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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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the stop became calmer than even these, well, they had a large-scale offensive, these are now broadcasts from the reception house of the russian foreign ministry, the procession, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, every year at this time, at the end of may we traditionally gather in the mansion ministry of foreign affairs jointly celebrate africa day, a holiday that symbolizes the unbending will of african peoples, their... struggle for freedom and human dignity. this year the holiday coincided with the twentieth anniversary of the work of the african peace and security council union. this is one of the main bodies of the pan-african organization, which does a lot to form a modern african security architecture, political and socio-economic integration of the countries of the continent, and ensure its proper place in the international system.
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economic ties. we in russia note with satisfaction that africa confidently continues to gain political weight and establish itself as one of the most important, one of the most important pillars of the emerging polycentric world order. dynamic integration processes, fast-growing markets and business activity allow the african state to speak more and more energetically in international affairs and speak with one voice. including, among the striking confirmations that characterize the growing role, the global role of the region, i will mention the membership of the african union in the group of twenty, acquired with the support of russia, i will also mention the african peace initiative for ukraine, which, at the proposal of president ramophosa, a group of african countries was considering at meeting with at meetings with president putin.
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today, the task of combating new colonial and neo-colonial practices is coming to the fore. the west's methods have changed, but the essence of its policy towards african countries has remained the same. subject everyone to your will, live at the expense of others, using more sophisticated forms of exploitation within the so-called rules-based order. we are ready to support in today's conditions. countries of the continent in strengthening
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their sovereignty, solving pressing socio-economic problems, defending africa’s legitimate, equal place in modern world, including the process of reform of the un security council. unlike former metropolises, we build relations with african friends exclusively on the basis of equal, honest partnership, without politicization or blackmail. pressure, interference in internal affairs. according to president putin's recently expressed assessment , the russia-africa summit was a real breakthrough. during the second summit in st. petersburg in july last year, the coincidence of our approaches to building interstate communication on principles of international law, primarily on the principles of the un charter, in their entirety of interrelation. mechanisms
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for implementing practical cooperation in all areas have been agreed upon for regular synchronization of watches, progress in implementing summit decisions and preparing for the next summit meetings, a new dialogue format has been established, a conference of the russia-africa partnership forum at the level of foreign ministers, the first such meeting should take place in the fall of this year years, developing dynamically. interparliamentary, interparty communications, we are working to expand our diplomatic presence in africa. last december , the russian embassy in burkino fasso resumed its activities, and we are now preparing to open full-fledged diplomatic missions in the sierra leone, nigeria and the republic of south sudan. we note with satisfaction the growth of russian-african trade turnover; last year it grew by 30% and amounted to approximately
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obligations in terms of export supplies, agricultural products, fertilizers, energy resources and other urgently needed goods for africans. we continue to provide support in strengthening human resources, increasing the number of scholarships, opening new branches of russian universities and schools, and creating a network of open education centers. currently studying in russia.
