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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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exams in chemistry, literature and geography, when will the results be? in the omsk region near tobolsk, the level of the irtysh river in yakutia is rising, and ice drift on the lena river. where the water has already receded and how restoration work is going. new neighborhoods and thousands of kilometers of modern roads, how the restoration of new regions is going, about this and more in an interview with deputy prime minister morat khusnulin in the middle of the hour. election rally that ended in tragedy, the stage collapsed during a speech by a mexican presidential candidate: nine people were killed and about 80 were injured . the progressive tax scale will not affect participants in the special military operation, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin stated. deputies are holding large hearings today to improve tax legislation. to the meeting.
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minister of finance anton seluanov was invited, here are a few statements from his speech: the ministry of finance will propose a reasonable progression in the personal income tax. this is necessary for our tax system to be competitive with neighboring ones. countries. russian regions and municipalities need to be given more powers to tax expensive property. all preferential regimes for business will be preserved. and the ministry of finance also supports the proposal not to increase vat and... is looking at the possibility of converting the resort fee into a tourist tax. we will return to this topic later; later this hour we are expecting a live broadcast from our correspondent from okhotny ryad. the main period for taking the unified state exam has begun in russia. today are the first exams in chemistry, literature and geography. these are the disciplines choice. approximately 150 thousand people rent them. before the others, the works were written in the far east. the tasks are given from 3 to 4 hours depending on the subject. official. they promise to announce the results by
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june 6. let me remind you that from this year , updated rules are in effect on behalf of the president until the end of the admissions campaign, participants can retake one subject. this option is only available to this year's graduates, including those who took exams early in march and april. retakes will take place in early july. in istra, moscow region, they are finding out the reasons fire that killed six people. two managed to escape and were hospitalized. flame. covered a two-story brick house in snt snigir. according to preliminary data, the building housed a hostel where temporary workers lived. the open fire was extinguished. a team of forensic investigators is currently working at the scene. an inspection is being carried out. watering and dismantling of structures is underway. the investigative committee opened a case under the article of causing death by negligence. the european union is preparing new sanctions against belarus. about this is reported by the media. export goods in transit will come under attack. are being transported
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through belarus to russia; it is also planned to introduce a ban on the sale to minsk of technologies and goods that may have military purposes: the eu will stop importing diamonds from the country that are of russian origin. if all members of the bloc accept the new sanctions, then one of the main flows that will stop will be luxury cars. norway introduces additional restrictions for russians, according to the new law, citizens who enter the country with purpose... tourism will not be missed. the kingdom can make an exception only for those traveling to work, study or to visit relatives. this restriction will come into force on may 29. now, in the special operation zone in the southern donetsk direction, the rszzg grad crew of the eastern group of forces destroyed enemy armored vehicles, as well as ammunition depots. the positions in the ssu were identified by intelligence. it took the crew only a few minutes to aim at the target. footage of combat work.
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it flies here, but really not right away for us, well, it falls side by side, but we quickly work out the target, the gun, well, we twist it, we leave quickly, well, the firing position, for 2 years, hail has repeatedly come under fire, along the entire perimeter of the body, holes from shrapnel, fortunately the crew was never hurt, holes there are a lot, you can take the first one from that side , there are also a lot of them, there are holes, well, we fix, we always repair, well, take all these splinter holes. on this side, too
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, all this, small fragments, everything was flying, this is what they were shooting from, it’s 155, the grads of the eastern group are working on in the southern donetsk direction, they help infantry and armored units to open enemy defensive positions, the firing range is about 20 km, combat missions and crews are carried out daily, including at night. we are directly carrying out tasks to suppress enemy manpower, also to work on lightly armored vehicles, at strong points, it has become calmer or more tense, and recently it has become calmer than it was even these well... they had a large-scale offensive, this we held back the offensive with all our might, we did not allow the enemy to advance far, giving us the rear. with the onset of spring , working with the rszzo grad crew has become much easier, because the vehicles do not get stuck and therefore can move
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much faster, but on the other hand, in such clear weather there are a lot of kamikaze drones in the sky, so the crews never stay in one place for too long, constantly maneuvering. hailstones can unfold anywhere, no special preparation is required, which is why they are difficult to detect and destroy. hall when active the installation covers a huge area of ​​several football fields. after each shot, the crews quickly leave for their starting position and immediately begin preparing for the next mission. eduardov, alexander botkin, lead the yuzhnodonetsk direction. documents about the crimes of the us and french military in berlin in may 1945. in particular, memos and special messages from representatives of the soviet military administration were published. they describe facts of looting, robbery, violence, as well as attacks by allied soldiers on civilians.
