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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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in this regard , i cited the latest tragic event in slovakia as an example and indication of what such a high level of tension in society, even in europe, can lead to. according to sociologists' research, 60% of georgians support the adoption of a law on foreign influence. as deputies from the parliamentary majority say, the west is now harshly trying to persuade the georgian authorities to repeal the already adopted law and is simply resorting to blackmail.
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our country were needed only to govern it. in fact, the scandalous law in the final reading was already adopted, but the benefits and privileges that were provided to the president of georgia solome zurabishvili vetoed it, in fact, a formality, because the parliament of georgia will launch a procedure for overcoming the president’s veto on may 27, which will require a simple majority of votes of deputies. the opposition is already announcing protests, which will traditionally take place near the parliament building and...
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from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and with the direct assistance of our colleagues in uzbekistan, it has been established that preparatory actions, financing, attack and withdrawal of terrorists were coordinated via the internet by members of the velayat-khirasan group located in the afghan-pakistan zone. two of the four participants in the attack arrived in russia from turkey shortly before the terrorist attack. upon completion of the catch, the terrorists received
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a much wider geography of their activities, but what is worth, the recent attempt to remove the slovak prime minister robert fitz, who was disliked by the liberal euro-atlantic elite, who dared to speak out in defense national interests. his country,
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the interests of his people. the situation in ukraine, the connections of the kiev regime with western intelligence services and international maternalist organizations. at the meeting in bishkek, they paid special attention to all this, and as alexander bortnikov said, kiev, under pressure from the west, is thwarting any peace initiatives, and nato countries are facilitating the transfer of mercenaries and terrorists to ukraine. the ukrainian special services are conducting an active recruitment drive. work to involve youth and teenagers through propaganda of pro-ukrainian nationalist formations on social networks, we record the ongoing mass transfer of mercenaries and militants of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa and afghanistan to ukraine with the assistance of nato countries. some of them are used for further terrorist expansion. to
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defense in the kharkov direction. our colleague has the latest information about special operations denis alekseev. yes, denis, welcome, if we dwell on the statements of the ministry of defense, what are they saying to the department? yes, welcome. the russian ministry of defense today summed up the work of our groups over the past week; three settlements in the zone of responsibility of the south group were liberated. footage has appeared. from one of them, kleshcheevka, you can see how our artillery is carrying out targeted strikes on positions. ssu. it is a well-known fact: high-precision laser -guided projectiles are often used in krasnopol. fpv drones regularly are being connected to support our assault groups. it can be seen that the militants retreated in a hurry, abandoning the wounded and dead. the culmination of the cleansing of the settlement and its complete transition to
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russian control was the appearance of the tricolor and the victory banner. within a week, units of the southern group of troops actively liberated three settlements. belogorovka, kleshcheevka and andreevka of the donetsk people's republic and continued to advance into the depths of the enemy's defense. they defeated the personnel and equipment of seven brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. and four air defense brigades. the enemy in this direction lost up to 3.285 in a week. seven tanks, 13 armored combat vehicles, 46 vehicles, 32 field artillery pieces, of which 27 were western-made. in addition, 10 field ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. and here are also interesting shots from the donetsk direction. it's no secret that vsushniki tutus. surrender on all fronts, turn on the radio, call the call sign, the famous volga forward with
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raised hands towards the russian military, but to do this on a tank, which without that, there is a shortage of higher education personnel, the ukrainian tankman thought of everything in advance, agreed with our soldiers, grabbed the tank so that everything looked like it was going on a combat mission, in the end the wind was higher and hello, new life, accepted, everything is fine, yes, everything, new life begins. the ministry of defense reported that 67 ukrainian armed forces soldiers defected to the russian side during the week. the center grouping unit continues to consolidate its success in the avdeevka direction. 41 repulsed counterattacks in a week. in attempts to regain their position, the armed forces lost 3.00 personnel. now the kharkov region, the area of ​​​​responsibility of the north group, russian k-52 and mi-35 helicopters struck with unguided missiles at... a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine, on the ground the advance of our troops is supported by artillerymen. stormtroopers
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are establishing themselves meter by meter in the vicinity of volchansk. within a week, units of the voz north group, as a result of active actions , liberated the village of staritsa in the kharkov region and continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. defeated manpower and equipment of five brigades, the armed forces of ukraine and four territorial defense brigades. 23 assault counterattacks were repelled. groups of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of glubokaya, tikhoe, leptsy and volchansk, kharkov region. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to 1,840 military personnel, six tanks, eight armored combat vehicles, 40 vehicles, four combat vehicles of the grad and vampire multiple launch rocket systems, as well as 37 field artillery guns. but these shots show the arrival of the russian lancet. filigree worked on a ukrainian artillery installation on the way out of kharkov. military