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region, head of the department of economic security and anti-corruption, regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs. behind the iron bars , the colonel's charm abruptly gave way to excitement. diakov is accused of exceeding official authority. the flow took place in a closed mode, and most importantly the department of the investigative committee, which is investigating the case, has so far
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refrained from commenting. in some media there are only assumptions. investigative actions may be related to the detention of his ex-wife, the son of the ex-head of yekaterinburg arkady chernetsky. anastasia chernetskaya was arrested on march 21 after a series of searches in yekaterinburg. entrepreneurs vasily petrov and alexey shakhmaev are defendants in the same criminal case. entrepreneurs. you say you saw chernetskaya once under what circumstances, she came with her friend with peter vasily, that’s what gender,
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but they just came to visit, did not travel around the piyonsky region, in addition to 200 million rubles, diakov, according to the investigation , also received a bottle of champagne as a bribe, and allegedly alexey shakhmaev gave him the above allowance, he that’s when he testified against dyakov; the leninsky court of yekaterinburg sent the mvd colonel to pre- trial detention for 2 months during the investigation of the criminal case. alright enough. good luck to you, but dyakov himself will apparently need more luck here. galina hungureeva, vladimir bazov, lead the duty department. a bomb exploded under a businessman's car in vladivostok. employees of the investigative department of the investigative committee for the primorsky territory are investigating attempted murders in a generally dangerous way. in footage from the crime scene, a foreign car is torn apart and sappers are studying it. the owner of the car remained unharmed. he noticed a device with wires hidden under a stone in time, pulled it and jumped to a safe distance. and a moment later there was an explosion. now law enforcement officers are trying to find out who tried and why
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deal with the entrepreneur. the irtysh arrives in the tyumen region, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and utility workers are preparing for a possible flood, strengthening the banks and establishing crossings where the water has already left the channel. meanwhile, there are still hundreds of flooded houses in the region that need to be restored or new ones built instead. report by fyodor eliseev. emergencies ministry employees take bags out of the tractor bucket one after another. stones and sand, laying them along the bed of the irtysh river, in which the water level is expected to rise, everything to prevent leaks in these places. in the village of bolshoi karagay, due to rising water, a boat crossing has been established; rescuers are helping residents leave their homes. more than six hundred houses remain flooded in the tyumen region; a regional emergency regime has been in effect here since the beginning of april. the situation during the prolonged flood period is under the special control of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. with the participation of the regional government and the heads of several liquidation of the consequences of floods in russia, the experience of
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neighboring regions, discussed the prevention and accumulated in the tyumen region can help in other regions where the elements have yet to be encountered. the experience of the tyumen region is the highest; there are a huge number of subtleties that you should be familiar with. find an opportunity soon, send people, and colleagues are ready to share with you. as for the regions where water is more or less drained, i want to pay attention to drying, repair and construction, to do the maximum before the fall, because we have a very short time frame, the minister suggested that roshydromet create flying groups that will accompany the flood from its beginning to its end, which will give more...
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in addition, the heads of the regions are faced with the task of building strong and good-quality houses for flooded people in three summer months, instead of those that were destroyed by the elements. alexander kurenkov's working trip to the regions affected by the elements continues for the second day; the day before he visited yakutia, where more than two dozen settlements were damaged after the ice drift on the leni river. during today's meeting, the head of the ministry of emergency situations noted that after assessing the damage in yakutia, it will be possible a federal emergency has been declared. fedor eliseev, anton fedotov, news. duty department. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov demanded
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that his subordinates carefully monitor any signs of inciting ethnic hatred in cases where one of the foreigners commits... in the trans-baikal territory, security forces defeated an international organized crime group, whose members illegally mined gold and then sold precious bullion. abroad, who the black miners turned out to be. this weekend on russia-24 tv channel watch the investigation
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dorada petrova, obsessed with gold. every year about 40. gold are officially mined in transbaikalia, but it is unknown how much precious metal passes through the hands of black miners, operational information has been received about the functioning of the zabaikalsk checkpoint of the gold smuggling channel, open the police, everything, everything, everything, don’t touch, 16 participants in the criminal communities are detained are taken into custody. border guards, customs officers and police officers of transbaikalia exposed the international organized crime community. how were they organized smuggling of precious metal? based on the materials of the case, you admitted your guilt to vulgarity. second style. how much did treasure hunters earn? they are heavy, each weighing one and a half kilograms. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. in istria near moscow, security forces
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are interrogating the tenant of an illegal hostel in which eight people died during a fire. according to preliminary data, the young visitor took it. renting a private house, lived there myself, and rented out the free space to other migrants, while there was a lot for a cottage hostel local residents complained. material by alina skachkova. comrades, we have a fire. footage of a terrible fire in istra near moscow. 4:00 am, the flames caught people while they were still sleeping, eight people died, only one girl miraculously managed to escape. the girl, masha, is young, she managed to jump from the second floor, she was completely broken, everything burned down, her documents, her phone. personal belongings, nothing was left, the locals seemed to sense that sooner or later something would happen in this house, the owner rented it out to visitors and the guards, 15 people slept on two-tier bunks, that is, in fact it was an illegal hostel, its guests in the village were treated with caution, but as soon as trouble came, the neighbors without hesitation rushed to put out the fire, but the guards of the neighboring equestrian club behaved differently when the residents asked
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to help, but the matter was urgent, the firefighters were running out of water, the crazy security allegedly did not react in any way, they wandered on to ensure their peace, they approached the security, but they refused , they said to come during working hours, now everyone is resting, we can’t help, in this time the fire quickly cut off the exit route, the three-story cottage became a fire trap. the burnt house stands on the outskirts of the village, right behind this fencing tape, the police officers do not allow anyone close, there at the site of the fire since early morning, the rubble is still being cleared. employees are working on the ashes.
