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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the legitimacy of vladimir zelensky has ended, and russia needs to understand who will sign documents on behalf of kiev if negotiations do begin. vladimir putin outlined moscow’s principled position in minsk.
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as for compliance with the norms and obligations of russia in this area, we fully comply with all our obligations in... the field
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of nuclear weapons, there is nothing here that we would violate, there is nothing unusual in comparison with the work of the same nato bloc, there the same exercises are regularly held, in which nato countries are involved, on whose territory american tactical nuclear weapons are located, so all this is happening as planned, and we are not forcing anything here, but, as was said, everything must be worked out, this such an area where no failures, no mistakes, no lack of coherence cannot be allowed, everything that happens on the borders of the union state is clearly visible to moscow and minsk, the leaders discussed in detail the formation of a single defense space, synchronous exercises non-strategic nuclear forces. military coordination is needed not in order to strike, but in order not to miss it.
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in the middle of the last century, we will not allow we cannot miss this blow, as it happened , they should know about it, but we are not escalating the situation, we do not need war, the journalist was asked at the final press conference about the future relationship between moscow and kiev, russia has never refused...
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if it comes to this, and i proceed from the fact that peace negotiations must be resumed, and not with the help of ultimatums, with the help of common sense sense. and should be based on common sense, but if it comes to this, we, of course, need to understand with whom it is necessary and possible to deal, here alexander lukashenko, speaking about the legitimacy of zelensky, said there is no legal purity here, and there cannot be, me here or we are often reproached that we are dictators, there they attach someone else to this, this is democracy, not a constitutional court, not other courts.
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the state of ukraine, before the people of ukraine, the presidents will not decide these issues, you know who will decide, there is a lot overseas it has already been decided that it has not been decided, they will decide later, vladimir putin also answered the question of how the death of ibrahim raisiya could affect russian-iranian relations, as for iran’s foreign policy, it is sovereign.
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good relations have developed with iran as a state, with the iranian people with the iranian leadership, here i personally do not see any possible serious changes of any kind, but of course i hope that there will be continuity in the russian direction of iranian policy and in the direction our cooperation on key international issues, this continuity will remain. that's it for the program.
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we will expose all fakes. hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. where did the dairy go? in the regions , a working group of the federation council will deal with child and social nutrition.
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the most pressing issues and ways to solve them: social route, mobile senator, four regions in the spotlight. issues of reducing personnel shortages. sector, in the electronics sector, as a result we see an upswing. import substitution in the banking sector, what has already been done and what problems remain? each atm has approximately 800 parts, 80% of them are domestic, including the processor, the housing itself, a contactless card reader, and a touch screen.
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the fight against scammers and gray sim cards, when this area is taken under control. according to experts, at the moment there are still gray sim cards in circulation. baby food should be available in all regions of the country, valentina matvienko stated. the federation council emphasized that adjustments are necessary.
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foundation of the health of the younger generation, please do this systematically, then inform the federation council based on the results, propose practical measures on what needs to be done, i think all mothers will be grateful to us, this is also a very important factor in demographic policy, which cannot be discounted. let me remind you of this topic valentina matvienko raised this at the end of april during a meeting of the council of legislators in st. petersburg. then the head of the upper house addressed.
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the situation with personnel is especially acute, six inter-district hospitals are now looking for a chief physician, they have also added a post-chief physician of a children's regional clinical hospital, even chief doctors cannot be found, get busy, colleagues, while additional measures are being taken in the region, two programs are working: zemsky municipal employee and pskov hectares aimed at attracting consolidation youth in the region, there are large enterprises in the chemical industry, electronics, and mechanical engineering. military-industrial complex. pskov engineers contributed to the recent launch of russia's newest
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launch vehicle, angara-5. agriculture is showing good results. the chairmanship of this federation instructed to accelerate the pace of gasification, actively engage in repairs of clinics and cultural centers, and also restore order with garbage removal. four more regions are the focus of increased attention from senators. kaluga, bryansk, oryol and parliamentarians visited the tula region as part of a social campaign. this time other regions were chosen, we are trying to cover as wide
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a geography as possible, we are discussing all topics and issues not just in the office or in plenary sessions, but what is called in the fields, and it seems to me that this is the main approach that senators should use in our work, a feedback approach, for example, not so long ago we had the days of the kaluga region in the federation council, as well as... a resolution was always issued, which included several social facilities that require additional attention and support, now we had the opportunity, as they say, to walk with you on... feet and talk with employees who are directly involved in the problems of a particular facility, for example, we visited a hospital in the city of kazelsk, which was also included in the resolution and already on the spot discussed possible ways to solve and support and finance this facility, which certainly needs additional help.
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we tried to choose a variety of formats our work, and this is of course. there are also some good established initiatives and practices, which we also studied very carefully, and in order for us to have the opportunity to further spread the best to other regions, for example, in the kaluga region we primarily discussed issues of medicine, this and drug provision, and social infrastructure,
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in addition, we have launched another program that we are conducting throughout the country, together with the bakulevo institute. every time specialists from the bakulev center come to that or another region, they conduct examinations of several hundred people in a few days. if we talk about the program that we had in the bryansk region, then here, as in the border region, we first of all paid attention to the problems that arise for participants in a special military operation and their families. we held a meeting with the wives and mothers of the family. participants of the svo in the fatherland defenders foundation, and of course, we also took on quite a lot of problems, for example, we discussed issues of employment, further rehabilitation and adaptation of children to peaceful life, and if we talk about the oryol region, then there we discussed issues of staffing; in the tula region,
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the focus of our attention was on tourism issues, but here we discussed. the family standard in tourism is also a new practice that can be used in other regions. daria sergeevna, what decisions have been made, what will be done as a result of this trip? well, of course, based on the results of our social route, a protocol will be drawn up with a corresponding list of instructions, which will reflect all the points that we discussed with our citizens, so that all the issues that they put before us, that arise in the regions, are necessarily addressed...
