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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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a certain alexander stegny fought, as he says for a year, forces drove him to the front, threatening him with prison, stegny surrendered in belogorovka, and before that he fired a mortar towards lesechansk, fought in the infantry under the clock, the elders behind me shout, let's open fire, because now it’s going to advance, i’ll be honest, i released four guns, then a magazine, because the one behind me was shouting, saying, let’s shoot, fire, half of ours... those who surrender, the ukrainian command orders to fire from tank, says prisoner alexander lenitsky. they left us, they tried to hit us with a tank, thank god they never hit us, there were at least two attempts, they hit... near the blending, but
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they never hit us, but then they stopped going out altogether, we see ordinary men, recently just semi-colleagues, who are picked up there by their fathers or there by drivers who are almost 70 years old, bus drivers, we see that now the cities of ukraine have been abandoned, in principle, and men either in a cemetery, or at the front, or escaped, many... ukrainian fighters are now , in my opinion, ready to simply deploy their weapons and remain volunteers on the side of russia, because they have sensed where the truth is and where they are rinsing their brains with nazi ukrainian propaganda. the survivors of the dry land themselves tell how they were thrown for slaughter by entire units, this is what a real betrayal looks like, having committed which, kiev does not wait for its own people to come home, they are like calluses there, they can rub painfully. the soldiers who are currently
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undergoing rehabilitation at the vishnevsky military hospital were awarded state awards, including the order of courage of st. george, medals for courage, as well as zhukov and suvorov medals. in addition, almost fifty participants in the special operation received certificates for housing, about the heroes of margarita semenyuk. the address of the residential premises, photographs of the residential premises selected for you are indicated. after rehabilitation in the hospital, wrestler yuri goncharov decided to continue serving in the south of russia in crimea. received a special education at a medical institution, and now he also has an apartment next to a military unit; after being seriously wounded , he will work in the direction of svato-kremensk at the military registration and enlistment office, we were coming out of the forest due to heavy bombing, in fact, one of our soldiers was crushed by a log, we started digging out, we couldn’t lift it up, we dug it out, and, accordingly, it landed under the knee.
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the whole bone was very crushed. in the vishnevsky hospital , all participants in the special operation with serious wounds are being treated and rehabilitated in medical facilities. military personnel receive special education, and then decide on a place of service. you can choose any region of russia. housing will be provided by the ministry of defense. service living quarters one-room, two-room, three-room living quarters are provided, taking into account the composition of the family. in case of refusal to serve, there are different reasons, in case of refusal.
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the shells ran out, they were lying in a forest plantation, well, in another, the guys began to bring shells, and i screwed the fuses onto the shells, they were preparing for further work and at that time a shell arrived, this letter, children turn out to write to us and send them, like this, this letter attack aircraft sergei bakurov was taken during evacuation after being wounded, the fighter freed avdeevka, was wounded several times during the next assault.
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were awarded the order of courage, the rest were awarded the order of st. george, medals of zhukov and suvorov, medals for the courage of a participant in a special military operation. margarita semenyuk, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, news! in omsk, the court liquidated the parish of the greek catholic church, whose priest encouraged parishioners to pray to ukrainian nazi collaborators. in the refectory, where a pseudo-con with bandera and shukhevych hung, the priest spread pro-ukrainian ideas. now he is involved in two criminal articles on the rehabilitation of nazism and on insulting the feelings of believers, the omsk court decided to liquidate the parish at the request of the ministry of justice. 100 bucks. well, now news from the ministry of defense. according to the department's data for the past day, our funds. air defense intercepted 60 different enemy air bombs, missiles and missiles, including six american attack mss, which thus again did not confirm their supposedly indestructible status, but which, however, does not prevent the pentagon from continuing them deliveries to ukraine, and moreover, if you believe forbes sources, recently the kiev
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regime for the first time received several units of such weapons, unlimited with a radius of use of a hundred miles, that is, in all likelihood 170 miles or even according to another version. right now in the united states congress especially a group of hawks led by the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, michael mccall, actively spoke out; in particular, he brought to the hearing a map of an unknown institute for the study of war, where potential targets for missile strikes on russia outside the north-east military district zone, what conclusions are asked here... we’ll find out from vadim zavodchenkov. in the united states, the hardware struggle continues between the hawks and the completely frostbitten hawks. it would seem that gazdep and anthony blinkin personally can be accused of insufficient bloodthirstiness. it turns out that
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it is possible. here, a biden official is being furiously plucked by pere, the head of the house foreign affairs committee. “they say you gave kiev missiles, so why don’t you allow them to hit russian cities, look how much can be fired at on the map, the institute for the study of war pursues the goals of the military-industrial complex, that is, the more the military-industrial complex earns, the better, and for how can you earn money in the industrial industrial complex, it is necessary even more, more, so to speak, to escalate the situation, cross the red line, and today we see a vivid example of exactly when the map was shown:
