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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

11:30 pm
this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfa bank. refer friends and get 15,000 rubles. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. now there is new footage from the presidential press service. igor georievich, good evening. good evening, vladimirevich, how are you, igorevich. in general, everything is fine, let me report on the situation. your instructions, your instructions to work with the families of the mobilized are being carried out. system implementation
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patronage, when the curator for each family gave its results, a very positive assessment from the children who return, from families, and we decided to extend this program to large families, to older people, well , that is, it is going well, we are already forming the fifth nominal division, four formed, but made a decision taking into account the fact that the police, well, there is a problem with the staffing of precinct officers... to introduce regional additional payments, now we are discussing the same things with the russian guard, because, well, public safety is very important for us, in the sponsored region volodarsky, regularly, which means we help, about half a billion every year, and we have completed 52 projects in 2 years; in the regional economy, we are developing actively, budget revenues have almost doubled over the five-year period, thank you for expanding our special economic zones, but in demand. very much
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because, as it were, we are building buildings for enterprises, leasing technologically ready areas, there is a very high demand, which means that those investors who left in their place, others have come, production is actively developing, import substitution, literally we recently opened an e-plant that produces animal feed, 90%, it’s all ours, there is a problem, there is a shortage of personnel on time ... we saw 1800 additional jobs in working specialties introduced into the secondary vocational training, i hope that we will solve this problem, the first one our youth employment center has proven itself very well, so we show all the kids, teach, test vr tours of enterprises, we really hope that they will choose the right professions, we talked to you about the prometheus children's camp, a large camp, with your help we opened it.
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this is a problem, we also need an overpass across the railway tracks so that these microdistricts actively develop. we also ask you to give such an instruction. in agriculture, everything is smooth, and billions of dollars in exports have tripled in 5 years. leaders in a number of areas, despite being a small entity, we are first in greenhouse vegetables, rapeseed oil, processed potatoes, baby food and other products. thank you very much for the comprehensive development of rural areas. and we are one of the leaders in the country, you we had in usman, a small district, you liked it then, now we invite you to visit the dobrovsky district, probably this can be, every rural district should have this, a new school, a modern kindergarten, a new sports complex, a swimming pool, houses for farmers, a regional hospital , mfc, well, that is, there is something to look at, but i understand that not everything has been done in the region, a lot remains to be done and developed, i ask you to support my nomination for the post of governor. i’d like to discuss this and
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even ask you if you’re available first economic zone, special economic zone, since what year has it been operating since 2005, well, it’s one of the first in our country in terms of its efficiency, one of the best in the country, what do we mean, we ’ve practically returned federal taxes, yes, that is, we today, more than 5 billion taxes are given, well, various federal and regional taxes a year. so we started, well, of course, from scratch, yes, now it’s such a serious level, high, and one of our sites is 70% filled, the other is a little less, and the one that you expanded with your decision was gigantic lipetsk tractor plant, it is in ruins,
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and we began to restore it, because for lipetsk residents this is pride, a very difficult project, so thank you for your support, well, the main investments go through it, and through this zone, right? yes, yes, yes, the main investments go through it, our main investments are the metallurgical plant, agriculture and the economic zone, the three main, that means, streams of investment in the region, what i would like you to pay attention to is the number of doctors , you you know about this, you and i, yes, and that means outpatient facilities are the same. the same problem, the staffing level of the medical staff, and we are negotiating with the federal medical university about opening a medical university here, because well, we are already
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offering a lot of money to doctors, well, everyone is offering a lot of money to move, so, well, unfortunately, that’s why it’s necessary so that doctors do not leave. we now see a great demand for the medical profession, we have 24 medical classes in schools, yes, when i visit schools now, i ask who you want maybe half of them speak as doctors, that is , uh, this problem, well, of course, not right away, uh, but i see that we will solve it, besides this, and we interact quite well using modern methods of treatment, online medicine, the use of artificial intelligence, we we are actively studying the moscow experience.