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targets in the city itself are being attacked by operational-tactical aviation pilots and crews of iskander complexes. during this week, the russian armed forces carried out 49 group strikes, hitting military airfield infrastructure, important railway junctions, and drone production workshops. well, what about kyiv? in kiev, meanwhile, our high-precision strikes are aimed at exclusively military targets. as a total threat to the civilian population, this matter is not overlooked opportunities to get rich, they are working hard on the project of the so-called underground city, and are they ready to accept investments from western friends? well, an unexpected plan was voiced by the mayor of kharkov, igor terikhov, who announced his intention to build an underground city, and the ukrainians want to place it under the central part of kharkov. according to the mayor, to implement such a plan they are already... looking for investors, of course, precisely at the height of the war, well, the project itself is ready, it was developed by
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local architects in collaboration, by the way, with the world famous british bureau of norman foster. the announced underground city will have an area of ​​more than 236 thousand square meters, as they promise and want to call it shelter park , translated as shelter park. as mayor terikhov said, the project includes schools, medical facilities, shopping centers, parking lots, and coworking sites that promise a real underground city. garden, all this will require some modest 225 million euros, now the kharkov authorities are looking for those who want to invest in such a newfangled shelter. whether or not they found people who wanted to literally bury their money, not it is reported, but as the local mayor noted, the plan for the underground city had already been drawn, the initiative of the mayor of kharkov was immediately, of course, criticized, they began to call it nothing more than a method of money laundering, and with foreign participation. they won't give you money for two reasons.
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well, a little about the company that developed this strange, i must say, project of an underground city in kharkov, this is a world -famous british architectural firm, foster partners, founder norman foster, he is also called a high-tech guru, the company appeared back in 1967, since then it has designed many iconic buildings and structures in different countries, in general it is very famous, it turns out that today it is taking part in a very dubious project of the ukrainian authorities. by the way, sharing his plans for an underground city, mayor
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terikhov made a reservation that such a structure, of course, is needed for security purposes, but of course, russian aggression, we remember, let me remind you, on may 17... vladimir putin stated that russia has no plans on the capture of kharkov, for now. the head of state tied offensive in the kharkov region with the creation of a sanitary zone in response to shelling of russian regions, primarily the belgorod region. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can do it for free.
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now we are returning to belarus again, broadcast on our channel. dear representatives of the media, dear friends, vladimir vladimirovich and i have just held productive negotiations in a narrow, expanded format, i am grateful, first of all, to the president
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russia for finding time in his extremely busy schedule. visiting belarus today on an official visit is a good signal, and not only a signal. thanks to this, today we were able to discuss in detail a large list of issues of belarusian-russian cooperation, primarily in the economic sphere. you've probably noticed that lately we 've spent a lot of time discussing security issues.
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russia is developing dynamically, despite various kinds of obstacles, well-known obstacles. aimed at further development nuclear industry in belarus based on russian technologies. we examined in detail the issues of industrial cooperation, the development of machinery and machine tools, and microelectronics. first of all, from the point of view of increasing import-substituting production, allowing to provide. our import independence, technological sovereignty, ultimately this is the security of our states, we are confident in maintaining continuity in the work of the new russian government in the belarusian direction, there are no insoluble problems in the relations of our countries, there are deferred ones,
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requiring closer attention and in-depth study, you need to honestly... know that today we have resolved all the issues and there are no unresolved issues today. i am sure that in the future we will work similarly. in this context, today we discussed the formation of a unified industrial policy within the framework of the union state; in fact, we must eradicate the remaining protective measures of restrictions once and for all. otherwise. not only our peoples, but also we ourselves will not understand each other, we paid considerable attention development of the transport and logistics sector, here we are unanimous in the opinion that this very... promising industry requires serious additional investments. in recent years , we have taken a new look at regional cooperation and appreciated its
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potential. belarus and its regions today, without exaggeration, cooperate with almost all constituent entities of the russian federation. product exports are growing. by the way, i already spoke about this on june 27 and 28.
