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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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so, negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko began in minsk. today is the main day of the russian president’s two-day visit to belarus. first, he took part in the ceremony of laying a wreath at the victory monument, almost in memory of those killed during the great patriotic war. then, in the ceremonial part, a meeting with the participation of the rospochetny karaua and the performance of the russian anthem. a traditional joint ceremony took place there.
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consideration by our governments, but today is precisely the occasion to hear what has already we have made connections with our instructions, and there are one and a half or two issues that we need to resolve, we will also listen to the specialists, they will report to us, we are in constant contact, we meet regularly in constant communication, well, what are the stages?
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we have the opportunity now to assess what has been done, what is happening now and what should be done in the near future , to outline specific joint steps for our movement forward, for the development of our state. ukrainian military intelligence is involved in the terrorist attack in crocus near moscow sithole, fsb head alexander bortnikov stated this at a meeting. council of heads of security agencies and special services of the cis state. the meeting took place in deshkek. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime. more than twenty persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. during the investigation, including with the direct assistance of our colleagues from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan, it was established that preparatory actions.
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terrorist financing, attack and retreat were coordinated via the internet by members of the velayat-khirasan group located in the afghan-pakistani zone. two of the four participants in the attack arrived in russia from turkey shortly before the terrorist attack. upon completion of the capture, the terrorists received a clear command to move to the ukrainian border, where a window had been prepared on that side. also, according to bortnikov, the kiev regime. western pressure disrupts any peace initiatives, and nato countries facilitate the transfer of mercenaries and terrorists to ukraine. the ukrainian authorities are not having real opportunities to achieve their goals on the battlefield, they switched to total terror. systematic shelling of civilians and civilian infrastructure in russian regions is underway. sabotage raids are being carried out in our border areas. the ukrainian intelligence services are conducting active recruitment work to... attract
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young people and teenagers into terrorist activities by promoting pro-ukrainian nationalist formations on social networks. we record the ongoing, with the assistance of nato countries, massive transfer to ukraine mercenaries and militants of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa and afghanistan. some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in... the terrorist attack in svetiholi is another attempt by russia’s opponents to destabilize the situation in our country, according to the director of the foreign intelligence service. sergei naryshkin also participated in a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and special services. naryshkina spoke about the reaction of western elites to the successes of the russian army. the western elites are in such a certain, certain confusion caused by the fact that... they have realized the fact
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that the strategic initiative on the battlefield at the front has completely transferred to the armed forces. russian federation. cooperation in the space sector was discussed today by the heads of relevant departments of the brix countries. on the agenda, first of all, the safety of space activities, as well as joint programs. the head of ruscosmos, yuri borisov, is discussing these and other issues with the leaders today space agencies of brazil, china, ethiopia and south africa at bilateral meetings. we will find out more details from our correspondent evgeniy nito, he is now in direct contact with the studio. evgeniy, hello, how are they planning within the brix framework?
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meetings with representatives of ethiopia and china are also expected, and i apologize, there have already been meetings with representatives of egypt, and meetings with representatives of yura and brazil are expected ahead. first of all, the emphasis is on discussing peace initiatives. russia has always consistently acted and continues to advocate for the peaceful exploration of space in the interests of all humanity. and not so long ago, let me remind you, a resolution was proposed in the un security council to ban the placement of weapons. in space, this resolution was blocked by western countries, which once again showed that russia’s peace initiatives are being blocked, and western countries are trying to put russia in an unsightly light and attribute those initiatives to plans that our country does not have; i repeat, russia
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consistently advocates exclusively peaceful initiatives for space exploration space. as you know, we introduced the resolution very shortly. i also mentioned above the exchange of data from the earth remote sensing system, representatives of the brix countries who arrived at this forum in
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moscow are showing great interest in this, and it is also already known that in 2023 , within the framework of a special agreement that was concluded earlier, russia and five brix countries exchanged data on 27 million km of the earth's surface, let me remind you, more than the territory of russia, this data is very interesting, i repeat, for our countries, within milky way initiative, this initiative is designed to monitor non -man-made and non-human-made space objects, such as asteroids and others, that may pose a danger to the planet, so russia invites countries to cooperate.
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both natural and artificial objects, but we are talking about protection from debris or from asteroids, such a system can only be built in the form of a global system, the fact is that many... information sensors are needed on the ground, in different areas of the globe, plus to that space components to provide reliability for decision-making in the event of approaching some dangerous objects. and of course, russia offers partners cooperation on manned programs, as well as on the development of constellations of satellites, it was also mentioned, the development of the segment was also mentioned. the future ros station specifically for the brics countries or national segments, that is, russia has competencies that it is ready to share with its partners. we have outlined a very wide range of issues with newly entered into brih country with ethiopia.
