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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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i was in a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit, the plane landed at minsk airport, where the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko. as the kremlin press service reported, the visit is taking place at the invitation of the head of the belarusian state. a trip to minsk - vladimir putin’s second foreign visit after assuming the post of president for the new term.
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of the thai people's republic, after negotiations with our arab friends, i had such a big meeting with members of the government, they talked about my visit to you, we went over almost all areas there on industrial cooperation, on energy, on agriculture, on the issue of security, probably half the government was there, some will come for... the russian army
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liberated the settlement of andreevka in the dpr, it is next to kleshcheevka, taken under control the day before, which will allow us to advance to the chasko yar, as well as to reach taretsk, zelensky’s formation lost over 1,700 more soldiers and officers. mercenaries, a tank and 12 other armored vehicles, including british-american production, were destroyed, 34 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed, air defense forces shot down 53 combat drones, 10 american atacoms and harm missiles, as well as 47 rockets. the situation in the kharkov region is very difficult for kiev, this was stated by the commander of the 107th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel alexander bakulin. he gave an interview to abc news. that it’s too early for ukraine or
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later it will be necessary to cede territory in order to end the conflict with russia. as an example, he cited the results of the war between the soviet union and finland. the delegations of russia, china, hungary and sixteen other countries voted against the un resolution, which calls the events of 1995 in srebryanica genocide and assigns bosnians and serbs to blame for the deaths. but, however, the general assembly still approved the document. the russian permanent representative called germany, there is a special cynicism in this: rwanda has a recent history of killing hundreds thousands of representatives of the tutsi people, germany has a nazi reich with a bloody theory of superiority. the country that in the 20th century
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sparked two world wars, exterminated millions of people in concentration camps, was responsible for mass crimes in africa, and took an active part in the collapse of yugoslavia and the bombing of sarajevo in 1995, is now trying to teach others about the importance of national reconciliation. we are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything other than their monstrous ones. germany has just refused russia's demand to recognize the blockade of leningrad and other crimes against humanity committed by the third reich in the ussr during the great patriotic war as acts of genocide against the peoples of the soviet union, but this did not stop berlin representatives from intimidating some un members into vote at the general assembly for the resolution on genocide sererenitsa, why did you intimidate the state who did not want to vote.
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such large differences are not in the spirit of reconciliation in bosnia and herzegovina in the region, and it is contrary to the need to maintain peace and stability in the balkans and europe as a whole. bosnia and herzegovina became one of the co-authors of the resolution, but not all members of the presidium of this
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multinational country approved this initiative. thus , the bosnian authorities violated the constitution, the text of which is enshrined in the internationally approved dayton agreements on a settlement in the balkans. it turns out that all the blame. assigned against the serbs, and the numerous crimes of other participants in the war in the balkans are ignored: victims among the civilian serbian population are hushed up. demonization of one of the peoples of the former yugoslavia, undermining the dayton peace agreement, and the un security council resolution that approved it (1031). the impression is that this is being done so that the bosnian peoples will never be reconciled. we see these actions as a threat to peace and security in the country and the region as a whole. authorities. republika srpska said the un resolution called into question the very legitimacy of the existence of bosnia and herzegovina, so they will propose to the croat-muslim part of the country to carry out the peaceful dissolution of this federation. republic of serbia. republika srpska is one of the signatories of the dayton agreement. all annexes to
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it, including the constitution of bosnia and herzegovina. and we are leaving bosnia and herzegovina. we will do this peacefully. we will not tolerate any act of violence. neighboring serbia declared acceptance. such a resolution is a violation of international law. centered dozens of cars with national flags drove through belgrade. there are many posters in the city with the inscription: “we are not a genocidal people, we remember.” orthodox churches in serbia rang their bells in protest. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, matvey popov, news. there is too much controversy surrounding the events in srebrrenica due to the credibility of the accusations. attitude towards the serbs raises questions, about this in our information. srebryanitsa, a vast enclave, an area of ​​more than 500 km. in 1992, bosnia and herzegovina announced its secession from yugoslavia. a war began in the republic with with the participation of bosnian muslims, serbs and
