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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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for the symptoms, this is a runny nose, this is a sore throat, but in general the disease is usually quite mild, it is not dangerous and the morbidity that was caused by the previous variants, which were in the twenty- second year, then the morbidity was very strong up to 3.5 million people per day at its peak, this cannot happen now, the incidence will be low, the mortality rate will also be low, it is difficult for elderly people and people with immunodeficiency. vladimir putin approved a list of instructions on eliminating the consequences of floods in certain subjects of russia, they provide for the allocation of support from the federal budget to the affected regions. the president instructed to pay attention to the task of restoring housing and infrastructure before the start of the heating season and recommended that it be provided. time off for flood victims
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to restore housing. the head of state also instructed the government to consider improving the procedure for receiving applications from citizens who suffered from emergency situations, to report by august 1. in addition, the president gave a week to organize a summer vacation for children who live in areas where high water came in the spring. quality of life in the regions, promotion of russian brands. abroad and development of prizes. these topics were discussed today at a meeting of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives, chaired by vladimir putin. the president noted that initiatives supported by axes should become part of national projects and ordered the development of a system of incentives for a company that provides support to svo participants. elizaveta khramtsova joins us about will tell everyone in more detail what other tasks the president has set. colleagues, good afternoon, they named a wide range of tasks and noted the regions that... they are already dealt with most
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effectively. people make conclusions about the effectiveness of government based on their level of well-being. about what is needed to solve the most ambitious tasks. president vladimir putin spoke today with members of the supervisory board of the agency for strategic initiatives. the programs promoted by the agency cover all areas of our lives, over 11 years in their implementation 10 million people took part. speaking of challenges.
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we need to strive, i also ask the government, ministry and department to synchronize efforts, act in close conjunction, in partnership with the agency in all the most important areas of its activities, joint steps in matters of technological development are extremely important, the agency’s experience is also in demand here, especially since the first national the technological sovereignty project on unmanned aircraft systems was launched largely thanks to. ladoo private companies, university teams within the framework of the national technology initiative, i think it is right to involve nti participants in the development of all national projects of technological sovereignty, to necessarily take into account the opinions of innovators and entrepreneurs when forming plans for the development of advanced industries, mechanisms for advanced training of personnel and assistance to technology business. for those who implement programs that make life. in
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russia it is better, the well-being of the country is, of course, the main reward, however, president vladimir putin proposed creating the prize is people who change the country, it will honor the leaders of advanced projects, especially significant for society. in implementing a number of initiatives, the axis often relies on foreign experience. the head of state today emphasized that joint work with foreign partners should also be the focus of attention. we need to follow the path of development. with friendly states, with those who want to work with us, create products, innovations that citizens need, the economies of our countries, i ask the agency to more actively develop international, international partnerships, areas of our activities, participate in promoting the best russian practices, brands, projects in the world, and i think you yourself understand this, the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our... ill-wisher
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of something in something limits us, on the contrary, if effective solutions are offered, they will be taken, regardless of any restrictions, 100%, the market is everything.
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these are moscow, st. petersburg, tyumen region, khantemantsi autonomous okrug, republic of tatarstan, this year in the top ten the leaders were the moscow region, sakhalin and nizhny novgorod regions, you especially noted, of course, the regions that showed positive dynamics, and are really achieving today.
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yes, thank you, it was elizaveta khramtsova, who spoke about the details of the meeting of the asi supervisory board, and at that moment the plane of the king of bahrain, hamid bin isa al-khalifa, landed in the russian capital and flew to moscow at the invitation of vladimir putin. negotiations between the two leaders will take place tomorrow, the heads of state are expected to will discuss issues of bilateral cooperation, regional and international agendas, as well as the results of the thirty-third summit. arab league, which took place in manama a week ago. here are the frames on your screens, we receive them in real time. the king and the delegation leave the plane. but if we look ahead a little, after his visit to moscow, the king will go to china to attend the opening
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of the arab-chinese cooperation forum and meet with the chairman of the people's republic of china, sildzem pinim. well, it’s worth talking about the importance of this visit, because the last time hamad bin isa al khalifa came to ours. country already 8 years ago, then he met with vladimir putin in sochi, presented the russian leader with a victory ball made of damascus steel, and in return received a kick from a four-year-old stallion. and named khadzhibek, so we will follow all these details of this meeting and all the signs that the state leaders will draw, by the way, from the akhalketian breed, which of course is very important and interesting, we know what the leaders of eastern countries like, they are very like that rare breeds, but what else do we know? the leaders of the two countries generally communicate quite regularly by phone? and the president of russia invited the king of bahrain to visit moscow during the next telephone
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conversation, which took place on september 30 , 2022, that is, it turns out that she invited him 2 years ago, so the king accepted this invitation and arrived. there are a lot of common topics for discussion, bahrain is located close to saudi arabia, here, of course , one of the main topics will be discussions, of course, agreements within the framework of the agreement opec plus, oil market prospects and energy. the energy market as such is in the spotlight and we will, of course, also monitor this, and of course the situation in the middle east region, the situation in north africa in the area of ​​the gas sector, it is known that when the russian leader and the king of bahrain agreed on this visit, they also discussed the situation in ukraine, by the way, these latest events in the middle east and north africa, and also confirmed their obligations. countries within the framework of the opec plus agreement, which you mentioned, of course, that also, if we talk about the latest contacts
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that took place by telephone between the two leaders, on march 20 the king of bahrain congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election as president, and in that conversation the parties confirmed their intention to deepen cooperation in a variety of areas, and the speech it’s about trade, about investment activities, right up to environmental protection projects in turn...