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we will sign a memorandum in the near future and develop a roadmap on all relevant issues. we have deepened our relationship with the chinese side. today are not very constructive and dynamic in nature, which pleases the chinese side, we will continue in this direction, and the negotiations are quite good...
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but this is about 18 billion rubles, which i think is not enough, we need to work more to ensure that our relations in the investment sphere, in the trade and economic sphere, in scientific-technological, cultural-humanitarian developed, we also talked about our education, as the education of students, about them, by the way, from turkmenistan, more than 4,000 are studying in russia, 7,500 are on scholarships of the russian... government, and so we talked about the continuation our cooperation, building russian
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schools, opening branches, institutes, universities. and then mikhail mishustin took part in a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis. it was held first in a narrow format, and then in an expanded format. mikhail mishustin said: that trade turnover in the cis has increased by 2/3 over 4 years. and in the near future, russia will ratify an agreement on free trade, services and investments within the cis. in june it will also come into force for belarus. the russian prime minister of tajikistan also emphasized that the commonwealth countries will continue dialogue with friendly states and associations. we consider the development of our humanitarian ties as a priority. our countries have a rich heritage and unique culture. we are careful about preserving our common history, traditions, spiritual and moral values. all this is the basis of our dialogue, but the main thing is our fraternal peoples. we are always interested in strengthening such interaction and launching new joint projects. we thank
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our cis partners for their active participation in international events held in russia. deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev held a meeting on the flood and fire hazard situation. it was attended by the heads of the hydrometeorological center, resource development and roslikhoz. serious scientific basis, processing. economic complex, the construction industry, and finally with transport and energy, and of course the most important thing is that
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the safety of our people depends on your forecast, we discussed the current situation in the regions, the most difficult situation remains in the tyumen and omsk regions, floods are actively developing in yakutia, and one of the key topics of the meeting was the issue of forest fires. at the moment, the most difficult situation is in transbaikalia, if we speak in general for the russian federation, then the number of forest fires, the area covered by fire is now lower than on the same date last year, but we proceed from the fact that our forecast for the forest fire situation for the coming months is negative and it carries very significant risks, therefore.
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spoke out against the un general assembly resolution on the events in srebrrenica. the resolution was adopted the day before, despite the fact that more than half of the countries that voted either abstained or voted against. the document was supported by 84 countries. representatives of russia have repeatedly stated that the text of the resolution has nothing to do with perpetuating the memory of the victims and will only lead to increased tension in the region. our own
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correspondent daria grigorova found out why. we now begin the voting process. there were more people who opposed and abstained in total than those who voted in favor. 87 against 84, but this was still enough to pass the resolution, these are the rules. the president of serbia at a meeting of the general assembly stated that the resolution was exclusively political in nature. this is something that will only stir up old wounds and will lead to complete political chaos , not only in our region, but even here in this room. a document that is formal. called the international day of reflection on the 1995 genocide in serebryanitsa, was put forward for consideration by representatives of germany and rwanda. among the countries that voted against are russia, china and hungary. although this resolution is not binding, its adoption threatens peace in the region, pushing the balkans towards confrontation. this was stated by
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russia's permanent representative vasily nebenzya. we warned co-authors before voting, back when they were just starting out. began to promote their project that things could end badly for them, it will not be unproblematic acceptance, it will not be consensus acceptance, it will expose the wounds of genocides that have not been mentioned, such as in many countries where such events took place, and that it will open a pandora's box , after voting in response to the scandalous resolution , the following inscription has already appeared on the main belgrade skyscraper: we are not a genocidal people, in the opinion of belgrade and bani luka, the adopted resolution calls the serbs a people from... this first of all raises the question of the legitimacy of the existence of the republika srpska within bosnia and herzegovina and may even lead to its abolition, the serbs do not agree with this. the authorities of republika srpska will propose to the official sarajevo within a month a draft agreement on the peaceful delimitation of bosnia and herzegovina. after 30 days, a countdown will be presented to the federation
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of bosnia and herzegovina as a signatory to the dayton peace agreement, outlining our proposal for dissolution. bosnia and herzegovina. the adopted resolution is based on the decision of the international court for the former yugoslavia, according to the version of what happened, promoted by the gaga tribunal in srebrjanica in july 1995, 8.0 bosnian muslims were allegedly killed, most of whom were allegedly civilians. however, some experts consider these data to be overestimated. the serbian side claims that the death toll is lower, most of them were military personnel, while official... an international commission led the famous israeli historian gideon greif also came to the conclusion that the events in srebrrenica cannot be called genocide. you can't throw around terms. genocide has rules, which were defined by jewish lawyer raphael lemkin in 1948. sorry, but what happened in