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three zones are shown. the first, smallest one is the gmlrs projectiles for the hymers systems. there is little noteworthy here, we have learned to intercept them very well, here are two other areas of interest, these are the affected areas relatively missiles that are new to us, as well as ms. with a flight range of 170 and 300 km, respectively, lipetsk is already under threat. rostov, and don’t be misled by washington’s tales that they say that kiev was given only 170 km missiles, that ukraine could secretly receive longer -range ammunition, international media reported
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a month ago, kiev will never make a decision, contrary the will of the americans to use american weapons anywhere. that is, if kiev uses american weapons, this this means that the americans gave the go-ahead for this; there is absolutely no doubt about that. second point, american weapons are already being used quite actively, including against that territory of russia, let’s say, the old territory of russia, which the americans recognize as such, whether they give some kind of permission or not, will not change for us, for biden it will change, for us no, the benefit of the american military industry in this case is clear, the missiles... we are talking about, and the ms is very formidable, the 260 kg warhead is no joke, but far from new, obviously, dyadisem’s gunsmiths would like to receive contracts to update their arsenals, but the old ammunition needs to be put somewhere, the
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missiles that are supplied to ukraine are most likely modifications of block one, block 1a, that is, these are the oldest missiles, the largest number of them have been produced quantity, well... there is, but from a purely military point of view, isn’t washington too generous with atak ms? experts say that they are not easy targets, but by now our air defenses have managed to adapt to objectively more difficult targets. damage by ammunition, gliding bombs, cruise missiles, in comparison with them, and the ms is a training target. naturally, they will work here. absolutely all complexes, because the missile follows a very high trajectory, it is a ballistic
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missile, and the s300 c400 and buki work accordingly, well, at the last stage there may be, of course, a torus shell, although the missile is more suitable for medium-range complexes, such as the beech . the americans, of course, will hurt themselves, just to cause damage to russia, they will connect all the capabilities of space reconnaissance, will try to launch missiles. in areas where air defense density is lower, so the threat is real, which means we simply have no other choice, we need to move the front line to the west. the chinese military command called the quote a "serious warning to the separatists" of the exercise that the chinese army is currently conducting around taiwan. the maneuvers involve naval forces, land and air forces, as well as missile forces. in turn, taiwanese units. in high alert mode , our chief is monitoring the development of events beijing bureau alexander baletsky. this
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could be taken as the beginning of a full-scale operation, when more than three dozen ships , following an alarm signal, headed towards taiwan, and at the same time, along the entire coast of the strait, the chinese army deployed multiple launch rocket systems. no war, just exercises calmed down on the morning news. urgent message starting at 7:45.
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isminets and dongfeng missiles. and the taiwanese authorities, they knew exactly what beijing’s reaction would be to the speech of the new head of the island administration, that in the presence of the american guests, including former secretary of state pompeo, publicly crossed out the one -china principle, and today he was forced to inspect positions at the tau-yuan military base. i will stand on the front line with my brothers and sisters in the national army. the taiwanese military even scrambled f16 fighters for surveillance and redeployed them.
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border, and also block the logistics routes of the island from the united states and its
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allies. this is what worries the us. congress demanded that the pentagon present its blockade plan to china, whose fleet has already been 24 miles from the island. it is less than 40 km. in addition, as bloomberg writes, taiwanese chip manufacturers do not rule out the evacuation of production to japan and the states and are ready to turn off all chip machines so as not to fall into the hands of the prc. a global press publication that, with reference to... a certain source reports beijing’s plans to take taiwan in early june, although it looks like a hoax, now everything depends on restraint. this night in the taiwan strait will not be calm, the military on the island has been brought. state of heightened combat readiness, the chinese army continues maneuvers tomorrow, launches of ballistic missiles are not excluded. the one-china principle is primary for beijing; americans are urged not to push the island to the red line. alexander baalsky and lvova, nikolai petrov, lead the beijing bureau. the french president said that the damage from the unrest in new caledonia is colossal in
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scale. emmanuel macron arrived in the region today to try to calm supporters of the independence of the french overseas territory. the anti-colonial revolt began after paris announced reform to expand the rights of non-indigenous people. now macron is trying to convince the local population that the fifth republic is not going to act by force and is asking for dialogue. our european correspondent anastasia popova will tell you whether this is enough to maintain influence on new caledonia, which is leaving control. to put out the fire of civil war, as the local authorities of new caledonia called what was happening, macron decided to use words, or rather.
