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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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almost 500 hectares, is there a threat to populated areas? snow has fallen on sakhalin and the kuril islands, it is real summer in the central part of the country, we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. now footage from the presidential press service. on the eve of departure to minsk. vladimir putin met with the patriarch. of course, i greet you cordially, congratulate you, thank you more, thank you, cordially, thank you, all the best to you, thank you very much for everything you do for the russian people, thank you for that level of relationship the cooperation that exists between church and state, as i already said, is unprecedented when compared with the entire russian history, god bless you, congratulations, thank you, thank you. uh-huh,
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thank you, and vladimir putin congratulated patriarch of moscow all russia kiril. security issues, the second phase of joint exercises, integration within the framework of the union state. these and other topics will be discussed by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko at a meeting in belarus. today is the main day of negotiations. the leaders had a brief conversation at the minsk airport, where the russian president arrived that night. with the king. to other topics: ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the terrorist attack in the city hall near moscow, fsb head alexander bortnikov stated this at a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis countries in beshka. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime; more than 20 persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. the investigation continues, but it is already possible... with confidence that
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the direct connection to this attack has military intelligence of ukraine. bortnikov also noted that the investigation is ongoing; to date, more than 20 people have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. the head of the fsb thanked his colleagues from the intelligence services of the cis countries for their assistance in the investigation of the terrorist attack; he assured that all the circumstances of the crime would be established for everyone involved. will not escape punishment. let me remind you that the terrorist attack in kroku city hall was carried out on march 22, 144 people were killed and 551 were injured. now to the situation in the special operation zone. the ukrainian armed forces are destroying objects there portable artillery. this is what our soldiers call the fagot anti-tank missile systems. they hit targets at a distance of up to 4 km. therefore, we have to work close to enemy positions. from the southern sector.
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special operations report by stanislav vasilchenko. this small tube, which looks like a hand grenade launcher, is actually a universal portable artillery. powerful, accurate as a sniper rifle, the fagot anti-tank missile system is capable of destroying any targets and not only armored combat vehicles. homing missiles are used for defeating enemy fortifications, mortars, machine gun nests, snipers and other targets, for example, a similar carnet complex can even eliminate an air target.
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the fighters approach camouflage as responsibly as possible, in addition, they are covered by anti-tank crews, so special equipment is used to predict how the enemy will act, such a device is used, which is called the cheburashka, with its help images from the enemy drone are transmitted to these screens, when if you need a picture you can will be replaced to disorient the enemy. drone operators also help anti-tank fighters, record hits, adjust fire, and protect the area around the firing point. observation is underway. 4x7 bird
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replaces bird, that is, before it has time to replace the battery, another one is already hanging, which for... during the special operation, fighters of the 150th separate anti-tank artillery division as part of the dnepr group of troops hit dozens of units of enemy equipment. repelling the summer counter-offensive of the ukrainian army, more than forty combat vehicles were destroyed, including abrams, leopard tanks, bradley infantry fighting vehicles and other nato equipment. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinakurov, news: southern sector of military special operation. the unfriendly actions of the united states will not go unanswered. vladimir putin signed a decree that... determines the procedure for compensating damage to russia and the central bank. in case of violation of our rights to assets, compensation will be proportionate to american property. joining me is my colleague maria grigorieva. masha, good morning, tell us who will determine what exactly can be done for this use? sazh, good morning, the decision will be made
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by a government commission at the request of the court. now i’ll tell you everything. russia has not left unanswered the west's attempts to use our frozen assets and income from their use. vladimir. vladimir putin signed a decree on the procedure for compensating damage from unfriendly actions of the united states. this can be done through the court at the expense of assets that are located in russia and belong directly to the united states or american persons, both legal entities and individuals. for reimbursement it will be possible use their movable and immovable property, securities, shares in capital, as well as property rights. the mechanism is as follows: after accepting the application, the court sends a request to the government control commission. foreign investments, it already determines what exactly can be used, and compiles a list based on the principle of proportionality. most likely, the ministry of finance will deal with this, the ministry of economic development will deal with this, and most likely the central bank. yes, these assets will be
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valued, symmetrical scheme, there is confiscated, a decision on confiscation is also made here. most likely, this will require an appropriate court decision, most likely the supreme one. not less. a mirror response has been talked about for a long time, for this we have 288 billion dollars available, or even more, we are talking about the assets of the eu, the group of seven, australia and switzerland in russia. by the end of 22, the united states accounted for more than 9.5 billion, the european union more than 220. we should remember, i think russia will be able to compensate. do not forget that significant assets western companies. remained in the country after the twenty-second year, some tried to withdraw them, but could not, and others simply decided not to abandon the market. if russia takes the announced measures, companies will face difficulties, but i hope that central banks are ready for this and will not allow the situation to develop into a full-fledged financial crisis. previously, our
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ministry of finance already stated that the volume of funds of non-residents in c accounts is comparable to frozen russian assets; our blocked funds are estimated at approximately 2008. washington really wants to use these funds. the american congress has provided its country with such an opportunity, but the risks are too great and the white house is in no hurry to act. we hope that europe will take this step first, but germany, for example, is categorically against it. the eu has agreed to use only income from blocked assets - this is about 3 billion euros per year, 90% will be directed to the so -called.