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srebrenica is not genocide. in addition, greif's team also investigated the fact that... the kak tribunal ignored the massacres of serbs that took place in the vicinity of srebrenica from 1992 to 1995. during the attacks on the most according to conservative estimates, more than 3,000 local residents died. the current resolution on srebrenica also contains nothing about the killed serbs. such a document clearly does not contribute to reconciliation in the region. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau. ex-commander of the 58th. and ivan popov was brought to court, the general’s defense plans to appeal his arrest and will ask for a mitigation of the preventive measure of detention under house arrest. let me remind you that popov is accused of particularly large-scale fraud; according to investigators, he involved in the theft of more than 1,700 tons of rolled metal products purchased by the administration of the zaporozhye region. these materials were intended for equipping engineering
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defensive structures on the line of combat contact. their cost is over 130. russia and a copy of the victory banner. in the special operation zone, an ukrainian armed forces facility is destroyed by portable artillery. this is what our soldiers call the fagot anti-tank missile systems. they hit targets at a distance of up to four. kilometers, so you have to work close to the enemy’s position. from the south special operations sector, reporting by stanislav vasilchenko. this small tube, apparently
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reminiscent of a hand grenade, is in fact a universal portable artillery, powerful and accurate like a sniper rifle, the fagot anti-tank missile system, capable of destroying any targets and not only armored combat vehicles. guided missiles are used to destroy enemy fortifications, mortars, machine gun nests, snipers and other targets, etc. for example, a similar karnet complex can even eliminate an air target, two flew enemy turntables, one of our operators, well , spotted it, well, we had to catch the time, when they appear, they quickly left, got lost, at that moment he caught them , launched them, hit them, the turntable fell, the fagod hits targets at a distance of up to 4 km, so crews often... work in the direct line of sight of the enemy, due to the high efficiency of this weapon, fighters are always the primary target, and in order to destroy it, the enemy is ready to use any weapon. three bradleys drove up and
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disembarked from there somewhere, well, a man probably 20, well, they quickly loaded it, i opened this one, fired three high-explosive missiles at them, the bird fired at us and this was already the same, they opened fire on us, they took us and fired about 31 shells at us. drones are the main enemy of atgm crews. they can not only direct artillery, but also attack anti-tank forces themselves. therefore, fighters approach the issue of camouflage as responsibly as possible. in addition, they are covered by special equipment. to predict how the enemy will act, the following installation is used, which received the name cheburashka. with its help , images from an enemy drone are transmitted to these screens. if necessary, the picture can be replaced to disorient the enemy. drone operators are also helping anti-tank crews, recording
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that a separate anti-tank artillery piece hit a division within the dnepr group of troops and hit dozens of enemy equipment, repelling the summer counter-offensive of the ukrainian army... the uk is preparing a package of military assistance for ukraine worth 150 million pounds sterlin, writes sun newspaper with reference to the country's minister of defense. however, when kiev will receive the money is not specified. the topic will be continued by maria skorodilka. sedmegradskaya street 5, almost. the center of warsaw, right here, in one of these inconspicuous cozy houses, children from ukraine are sold and bought. polish journalists are publishing an investigation, claiming that the ukrainian fund
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for helping refugees with the cheerful name sunflowers, under the leadership of the chairmen of the international criminal court from western ngos, is almost openly selling orphans living in the war zone, buyers, of course, from the european union, the office is working, business is flourishing, reporters state, but to those who incite conflict... such schemes are familiar for the sake of money, but no one needs ukrainians anyway. american senators are calling on biden to officially allow ukraine to fire weapons at russian territories from the west, and this will kill ukraine, experts believe. zelensky continues to hold out hope that they will drive all russian troops out of ukraine before negotiations begin. but in reality the situation is diametrically opposite. the sooner kiev starts negotiations, the better for it. supporting endless conflict. but in ukraine does not meet us interests, said us senator vance. the united states has a bigger problem, biden’s health is failing, the head of the white house does not seem to understand what he is saying and where
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he is. okay, next, next question, i ask too. and they retreat without a chance of victory, journalists state. now is the time for diplomacy. they are slowly retreating, they are losing territory.
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"i will answer this question if there is dna examination of our entire vast ukrainian nation. i am sure that in odessa there are more than a million people, who are now widely interpreted in ukrainian language, in percentage
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terms , more than 3% up to the fifth generation. the ukrainian armed forces fighter chose primarily for security purposes, because there are known cases when, when trying to surrender, ukrainian militants were cynically shot by their own colleagues, this time everything looked like an ordinary combat exit, but at some point the tank rushed towards russian units, which had already been warned about this.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is with me, a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, me, why adam, and not adam, chechen, me, artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing like...
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brusiy, lively, we don’t need names, she’s not worth it, or what? don’t touch me, it’s not yours, well, you’re a little girl, god’s light, go to the machine gun, there’s something to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no, my brother is behind me, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia. russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.


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