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i will also, to summarize, note that i am grateful to my russian colleague for his warm brotherly conversation, a fruitful, constructive
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meeting, for the fact that we have found mutual understanding on all topics, we can count on further mutual comprehensive support, thank you for your attention, dear alexander grigorievich, friends, ladies and gentlemen.
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fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers who defended life and freedom for us and for future generations, and december 8 marks the 25th anniversary of the union state. russia and belarus, over the past quarter of a century we have managed to really achieve a lot on the integration track. 28 branch programs have been successfully implemented,
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russian and belarusian legislation has been unified in many areas ; the legal and organizational foundations of a common economic space have been formed. the necessary conditions have been provided for the implementation of a unified macroeconomic and monetary policy. alexander grigorevich just mentioned this too. in accordance with the decision of the supreme state council of the union state, adopted on january 29 in st. petersburg, new promising areas of integration have been identified. agreement is at the final stage a plan of specific measures to further deepen economic interaction to minimize damage from illegal western restrictions on technology.
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60% of the belarusian foreign trade balance. at the end of last year, trade turnover increased by more than 5% and reached a record $46.5 billion. we count this in dollars, but meanwhile, over 90% of all payments in russian-belarusian commercial transactions are carried out in our national currencies. this means that we can say that mutual trade and investment are protected. from influence third countries and negative trends in global currency markets. russia has invested over $5 billion in the belarusian economy. there are 2,500 russian companies operating in the republic; joint projects are being implemented in strategically important industries, such as the production of cars from machine tools, agricultural machinery, microelectronics, and civil aviation.
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cooperation is actively developing. in the agro-industrial complex of russia and belarus , those areas that are priorities for us in this area are harmoniously complemented by each other, which is reliable uninterruptedly provides food to the population of our states and sends surpluses to foreign markets; the priority sector of bilateral cooperation is energy. our country traditionally supplies oil and gas to belarus. on very favorable preferential terms, in november 23 , the largest joint project was successfully completed. aleksandrievich also mentioned this during the negotiations several times - the construction of a belarusian nuclear power plant. the station is operating at full capacity. to date, two of its blocks have been developed more than 30 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and we are certainly determined to continue to help our belarusian friends develop.
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across the territory of russia, for this we are increasing the capacity of transport corridors, and together we are modernizing the trade and logistics infrastructure. russian-belarusian cultural and humanitarian cooperation is multifaceted. scientific and educational exchanges are being carried out, and joint programs are being implemented for the patriotic education of youth in preserving the common historical memory. much is being done for
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creating the maximum. favorable conditions for mutual travel of citizens for the development of their contacts of direct communication with each other. it is planned to soon cancel roaming on the territory of the union state, that is , mobile communications for all subscribers in the two countries will be fully provided in home network mode. taking into account the tense situation on the external borders of the union state, during the negotiations the issues of formation were discussed in detail. defense space, a joint regional grouping of troops, russian modern defense systems and tactical nuclear weapons, all this reliably covers the western borders of our countries and the collective security treaty organization. we reviewed the progress of the implementation of our instructions with alexander grigorievich regarding the simultaneous conduct of
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training exercises in russia and belarus. skills in the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, about which the public was informed on may 9, issues of further coordination of actions in the international arena were touched upon today. i note that russia and belarus has common positions on most global and regional issues and provides each other with mutual comradely assistance at various multilateral platforms. in this context , i would like to emphasize that russia in every possible way contributed to the entry of belarus into the shanghai cooperation organization, the president also just spoke about this, we proceed from the fact that already in july at the organization’s summit in astana it will be announced that all the necessary procedures for this have been completed, and belarus will become the tenth member country shanghai cooperation organization. this will undoubtedly strengthen the authority of the organization itself and will serve to strengthen...


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