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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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raw materials export, what is it, our product, we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the investigative committee continues to establish facts of genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war, including on the territory of the modern tver region. the barbaric methods of the nazis, who massacred civilians, are evidenced by witness testimony, archival materials and results. the investigation has reliably
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established that the population of the present tver region was subjected to executions during the war years torture, plunder, and theft into slavery. many people were kept in inhumane conditions in concentration camps. the lack of medical care and warm clothes and food led to mass mortality. the fastas destroyed and burned industrial enterprises, schools, hospitals and others. entire villages and collective farms were turned into ruins beyond restoration. the evidence collected by the russian investigative committee became yet another confirmation of the nazis’ deliberate extermination of the population of the soviet union. great britain is preparing a military aid package for ukraine worth £150 million. the sun newspaper writes about this with reference to the country's minister of defense. true, when... they will receive this
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money is not specified. maria skorodilka will continue the topic. sedmeogradska street 5 is almost the center of warsaw. it is here that children from ukraine are sold and bought in one of these inconspicuous cozy houses. polish journalists publish investigations. the ukrainian fund for assistance to refugees, the cheerful name of sunflowers, is approved, under the leadership of the chairmen of the international criminal court from western ngos, almost openly sell orphans living in the war zone. of course from the european union. the office is working, business is flourishing, reporters state. but those who incite conflict for the sake of money are familiar with such schemes. and no one needs ukrainians anyway. american senators are calling on biden to officially allow ukraine to fire western weapons at russian territories. and this will kill ukraine, experts believe. zelensky continues to hold out hope that they will get everything out of ukraine before negotiations begin. russian troops.
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you don’t see the difference in these 2 years, no, how it all started and what it all came to, you don’t see the true face of our government, you don’t see the true face of the war, that this is a business, corruption is just blooming, but about ukrainian nationalism ... the conversation is quite short, just tell me, kindly, tell me, the ukrainian language, what meaning does it carry today? i will answer this question if there is a dna examination of our entire vast ukrainian nation. i am sure that in odessa there are more than a million people who are now i interpret in ukrainian language.
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long before this in ukraine. germany's initiative to strengthen ukraine's air defense has failed, writes politics. generous promises remain just words, and although german defense minister pistorius is literally putting pressure on the ministry of finance, demanding that they give money to kiev. the head of the german ministry of finance , linder, stubbornly answers: his ministry is not a store where you can take and order taxpayers’ money, and then just pour it almost into the abyss. maria skradilka, news. and the shots that come in these moments, russian defense minister andrei belausov arrived in minsk for negotiations with his belarusian counterpart. it is known that the parties will discuss military-technical cooperation and ensuring the security of the union state. i will add that today a meeting is being held in minsk by the verkhov, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko will discuss
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security issues and exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. and now to the special operation zone. it remains one of the most tense areas. vdeevsky direction. over the past 24 hours, russian units occupied more advantageous positions there. tanks, artillery and motorized rifles help to repel enemy attacks and successfully move forward. footage of combat work in the report of our war correspondent alexei baranov. that's it, we're working, we're working. our film crew in the vicinity of belogorovka. the pace of combat work shows reality. here is the story of a combat participant with the call sign artie: it demoralizes the enemy, his moral and psychological state drops, he doesn’t want to go further forward there,
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or to defend this or that opornik, it’s often easier to give up and leave this supporter to go to your rear. artillery and tank crews of the central military district cope with the enemy's retaliatory strikes. nato equipment includes heavy tanks, artillery, and we also work on strongholds. the last kilometer on the erzha road, in a few minutes you will have to make your way through the forest clearings. this is infantry combat work. avdeevskoe direction.
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jesus christ and the love of god and the father and the communion of the holy spirit will be with you all. i'm a standard. well, why are you singing, you don’t belong here italy, and to the delicious point italy, roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings and ice delux mango papa, just eat, in italian, delicious point, thanks
12:40 pm
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the meat sauce is satisfying, hot, fills you with meat and noodles, the warm sunset over the rooftops, yes , life fills you with joy, hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your a chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. pro or glue it yourself for any ideas , metilan wallpaper glue, quickly mix, easy to apply, professionally glue, there are many ideas for wallpaper, the glue is always metallan tekno - common 30 series of smartphones, amazingly clear photos and videos in 4k resolution. new series of smartphones 30 from techno, a story in every frame. this is sasha. it
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is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. but vanya will never force himself wait. start cool. a smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow, share
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all your love, it will come back to you more than once, hello to me, hello to me. please pay, please, or you can with a smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely, conveniently with sberpay, cool stuff, thank you, pairs of roman burger and roman burger with chicken at a good price, in italian, delicious, period. in russia, chemist day will be celebrated on may 26.
