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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. kostroma paratroopers destroyed strongholds and two platoons of militants in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar; the combat work was carried out by an artillery crew of the rszzo grad. the fire was controlled by drone operators. security issues, the second
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phase of joint exercises, integration within the union state, these and other topics will be discussed by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko at a meeting in belarus. today is the main day of negotiations. the leaders had a brief conversation at the minsk airport, where they arrived that night vladimir putin. the us restricts visas to georgian citizens due to the foreign agents act. according to the white house, this bill restricts freedom of speech. to put even more pressure on tbilisiv. ddepe emphasized that washington will completely review bilateral relations with georgia. almost 200 people are fighting forest fires in the barguzinsky and muisky districts of buryat. the fire has already covered almost 500 hectares. mi-8 helicopters were involved in the work. strong winds make it difficult to put out fires. at the same time , there is no threat to populated areas. armored vehicles, the enemy's fortifications and weapons are destroyed by the crews of anti-tank missile systems.
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fagods often have to work in the direct line of sight of militants, and enemy drones are constantly flying in the sky. about the risks when performing combat missions and the successes of our military from the southern sector. special military operation, report by our war correspondent stanislav vasilchenko. this small tube, which looks like a hand grenade, is actually a universal portable artillery, powerful and accurate like a sniper rifle, anti-tank missile system fagot, capable of destruction.
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made a launch, hit, the helicopter fell, the fagod hits targets at a distance of up to 4 km, so crews often work in the direct line of sight of the enemy, due to the high efficiency of this weapon, fighters are always the primary target, and in order to destroy it, the enemy is ready to use any weapon, three bradleys arrived and disembarked from there somewhere, well, probably 20 people, well they quickly loaded it, i opened it and let it in.
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separate anti-tank artillery divisions as part of the dnepr group of troops hit dozens of units of enemy equipment, repelling the summer counter-offensive of the ukrainian army, and destroyed more than forty combat vehicles, including abrams, leopard tanks, bradley infantry fighting vehicles and other nato equipment. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinakurov, lead the southern sector of the military special operation. and new details have emerged about the scandalous story of an american soldier who robbed his girlfriend in russia. primorsky regional. the court
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rejected his defense's appeal and left gordon black is in pre-trial detention until july 2. the agency reported this. the military man arrested in russia admitted guilt and is cooperating with the investigation. communication occurs with help. translator, this is what the department of the ministry of internal affairs in the primorsky territory told: a thirty-four-year-old us army sergeant, first stole 200,000 rubles from his girlfriend, alexander ivoshchuk, and then beat her. now he faces up to 5 years in prison. the pentagon is studying the circumstances of black's trip to russia; american officials have already called his behavior a disgrace. and now footage from telegram channels is turkey. there at three people were killed in a shootout in a cafe in the capital. five more were injured, according to local media, there was a conflict between the companies, the police have already begun an investigation. the posprit of russia at the un called it a disgrace the approval of the scandalous resolution, which calls the events of
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1995 in srebrenica genocide and accuses the serbs of the deaths of the bosnians. the document was accepted, although russia, china, hungary and 16 other countries voted against it. why like this? there were two world wars, destroyed millions of people in concentration camps, carries responsible for mass crimes in africa and took an active part in the collapse of yugoslavia and the bombing of sarajevo in 1995, is now trying to teach others from the rostrum of the general assembly about the importance of national reconciliation. we are convinced
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that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything other than its heinous crimes. germany just said no. to russia's demand to recognize the blockade of leningrad and others as acts of genocide against the peoples of the soviet union crimes against humanity committed by the third reich in the ussr during the great patriotic war, but this did not stop representatives of berlin from intimidating some un members, forcing them to vote at the general assembly for a resolution on genocide in the silver box. why did you intimidate states that did not want to vote in support of the resolution, saying that if they didn’t vote, they wouldn’t get it. support assistance in economic and other issues, are these european values, democratic values, this will only open old wounds, will create complete political chaos not only in our region, but even here in this room. 84 countries voted for the resolution, including most western countries
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led by the united states. ukraine also joined. 68 countries, including brazil, india and kazakhstan, abstained. 19 states opposed this. russia, china, hungary, a number of countries in africa and central america. a hasty vote on this project, where there are still such great differences, does not correspond to the spirit of reconciliation of consent in bosnia and herzegovina in the region, and this is contrary to the need to maintain peace and stability in the balkans and europe as a whole. bosnia and herzegovina became one of the co-authors of the resolution, but not all members of the presidium of this multinational country approved this initiative. thus, bosnian. it turns out that all the blame was placed on the serbs, and the numerous crimes of other participants in the war in the balkans are ignored: victims among the civilian serbian population are hushed up.