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especially during this pre-election period, so go ahead, i wish you good luck, thank you for your trust, we will justify you, all the best, thank you. vladimir putin met via videoconference with the head of the lipetsk region. the russian army liberated. locality kleshcheevka - this is the most important stage in taking control of the entire territory of the dpr, since this is one of the main strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. about the situation on the front line, denis alekseev. from the artyomovsk direction
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, two good news came in one: the village of kleshcheevka came under russian control, our military made a huge amount of effort to make this happen, together with kleshcheevka, a strategic location was occupied... south of the settlement, strengthening the area into which the armed forces of ukraine were biting into, organizing meat assaults there, that's why: klishcheevka is located south of artyomovsk, when the bakhmud meat grinder did not lead to results and the city was abandoned by kiev troops. the ukrainian commanders needed a kleshcheevka for possible counter-maneuvers, but our southern group began to develop an offensive towards chasovyar, obscuring artyomovsk. and now the kleshcheevka-strategic fortified area, leaving which the kiev army retreated beyond the seversky danetsk-donbass canal, giving room for the russian military to attack. a unit of the southern group of troops as a result of active operations. released the settlement of kleshcheevka, they defeated manpower and equipment, the thirty-third
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mechanized, seventy-ninth air assault brigade, the 116th territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of georgievka, ostrov and konstantinovka. the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 365 military personnel. in the kharkov region, the north group is moving into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian armed forces, all clashes are now tied to volchansky and leptsy. the militants hold this area to the last because they know. the loss will be expensive, and we’re not even talking about images fighting spirit, that’s what syrsky’s soldiers have to deal with now, and such arrivals in this direction are commonplace, our pilots are actively using one and a half, or even three-ton aerial bombs. over the course of a day , three ukrainian counterattacks were repelled, the ukrainian armed forces were lost during attempts to recapture the lost positions of about 300 people, because when leaving, leave, and hysterical body movements in hope.
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not giving the ukrainian drgs a chance to gain a foothold even on the islands. from the right bank , ukrainian drone operators launch drones for reconnaissance, including in combat, but they regularly give themselves away. in these shots , the crew of the t-90m tank, breaking through from closed positions , eliminated the temporary deployment and control point of an enemy uav on the right bank of the dnieper. fighters from the same group destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' support unit under work. this is already from the remnants of the formation of the kiev regime in that area in this direction. the expansion of our control zone continues, shot! denis
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alekseev, news! thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation! sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, the megamarket is just growing! mom, write us a message, why , or call us, we found out that the phone works, even with zero, with zero account, you didn’t listen to the end, but how is it, it’s safe, with beeline you are safe even with zero account, calls, messenger and cards work, turn on support for zero in the application, girls, let's talk about security, since we already have the most secure one. now
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we return to the president’s work schedule. vladimir mikhailovich, good evening. kind evening, dear vladimir vladimirovich. i’m listening to you, vladim mikhailovich, how are you? yes, thank god, vladimirovich, it’s all yours. with help, if you allow, i will briefly report on the situation with the flood, with the liquidation of the consequences, i am listening to you, yes, the flood affected 51 settlements, 110 snt, 13,200 people living in 8,274 residential buildings were affected, 3,750 gas-constructed areas were flooded, to quickly overcome the consequences flood , the work of seven field headquarters was organized, and not... they were engaged in accepting applications for places, clearing debris, removing garbage, carrying out sanitization of the territory, and also
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accepted applications for gas and electricity connections. one and a half times more citizens were vaccinated, this is 38.00 people, as of today 2.611 hectares and 4.444 houses have been vacated; according to payments, 13.23 citizens received payments in the amount of 10.000. svo participants, elderly citizens who also fell into the flood zone, we have 888 families and citizens in the flood zone, all of them received 10,000 rubles in addition to all types of payments, as well as a certificate for 10,000 rubles. for purchase of building materials. in addition, children from large families received free vouchers to children's sunbathing camps at the expense of the state, and elderly
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citizens received vouchers to sanatoriums. also, taking into account.