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the moscow sun, which is especially hot today, also parade crews, an orchestra, red carpet, but we see that the delegation of the king of bahrain, it is quite extensive, still not everyone has left the plane, and we are now waiting until the moment.
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it is noted that in moscow it is imperative to touch upon the results of the thirty-third arab summit, which took place in bahrain on may 16, then the arab leaders , following the results of this summit meeting, adopted a declaration calling for the deployment of international peacekeepers in the gas strip until the implementation of decision to create two independent... states, that is , of course, the problems of the middle east will be on the agenda, and of course,
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the potential for economic development of the two countries will be discussed, for example, if we take statistics from the federal customs service of russia, here is the volume of mutual trade between bahrain as of two years ago was 18 million dollars, a little more, well, clearly you can expand here, there is room, but for example, we supplied meat, rolling pipes, oil, and petroleum products to bahrain. coal, they bought their products from the kingdom chemical industry, aluminum, even in perfumes, eau de toilette, plastic products, oil and petroleum products obviously. that it is possible to strengthen our economic ties here and further, and 18 million dollars is clearly just the beginning of a large dialogue, which the leaders of the two countries will establish, and of course, if we continue the topic of economics, then there is a prospect for a further increase in trade products of the agro-industrial complex, here russia is interested in increasing and
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expanding - the same goes for the supply of meat, and also grain, oil and fat. products and confectionery, well, yes, of course, and well , experts record the mood of both sides, russia and bahrain, to strengthen these multifaceted ties, and the strengthening of russia’s multifaceted ties, in general, with a pool of arab countries, in particular the king of bahrain, hamad ben isa al-khalifa at the meeting, but well, you can count it.
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proportions. theft in the highest offices. according to local media, law enforcement agencies have filed charges of illegal enrichment of ex-deputy head of the presidential office andrei smirnov. the official’s resignation is connected specifically with the investigation of the national anti-corruption bureau. but here is a fresh story, so to speak, from the field. the commander of the ukrainian armed forces unit appropriated it to himself. above 5 million hryvnia (130,000 dollars) for the purchase of diesel generators. the verkhovna rada understands the scale of theft, which is why deputies today voted for the creation of a special investigative commission. she will find out exactly how the money was spent on the construction of fortifications purchase of drones, what there is still no consensus on is the issue of banning the uoc. members of two center-right factions of european solidarity, former president. petro poroshenko and the voices created by the frontman of ocean elsa svyatoslav vakarchuk disrupted the meeting of the verkhovna rada by blocking the podium. pro-european deputies demanded that the issue of
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a legislative ban on the canonical ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, autonomous and at the same time the first in the country in terms of the number of clergy, parishes and monasteries. in the near future, after a series of parliamentary procedures, we want to pass a law banning the moscow church as soon as possible. despite... or another religious organization, and not directly prohibit it. european human rights activists also opposed the initiative, saying that it does not meet any of the criteria of the venice commission, since
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it provides for collective punishment of the church, its clergy and parishioners, and also violates the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a religious organization. even in the usa they suddenly became concerned. the us congress is worried that kiev’s actions, for example, the issue of financing kiev is not being considered as quickly as we would like, members of congress have doubts about the new
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law that will close a number of churches in ukraine, republicans, who are largely from -they don’t want to supply ukraine with dollars for this. the members of the uoc themselves - those who, without any laws, are already suffering from the repressive machine of kiev, called for prayers for the deputies to come to their senses. for the last two of the year. in the verkhovna rada, the european solidarity faction and petro poroshenko demand that the issue of a complete ban on the canonical ukrainian orthodox church be put back on the agenda. why do those whom westerners begin to minister to literally become satan? for ukrainian politicians, blinded by the idea of ​​european integration, nothing is sacred; they are ready to achieve democracy at any cost, but not at all.
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do not work, the west does not hesitate to use force. according to the foreign intelligence service, such reprisals are intended to intimidate dissidents. crime against fico involuntarily brings to mind an analogy with the resonant murders of martin luther king and olav palma, who tried to go against the mainstream. fortunately, the head of the government of slovakia remained alive; behind the official feigned wishes for fico’s recovery in the west, the true face of the globalist sect is hidden. adherents in numerous comments on social networks approve of the crimes and call for the elimination of other nationally oriented leaders, in particular hungarian prime minister orban and
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serbian president vucic. the svr also recalled that the investigation into the assassination attempt continues, but it is already clear and visible how the united states and the european union are persistently trying to impose on the world the version of a certain lone criminal who is simply allegedly not happy with the decline in the level of democracy in slovakia and why he committed a crime. the department also has information that us government agencies intend to join the investigation in the near future, of course, in order to direct it in the direction they need. the task is simple. exclude the promotion of the topic of political terrorism in europe and especially the possible external trace in a complete terrorist attack. this was stated by the russian foreign intelligence service. the eighteenth international media forum dialogue of cultures began its work in st. petersburg. the opening ceremony took place in the hermitage theater. journalists, directors, photographers, bloggers from 29 countries from 45 russian regions, including new territories, participate in the forum.
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the program includes master classes and discussions. representatives of the space agencies of china, iran, brazil, ethiopia and south africa visited the cosmonaut training center. the delegation was met by the head of the center, maxim kharlamov, who showed guests of the star city, where future space explorers are trained, simulators for the russian segment of the iss and the soyuz-ms manned spacecraft, and a centrifuge.
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a hydro laboratory where skills are developed and skills are practiced when going out into the open. there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across...
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