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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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countries, they even issued medals for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the victory, we talked about this, on this medal there are three banners, three flags of the united states, great britain and france, we are not there, we are erased from memory, we are erased from history, they don’t want to see us as winners, in september 1919 , the european parliament recognized the ussr as being responsible for the outbreak of world war ii. war, this means that in their opinion, we, along with nazi germany , are to blame for the deaths of up to 80 million people around the world, we are to blame for the holocaust, we, this that, just like that, a reservation, nothing, this is pushing the world towards this window into movement, which we interfere with, our existence interferes, and note that everything is used. and the illegal
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coup in ukraine, and the betrayal of the minsk agreements, and the death of people in the burning house of trade unions on may 2, 1914, the explosion of the nord stream, and the murder of our citizens, and the terror attack on the crimean bridge, this includes everything, they do not disdain anything, it is surprising that this is also, by the way... the legacy of hitler’s reich, look, i’ll read it to you one document, this is an order, it is called on the use of military jurisdiction and on special measures of troops, it sounds like this: for actions committed by personnel and service personnel against enemy civilians, there will be no mandatory prosecution, even in cases where these actions ...
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are a war crime or misdemeanor, this is an order, it was signed on may 13 , 1941, and it was adopted on the personal orders of hitler, that is, impunity towards the civilian population is embedded in the ideology, embedded in the rules, aren’t we we see that this is happening today before our eyes, and the worst thing is, and this... the huge victory of the anglo-saxon world is that the russians are killing russians, that is, they managed to push together, with our largely connivance, the slavic peoples, people who studied according to to the same textbooks that read the poems of pushkin, krylov, read tolstoy, and these people today kill each other, with the only difference, we protect our own. "we defend donbass, we defend
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russia, which is defended by those who are fighting today in on the other side, every day huge amounts of money were spent on instilling hatred of the russian people in our country, and that as a result, we all know how volunteers are recruited, we all know how many people surrender, how many people try to escape from war, swim across the tisa, there were already about 30 corpses taken from this river, those people who fled from the war, fled from being a participant in the meat assault, to becoming cannon fodder, to being an uncleaned corpse, decomposing on the ukrainian black soil, and it's really so, because with all the propaganda it is very difficult to understand why they are fighting, why they should die? listen to a russian soldier
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who speaks a language that is understandable to all parties, listen, the russian-speaking ukrainians have a question, what are you fighting for, for freedom, we can bet, you can’t leave the country for free, they also canceled demobilization, that is, go one way, is that really freedom, for land, so sold from...
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that's what they do, you saw such construction there in libya, in iraq, somewhere, in my opinion, many countries want their russia occupied. quite interesting documents that indicate that organ transplantation in ukraine was put on stream; the very first dorners were soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. each vssushnik, when he passed the medical examination, supposedly filled out this document, this is a document of consent for
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organ transplantation, a complete personal file was opened on him, so that if this person was dropped, it would be possible to understand which organ could be removed and which recipient it would be suitable for, the date here is worth one thing year, all the people here... are from the same unit, in fact soldiers and they didn’t know that they had given consent, because uh, as we see, in all the documents there ’s this stamp, it’s not even a signature, it’s just like a seal, it served as a definite signal that yes, something can be done from this person - then take it, he is healthy and can meet many criteria for the body, according to prisoners of war of the armed forces of ukraine, he moved in armored vehicles like these... medical staff, namely foreign ones, these are germans, poles, when they see such a car, the soldiers immediately have this caused a feeling of panic, because on these the people who arrived in cars were the ones who were engaged in disassembling seriously wounded soldiers for organs. listen, well, there are things that
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are called by their proper names, well , isn’t this international terrorism and paid for, finally... such a process was launched in our country on march 27 of this year by a group of deputies of the state duma of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, andrey krasov, yana lantratova, alexander dugin and andrei dergach, an appeal was sent to the prosecutor general's office , the investigative committee of the russian federation. in addition, this appeal was sent to the united states department of justice, the federal department of justice. germany to the ministry of justice and public order of the republic of cyprus, to the ministry of justice of the french republic. the statement is based on the norms of international law; it is a very serious, very thoughtful, very detailed document, which examines
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a huge number of terrorist financing schemes and terrorist acts themselves. look here. nord stream explosion, attempted murder of zakhar prilepin, daria's death dugina, the murder of ladlen tatarsky. all these facts are described in our statement. biden’s son and biden himself is actually a business partner of a company in ukraine, which donated a fairly impressive amount of money, including for an army of drones. which is used for bombing our border territories, bombing donbass. we are talking about the well-known feeder of the biden family, the ukrainian company burisma. it was founded by the former minister of natural resources of ukraine nikolai zlachevsky. 2 months after the maidan to the board of directors burisma included the son of us vice president joseph
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biden hunter, a close family friend of secretary of state john kerry devon archer, the former head of the cia counter-terrorism center, joseph koferb and the ex-president of poland. to the company rossamon seneca, this is a company that is affiliated and owned by biden's son, where he received money. 6 million in cash, that is, cash, were transferred
