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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. iskander strikes on command posts of armored vehicles. neo-nazis,
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we will show footage of the work of russian fighters on our broadcast. another scandal in europe: children are being trafficked in the center of warsaw, and the ukrainian fund for refugees is involved in this, as journalists managed to find out. they laugh at us, we have become a joke. trump is indignant, says that the democrats are destroying america, for which he reproaches the biden administration and that promises to his supporters? in buryat, almost 200 people are fighting forest fires, in addition to special equipment, they are bringing in a helicopter, is there a threat to residential buildings? we start with the progress of a special military operation, the crew of the iskander missile system, the group of western troops struck the command post and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces.
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iskander divisions are on round-the-clock combat duty and fire at great distances from targets. the weather and time of day do not affect the accuracy of the strikes; a matter of minutes passes from receiving the coordinates to the launch. at the same time, a multi-ton tractor with a missile system can easily pass through any terrain, and fire can be effectively fired even in lowlands or from forest plantations. the range of our goals is very huge, the main goals are. command posts and communication centers, both ground and underground, concentrations of troops and equipment, also enemy air defense systems, an airfield, the accounts are coordinated, they work as a single fist, and even if you remove one crew number from the launcher, from this time there will be no will increase, the task will be all completed within the same time frame, russian troops are pushing back the enemy in the avdeevsky direction, tanks are working. report by our
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war correspondent, alexey boranov. that's it, we're working, we're working. our film crew in the vicinity of belogorovka. the pace of combat work shows reality. these brigades of the central military district are demonstrating confident success. here is the story of a combat participant, the same one with the call sign arti, demoralizes the enemy, his moral and psychological state drops, he doesn’t want to go further forward there, or to defend one or another defensive player, it is often easier to give up and leave this defensive player to go into his own blind alley. the artillery and tank crews of the central military district are coping. with
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enemy retaliatory strikes, counter-battery combat, fire destruction of nato equipment - these are heavy tanks, artillery, we are also working on strong points, the last kilometer is on the erzhina road, in a few minutes we will have to make our way through forest clearings, here is the combat work of the infantry, the avdeevsky direction remains one of the hottest today. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, news! line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic. and new details have emerged about the scandalous story of an american soldier who robbed his girlfriend in russia. the primorsky regional court rejected the appeal of his defense and left gordon black in pre-trial detention until july 2. this was reported by the news agency. so, the military man arrested in russia admitted guilt and is already cooperating with the investigation. communication takes place with the help of a translator, as they said at the department of the ministry of internal affairs in the primorsky territory. thirty-four year old...
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a us army sergeant, first stole 200,000 rubles from his girlfriend alexandra vashchuk, and then brutally beat her. now he faces up to 5 years in prison. the pentagon is studying all the circumstances of black's trip to russia. american officials have already called his behavior a disgrace and terrible footage from vietnam, a residential building with an area of ​​about 200 m2 caught fire, nearby there was a motorcycle and electric bicycle repair shop, and according to residents, explosions were heard during the fire; according to media reports, about two dozen people, three more were injured, they are already receiving assistance, the cause of the tragedy is being clarified: rescue services are working at the scene, firefighters had to break through the wall to save people. and now footage from telegram channels from canada - this is the province of ontario, bad weather is raging there and hail the size of an orange has fallen. tornado season has begun in this part of canada, with skies turning
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purple, lightning flashing and powerful winds knocking down power lines. locals say it's the end of the world. and to international news, uk is preparing a military aid package for ukraine worth £150 million, as the sun writes, citing the country's minister of defense. according to the publication, london will send air defense radars, decoys, small boats, and drones to ukraine. and it’s not yet known when all this will be sent. maria skorodilka studied all the details of this story. again almost the center of warsaw, it is here, in one of these inconspicuous cozy houses , children from ukraine are sold, bought, polish journalists publish an investigation, they claim the ukrainian fund for helping refugees with the cheerful name of sunflower, under the leadership of the chairmen of the international criminal court of western ngos, is almost
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openly selling orphans living in the war zone to buyers, of course from the european union, the office is working, the business is blooming, reporters state, but to those who ...