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the solemn date will coincide this year with another one - the 50th anniversary of the tobolsk petrochemical industry. for that over time, the village has experienced many ups and downs. however, today the production of polymers is only gaining momentum. the country's largest petrochemical complex is located in tobolsk. zap, sib neftikhim. it’s hard to imagine about the path traveled and promising projects in... russia, which produces 2.5 million tons of polymer per year, but
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once upon a time our country bought this raw material mainly from abroad. tyumen region, tobolsk. today it is called the capital of russian polymers. every second ton of polyethylene and polypropylene is produced here. country. two of the three most popular and widespread polymers in the world. the tobolsk petrochemical industry has become a real phenomenon, unique in production for the soviet union and... having survived the devastation and decline of the nineties, it was revived in the midst of the siberian tag and became a symbol of the reboot of the entire industry. over the past 10 years or so , construction has continued here in several stages. its size is amazing, it’s like a small city, the toboy petrochemical cluster includes 10 huge main and service production facilities, created in different eras. the last two decades have seen explosive growth as
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an opportunity to create products with great high added value. we have moved from the second ten to the first and are even approaching the top five. the launch of zapsibneftim allowed russia, for the first time in its history, to become a net exporter not only of polypropylene, but of polyethylene, which received great support from the state. all this together made it possible to contribute. great contribution to the development of russian exports, established support ecosystem provided in the twenty-first year a historical record in terms of neither raw materials nor energy exports. its value amounted to $194 billion, the main contribution being made by the metallurgy,
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chemistry and mechanical engineering industries. polymers today are among the most necessary materials for humanity, literally the basis of the modern technological structure; eight out of ten items in the world are created from them: clothing, telephones, cars, most medical products, building materials, with potential for the development of petrochemicals in russia large, as statistics show, polymer consumption per year per capita in russia is 30 kg, while in china it is 52 kg, while... all polymer products are in demand today in russia, we produce more than 50 brands of basic polymers, various destination, this is an alternative that is now replacing imported raw materials, so this is also our uniqueness; in general, we can produce more than 100 brands of various products depending on market needs. 22 on
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the territory of zapsibneftikhim it was launched the only production of malic anhydride in russia (by the end of 2023 , 80% of the russian market's needs for it are met by this enterprise. man is used in more than twenty industries from agriculture, transport to the food industry and pharmaceuticals. seburg is constantly working on the development of the tobolsk site. now a new polypropylene production plant is being built. after the project is completed, russia is one of the five largest polypropylene producers in the world. the enterprise will become part of an already existing complex. zapsibneftikhim. which will allow the use of its energy and logistics infrastructure. the total volume of products that will be produced at the dgp-2 installations is propane 570,000 tons, polypropylene 550,000 tons. in august last year, we began driving piles. currently, all piling work will be completed by the end of may. this is
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29,800 pieces. work is underway to pour concrete below zero and... installation of precast reinforced concrete. the launch of the new plant is expected in 2027, which will create more than 350 jobs and 2,000 in related industries. today zapsimneftikhim is an enterprise that ensures the development of not only tabolsk, but the entire region as a whole. this is our largest investor, our reliable social partner, one of the largest employers and one of the largest tax payers to our regional budget. these are ours. great friends, we see great prospects for the development of the industrial site itself, since its potential has not yet been fully exhausted. soon a scientific and innovation center will appear at zapsib neftikhimi, where they will study and simulate the processes of obtaining new species polymers, a project that sibor has been working on for some time, becomes doubly relevant in the context of the task, which
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was voiced by the russian prime minister a few days ago, to localize the production of composite parts for various... industries, including automobile production. we will not be able to predict without going through this niche of pilot testing. if we are talking about polypropylene, then this is mainly related to giving the material impact-resistant characteristics, so that the impact resistance of the materials is high, for example, one of the areas is the development of frost-resistant compounds for the automotive industry. for the same bumpers, today engineers and scientists from all over the country come to work at zapsib neftikhim, they continue the glorious traditions that were laid down by the outstanding chemists dmitry mendeleev, a native of tobolsk. tobolsk received new development thanks to petrochemicals exactly 50 years ago in 1974
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, the all-union komsomol strike construction of a complex for processing associated petroleum gas began in the city. earlier this by-product was burned, which caused great harm to the environment. first they launched the production of butadiene, then other products. leonid kokan is one of the veterans of the enterprise. today he is a construction expert. a new plant for the production of polypropylene, the gradual development of this site allowed me to grow as a specialist and as a city, and most importantly , my children grew up here. initially , the enterprise planned to produce rubber, but due to financial difficulties in the nineties, production was on the verge of bankruptcy, until in 1999 it became part of sibur, after which serious modernization began, the approach to the development of the tobolsk site was changed, the demand for basic polymers was growing confidently despite a large shortage of these materials in the country, so the company chose the production of the most