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croats. srebryanica was then under the control of the serbs, but then the bosnians occupied it and organized an attack on the slavs. in 1995, the unit of the serbian general radk mladic took the silverware. the bosnian civilian population was taken to other areas. bosnian men with weapons in their hands were lined up in columns and allowed to leave the city. during the procession, fighting broke out. there is information that some bosnians were shot; the exact number of victims has not been documented. list of missing persons or those killed by the bosnian commission contains about 800 names. a number of experts consider these data to be greatly overestimated. no such mass burials were found. evidence was emerging that bosnians were involved in the murders. usa, britain and france. they used mercenaries to blame the serbs. the events in srebrrenica were first classified as genocide in april 2004 in a verdict by the international tribunal for the former yugoslavia. he blamed general radislav krystic for this. at the same time, the tribunal ignored data that bosnian soldiers
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they burned more than 200 serbian villages and killed about 400 serbs. russia called the work of the tribunal biased. about 66% of the accused are serbs. isa al-khalifa arrived at the kremlin in a russian aurus, decorated with the bahrain flag. at the entrance you are greeted by karaus stretched out at the counter. your majesty, instead of koskovsky, i invite you to the grand palace. he is in russia for the fourth time, while the entire delegation, including the king’s personal bodyguards, runs along the main staircase, calmly
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ascends the elevator, falling straight into enfilade of the kremlin halls. russian ministers are waiting in the green living room. according to diplomatic protocol, an official visit is second in importance only. as a state one, well, this status is quite enough for all meetings to take place in the large kremlin palace. the entire senior leadership of bahrain is in traditional bedouin costumes, gold-embroidered tobakh and keffiyehs. which is fastened with a rope and a rope made of black goat and wool. the leaders’ handshake is friendly between russia and bahrain for a long time now; there are no translation difficulties, so vladimir putin shows with gestures how to put on an earphone. we haven’t seen you since 2016, although we have been in contact all this time, just recently in march we talked on the phone again, next year we celebrate 35 years.
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500 million dollars, we have good relations in the field of culture, in this there are large projects, the total volume of the package is somewhere in the year we intend to hold the days of bahrain in russia, next year, as far as i know, colleagues have agreed that russian seasons will be held in your country. in addition, bahrain now presides over the league of arab states, which on issues of international politics usually has a unanimous opinion, now it is in support of russia.
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based on the results of negotiations and signing of documents between ministries and departments of russia and bahrain. the trade turnover between the countries is still insignificant, but the relationship has great potential; the number of companies with russian participation in bahrain has doubled over the last year alone; these are predominantly in the it sector. sport, healthcare, culture, industry, cooperation will expand in all sectors, there are a lot of new investment projects that are planned for implementation , and in particular, this is the construction of a plant, for example in bahren, for the production of platinum, the nickel company is planning, there are projects related to repairs, agreements have already been reached with repair of russian ships at the shipyards of bahrain. in 2016, during the previous meeting
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, the leaders of the countries exchanged memorable gifts in sochi, this is the oholtyakin khadzhibek horse from vladimir putin, in response from king of bahrain, a damascus steel blade forged by royal order that was given as a gift today was asked by the presidential aide. long version of the car, right? the extended version is about a meter larger than the one in which hamad ibn isa al-khalifa arrived in the kremlin in the morning. andrey grigoriev, alexander bystritskaya, oleg makarov, andrey greshnev, news. the ukrainian conflict will end with the complete defeat of the kiev army if the biden administration does not begin negotiations with moscow. american wrote about this on his blog journalist and pulitzer prize winner seimar hirsch. he pointed out that the conflict was provoked by the united states.
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during biden's years in office, america has spent $175 billion fighting a war that cannot and will not be won. the conflict can only be resolved diplomatically if rationality prevails in kiev and washington, or a crushing defeat. the understaffed, insufficiently trained and poorly equipped ukrainian army suffers. in recent weeks , several ukrainian brigades have made it clear to their superiors that they will no longer participate in suicide.
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this is a serious punishment for the separatist forces and a serious warning against interference and provocations from external forces, their actions will be resolutely resisted.