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is to use the principal amount as collateral when issuing a loan, which will allow you to obtain significant funds for restoration of ukraine. in russia, such actions are called illegal, and the european
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central bank and the imf have repeatedly said that free handling of foreign sovereign assets creates risks for the international financial system and especially for the eurozone. so the european union may finally lose investor confidence? it was maria grigorieva , we are talking about how russia will respond to violations by the west, its... property rights, now let's break for a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this friday, i say something good, the best, and i'm useful, oh yes, and you manage me regularly, and i choose vtb's new loyalty program, vtb. necessary categories every month, for example, clothing, groceries, sporting goods, receive cashback up to 25%
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please pay, please, or you can pay with a smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile , safely, conveniently with sberpay, cool stuff, thank you, these are the ivanovs, the average russian family, they throw away 664 a year plastic bottles, and if you sort from... codes, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life.
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we continue broadcasting. in the kursk region , more than a thousand buildings damaged due to ukrainian shelling have been restored. acting governor alexey smirnov spoke about life in the border region in an interview with my colleague alexandra nazarova. every day we react immediately
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to any shelling of ours. e industry housing and communal services, builders are leaving, major repairs are underway , restoration of residential buildings, more than a thousand of them have already been restored, and social facilities, roads, engineering infrastructure, because transformer substations are often shelled, and here the services are all in place, as soon as we are allowed to act, we leave, everyone... those who wish can leave thanks to temporary accommodation, we are collecting applications for resettlement, already thanks to the support of the government of the russian federation funds about 450 families were allocated and resettled. watch the full version of the interview today after 10:00 am moscow time.
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the russian-chinese competition started in blagoveshchensk. economic forum amurexpo 2024. it takes place simultaneously on the territory of two countries and is the visiting site of the eastern economic forum. victoria sitetenko will tell you what the participants are discussing. this morning , the grand opening of amu-expo took place on the square near the ucc. the start of the business event, traditionally from the russian side, was given by the head of the region vasily orlov, mayor city ​​oleg imameev from china, head of the secretariat of the people's government of helongzyan inyantau province. as well as heihe city mayor jau junguo. amur expoforum is a unique international economic event. this year more than 2.0 government and business representatives are taking part in it. in the morning, traditionally, the first persons of the amur region, khalendzyan province walked around the street exposition, where participants presented their products and services, in particular dairy, meat, and fish products. also on
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the main street, lenin street, you could see an exhibition of special equipment, also in the ranks of the fair. and amur craftsmen presented their souvenirs and the workers of the vostochny cosmodrome brought them here to blagoveshchensk to please the guests with space food. there were guests from india at the fair who were impressed by what they saw. yes, i am exploring a new city and a new automotive world, automotive reality, because there are a lot of people here, there are a lot of goods that we make in india, and there is also something new, new sectors of the economy and traditions that exist between russia and china. attention federal authorities. this year , experts from the ministry of construction, the federation council, the state duma, the far east development corporation, roskachestvo, the ministry of east development, as well as large corporations and the scientific community are present here. the program includes 15 events, master classes, sessions, round
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tables, eight of them are of federal importance. amurexpo participants will discuss. the value of interstate partnership in a multipolar world, as well as the main issues of russian-chinese cooperation in far east, will discuss the prospects of international tourism and many other current topics, because the participants of the current amorex included not only guests from china, the provinces of helundzyan, laoning, dzelin, but also delegations from mongolia, india, pakistan, malaysia, singapore, and nepal. in general, the current amurek expo forum is a continuation of such events. high -level events that took place in china as part of vladimir putin’s state visit, i would like to remind you that our president visited the russian-chinese expo in harbin, as well as the harbin international trade and economic fair. the difference is that at the same time the exposition of the russian-chinese expo, which was recently held in harbin, is also being held in haich. in general, we
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agreed with our chinese partners and friends that this will happen annually. accordingly, on the two banks of the river within a few days there will be... another plenary meeting , the signing of the agreement has already begun, the regional government announced that it will host amurek expo, they will present the project of the russian-chinese business center federal significance. victoria satenko, alexander vasiliev. vesti, amur region. the uk is preparing a military aid package for ukraine worth 150 million pounds sterlin. the zasan newspaper writes about this with reference to
