the commission section there should be zero, because these transfers to yourself in different banks, in accordance with the law, are free, the limit on transfers to other people is 100,000 rubles per month, if you do not meet the limit, with in excess, you will need to pay half a percent commission, but not more than one and a half thousand for one transfer. the history of transfers between relatives, in fact, is now actively developing in russia, many banks are investing in this, positioning their services as services for family transactions and a kind of social graph of the family. there are no restrictions between relatives, these are standard transactions for 1000 rubles per month of transfers, a number of banks are trying to develop conditions to ensure that these relatives are somehow recorded logically, at the level of banking systems, how can increasing the limit and eliminating
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commissions help you? the main plus is that it has now become much easier to transfer your savings between banks and you can choose which... financial organizations offer more favorable conditions. by the way, clients should receive a reminder that your deposit is expiring at least 5 days in advance. this requirement is in the very law that established an increased limit on free transfers. how to decide which account you want keep your money and, in general, how are you going to manage it? in addition to the websites and applications of the banks themselves, special portals and financial platforms will help you. for individuals they are free, as well. their work is monitored by the bank of russia. there are currently nine platforms operating in the country that are included in a special register of the central bank. not all of them may suit you personally; we advise you to go in and choose for yourself. it is important that a deposit opened using a financial platform will be protected, and you will find information about it in your profile on government services. high key rate
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allows us now to use different tools that a professional market participant offers. and the profitability on them will be comparable, even higher than bank deposits, and the level of risk is not much higher, for example, money market exchange-traded funds, in general their profitability is comparable to bank deposits, the risks there are extremely low, they can be purchased through a broker, many management companies such exchange-traded funds have such exchange-traded funds in their product line; they are in great demand among our investors, so let us repeat the main thing transfer to yourself through the system. already without commission you can get up to 30 million rubles a month, for other individuals up to 100 thousand, the number of transfers to yourself is not limited, now it has become easier to manage your money, for example, transfer: to the bank that offers greater income on the deposit. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how to choose financing instruments or about tax benefits for investors, write to us
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on telegram and suggest topics. we will ask the experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our instructions. well, let's go to nature? oh, what is this? and this is the trad diagram. there are different cards with cashback. for what? you need one vtb card. transfer to it for free from any bank, without any commission restrictions. and get cashback up to 25% for your purchases. rubles. vtb, together everything will work out. hey, what are you up to? this is not italy for you. and delicious. italy. roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings and ice delux papa mango. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest,
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receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases withdraw cash for free, not just profitable, alpha profitable! apply for a loan in sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and... you also get a monthly cashback 2% rate is more profitable with sberm, and now vestinet and the main technological events in russia and in the world, this is led by the studio philip trofimov, question about who is to blame for an accident involving an unmanned vehicle has been decided, well, at least for one individual state. the uk has adopted a law on autonomous transport, which, among other things, regulates this extremely important point. the fact is that the legal aspect of the interaction of robo-cars with
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the outside world is considered to be perhaps the main limiting factor on the path to the full implementation of unmanned transport, that is, in fact, taxis without drivers have been driving on the roads of many countries for several years now, but as an exception to the rule in russia, for example, this. after two years of discussion of the bill, the british authorities decided that the person who activated the autopilot in the car is not responsible for its further behavior. bears, if anything, the insurance company, the software developer, the car manufacturer will be responsible, but not the person who gave it...
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suddenly he makes a mistake and causes an accident, then in court tesla's lawyers remind that according to the rules you still need to keep your hands on the steering wheel and watch the road . according to british law, it is either autopilot or follows the road. which, by the way, overlaps with the idea that john krawczyk expressed 6.5 years ago at the web summit conference in lisbon. at that time, ceo weima of google's virtually unmanned division, the company, which has the most experience in creating and testing rubomobiles. so krawczyk actually advocated skipping all the stages and levels of driver assistants and moving straight to fully autonomous cars, in which a driver or an insurance engineer is not needed at all. the idea
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is that you don’t write what rules and don’t check how to comply with them, but if the car drives itself 99% of the time and does it well, no one will watch the road, as proof of this john kraftchik then cited recordings from surveillance cameras in cars veima, where the company's trained employees are. who are paid money to test robotic cars and who probably realize that they are being watched, are still busy doing whatever they want, just not monitoring the traffic situation. microsoft strikes back and returns the title of the most productive laptops on windows to computers, at least that’s what was stated at a rather unusual presentation, a whole announcement, right down to reformatting in windows 11 itself, almost the beginning of a new era of personal ones. numbers all this was presented at a very modest event, which was not even broadcast, and this was a few hours before the start of the largest traditional microsoft build conference with its huge audience. what
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did you want to say? it is unknown in this format, but the promised changes in the market could indeed be significant; in fact, they announced a new laptop specification primarily with requirements for the performance of the neuroso processor, which was called copilot plus pc, let me remind you that it was originally copilot in microsoft called the neural network, which helped programmers create moves, later this name spread to other tools based on large language models, in general, now we are talking about the fact that numerous specialized... operational neural networks built into windows 11, for example, the recol service, allow you to remember by voice or text request , search for anything in the previous computer , including a sweater that the user saw a month ago somewhere in an online store, but never bought, it also searches for information in mail, chats and documents, and works locally, without transferring user data anywhere, actually copilot is now actually a personal assistant, much like the one announced the other day for
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the android gs operating system. it runs on top of any application, uses its data as a context for answering questions, even the simple drawing app paint now also has a built-in generative neural network, the second most important point is that all this, at least at the start, runs on processors from qualcom, that is, on arm architecture until recently more familiar to smartphones, but apple released its arm processors m1, 2, 3, and now four, showed that such systems can... be more productive and more economical than traditional intel x86, now 4 years after the appearance of the apple m1, qualcom and microsoft assure , that they have caught up and surpassed the copalet plus pc, which is already 58% faster than a macbook with m3 and lasts an hour longer on battery power. not only microsoft with its surface, but also half a dozen top brands began to produce such devices, and later the creator of the intel version of nairo laptops will appear.
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the processor market itself assures that it has also caught up with the art of productivity while being economical, but this will only be verifiable by the beginning of autumn, when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we they stormed, they entered, for the first time they left me there and wounded me. all the bullets were shot, one was a root, i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i’m still here i will be grateful to a stranger.
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this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka are what we are going to talk about. a unit of the southern group of troops liberated kleshcheevka in the dpr. once upon a time this settlement was called the key to artyomovsk. as is known to artyomovsk, and now we have the keys to it. what opportunities open up for russian troops for further advancement. the west is moving towards
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political terror, this is how they comment on the assassination attempt on the slovak prime minister in russian foreign intelligence service. that’s right, the totalitarian-liberal elites cannot maintain their hegemony and go to extreme measures. we analyze the svr's comprehensive assessment of the geopolitical confrontation. palestine is a sovereign state. the urgent decision was voiced by the authorities of norway, spain, and ireland and they are confident that this step will be taken. on the path to peace in the region, russia has been talking about this for a long time, but why do a number of western countries still not recognize this country as independent? iran holds farewell to president of the islamic republic ibrahim reisi, there are thousands of people on the streets, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin arrived at the ceremony, how is the mourning event going? and in russia, a new variant of coronavirus has been identified with a romantic name, but serious in its own way.


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