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anyone who advocates for taiwanese independence will have their heads bled. to such development. both sides were clearly preparing for the events, and the chinese military, which already in the morning posted online propaganda posters with a detailed description of all types of weapons involved, the latest fighters dzian-20, dzian-16, ismintsy and dongfeng missiles, and the taiwanese authorities, they knew exactly what beijing’s reaction would be to the speech of the new head of the island administration light, which in the presence of american guests, including former secretary of state pompeo, publicly crossed out the one-china principle: and today was forced to inspect positions at the tayuan military base. i will stand on the front line with my brothers and sisters in the national army. the taiwanese military even scrambled f16 fighters for surveillance and deployed mobile systems with anti-ship missiles, having brought them into a combat position for firing, a little more and the strait will begin to seethe, as was the case after
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pilosi’s visit to taiwan, but this time everything is more serious, in the maneuver zone, also adjacent close to...
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four miles from the island, it is less than 40 km. in addition, as bloomberg writes, taiwanese chip manufacturers do not rule out the evacuation of production to japan and the states, and are ready to turn off all chip machines so as not to fall into the hands of the prc. a global press publication that, citing a certain source, reports beijing’s plans to take taiwan in early june, although it looks like a hoax, now it all depends on endurance. this night the taiwan strait will not be calm and the military on the island is on high alert. the chinese army continues maneuvers tomorrow, and launches of ballistic missiles are not ruled out. the one-china principle is primary for beijing, and americans are urged not to push the island to the red line. alexander baalsky lvova, nikolai petrov, news: beijing bureau. head of the main communications department russian armed forces, vadim shamarin is accused of receiving a bribe of 36 million rubles.
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this was stated by the investigative committee. according to the department, forward from april. high and chief accountant of the company. in addition, the court arrested vladimir verteletsky, an employee of the department for state defense procurement of the ministry of defense. according to investigators , he approved the unfulfilled work under the government contract. thus, the state suffered damage amounting to more than 70 million rubles. at the same time, the investigative committee stated that the department was asking. change the preventive measure general ivan popov for house arrest. he is suspected of fraud. investigators do not rule out that popov is involved in the theft of more than 1,700 tons of metal products. purchased from zaporozhye. on may 17, popov was arrested by the 235th garrison military court. us property in russia could be used to
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compensate for damages in response to the seizure of russian assets. this decree was signed by vladimir putin. maria kudryavtseva will tell you what kind of property we are talking about and what procedure is possible. this can be done through the court at the expense of us or american property. citizens in russia, including. their shares in the capital of russian legal entities or securities. the mechanism of action is as follows: after the court accepts the application, it sends a request to the government commission for the control of foreign investments, and it, in turn, will form a list of american property, which, importantly, can be used taking into account the principle of proportionality. most likely , the ministry of finance will deal with this, the ministry of economic development will deal with this, and most likely the central bank. yes, these assets will be appreciated, symmetrical scheme, yes, there is confiscation, here a decision on confiscation is also made,
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most likely this will require an appropriate decision of the court, probably the supreme one, no less. a mirror response has been discussed for a long time, according to various estimates, this could cost the west about 288 billion dollars, this is how experts estimate foreign assets in russia, and of this amount , more than... billion falls on the european union as a whole and on foreign assets in general, which were also located here in russia at the beginning of the twenty-second year, also approximately this is 300 billion dollars, such estimates are circulating in open sources, well, we must also remember that now all payments in favor of foreigners, including loans, credits, bonds, and this is also quite ... a significant part, they are accumulated in accounts type c, in rubles. earlier, deputy head of the ministry of finance, alexey moiseev, already stated that the volume of funds in non-resident
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accounts is comparable to frozen russian assets. let me remind you that in 2022 they were estimated at about 300 billion dollars, of which about 200 billion are the assets of the bank of russia blocked in the european union. the main part is located in the euroclear central depository. one of these days the eu countries are hell. the plan for using the profits from these funds in 2024 is about 90% of 3 billion euros, the european union is going to transfer the money to kiev, in general , income from blocked russian assets is projected to bring in about 5 billion annually, while ukraine will receive assistance twice a year. there is no unity on this issue within the european union itself. for example, the belgian group eurocleer has already warned that the new scenario will become negative signal. for international investors, the head of clair, appointed at the beginning of may, valery, stated that if our clients feel that the law is no longer respected,