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they don’t just flow with perversion, but they drag children into them. in france, music in disguise they dance in front of families, theaters in the usa sell tickets to fight shows for schoolchildren. for what? there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex - effective thermal insulation. attacked by
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children's savings card - an adult approach. 12,000 signatures under the call to stop the act of invasion of an alien ideology into the olympic movement. also do not undermine the foundations of the great sports and universal human values, with this message in france they are collecting votes in support of a petition against extremist lgbt propaganda during the olympics. according to the idea of ​​the organizing committee, in the parisian sports town, among other things, there will be a so -called praite chaos, that is, a house of pride for a kind of cultural exchange of all sorts of perverts. the french conservative movement believes that such projects, to put it mildly, do not correspond to the olympic spirit as a whole and are a purely political gesture. well, that seems to be prohibited, it sounds reasonable, but it’s unlikely that anyone will listen to the protests of supporters of traditional values, because it’s not for nothing that the olympic flame was assigned to a transvestite, who at the games in paris
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will apparently symbolize that same olympic spirit. but by the way, supporters of rainbow education are ready to include men in feathers and wigs in almost any event, including for children, what goals are being pursued in this way, anastasia ivanova wondered. previously , the phrygian cap was a symbol of freedom in france, now along with it there is a stuffed animal in a wig in makeup, which this cap, which is also the symbol of the future olympics, holds, and the first assistant to the mayor of paris is only happy, or rather happy, as emmanuel gregoire himself writes that minimage ste will carry the olympic flame in high heels. it is not surprising that against the backdrop of these honors for perverts in france they are organizing a rainbow show for children, and the children are not the main thing here, rather, it is a playground for dressing up. men in dresses to express themselves once again, by the way, there are two mothers or two fathers with children sitting in the hall, that says it all. i think the child's gaze is a look that is pure, a look that does not
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deceive. i remember. disney hired him to work on a children's series; it's a small world for pedophiles in hollywood. in germany, pedophilia is justified not through corporations, but through laws, now in germany, the possession of child
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pornography. they will not put you in prison for a long time, but only fine you. the german ministry of justice explained its decision, in short, this way. there are few prisons; all pedophiles have not been placed there lately. now in europe, homosexuality and all sorts of lgbt people banned in russia are being promoted, but this is only a transitional stage to the legalization of pedophilia. there will be parades of bestialities, necrophiles, and today’s all sorts of queers and lgbt people will, let’s say, be criticized for being too close to straight people. this is what spangler wrote about there 150 years ago, and about the decline of europe, i think if he saw what is happening now on the streets of european cities, he would simply shoot himself, but why stop trans madness if it needs to be introduced with since childhood, this is the logic of western politicians, because they are not against men in miniskirts or conducted so-called tolerance lessons, the formerly traditional theater in the american state of india invites schoolchildren to
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a trans program, it is clear that nothing but perversion and translation with glitter will be shown on stage. in the same indiana , a fight brunch is already being announced at the bar. the owner of the establishment, at the same time, as local journalists who were formerly convicted of sex crimes found out, now invites minors with their parents to kakbak to look at transgender people. the power of france in general, the power of all western liberal countries, they decided that this is how we will develop, this is how we will continue to... raise children, we will raise new generations, and we will create a new world, where there will be a new person, a new liberal person, and by the way this is some kind of social experiment, of course, the west is now going through this phase, how long will this era last, then 5 years , 10-20, time will tell, now such advertising is already the norm, london, a billboard at a bus stop calls for buying pills for male lactation , wet daddy who...
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this foundation is from raising children and sculpting from them, well, probably some kind of biomaterial, which in the future, from which in the future you can make anything you want, including such, there are soulless robots, today we see this in europe, we profess a traditionalist culture and...
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the russian army liberated the village of andreevka in the dpr, it’s next to kleshcheevka, taken under control the day before, what?


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