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868, these are consumers in the ssnt dnt, where there is still water that does not allow the electricity to be turned back on. i have finished the report on the flood, vladimirovich. yes, you, what is the state of interaction with the federal authorities in this regard, with the ministry of emergency situations, there, with the government? clearly, absolutely substantively, specifically, literally within days after the videoconferencing the issue of allocating over-limit subsidies has been resolved with you. region to determine the consequences of the flood. moreover, almost every 2-3 days a government commission is held under the leadership of the minister of emergency situations, in which i take direct part. well , to be honest, i have already thanked the guys, if i may, i will repeat once again, the federal group of the ministry of emergency situations has worked in an exemplary manner. thanks to them, it was largely possible to prevent water from flowing into the central part of the city. according to our calculations,
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if the water had flowed into the central part of the city, the losses would have amounted to total damage 150 billion
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of our citizens, residents of the kurgan region, who are labor veterans, prisoners of concentration camps, and their payments from the regional budget have been doubled, from july 1 we will increase it by another one and a half times, this all allows us to balance the budget, which is growing in the region, due to the fact that there are no natural resources, five industrial parks have been built and are operating in the kurgan region over the past 5 years, three more are under construction, and five are being designed, that is, we are on the path to increasing industrial production. provides this comprehensive support, that is, industrial parks , ready-made workshops, we subsidize the purchase of equipment and have completely adjusted the system of training professional personnel, that is, our mudflow works only for... the economy, a number of key indicators in the agricultural sector have grown by 200-300%, including , may also be happy for us, over the past 4 years, 3,000 hectares
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of farmland in the region have been returned to circulation. gasification is underway, thank you very much for supporting regional gasification. 10 regional centers and the 10th district were not gasified until twenty fifth year inclusive, in accordance with the agreement with gazprom, they will receive main gas. we've already received three, seven remain. this is our plan together with gazprom. in 5 years, we have repaired and built 2.0 km of roads, and annually we put 350-400 km into circulation in the city of kurgan. of the 10 key bridges , six have been repaired, and the remaining four are being completed this year. the city of shadoy has expanded from four key bridges to three. on the fourth day we are finishing the renovations this year as well. in addition, comprehensive projects have been implemented modernization.
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we also pay for technological renovations for complex development at the expense of the budget, we only allocate a billion rubles for these prizes, but also our know-how, developers who implement a complex project
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receive accreditation, and those residents who buy apartments in these buildings receive compensation the first mortgage payment is 500,000 rubles for an apartment and 700,000 rubles for a house from the regional budget. also, over 5 years , more than 1,150 public areas, including courtyards, have been developed in the region. and parks, parks, squares, and city gardens have been restored in almost all cities. in kurgan this year, the first eco-park will open in the history of, let’s say, the region, and we are constantly building parks, also large in the city of kurgan in other regions, we are implementing a waste sorting project, in order to fulfill your decree, national projects, on the medical system, 283 objects have already modernized, in addition, up to 30%. we are adding money to the program for modernizing the usual link from the regional budget in order to also simultaneously modernize and specialized medical facilities that are not included in the program, and regional
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clinical institutions. in the education system , 338 facilities have been renovated over the past 5 years. this year the plan also includes secondary vocational kindergartens, we have been renovating them for 5 years together with schools, and we also thank you that since the twenty-fifth year the corresponding federal program has been included, which will allow us to complete the modernization of secondary vocational kindergartens ahead of schedule institutions before. 12 children's country camps renovated in the region over the past 2 years, we host children's conferences there every year, starting this year we also accept children from belgorod, 200 children have already had a rest, now we are inviting another 200 children to join us, all key cultural facilities have been renovated, including a drama theater and a puppet theater, in this we are introducing five more this year.
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the most important infrastructure projects for the territory, the letters were also given to you in advance; if you support them, the development of the region will be even more sustainable and rapid. for all these projects, project documentation is either has already been developed or is in the final stages of development. i’m ready to comment if you train. thank you for your attention, thank you, i will send everything to the government with the relevant resolutions, we will try to support you. as for future work, then... first of all, of course, you need to achieve the support of citizens, people who live in the territory, but it seems to me that this is a completely
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achievable task for you. keeping in mind that you worked hard in the previous time, i hope that people also noticed this, paid attention attention, nevertheless, of course you need to go directly to people to show what has been done and talk about what you are planning, and for my part i wish you all the best, success, but i would ask you to pay attention to healthcare, you mentioned this, but there are special issues that require special attention, and you probably know about this, i won’t go into it now, not to mention the shortage of doctors, but nevertheless there are also special issues, you know where your indicators are, they differ from the all-russian ones, these are solvable problems, solvable ones, only we need to work purposefully on these problems, but in general, i wish you good luck, all the best, thank you very much, vladimovich, yeah, thank you, the president
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held a meeting via video conference with:
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we stormed off, and for the first time they found me there. all the bullets were exhausted, one was a root, i had no more strength, almost, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the stranger.
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12:00 am
the russian army liberated the settlement of kleshcheevka, the most important stage in taking control of the entire territory of the dpr, since it is one of the main strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. now our army can ensure control over most of the access roads to artyomovsk.


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