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their assets are being mishandled, this will open a pandora's box, this will lead to the fact that all large funds and the international investor will turn their backs on europe, and there are fundamental problems here, this is a matter of legal certainty, the press secretary of the russian president, as for the response actions, after signing the decree, the government has four months deadline to make all necessary changes to the legislation. the iranian general staff has provided the first data from the investigation into the crash of president ibrahim reisi's helicopter; it is reported that the car caught fire after a collision with a mountain when the board began to gain altitude. he was taken to the central
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military hospital in prague. the police reported that the president was injured on one of the sports grounds for motorcyclists. pyotr pavel, who will soon turn 63 years old, is a fan of motorsports, but it is true that sometimes he breaks the rules and races without helmet emmanuel macron arrived in new caledonia. the french overseas territory is in turmoil over paris' decision to expand the rights of non-indigenous residents. amid protests from independence supporters, macron tried to convince that france was in favor of dialogue. but can paris maintain its influence? - our european correspondent, anastasia popova, found out. macron decided to put out the fire of civil war, as the local authorities of new caledonia called what was happening. words, or rather, promises based on the results of the trip, to come up with something, back in at the airport, he began to say that everyone needs to follow the path of hope and dialogue, but at
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the same time emphasized that there is no talk for... the army, police and gendarmes remain on the island, if necessary, until the end of august, they are tasked with dismantling the barricades , which, however, are quickly being rebuilt, as well as conducting raids in troubled neighborhoods, dozens of armed law enforcement officers in black... are monitoring compliance with the curfew. we would rather die standing than kneel every day and see how we are oppressed. young people want self-determination for their country because they went through many difficulties. the trigger was the decision of paris to expand suffrage to those who came to the island from the mainland, who, accordingly, are against independence. secessionists met with macron but said
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there would be no negotiations. until a new law that infringes on their rights is withdrawn. observers believe that it will be difficult for the president to cut this knot during his 12-hour stay on the island. this is the last colonial conflict, we are very shocked by the way emmanuel macron approached this topic, extremely carefree with many provocations. it was macron's methods that led to this conflict, which could have been prevented. 8 months ago i met with kanaga trade unions, who even then... told me, you’ll see, nothing good will come of it, empty store shelves, pharmacies, shortages of medicines in hospitals, about 400 enterprises have been destroyed, the rebels are preparing to resume decisive actions if the visit will be of no use, i would like to say young people to calm down, and politicians to get off their asses to do something for our youth, while the french authorities turned off
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the tiktok social network to local residents and are thinking about the topic for all social networks in connection with the spread of tiktok, which was then widely used. while the internet was working, the president was getting to the transmur territory, to new koledonia.
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since it will allow the resource-rich land to continue to be exploited and will create the illusion for the local population that their interests will be taken into account, whether it will work this time is the big question. anastasia popova, european news bureau. the first unmanned tram was launched in moscow. it's being tested now. maria valieva will tell you why modern cars are good and what routes they take. so far , only the first stage of launching an unmanned tram on route ten from kulakova street to the shchukinskoye metro station, it runs without passengers, there is a driver in the cabin, the system repeats 90% of his actions. on the horizon of several months we will move to the second stage, when the system it will be completely unmanned and the driver will simply provide backup. with passengers, we are aiming for the beginning of 206, the end of the twenty- fifth, the beginning of the twenty-sixth. the capital's transport complex is the center
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for the development of the implementation of the set. innovative solutions that make passenger travel safer, faster and more convenient. you no longer need to activate the troika card through the yellow terminal if the fare was paid online; you just need to top up your balance using applications, for example, the moscow metro and bring it pass to the turnstile. the doors will open immediately. for those who constantly lose their travel card, there is another new development - the troika virtual card. this method was completely developed in russia. and is a russian development, the virtual troika allows you to refuse plastic and use the same functions of a plastic card, but online. a fare payment system using biometrics is being developed, and this function is now available at mcd stations. zelenograd, kryukovo, likhobory, nakhabino area of ​​three stations. supervisor department of transport maxim liksutov demonstrated the operation of modern
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turnstiles. exactly this. modern, as of today, technology, where there is everything, including biometrics, a camera inside, a card reader, and accordingly.


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