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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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we meet, but the dark night will catch up, where are my cranes, i know everything! where are my cranes, where are my cranes? hold on, brothers, but after such a wonderful song, it’s not a sin. we
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need to fulfill our tradition, i hope you are prepared to raise a glass to victory, to our victory, oh, who do you think has come? that’s right, i’m a crooked little guy, i came and said, we’ll leave one by one, if anything happens, we’re geologists, i’m looking forward to seeing you at our, god willing, new meeting.
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hello, dear friends, friday evening, i’m alexander karyevsky, time to sum up some results going back to friday, and the whole week. russia is making good progress in creating a sanitary system. zones in the kharkov direction, due to what this is happening, we talked today with the assistant to the head of the chechen republic, special forces commander akhmat, deputy head of the main directorate for military-political work of the russian ministry of defense, major general, hero of russia, abti allaudinov. abti aronovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, finally we were able to contact you, we still have problems with communication, i’m so i understand, but... how are things going with your
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communications, in general, the topic is very relevant now, hello, well, with our communications, yes, we know that in general there are big problems, because, well, don’t say , the enemy is working to prevent us from having normal communication, and we ourselves are also trying somehow. does everything to ensure that he doesn’t figure us out. but how is it now, let’s return to our traditional conversations, how is the situation at the moment, what would you note that is special? well, the situation is probably predictable, in principle, absolutely working, along the entire line of combat contact, we are having military clashes, a unit of the russian ministry of defense.
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that the ukrainian troops are receiving american equipment and weapons, american officials report about this, report to zelensky almost every day, have you now begun to feel this for yourself, that they have more weapons? well, we probably should still note that we have a certain amount of additional weapons and equipment on the front line. the enemy, we... are not recording, but we are recording that the enemy received a large number of long-range, as they say, missiles, missiles, in total, everything that hits at long distances, yes, the enemy delivers maximum attacks on the top
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points, cities, which they get, the maximum result is disturbing the civilian population, and somewhere they are also trying to knock out our resources that are located.
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how will we analyze all these points? they were elite units when we started fighting with them, ’22, still ’23 at the beginning, we could call them elite units, because these were units that had been preparing for many years, they were very highly charged, that is, they consisted of precisely those fighters who were specifically trained by nationalists for all deviations. with their own, as they say, satanic, all these ideas, values, they were trained abroad, there, and they came already like this, very strongly tailored to fight. the main backbone of all these units, he died a long time ago, now these
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units are formed, in principle, from whoever you miss, that is, you can have whatever name you want, the fact is that these units have not been there for a long time. all sorts of things, well, that is, beautiful names for a military formation, but it should be noted that the germans knew how to fight back then, unfortunately for russia, for the ussr, for all of us, there was often something behind these names, unfortunately, now
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you know, i saw a situation like this: a mercenary from the french foreign legion was captured, and he seemed like... well , it’s not clear whether he’s testifying or not, you see an increase in mercenaries in your areas and did you have any facts of the surrender of foreign citizens who, as they said, came on vacation, many of them are now saying, they convinced us, let’s practically go on a safari there, shoot there and earn money, last year we recorded a very large number of mercenaries, this was all especially at the beginning, i remember...
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sometimes they complain that ukrainian drones are ruling the skies, our skies, what do you
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say to this, is that true? hey, well, i'll tell you this, the ukrainians are complaining that our drones, the bosses can smell it in the sky, ours are somewhere complaining that ukrainian drones, well, we must generally understand for ourselves, you know, that in reality the forms and methods of warfare they... have changed a lot over these 2 years, we, in principle, for this, the north military district , it turns out, have probably completely changed the strategy for conducting combat operations, that is , the whole world, which is observing and analyzing everything that is happening in our area in the north military district, they all also draw certain conclusions for themselves, and so do we we also note the same thing, that there is a greater emphasis on advanced, today he went to work on radio and electric... and it’s clear that the enemy
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is trying to knock us out as much as possible in the same, as they say, way, using unmanned aircraft, we , in turn, do the same work, for us it’s all very mutual, sometimes it happens that in some areas the enemy’s work predominates for a while, when we fix this, we go there... to note precisely the issues of communications and these
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new unmanned systems, they are also tied to certain technologies that need to be introduced in the army, and i'm taking this opportunity i haven’t yet congratulated you on your appointment to a new position, firstly, i congratulate you, and secondly, you already have such a clear understanding of how you would like to set something up, adjust something in your work, etc. you are already really doing a lot of work in educating soldiers and raising the fighting spirit, maybe you can tell us some little secrets, or is it too early to talk about this? well, i’ll probably say this, thank you for the congratulations, there are no secrets here , in principle, i’m trying to fulfill the tasks that are in front of me as much as possible are put, the difference is simple... the only thing will be that until now, in principle, i have been fully occupied only with my
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unit, afma, now i am already trying, as they say, on a task that is set down by the leadership of the ministry of defense, directly by my leadership, which means we also work in departments, we have already started doing this work, i think that the institute itself, which we... call the institute of political officers, is very effective, necessary, in fact, for a certain time it really turned out that it was simply closed, left , and considered that this institute was not needed, but today the revival of this institute is still of great benefit to the units of the ministry of defense, because in addition to the fact that this institute educates fighters, explains the very essence of what is happening, makes
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sure that the soldiers know what is going on what they are fighting, why they go to the front line, besides this , there is also great help in resolving most of the issues of these units, fighters, households, some personal matters, yes, you mean their long-term problems, this it turns out that the current head... the head of the main department directly of this direction turns out to be in total garimykin viktor petrovich, i will say he places a very big emphasis.