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residents of the german capital. in addition, according to historians, documents from that time indicate an increase in intelligence activity. the former allies recruited those released from the camps as spies.
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the budget of the lipetsk region has doubled in 5 years, expanded the special economic report on the work done, and expanded the income zone through which the main investments are made. over the five-year period , they allocated twice as much money. for the construction and overhaul of schools, kindergartens, healthcare facilities, in agriculture, exports amounted to billion dollars, tripled in 5 years. but i understand that not everything has been done in the region, much remains to be done and developed, i ask you to support my nomination for the post of governor of the lipetsk region for a second term. igor grigorevich, i want to wish you success, but i hope you are an experienced person , you need to work with people directly, you know this, so especially in this... pre-election period, so go ahead, i wish you good luck. the governor of the kurgan region, vadim shumkov, also reported on the situation in the region. the main topic was spring floods and liquidation of flood consequences. large waters flooded fifty settlements, over 13,000 people were injured. now
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more than 2,500 hectares and almost 4,500 houses have been freed from water. what is the status of your interaction with federal authorities in this regard? with the ministry of emergency situations there with the government, clear, absolutely substantive, specific, literally within 3 days after the videoconferencing , the issue of allocating an excess subsidy to the region to determine the consequences of the flood was resolved. moreover, almost every two or three days a government commission under the leadership of the minister of emergency situations, in which we take direct part. as for the socio-economic development of the region, the region now ranks second in the country in terms of industrial production dynamics. over 5 years, we managed to reduce the unemployment rate by 25 times. five industrial parks have been built in the kurgan region, three more are under construction and five are being designed. this year marks the end of an almost six-year cycle of my work in the kurgan region. i remain at your disposal. because if you are the population
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will trust the region, i will continue to lead the region further along the path of active sustainable development. first of all, of course, we need to achieve the support of citizens, people who live on... the world's first fourth-generation energy complex is being built there. likhachev visited the facility
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together with the head of the atomic energy commission of india. the basis of the energy complex is an innovative fast neutron reactor installation with lead coolant. within the framework of the breakthrough project , nuclear energy technologies of the future are being put into practice. india historically one of our key partners in the nuclear field. we are the first in the world. for the first time on the planet, we are implementing this project not in theory, not in 3d models, but directly on the ground, here in seversk, this is an experimental demonstration facility that includes a reactor, a fast reactor, a brest-300 fast neutron reactor and a fabrication and refabrication module , a module for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel, and i am almost sure that indian partners in one form or another... will join this work, this project, it is important for us, having created
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certain competencies here in seversk, to further scale this up. apply for a loan at sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. more profitable with sberprime. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good rest on the square of three cups. enjoy the non-alcoholic žateczky kus beer, register codes and build your collection of mugs to have a good rest. residential goose is non-alcoholic, collect good mugs. vivo v30 light smartphone with rub 3.00 discount. on yandex market.
11:13 am
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let’s return to the state duma, let me remind you that tax legislation is being discussed there, my colleague maria slobodyanskaya works on the site, she is in direct contact. maria, hello, what tax scale are they proposing to introduce? daria, hello, discussions are in full swing, the speech is still ongoing, but finance minister antonav gave a report in which he outlined. in the countries of our neighbors, and where the upper part
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of the scale reaches 25%, in foreign countries , where we know, the upper tax scale rises to 45-5%. at when determining an approach to improving the taxation of personal income taxes, we suggest that you be guided by the following: the vast majority of citizens should not be affected by changes in tax rates. is anyone concerned about the changes? the tax system should even benefit, in particular, these should be children, families with children, expanded tax deductions will be provided for them, now they operate in more minimal... values, anton seluanov also outlined the main parameters that will need to be fixed until 2030 year, and as noted participants in today's discussions, but a truly fair tax system must be stable and predictable, which is why it must be fixed for a long time, and also provide resources for solving national problems, most likely we are talking mainly about the social sphere
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and also the development of the economy, for example, priority industries, in addition, the future system. taxation should ensure business competition and support investment activity, and some other details were mentioned in the minister’s report finance, in particular, he noted that , for example, the ministry of finance will not propose to change the vat rate; in addition, the ministry of finance will advocate maintaining the personal income tax rate on income from deposits, thus stimulating citizens to accumulate their savings, as well. the speaker of the lower house of parliament , vyacheslav volodin, also took part in the discussion; he noted that the majority of deputies, of course, support a progressive scale of taxation, a flat taxation scale coped with its task, but a progressive scale taxation should not apply to everyone; in particular , participants in a special military operation should be excluded from it. we
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had a flat scale for about 20 years, and it solved its problem.