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demonization of one of the peoples of the former yugoslavia, undermining the dayton peace agreement and approved it by un security council resolution 1031. the impression is that it is. bosnia and herzegovina, so they will propose to the croat-muslim part of the country to peacefully dissolve this federation. one of the signatories of the dayton agreements, all the annexes to them, including the constitution of bosnia and
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ekaterina radaeva, matvey popov, lead. there is too much controversy around the events in srebrenica, since the reliability of the accusations against the serbs raises many questions about this. in our help. srebryanitsa - a vast enclave - an area of ​​more than 500 km. in 1992, bosnia and herzegovina announced its secession from yugoslavia. a war broke out in the republic with the participation of bosnian muslims, serbs and croats. srebryanica was then under the control of the serbs, but then the bosnians occupied it and organized an attack by the slavs. in 1995, the unit of the serbian general radk mladic took the silverware. the bosnian civilian population was taken to other areas. bosnian men with weapons in their hands were lined up in columns and allowed to leave the city. during the procession
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fighting began. there is information that some bosnians were shot. the exact number of victims has not been documented. the list of missing or killed people compiled by the bosnian commission contains about 8.00 names. a number of experts consider these data to be greatly overestimated. no such mass burials were found. there was evidence that the intelligence services of the united states, britain and france were involved in the murderers of the bosnians. they used hiring. to blame the serbs. the events in srebrrenica were first classified as genocide in april 2004 years in the verdict of the international tribunal for the former yugoslavia. he blamed general radislav krystic for this. at the same time, the tribunal ignored the data that bosnian soldiers burned more than 200 serbian villages and killed about 400 serbs. russia called the work of the tribunal biased. the list of accused includes about 66% serbs and only 6% bosniaks. international court. the un did not consider the events in the enclave at all; it simply referred to the decision of the tribunal. the events in srebrenica remain
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the subject of intense controversy. and now in the news economics maria group of seven countries are trying to decide whether to use frozen russian assets to lend to ukraine. tell us, at what stage is this discussion now? tatyana, they hope to at least roughly decide by the june summit. i’ll tell you more about this right now. the issue of using frozen assets in russia does not cause unanimity in the west. doubts, in particular, come from the country that is the center of banks. italian minister of economy and finance gian-carlo giorgetti announced this during a meeting with his colleagues from the group of seven. the united states first took the initiative to use only income from our assets as collateral for issuing loans to kiev. so it would be possible to provide kiev with $50 billion already in the summer. however, washington has gone further and is now proposing to join this one.