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the country's minister of defense. however, when kiev will receive the money is not specified. maria skrovilka has all the details. sedmiogradska street five is almost the center of warsaw. it is here, in one of these inconspicuous cozy houses, that children from ukraine are sold and bought. polish journalists publish an investigation. u... claim the ukrainian fund for helping refugees with the cheerful name podsoluki, under the leadership of the chairmen of the international criminal court of western ngos, is almost openly selling orphans living in the war zone to a buyer, of course, from the european union. the office is working, business is flourishing - reporters state. but those who incite conflict for the sake of money are familiar with such schemes. and no one needs ukrainians anyway. us senators are calling on biden to officially allow ukraine to fire weapons at the west. russian territories, and this will kill ukraine, experts believe. zelensky continues to harbor the hope that they will knock out all
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russian troops from ukraine before negotiations begin, but in reality the situation is diametrically opposite; the sooner kiev starts negotiations, the better for it. supporting the endless conflict in ukraine does not meet the interests of the united states, said american senator wentz, the united states has a bigger problem, biden’s health is failing, the head of the white house seems to be. does not understand what he is saying or where he is. okay, next, next question i get asked too. the ukrainian armed forces are demoralized and are retreating without a chance of victory, journalists state. now is the time for diplomacy. they are slowly retreating, they are losing territory, their army has collapsed. the troops are demoralized, they are in a terrible situation. well, no matter how much you feed zelensky, he still asks for money. kiev’s unknown song about how the west doesn’t help much, ukraine demands at least another 8 billion dollars, and they told kiev right now, ukrainians are just
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tired of the corrupt government, guys, and you don’t see the difference in these 2 years, no, how it all began and what it all came to, you don’t see the true face of our government, you don’t see the true face of the war, that this is a business, corruption is simply blooming, but the conversation about ukrainian nationalism is short at all.
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russia does not pose a threat to either france or europe, russia simply wants to protect itself from what began in 1414 on the maidan, and in general long before that in ukraine. german initiative to strengthen air defense. ukraine's defense has failed, writes politics. generous promises so they remained words, and although the minister of defense of the federal republic of germany, pistorius, is literally putting pressure on the ministry of finance, demanding that they give money to kiev. the head of the german ministry of finance, linder, stubbornly replies that his ministry is not a store where you can take and order taxpayers’ money, and then just pour it almost into the abyss. marya skrodilka, news. the delegations of russia, china, hungary and sixteen other countries voted against it.
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international day of reflection on the 1995 genocide in serebrenica was put forward by representatives germany and rwanda, according to resolution eleven. july is proclaimed an international day of reflection in remembrance of the genocide, which will be celebrated annually. the text of the document unconditionally condemns any
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denial of the genocide in srebryanica. among. of the countries that voted against are russia, china and hungary, although this resolution is not binding, its adoption threatens peace in the region, pushing the balkans towards confrontation, stated russian permanent representative vasily nebenzya. we warned the co-authors before the vote, even at that time, when they just started, they started promoting their project that things could end badly for them, it will not be seamless acceptance, it will not be consensus acceptance, it will expose wounds.
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however, the serbs do not agree with this, the authorities of the republika srpska will propose to the official sarajevo within a month a draft agreement on the peaceful delimitation of bosnia and herzegovina. the adopted resolution is based on the decision of the international court on the former yugoslavia, according to the version of what happened, promoted by the gaga tribunal. in srebrenica in july ninety in the fifth year, 800 bosnian muslims were allegedly killed, most of whom were said to be civilians. however, some experts believe. the data is inflated, the serbian side claims that the number of deaths is lower, most of them were military personnel, while official belgrade and baneluka admit the fact of the executions, but categorically oppose the term genocide. an international commission led by the famous israeli historian gideon greif also came to the conclusion that that the events in srebrenica cannot be called genocide. you can't throw around terms. genocide has rules that
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were determined by the jew. lemkin in 1948. sorry, but what happened in srebrryanytsya is not genocide. in addition, greif's team also investigated the fact that the hague tribunal ignored the massacres of serbs that took place in the vicinity of srebrenica from 1992 to 1995. during the attacks, according to conservative estimates , more than 3,000 local residents were killed. the current resolution on srebrenica also contains nothing about killed serbs. such a document clearly does not contribute to reconciliation. in the region. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau.
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when we went to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we
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stormed. they came there for the first time, they were tired of wounding me, all the bullets were out, one was in the basket, i didn’t have the strength to fight anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice , i will still be grateful to a stranger


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