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forced him to live for foreign citizens who do not have registration on the territory of the russian federation. during the investigation of the criminal case , the causes of the fire will be established, as well as other persons involved in organizing illegal migration. such invisible hostels regularly end up in crime reports. so, 2 years ago in the capital, a fire in the same secret shelter had already claimed the lives of eight people. owners who knew about the violations but ignored them were punished. now the tenant has become a defendant in the criminal case. fire that occurred in a private household in the istra urban district, a twenty-four-year-old citizen of the republic of uzbekistan was detained. meanwhile, investigators are drawing their first conclusions,
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previously, the cause of the fire that claimed the lives of eight people could have been a faulty heater. alina skachkova, dmitry kanovalov, lead the duty department. in the office, a criminal investigation officer cleaned out pensioner donitka. now former policeman alexander goneev convinced the poor woman. just imagine that a killer is hunting her. hey, i...
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it is possible that the deceiver planned to kill the woman in order to cover his tracks, she was saved by a miracle, the police caught goneev in another crime, a former employee in 2023 demanded 8 million rubles. at a transportation company, he promised to organize inspections of the organization's competitors; the employee has now been dismissed from the internal affairs bodies. when goneev was arrested, the woman was left without food and medicine and finally decided to leave the safe house, then you found out that there was no killer, and her money was stolen by a former policeman.
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children in a slaughterhouse, a loud scandal in the usa, where several corporations were convicted of using child labor in the most difficult conditions. at night, surrounded by butchered cattle carcasses, boys washed away pools of blood and caustic chemicals. more and more new cases are emerging, because paying a fine for such bestiality is much easier than providing adults with a decent salary. employee. ekaterina likhomanova, more details. the footage is not for the faint of heart, this is one of the workshops at an american slaughterhouse. the entire floor is covered in blood fat, the so-called cutting room; by morning everything should be clean and ready for work. employees use caustic chemicals to clean equally dangerous electrical equipment. among them, along with the adults, is a small boy who looks to be about twelve years old. this photo was taken by representatives of the us department of labor, who conducted their own investigation. the child worked for...