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use the revenues, the problem is what to do with these revenues in the future, how to organize lending to ukraine, but i am confident that we will make some progress by the june g7 summit in puglia. export of russian pork by-products by the end of the year should increase and exceed 310 thousand tons, for poultry 400 thousand tons, reports the ministry of agriculture. the ministry also emphasized the need to actively work in target markets to find new directions. rates, but meanwhile , commodity auctions for pork may begin in russia as early as june, this was announced by the national union
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of meat processors. in the future, we will be working on a chicken launch. together with the national commodity exchange, together with the largest russian banks , almost 70% of all meat producers and 80% of all meat processors proposed to jointly open meat trading on the stock exchange. at the beginning we will launch. pork market, then work on chicken. we have created a working group, have already determined the rules for access to the exchange, the rules for trading, and in june we will begin the first meat trading in pork. palestine is on the verge of financial collapse, its economy has deteriorated sharply over the last quarter, and in the coming months the budget deficit could almost double and exceed a billion dollars, the world bank calculated. all this is a consequence of the escalation of the conflict in the middle east. palestine lost about half a million workers. economic activity of the population naturally fell, state revenues from customs duties
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practically dried up, almost everyone in the gas sector lives in poverty. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rate for today , the dollar is 90 rubles. 24 kopecks euro 97.87. and that's all i have for now. i'm not doing well. call an ambulance, i just don't have a phone. ambulance phone? are there any normal people here at all? protests against israeli actions in the gaza strip, video of a pro-palestinian rally students at columbia university, they demand an end to hostilities in the region and stop the humanitarian catastrophe. kiev accuses moscow of allegedly preparing the third maidan; they bombard their own media with horror stories about the hand of moscow, which wants
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to overthrow zelensky. why is such a scenario impossible? why is the kiev regime so actively promoting this theory? russia is preparing maidan 3 in ukraine, they are confident in the department of the terrorist budanov, the guru of the ukrainian ministry of defense is broadcasting his fears to the media, but somehow too willingly, they say moscow wants to reset zelensky, masquerading as popular unrest, gur representative andrey yusov is talking about some kind of multi-layered operation, and has maidan 3 already ended or is it still ongoing?
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statements that a kind of maidan 3 may be brewing in ukraine indicate that, in my opinion, american and british actors have decided, among other things, to try to pump up the option of a change of power in ukraine, through some kind of already familiar to the european american man in the street, ukrainian expression of will,
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respectively, the idea of ​​​​maidan, it may come to the minds of american british customers, and nothing more. we must look at things realistically: a pro-russian maidan is now hardly possible in ukraine, given the brutal mobilization, total censorship and the fierce sbu, as rada speaker stefanchuk recently put it in no uncertain terms. everyone who questions the legitimacy of president zelensky are enemies of ukraine. it means it’s impossible to joke with pro-russian sentiments there. you spoke russian on the bus, there will be an informer who, therefore, reported that you are speaking the enemy language, so, of course, they are these sentiments, here, but they are in a state, of course, oppressed, a police state in conditions of usurpation of power, what kind of popular protest is there, however, the attitude towards the regime still seeps
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even through media barriers, maybe that’s why the ukrainian special services are so... uncomfortable, the authorities in ukraine keep public protest under a tight rein, the sbu deals with this, first of all, of course, there are a lot of people who support russia and do not support the bandera regime on the territory of the former ukraine, of course, but we are with them we will meet only when only when we liberate these territories. apparently, with horror stories about the hand of moscow, the kiev regime is trying to strengthen its power in the country, which is very significant, is this what it should be like? insecure enough to fear even the ghost of maidan. and now sports news alexander has opened a court named after daniil medvedev in paris. tell me how it went. tatyana, in honor of the russian, named four indoor courts at the tennis club, where medvedev himself trained for 3 years. russian tamirlan bashaev
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won a bronze medal at the tournament in abu dhabi on the final day of the world judo championship. tamerlan bashaev competes in the weight category up to 100 kg. and in the small final in the fight for bronze, bashaev defeated two-time olympic champion lukas kyrpalik from the czech republic. twenty-eight-year-old tamerlan bashaev added another major tournament award to his collection. previously, the russian won olympic bronze, world championship silver and european championship gold. for the russian team , bashaev's bronze became the third medal at world judo championship. the next major start for judokas will be the olympic games in paris. another big transfer news in the continental hockey league: forward anton slepyshev, who played for cska moscow for the last five seasons, moved to dynamo moscow. the contract runs until the end of may '25. as part of cska, anton slepyshev won the gagarin cup three times, and as part of the russian national team he won silver at the beijing olympics. in the suburbs of paris, a court was opened that