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russia simply wants to protect itself from what started in 1414 on the maidan, and in general long before that in ukraine. germany's initiative to strengthen ukraine's air defense has failed, writes politics. generous the promises remained just words, and although the german defense minister pistorius is literally putting pressure on
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the ministry of finance, demanding that they give money to kiev. the head of the german ministry of finance linder stubbornly answers. his ministry is not a store where you can order taxpayers’ money, and then simply use it. they hope to decide by the june summit. i’ll tell you more about this right now. the issue of using
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russia's frozen assets does not cause unanimity in the west. doubts, in particular, will be studied with the side of the center of banks, the minister announced this economy and finance of italy, gian-carlo giorgetti, said during a meeting with his colleagues from the group of seven. the united states first took the initiative to use only income from our assets as collateral for issuing loans to kiev. this could be provided already in the summer. germany was skeptical about the us proposal; they do not want unnecessary risks; whether the bail mechanism will ultimately be adopted and which one should be determined within the group of seven. however, at a three-day meeting of finance ministers, which ends tomorrow, this issue will be resolved sooner it won't be possible to do everything. this is a difficult question we need to find. legal framework at european level. europe has already taken a step in this direction by deciding to use the income. the problem
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is what to do with these incomes in the future, how to organize lending to ukraine. but i am confident that we will make some progress by the june g7 summit in puglia. exports of russian pork by-products should increase by the end of the year and exceed 310 thousand tons. for poultry, 4,000 tons, the ministry of agriculture reports. the ministry also emphasized the need to actively work in target markets to search for new supply directions, but meanwhile , commodity auctions for pork may begin in russia as early as june, this was announced by the national union of meat processors. in the future, a chicken launch will be explored. together with the national commodity exchange, together with the largest russian banks, they convened almost 70% of all meat producers and 80% of all meat processors. and proposed to jointly open meat trading on the stock exchange. first we will launch the market
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pork, then work on the chicken. we have created a working group, have already determined the rules for access to the exchange, the rules for trading, and in june we will begin the first meat trading in pork. palestine is on the verge of financial collapse, its economy has deteriorated sharply over the last quarter, but in the coming months the budget deficit could almost double and exceed a billion dollars, according to global estimates. jar. all this is a consequence of the escalation of the conflict in the middle east. palestine lost about half a million jobs. economic activity of the population naturally fell. state revenues from customs duties have practically dried up. almost everyone in the gas sector lives in poverty. and at the end of the issue, let me remind you of the exchange rate for today, the dollar is 90 rubles. 24 kopecks euro 97.87. and that's all i have for now. tatiana. maria, thank you. my colleague maria grigorya was present with the release of economic news. kostroma paratroopers destroyed strongholds and two
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platoons of militants in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar; the combat work was carried out by an artillery crew of the rszzo grad. the fire was corrected by operators drones. security issues, the second phase of joint exercises, integration within the union state, these and other topics will be discussed by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko at a meeting in belarus. today is the main day of negotiations. the leader had a brief conversation at the minsk airport. where vladimir putin arrived this night. the united states restricts visas to georgian citizens due to the law on foreign agents. according to the white house, this bill restricts freedom of speech. to put even more pressure on tbilisi, the state department emphasized that washington is completely will reconsider bilateral relations with georgia. almost 200 people are fighting forest fires in the burguzinsky and muisky districts of buryat. the fire has already covered almost 500 hectares. a mi-8 helicopter was involved in the work. it makes it difficult to put out fires.
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also with strong winds, it breaks road structures and blows off the roofs of houses. russia's envoy prion called the approval of what he calls a scandalous resolution a disgrace. the document was accepted, although russia, china, hungary, and 16 other countries voted against it.
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we are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything other than its own heinous crimes. germany just now. some un members, forcing them to vote in favor of a resolution on genocide in the general assembly. why did you intimidate
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states that did not want to vote in favor of the resolution by saying that if they did not vote. including the majority of western states , 84 countries voted for the resolution, including the united states. ukraine also joined. 68 countries, including brazil, india and kazakhstan, abstained. against 19 states spoke.
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bosnia and herzegovina, so they will propose to the croat-muslim part of the country to peacefully dissolve this federation.
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republika srpska is one of the signatories of the dayton agreements and all their annexes, including the constitution. the adoption of such a resolution is a violation of international law. dozens of cars with national flags drove through the center of belgrade. there are many posters in the city that say “we are not a genocidal people.” we remember. orthodox churches in serbia rang their bells in protest. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, matvey popov, news. in the kursk region, more than a thousand residential buildings that were damaged due to ukrainian shelling have been restored. in an interview with my colleague alexandra nazarova , acting governor alexey smirnov spoke about the life of the border region. every day we
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react immediately to any shelling of our housing and communal services industry. to leave thanks to temporary accommodation, we are collecting applications for resettlement, funds have already been allocated thanks to the support of the government of the russian federation. we have selenium about 450 families, three ships were launched in one day in nizhny novgorod, two will carry passengers, another
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is intended for technical work and extraction of materials, and irina vodina will continue the topic. an open area, two passenger salons, modern soft chairs, a bar and multimedia equipment inside, this universal passenger ship will begin testing on july 1, after which it will leave for samara. the ship was laid down in july 2022 and less than 2 years later it was launched, despite its small size, it quite roomy, there can be 240 people on board. there are also places for people with limited mobility, this is the motor ship and its brother, which was also launched today , 80% made from domestic components. the customer was the state transport leasing company, e.g. that is, in fact, the state is the customer of this vessel, therefore , thanks to state support, we built it. all the new cruise ships that we see today, they should give us