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should be eliminated, and, for example, a business that refuses splitting will want to work in belaya, a tax amnesty will be provided for precisely such businesses, these are just some statements, we will follow the parliamentary hearings, talk about the following statements in future broadcasts. thank you, maria, in the state duma, indeed today there is a very busy economic agenda, we will be waiting for new live broadcasts
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during this day, maria slobodyanskaya was on the live link. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing: for a new building, secondary housing or building a house. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy, if you knew how delicious it is, you wouldn’t be so busy, alexander petrov’s star combo for 355 rubles, i love it, it was delicious period, i’m a new vtb loyalty program,
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the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their
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2,400 km of roads were repaired, according to deputy prime minister marad khusnulin. which scenarios for the restoration of avdeevka are now being discussed, about this, as well as about international cooperation with the countries of the arab world, see in the interview that deputy prime minister marat khusnulin gave to our channel. the fifteenth anniversary forum, i know that you have already had a lot of meetings with foreign participants, with delegations, with whom is the most active development of cooperation from countries now taking place? you know, of course, we have historical cooperation with the countries of central asia, these are the former territories of the soviet union, and kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, which means azerbaijan is on the other side of the caspian sea, we have good, good relations and i want to say that over the last year.
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malaysia takes part every year, pakistan, afghanistan this year i came with a whole delegation, and today, well,
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it’s not customary there to talk about it, but today we are already transporting cargo to pakistan by trucks through afghanistan, there are no questions, it’s normal , calm, safe, cargo, it is like water, it finds its way, so if there is cargo, if there is water, then it will find its way, our task is to help this cargo make borders. seamless, make roads convenient, make transportation, roads, railways, transshipment from one visible to another , make transport convenient. iran is very active, it stands between us and the indian ocean, so even the western bypass of the caspian sea, even the eastern one involves working with iran, the iranian delegation did not just arrive, we and russia have even sent prefabricated trains to iranian ports, and i’m not talking about cars i say that cars are simple. transportation growth of millions of tons has been added over the past year, here it is now we understand where trade turnover can noticeably increase, where is this growth point with which countries, on which routes, to
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iran, we go by rail and... automobile, they have a very well-developed automobile network, and we are promoting the caspian sea , so iran is definitely a growth point, we will definitely have more cargo with our colleagues azerbaijan, because dagestan and azerbaijan are transiting through them, which means we definitely see an increase in turnover with kazakhstan, but we have a road from europe to western china, which means that we are going through kazakhstan to china, which means this will also happen unconditionally. grow, but in virtually all countries of central asia, cargo traffic will increase. if we talk about landscaping, how does the economy change if the territory is landscaped, what changes for business and for people, what changes, how does business start making money there? we calculated only for those projects that have been implemented in recent years, 22,000 jobs have been created in the area of ​​improvement, this is also very important, this is understood, both small forms, and further operation, filling,
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landscaping has a very direct impact. for accommodation, for example, real estate always begins to grow around well-maintained places, places of public catering, service, pharmacies, various small medium enterprises, usual sources of financing for improvement always appear, as it happens, this is still a business, this is the state, we use federal funds as a stimulant, like an incentive, like this, we give money for a competition, a fight begins for this money, architects begin to work, designers begin to work, we necessarily give conditions. co-financing , the regional administration begins to look for investors, if we talk about infrastructure projects, we can say that their appearance in the city plays such a role as music is said to be the first violin, that is, they appear and pull everything along with them, in general, when i say what infrastructure is , it’s just that different people understand infrastructure, that these are utility networks, someone understands that infrastructure is a road, yes, when infrastructure is everything you need for
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life, now... especially for moscow , for st. petersburg, for example, for kazan, for example, the infrastructure includes airports, the infrastructure today includes places of recreation, places for sports, social infrastructure, where are kindergartens, schools, the task now is to try to link... into single masters plans, plans for the development of cities, not only cities , settlements, not only our own, but in connection with neighboring settlements, so infrastructure must be looked at as comprehensively as possible, this is the task of the new infrastructure project for life to try to combine all this as much as possible, that is, to link this into a comprehensive one , there weren’t any big distortions, otherwise it happens here, for example, housing has been built there, there is no
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road or no housing has been built...
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we have school kindergartens, already there are music schools, and there are children’s schools, but we still have a lot of work to do. the north donetsk agglomeration, lesechansk, well, they’ve just pushed it back further.


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