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bears the name of the russian tennis player today fifth racket of the world danil medvedev. the ceremony at the maison tennis club took place the day before. four indoor hard courts were named after medvedev. daniil medvedev himself trained at this club for 3 years. this is common in tennis. the practice of naming stadiums or courts after players, although this usually happens after their playing career ends. and this coming monday , the second grand slam tournament of the season starts at the ralangarossa courts. the draw for the tournament took place the day before. in men's six representatives of russia will compete in the french open bracket, and 13 in the women's tournament . the highest seeding number is danil medvedev , fifth. in the quarterfinals, daniil medvedev may face german alexander zverev. and in the semi-finals. to world number one novak djokovic. andrey rublev hit the other half of the ralang rossa net. in the quarterfinals of the tournament, rublev can meet the third racket of the world, spaniard
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carlos alcaraz. this saturday, at the exhibition at the russia forum , there will be a large sports parade organized by the movement healthy fatherland. initially, the head of the international boxing association, umar kremlev, came up with a proposal to revive the soviet tradition of sports parades. it happened. at last year’s meeting with vladimir putin in perm, the president supported and approved this idea. the parade will take place in an updated format 105 years after it was first held on red square. more than 2.0 athletes will take part in the procession, including representatives of various sports and the paralympic movement. they are united will take place in the columns of the past, present and future. the large-scale parade will end with a mass exercise. also, the president set us a very... task, this is to involve more than 70% of the population in mass sports, so this event responds to the task that the president sets for us,
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by the way, at the end of the event, at the end of our sports procession , we will launch a countdown to the parade on red square in 1925. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. the results were summed up at a meeting on thursday government, there were some accidents, but the time to eliminate them was reduced by almost 20%. and dmitry
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maruka will tell you all the details. thanks to high-quality preparation, the current heating season in the country went as usual. prime minister mikhail mishustin summed up its results at a government meeting. to date, with the onset of warm weather, the season has ended in 61 regions. during all this time, about 9,000 accidents occurred, which is relatively few on a national scale. at the same time, the time to resolve incidents at housing and communal services facilities it was possible to reduce by 18%, but it is necessary to focus efforts on carrying out restoration work even faster, the prime minister emphasized. in general, electric power industry and housing and communal services enterprises went through it as normal, but not without accidents, which were primarily caused by abnormal climatic conditions, but equipment failure. despite the fact that the average time to resolve incidents per facility.
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and take steps to prevent them in the future. to provide consumers considerable work has been done with heat and light, including the repair of housing and communal services facilities and the installation of new networks and the creation of fuel reserves. in those settlements where there were difficulties with its supply, logistics were improved. in total, to prepare for the winter period , more than 300 billion rubles were allocated at the regional level alone to provide heat to new regions, an additional 8.5 billion people were sent from the federal budget to settlements in new regions, a set of measures was carried out in a separate decision and from the federal budget allocated 8.5 billion rubles. in general, with the support of the regional chiefs, the heating period in the new regions was managed without serious incidents. the main cause of accidents in the housing and communal services sector today
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is wear and tear. networks, this problem is planned to be solved through a comprehensive program for modernizing the utility infrastructure; by the thirtieth year, it will provide improved quality of services for 20 million people and reduce the accident rate by 18%. the first stage has already been launched, it covered 473 thousand people, it was possible to update 570 km networks, another thousand will be upgraded this year. it will allow the 30th year to ensure an improvement in the quality of public services provided to 20 million,
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the work of all sectors of the economy and the quality of life of people.
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as a result of the second world war, russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, mostly europeans abstained, the united states voted against, a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in the inhumane treatment of people was identified, even if these criminals... are already dead, you are used to watching videos on the network, you started working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries ,


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