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this is one of the successful examples of how to improve the quality of life in the countryside, how to make sure that i wanted to return, i wanted to live, study and develop there, this is a village in which literally several hundred people live, but improvement programs are being carried out there, children's playgrounds are being created, a patriotic park has been created, a sewing production will soon open, new jobs, and... including this happening with the participation of local enthusiasts, of course, we must ensure that social facilities, institutions in the countryside, in such rural areas, are developed and maintained, because the quality of life in villages, they are such a center of gravity on which the further development and revival of rural areas depends. traditionally friendly
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relations that have stood the test of time. this is how valentina matvienko described cooperation with the sultanate. oman, during meeting with the chairman of the state council, sheikh abdalmalika al-khalili, the head of the upper house of the russian parliament noted that this visit to russia will give new impetus to the development of cooperation between the two countries, including within the framework of inter-parliamentary relations. abdal malik bin abdullah al-khalil, at a meeting with valentina matvienko later, speaking to senators at a plenary session, emphasized that the leadership of the sultanate of oman pays great attention to strengthening our relations. signed between the federation council and state council of the sultanate of oman memorandum of understanding, noting that this document marks a new important stage for strengthening bilateral relations at the parliamentary level. through this agreement, we strive to expand cooperation, organize exchanges of visits and create tools for systematic interaction between countries.
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russian-omani relations are strengthened through mutual visits, which have become very intense in recent years. the latest of these is the visit of the crown prince of oman to moscow, where he met with vladimir vladimirovich in december 2023. another important international meeting of the council.
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relations to a qualitatively new level, and i want to assure you that we legislators, through parliament, will do everything to ensure that these agreements are definitely put into practice. our brothers in the region, and it is strategic, expresses a feeling of deep respect and sympathy for the leadership of russia, i can say this as the chairman of the arab league summit on behalf of... all arabs, in on all arab issues, russia always takes a fair position. there's a short commercial now, we'll be back soon, don't switch.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger. everyone has a strong adam, i, and why is adam, and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, brusley, she’s alive, we don’t need names, she’s not a trinket, or what, not a trinket, not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing it to rebin's call sign. no, this is my brother’s sweetheart, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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the actions of the kiev regime against minors fall under the signs of international terrorism and require adequate response measures from the international community. this was stated by deputy chairman of the federation council inna svetenko. co-chairman of the parliamentary commission investigating criminal acts in relations. children from the kiev regime proposed to create a register of support for minors from the war zone. to for example, it was proposed by the working group to
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improve social support measures. rehabilitation of minor victims of the kiev regime, on special compensation payments to affected children aged from zero to 18 years who live in the reunified territories, this has already been implemented by presidential decree, on measures of social support for families with children affected by ukrainian aggression. since our last meeting, children in the lugansk people's republic have suffered from shelling. in the village of kamyshevakha, in kherson, in zaporozhye, that is , what we are investigating continues, unfortunately, ukraine’s aggression towards minor children does not stop. and svitenko also noted that the targeted physical extermination of the population of donbass, novorossiya and regions bordering ukraine by the kiev regime does not stop, and social infrastructure and other civilian facilities are under attack.
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parliamentary investigation of crimes.
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conservation of water resources is one of the most important and pressing problems for all humanity, with the growth of the world's population and the development of industry, the need for water has increased sharply, meanwhile, the state of the environment is deteriorating, climate change is occurring, all this affects the availability of water resources. how it is necessary to unite efforts in order to effectively confront modern challenges was discussed at a parliamentary conference within the framework of the tenth world water forum in indonesia, in which they took part. russian senators. we'll find out more details from alexander double. aleksandr vladimirovich, hello. you recently returned from a water forum in indonesia. what russian experience was most interesting to your foreign colleagues? probably, first of all, legislative, because by the middle of the 21st century, according to experts, the problem of pressed drinking water will become the number one problem in the world. the russian federation has almost 20%
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of the world's total. reserves, we have a huge number of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, from the point of view of the results that the russian federation is achieving in terms of preserving these objects, naturally many states are interested in what legislative framework ensures such results, at the parliamentary platform we not only exchanged experience, many are of course interested in turning to the russian experience, and here i want to say that the water code that was adopted in the russian... federation works, has, probably the most balanced approach, and the two priorities prescribed in this law, which allow us to preserve these objects. the first is the priority of preserving water bodies before using them, the second is priority of providing drinking water and domestic water over other types of use. it would seem that there are two obvious
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priorities, but clearly. prescribed in legislation allow us to achieve very good results, and many states, speaking about their experience, talked about 30, 40-50 laws that work, in the russian federation there is a more understandable legislative framework that allows, i say again, to preserve these water resources , also discussed the experience of implementing federal programs, how they work in a number of countries, again many colleagues asked for russian experience, how national projects work, how priorities are set, what program is not only for cleaning rivers, but primarily for cleaning wastewater that primarily ends up in rivers, it is always important to turn to the best international experience, always it is important to exchange opinions, but naturally , discussing such a global problem as drinking water, without taking into account the opinion of russia, this is
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absolutely wrong. i would like to move on to the events inside.


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