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popular ones as a priority types of plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene. the total investment in tobolsk miya is about 1 trillion rubles. in the modern world economy , a stable trend in the development of polymer materials has formed; it will continue to further develop without widespread use. ry materials and composites, on their basis it is impossible to create new generations of equipment in aviation, in space, in the defense industry, in the automotive industry, in construction, in the implementation of 3d technologies, everywhere, one of the main development factors will be the introduction of new materials, which is primarily should be ensured by the development of petrochemical production. sibor opened the first tobolsk polymer production in the thirteenth year. capacity 500,000 tons polypropylene per year, at that time it was the largest investment project in the modern history of the domestic petrochemical industry. leonid kokon did not even imagine that he
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would work on such high-tech equipment. what i see in new productions is space in general. the operator sees all parameters on the displays, which allows him to do so in a timely manner. make a decision, even sometimes the computer suggests the most optimal options for the technological process. now at the enterprises of the tobolsk cluster sibur they are actively using another technology of the future - artificial intelligence, including for diagnosing equipment malfunctions. at the same time, the company has been using predictive analytics systems for a long time. smart technologies have also made it possible to streamline the routine tasks of many specialists, from procurement to polymer modeling.
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and the most technologically advanced solutions at all stages of production and control, because thousands of manufacturers of goods, in turn
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millions of consumers, depend on the output of the tobolsk complex. now we are with you we are at two of the fastest filling machines in the world. the speed of each machine is 2,400 bags per hour, and the weight of each bag is 25 kg. sibor introduced the most advanced technologies not only in the field of production. safety, efficiency, but also ecology. initially, when designing a large new plant, the best available technologies were used, so our enterprise has implemented technologies such as smokeless flares, there are local installations that already purify wastewater within the perimeter of the installations, then they are transferred complex cleaning facilities, there is reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, closed circulation cycle. in principle, petrochemicals can be. we are located in a unique territory where, literally next to the plant , there are a large number of plants, which are also bioindicators,
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and they are excellent. our state allows us to claim that our large plant is environmentally friendly, with the arrival of the company tobolsk itself is actively developing, thanks to sibor an airport appeared in the twenty-first year, last year it received about 50,000 passengers, today you can go to 10 cities, the most popular destinations are moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, and the majority are tourists. there are a lot of attractions in tobolsk. century, it is the only one on the territory of western siberia, the apothecary and alexander gardens, and the market square have acquired a new look. by order of sibur, the architectural bureau wofhaus developed a master plan for the city; by 2030 , it is planned to develop the city embankment with a beach, build a concert hall, open several parks, and restore ancient building. the whole project was conceived with the active participation of residents who expressed their views
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. there is an old lower town, the so-called lower town, which, in fact , was tobolsk, where there are beautiful houses, but this is essentially a territory built in, this part of the city should come to life, it began to come to life, there is also an embankment there, which we designed so that there would be points of attraction, so that people would immediately go there, there are two main such centers, this is a city hall and an impression center where people they look, what is siberia, how does it affect the weather in general? on the ground, why the glacier will stop there. significant investments have been made in the social sphere; a specialized gymnastics center was opened for the first time in tobolsk; it is equipped with everything necessary to raise champions; about 600 children are trained there. a major renovation of the first building of one of the largest schools in the city, number 16, was completed. thanks to our cooperation, we are able to improve it every year.
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urban environment, improve living conditions, the opportunity to engage in physical education, this just kind of changes the standard of quality of life in tabalik and gives confidence to the employees of the zapsipneftim company, and in general to our citizens, not to leave our city, not to look for an alternative. financial support from sibor and participation in city programs for... allowed tobolsk to rise in the ranking for the quality of the urban environment from 64 to sixth place in the category of a medium-sized city with a population of 50 to 1000 people. a sociological study showed that local residents do not want leave stobolsk. and the number of tourists is growing. last year alone, tourist flow here increased by 40%. local authorities expect that in 1930 they will already receive more than a million guests.
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joint military exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons will be discussed by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, and the prospects for integration within the union state will also include key issues of international politics. vladimir putin arrived in minsk the night before, immediately after a meeting with the government and after his arrival it was already a short time talked with alexander lukashenko in an informal format.


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