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and the arctic by alexey chikunkov, he is in direct contact with the studio. alexey alegovich, thank you for taking the time. an extremely important topic, of course, there are many copies now in the world, crossed over this region, it is clear that capital goes, firstly, to the east, and secondly, the arctic, with its huge reserves of natural resources and strategic
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significance, is extremely important for our entire country always. we had one of the main positions there, and as i understand it, the government has now prepared and presented specific development plans at the exhibition, and i would like to understand, at least in general terms, what we are talking about. alexander, you definitely noticed that the arctic, the russian arctic, is now the focus of the world’s leading powers, since it is the kitchen of the world’s weather, the pantry of natural resources. resources, the shortest sea route from asia to europe, and the shortest air route between eurasia and america, therefore, of course , our steps, our actions to develop the arctic, to ensure arctic security, to develop arctic cities attract the attention, without exaggeration, of all
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humanity, well, for example, the fact that it is not so for a long time even china, which is not very close. to the arctic latitudes, proclaimed itself a near-arctic power. today at the russia exhibition we discussed plans for the development of cities, plans for the development of far eastern and arctic cities. this work is being carried out by instructions from president vladimir vladimirovich putin, which he gave at the eastern economic forum. the first stage was the development and adoption of master plans for 25 cities in the far east. by example. we have continued this work and are now completing the development of master plans for 16 arctic cities. here i want to emphasize that a city master plan is not just an architectural or urban planning document, it is truly a plan for transforming the city so that it is both more convenient for residents and more attractive for guests and
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more effective from an economic point of view, effective very simply: so that there is more work with high salaries, of course, more comfortable, following the example of this work, which is very important, already following the example of the work of the far eastern cities, the president in his address to the federal assembly on february 29 of this year , instructed to develop similar masterplans, first for up to 200, subsequently for 200 cities throughout russia, so here, as we are used to, the far east, the arctic, and
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organize life so that beyond the arctic circle, on the farthest eastern borders our country was truly comfortable and interesting. alexey alekovich, well, these are all grandiose plans, they require money, no matter how trivial it may sound, as i understand it, these are trillions of rubles, yes, this was also taken into account. during development, of course, where will the funds come from? are there funds for all these plans? as the famous proverb says, an elephant must be eaten in parts? soon we are talking about the arctic, about the far east, let's take the example of a mammoth, and the parts here are as follows: under the far eastern masterplan
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, the total amount of financing required for their implementation until 2030 is determined, this is 4.4 trillion rubles. half of these funds are extra-budgetary funds, funds from private investors, which are invested primarily in the construction of new housing, here thanks to the far east...
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the residents of the far east and the arctic themselves, so yes, the amount of work is large, but due to prioritization, due to the fact that we prioritize master plans in all state programs, these facilities will be built. alexei olegovich, after all, the arctic, as you rightly noted, everyone knows this very well, this is a difficult region in terms of climate, now there is a lot of talk about the possible mystery of permafrost, and so on.
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arctic, and of course, we must remain so, therefore one of the main tasks of our arctic agenda is for russia to be a world leader in construction and
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operation technologies in the arctic latitudes, primarily in the eternal world, there are such precedents, we have the most powerful in around the world, energy companies, oil and gas production, metallurgical plants, plants that extract fertilizers, so in industry... all these technologies have already been applied, they are gradually flowing into, let’s say, the civil, social sphere, large corporations are developing their cities, i myself personally visited inarilsk, solihart, arkhangelsk, and other cities where the most modern technologies are used with the participation of business, our task is to build such a path through these master plans, because scientists really they believe that permafrost will be one of the main challenges, and excuse it... it is not called eternal, it is called perennial, and the secret of mirzlata poses a great challenge, but we accept this challenge, some even head-on, for example yakutsk, the motto of this city,
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to become the best city in the world on permafrost, and by using appropriate technologies, and in housing construction, in road construction, in the construction of highway networks, we are building an infrastructure that is able to withstand, is able to adapt somewhere due to strengthening and to entice, especially young people, to develop these regions, based on these plans, the grandiose plans that you have now prepared, i understand correctly, thank you, i’m
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glad to hear this from you, and this... you know, one of the, one of the huge the advantages of our work are truly emotionally charged regions where unusual, powerful people live, strong people who sincerely love their country, their territory, such a harsh, difficult, but the strongest love, and you are right that those historical examples that we gave , the same rise of yamal, for example, but we are talking with veterans, these are veterans of developing oil fields...
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this emotion has not been lost, so that they understand that developing the arctic, developing the far east is cool, but - in today's conditions, of course, not only through some kind of cinema or songs, this is achieved, as uh, let’s say, in soviet times, but simply by touching those enterprises, touching those people who serve in the arctic, who create, who create this new reality, uh, see that we we can do what no one else can. here vladimirovich putin on july 20 in murmonsk launched the world's largest large-scale plant for the production of liquefied natural gas, the plant area means weighing 600,000 tons - 400 m long, 100 m high, it would seem the plant is floating, it gave up mooring and went along the northern sea route from murmansk to the godan peninsula on yamali, at this moment
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you understand, no one in the world... can do this, but we can, and touching this sacrament will do what no one else can, but russians, as has always been the case in history, can, create the best in the world, this is probably the emotion and dignity of working in difficult, northern and eastern latitudes, we try to pass this on to the young, and we ourselves feed on this energy. alexey olegovich, thank you very much, i think that yes, the difficult work that lies ahead of you will be successfully completed, thank you. found the time, all the best, let me remind you that we spoke with the minister for the development of the far east and the arctic, alexey chikunkov. development of cooperation between russia and belarus interaction within the union state. the second phase of nuclear exercises between the two countries was on the agenda today in minsk, during the official visit of the russian leader. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko held negotiations in a narrow and wide format.
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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film.


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