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these are, of course, illegal migrants, teenagers who come to the states to work and feed their families. pictured is sixteen-year-old duvan perez, one of the most notorious cases of violation of child labor laws in the united states. duvan came to mississippi from guatemala to work at a poultry farm. he died while cleaning equipment in his homeland; he still had a large family, which the boy provided with financial support. i go there every afternoon, i go there to see my sister. she is devastated because this is her first son. meat producers then simply stated that they did not know how old their employee was. the hiring was allegedly handled by a recruitment agency , and the teenager slipped in false
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documents and said that he was 32 years old, but it is obvious that the person in this photo is still a child; the company’s employees could not help but understand this. it's a sad reality under which all employers in the united states operate. the investigation into the death of duvan is still ongoing, and flare-ups are happening in the background. with more and more scandals involving illegal child labor, stanesia's company will have to pay a hefty fine of $650,000 for recruiting children as employees to clean meat processing plants in iowa , virginia. these are such beautiful commercials - for the public, in fact, behind them is the hard work of thirteen-year-old boys who sweated in slaughterhouses. according to the us department of labor, illegally hired almost 30 illegal teenagers. already on the official website of the department. the fair labor standards act was passed in 1938 because of children working in hazardous jobs. however, in 2024 the american. companies
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continue to employ children in risky jobs, compromising their safety for profit. representatives of the company, who exposed the minor employees to blame, fully admitted and are ready to compensate for the damage, but this is unlikely to have a significant impact on the overall statistics, only based on the results of the past in 2018 , almost 6,000 children were illegally employed in the united states, and yes, these are only those cases about which auditors became aware. under current state laws for violating child labor laws. only a fine of up to $15,000 is imposed, now american officials are planning to increase it in order to at least try to stop the cynical business. ekaterina likhomanova, mikhail zhilin, conductor, duty department. justice arrived two decades later . in the moscow region , the participants in an armed raid were sentenced, which cost life to a policeman and a money carrier. the loot of the robbers was 800 thousand rubles. the investigation stalled for years because of a strange witness, until
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a new one appeared in the case. hook. daniluchko's word. this promenade along the corridors of the mintishchensky city court for konstantin shuvalov and ruslan yanchenko, the last one before the verdict. fenina must decide the fate of those accused of murder and robbery committed back in the early 2000s. were you taught that people should not be killed? what's bad? have you been persuaded? in childhood, maybe at least not? meeting openly, nashuvalov and yanchenko are not happy about the presence of the press. the defendants do not want to be seen, they turned away from our cameras, but they also turn away from justice. will not work. 18 years ago, these two, together with another accomplice, waylaid a courier who was leaving a store with a large sum of money, about eight hundred thousand rubles, but the robbers were in for a surprise, the collector was accompanied by a policeman, so to speak, he worked part-time in his free time, this confused the robber’s cards and led to a massacre. the organizer of the crime, we will call him, participant number one, he saw a man in a policeman's uniform, and accordingly, without
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hesitation. fired, opened fire, killed a policeman, then, according to the investigation, konstantin shuvalov decided that he had nothing more to lose, began shooting at the fleeing collector, by the way, shuvalov, a graduate of a military university, so he did not miss, fired about two or three shots , when he fell, i ran towards him, i fired another shot, from a distance i don’t know, 15-20 meters, it hit. after this, the raiders disappeared, using pedestrian tunnel, at that moment there was a witness nearby who testified, either by accident or intentionally, the man pointed to one of the participants in the attack on a completely innocent person, this mistake led the detectives to a dead end, the case did not move for a long time, until the operatives a new lead did not appear, thanks to the efforts of employees of the internal security department of the main internal affairs directorate for the moscow region, in sin, the moscow region
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, chief investigators. department of the moscow region established the involvement of three persons in this crime, name the suspect who shot the policeman with a sawed-off shotgun has not yet been disclosed, his case has been put into separate proceedings, but the court has already found his accomplices guilty of robbery and murder, to say, why are you so shy about cameras, why weren’t you shy when you were killing people? the prosecution was satisfied with the court's decision, the raiders received as much as the prosecutor's office requested, taking into account the position of the state prosecutors , a punishment was imposed for... the crime committed in the form of 16 years in prison, however, taking into account unserved sentences for which they were convicted after committing the crime were finally determined to be served, yanchenko in the form of imprisonment for a term of 23 years, shuvalovo in the form of 22 years, imprisonment in a high-security correctional colony, so that soon yanchenko and shuvalov will go to prison such remote and familiar places. this verdict clearly shows the inevitability of justice. shvalov and yanchenko
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probably couldn’t even think about it. that the unsolved case will come to life after so much time, but femido reminded herself when not waited. here's a greeting from the dark past: danil sukoruchko, dmitry chernikov, anton sitnikov, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe, also our investigation, daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. the king of bahrain is on an official visit to moscow. negotiations took place in the kremlin. in the center attention to the situation in the middle east. and, of course, the trade potential of our states, in which direction should moscow and its manpower
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be developed. ski relationship.


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