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some new quality of life and move from transportation of passengers on the basis of cruise lines, on the basis of walking lines to normally functioning public transport. the project 2040 dredger, designed for one deepening, is also undergoing a christening ceremony. we plan to double the navigation of our own flotilla using our
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hydrofoils, we already have five valdai, three meteors, we are already entering kazan and ulyanovsk, we plan to enter as far as rybensk. first, the launch of the preferential leasing program for water transport in 2018 was ordered by state transport leasing company 83. ship, 32 of them have already been launched. irina vodina, anna smirnova, galina terikhova, vesti privolzhye. today, tomorrow, the last bells will ring in russian schools. for graduates, ceremonial assemblies, concerts are organized where teachers and parents gather, as well as awards for the best students. in some regions , graduation celebrations will be held online for safety reasons. this applies to the border territories of the kursk and belgorod regions. in omsk, where there is flooding. last call postponed to june, here in the dpr and lpr the authorities themselves decide in what format to hold the line, taking into account the operational situation. in total
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, more than 600,000 schoolchildren will go to adulthood in russia this year. and now let's talk about sports. alexander, at the world judo championships, our team won another medal. tell us who won the prize this time. tatyana, good morning, tamerlan bashaev won bronze at the tournament in abu dhabi. he is also a bronze medalist. olympics in tokyo. let's start with football. just over a day left before the denouement of the main intrigue of the russian club season. the final thirtieth round of the rpl will take place tomorrow afternoon. the final round will decide who will become the champion. dynamo, zenit and krasnodar are vying for gold. the favorite in the championship race is dynamo. they depend only on themselves. it is enough for the blue and white to play a draw in a head-to-head match against krasnodar. to become a champion, zenit needs to beat rostov and krasnodar needs to beat dynamo. krasnodar will become the best team in the championship only if it beats dynamo, and zenit does not will win against rostov. the match in krasnodar, it does not affect our tasks in any way, in this
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regard, of course, we need to focus on the guys ourselves, of course, on our match, this is 100%. we are preparing for a match that is really very important this year, the championship is very interesting, three teams are vying to win the championship. russian tamerlan bashaev won a bronze medal at the tournament in abu dhabi on the final day of the world judo championship. tamerlan bashaev performs in the weight category up to 100 kg in the small final in the fight for bronze bashaev won two-time olympic champion lukas korpalik from the czech republic. twenty-eight-year-old tamerlan bashaev added another major tournament award to his collection. previously, the russian won bronze at the olympics, silver at the world championships and gold at the european championships. bronze for the russian team. became the third medal at the world judo championships. the next major start for judokas will be the olympic games in paris. another big transfer news in
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the continental hockey league. forward anton slepyshev, who last five he played for cska moscow for several seasons and moved to dynamo moscow. the contract runs until the end of may '25. as part of csk , anton slepyshev won the gagarin cup three times, and as part of the russian national team he won silver at the beijing olympics. in the suburbs of paris , a cord was opened that bears the name of a russian tennis player. today the fifth racket of the world is daniil medvedev. the ceremony at the maison tennis club took place the day before. four indoor hard courts were named after medvedev. daniil medvedev himself is in this i trained at the club for 3 years. it is a common practice in tennis for stadiums or courts to be named after players, although this usually happens after their playing career has ended. and this coming monday , the second grand slam tournament of the season will start at the rolang ross courts. the tournament rehearsal took place the day before. the men's draw at the french open will feature
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six russian representatives in the women's draw. 13. the highest seeding number is daniil medvedev, fifth. in the quarter-finals daniil medvedev can go against german alexander zverev, in the semifinals against the first racket of the world, serbian novak djokovic. another russian, andrey rublev, ended up in the other half of the ralan goros bracket. in the quarter-finals of the tournament, rublev can meet the third racket of the world, spaniard carlos alcaraz. and now footage from the czech republic, where the final of the country's cup turned into a mass fight of fans right on the field. it all happened in the city of polzenin, where prague sparta and local victoria played in the final of the czech cup. sparta won with a score 2:1. all goals were scored in the last 10 minutes of the match. in the mass unrest, even after the final whistle , journalists also suffered. a plastic chair flew into the studio on the edge of the field. sparta novopraz won the golden double, they also won the national cup championship. this saturday there will be a big
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sports event at the forum russia exhibition. parade organized by the healthy fatherland movement. initially , the head of the international boxing association, umar kremlev, came up with a proposal to revive the soviet tradition of sports parades. it happened at last year's meeting with vladimir putin in perm. the president supported and approved this idea. the parade will take place in an updated format 105 years after it was first held on red square. more than 2,000 athletes will take part in the procession, including representatives of various sports and also the paralympic movement. they will march in a single formation in the columns of the past, present and future, and the large-scale parade will end with mass exercise. also, the president set us a very important task, this to involve more than 70% of the population in mass sports, so this event responds to the task that the president sets for us. and by the way, at the end of the event, at the end of our sports procession, we will start a countdown to the parade on red square in 1925. that's
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all about sports for now, see you next hour, so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything. cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, a lot of analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were left completely delighted, listen, well, it’s cool, wonderful, that’s it . love, romance, right
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now, yes, i’m going to cry now, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions. on a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about the production of raw materials, exports in general, what is our product?
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest.


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