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to ukrainian law enforcement officers to close the burizma case. it was all documented; the person who transmitted it was caught on camera. these funds, it was one of the employees companies burizma, kicha, a certain lawyer. all of europe looked at the largest bribe of 6 million dollars, these 6 million dollars were seized. and were eternal evidence until a certain period of time. by a closed court decision, a secret court decision that we provided, this money was transferred to the disposal of the gur military unit for carrying out terrorist activities, after that the northern streams began to explode there, after that dugin’s terrorist attack was attached, a series of terrorist attacks began, so it’s kind of traced here the whole chain of doubts about this there are none. or rather, the partners of the biden family sponsored terrorism while evading responsibility for corruption and money laundering
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on the territory of ukraine. that is, at that time, in 2014, the son of joe biden, who at that moment was obama’s vice president, is on the board of directors of the ukrainian gas production company drilling. you yourself understand perfectly well that this is already a violation when politics and politics are mixed. business, taking into account the ability of a high-ranking politician to influence his son’s business. and that’s when it turns out that burisma, in fact, is engaged in money laundering and withdrawal of funds to offshore companies, and the then current prosecutor general in ukraine, viktor shokin , initiates a criminal case against burisma. well, everything seems to be legal. but it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, because you can
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, with one click, to a person who has nothing to do with ukraine, remove the prosecutor general, and also boast about it, look, i received a promise from poroshenko and yatsenyuk that they will take action against prosecutor, they didn't do it, here they are enter the press conference, i’m like: no, we won’t give you a billion dollars, they say: you don’t have such powers, you’re not the president, the president promised us, and i say: call him, i’m telling you, you won’t get a billion dollars, i said, you won’t get a billion, i’m already leaving in 6 hours, i looked at my watch, if the prosecutor is not fired in 6 hours, you won’t get the money, sons of bitches, and he was fired, now broadcast from minsk.
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this was a broadcast from minsk, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the victory monument, we we are closely following the president’s visit to
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belarus, we will return to this topic later, now the continuation of the besagon program. that zelensky is aware of everything, all the frauds that the biden snake carried out, has the opportunity to blackmail them with this knowledge of his, why not, it is quite possible, as a result of april 9, based on the results of checking the statement, the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case on the fourth part of article 205, paragraph one of the criminal code of the russian federation, financing terrorism, they say that terrorism has no nationality, well, you know, by the way, we even argued with this, remember one of the issues of our bisagon, but still, on the other hand, there is a nationality
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of terrorism, for example, it could be either an african american, for example, or it could be an indian or... a european or an american, in principle, this is the real international diasporaism, what is amazing, what is this impunity, it is blatant, it, it is not even hidden by anything, and many probably , so to speak, relate to this document, which was signed by our deputies, with a sufficient amount of irony and sarcasm, even, well, who will consider this? "nothing, nothing, nothing, sooner or later, it has to happen. let us remember the words of lincoln, you can deceive part of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time. in this case, we
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mean humanity, as such, it’s impossible to deceive him all the time, i think, and it’s amazing, look at how intertwined and overlapping events are. today with the events of long ago . look, compare the logic of another quote from adolf hitler. when assessing such actions, it is necessary to take into account the defeat in 1918 and the period of suffering that followed. of the russian people, as well as the struggle against national socialism, which required countless bloody sacrifices, were the result of bolshevik influence.
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exactly one of the few remaining monuments in honor of the victory over hitler’s germany was demolished, it was called the monument of eternal glory, look, under the vicon, it’s approaching
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they are breaking this monument, promising that the metal from which this monument was made will be used for the needs of the ussr, that is, in other words, from this monument, which was erected in honor of the victory of our common victory over germany. bullets can be cast that will kill the descendants of those who won this war, ours, ours, just imagine the ominousness of this situation, but unfortunately, the trouble is that we ourselves, with our own hands and actions, give reason for distortion and distortion of the real ... stories, take at least katyn case, i want to remind you: in 1943, the german ministry of propaganda under
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the leadership of goebbels reported that in the katyn forest of the smolensk region, a mass grave of polish officers was found, and the ussr was to blame for this, that is, the country with which germany waged a fierce war. by the way, that's it. the germans took the documents to germany, when the red army began to approach, they simply burned them. by the end of the forty -third year, smolensk was liberated, and a commission led by academician nikolai burdenok began investigating. at german bullets were found hiding these burials. in addition, letters that were written after arrival. germans. the commission came to the conclusion that the dead were prisoners who did not have time to be evacuated during the retreat; they ended up in territory
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occupied by the germans and were shot by the nazis. the katyn massacre appears in the indictment of the international tribunal in nuremberg. section three. a war crime is exactly what it sounds like. in september 1941 in...
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we are broadcasting live from the palace
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independence in minsk, where it takes place. this is an official ceremony with the participation of the presidents of russia and belarus. let me remind you that vladimir putin is in belarus on an official visit. let me remind you that today is the main day of negotiations that the russian-belarusian presidents are holding in minsk; this is the second foreign trip for the russian head of state after taking office.
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let me remind you that we are broadcasting live from minsk, where a ceremony is taking place in the palace of independence with the participation of the president of russia and the presidents of russia and belarus, vladimir putin is in minsk on an official visit. it is expected that the lizras will communicate, first in a narrow and then in an expanded format; in the footage we saw that the president is accompanied by a fairly large government delegation.
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it was not possible to consider everyone who is part of the delegation, but i think that we will still have such an opportunity during the broadcast today .


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