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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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the last person to fall into the hands of operatives was stanislav khandaev, a train driver. according to investigators, he transported the precious metal abroad in one of the carriages of his train. is there anything in the house? andaev, stanislav, that’s it, brother, the deadlines are up, what?
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it seems endlessly possible to list the members of the criminal community of various hierarchies, it is already clear that they were all united by one criminal passion for the illegal acquisition of russian wealth. during the preliminary investigation, it was established that more than thirty people were involved in this crime. people, which included citizens of the russian federation and citizens of foreign countries. illegal mining of precious metals.
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moment you need to pay money with something, well , it’s not from your pocket, it’s not bottomless, so people start looking for some kind of, well , loopholes to hand over this metal, that’s how pliev timur appeared, that’s it, who this is who pliev is, well, pliev is an ordinary person who was engaged in buying gold, for me this is who he is, he brought him gold, gave him gold, he gave me i gave money, that's all. sergey, well, approximately
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how much gold did you take him, because we know that according to the case materials, there are more than 20 kg, 22 kg, that’s true, well, yes, that’s how it happened, they also confiscated such a batch of gold from me, sergey god is an optimist, he is sure that later after the sentence in his new life he will deal, of course, it is clear that he should be abandoned, metal must be mined if it is yours. calling, that means you need to use it, so you will get caught again, why will i get caught, i won’t get caught, i will work in a legal manner, i won’t commit such acts again, illegal activities and illegal mining, that’s it, and this is the buyer timerlan pliev, trying to justify himself as best he can, i understand correctly that based on the case materials you admitted your guilt and cooperated with the investigation, well in order to get there or some minimum period. not in order to get
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a minimum sentence, but because you really realized, how many years have you been doing this? i'm three years old, why? well, you lived in this top darosonsky, like it’s called the top of the darosonsky, there is no more work, somewhere he had to earn income, it turned out this way, not on purpose, not purposefully, if... to believe pliev, it turns out that the illegal gold business brought him mere pennies. previously, in soviet times, would you have been called a speculator? a speculator, yes, now a businessman, now a businessman, yes, a gold businessman, why gold? well, did you know that we have an individual, so you just as a citizen do not have the right to engage in the purchase and sale of gold, of course, became, well, i’m telling you i realized that we earned a lot, yes, now i’ll probably earn money in 10 years. in money, in money
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, pennies, i understand correctly, from a kilogram, 3 kg, so calculate how much it will be, it will be 90,000, even... another member of the criminal community is courier igor chernyak, an older man, he is clearly ashamed to sit in front of our lens. video cameras, how did you get caught with the gold? how did you get caught with the gold? there’s nothing to pay off loans, i got a loan, that’s why i worked, you can work at any job, how long have you worked like that, but about a month and a half
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that’s all, you got caught so quickly, you were just carrying it in the glove compartment or something, or you hid everything, but no, you didn’t really hide it under the seat. yes, how long did they usually take you, what kind of desks were they? yes , they were different, they were different in weight, well, the weight there was 10 kg, well within 10, and they carried up to 10 kg of gold, chernyak shows us his car, demonstrates where he hid the gold and turns to couriers like him, who continue to transport precious bullion at their own risk. we are going to zabaikalsk, the linear
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department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for transport, here material evidence is stored on...
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these ingots, heavy, each one a kilogram and a half, we go to the next room, here is that same gold jack, it ’s not an easy thing, when the gold was even heavier there, show me what’s inside, well, the outside is normal a jack for a truck, yes, yes, it looks ordinary, but... one of the members of the criminal community, lopatin roman, used this device, here he hid gold, so it closes, all this is in oil, plus packaging, all this was discovered in his car during
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his arrest on the way to the village of zabaikalsk, zabaikalsk, yes, that is, you would never think that this is gold, that this is a gold jack, one of the methods of concealment. it is difficult to say how much gold is seized in homemade traces by law enforcement officers in transbaikalia. detentions occur almost every day. we are moving to the expert department of the fsb of russia in the trans-baikal territory. these traces were seized on. border, they tried to take them out in a diesel locomotive, they were hidden, but your employees still took them they found them, but they brought them to our laboratory, and where we examined them, did you really understand that it was gold, what grade? and here the sample is above 80%, that is
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, eight hundredth sample, of course they are all different, because they apparently have a different source of origin, they are here in all sorts of different forms, that is, it’s more likely. made by different people, i look at it like this from the appearance, well, there will definitely be five kilograms here, no, here of course there is much more gold, here there are 36 kg, 36 kg, listen, what if we translate this into a day? well at that moment it was was about four billion rubles, that is, it is 250 thousand million rubles. the ingots are all different, but apparently the miners have their own specific taiga standard, most are rectangular in shape, and in appearance they resemble a chocolate bar, only yellow. listen, well, here’s a small bar of gold, how much does it weigh, i think it’s a gram. 700-800 yes, that’s right, it weighs somewhere like that, well look, i was mistaken, but
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not that much, 873 yes, indeed, there is something to risk for smugglers, please, we are going to the south of the region, zabaikalsk, to see how... good weather, it can be seen with the naked eye, international checkpoint zabaikalsk, the largest in the country. for example, the railway crossing currently moves more than 46-48 livestock every day, both in one direction and in the other. as well as the zabaikalsk map, car pass, with its
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capacity of 280 cars per day, currently we have more than 400 moving, the record is that we have 739 transport services in both sides, the checkpoint operates around the clock, like clockwork, cargo moves in both directions. tourists from time to time also try to carry gold, most often in trunks with
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personal belongings or even on themselves. customs officials recalled an episode when a tourist hid gold bars in the insoles of his shoes. they noticed him because of his unnatural gait, asked him to take off his shoes, examined him, that’s what. found four rectangular ingots with four rectangular ingots, you see, now the second insole, they were hidden in the insoles eight bars of gold with a total weight of almost 2 kg, but these, as customs officers say, are trifles, they try to hide the main contraband in heavy vehicles, in december of the twenty- second year from ... russia, the car was traveling from russia, smuggled gold was discovered in the cargo transport vehicle , the total weight
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was more than 261 kg, these are kusar ingots that were moved by drivers that were hidden in the time slot of an international transport vehicle; based on the results of the discovery, a criminal case was opened about smuggling under article 20 226 of the criminal code of the russian federation. until recently , it was much easier for smugglers. to transfer illegal goods across the border, you just had to hide it well and try so that the service dog wouldn’t smell it. today, an inspection and search complex has been deployed at the checkpoint. it's a kind of giant x-ray machine. we were allowed to look inside and see how the process of detecting illegal cargo occurs. here's one. snapshot allows you identify the place where, for example, gold is transported? yes, this complex, it
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is designed for this purpose, to detect foreign investments, say, gold is a metal with a very high density; in an x-ray image it will be distinguished by uncharacteristic darkening and a high degree of radiation absorption. have your employees ever discovered gold here? we had a discovery at the end of last year, that is, signs were identified. possible movement of gold in the cooling system of a refrigerated semi-trailer, based on the results of the actual the control that was carried out after, it was... discovered, as far as i remember, 26 kg of gold, but if customs representatives are responsible for the most part for transported goods, then border guards are responsible for people. there are two directions at this checkpoint: the passenger direction and the cargo direction. on average , more than
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seventy buses pass in the passenger direction per day, o in the cargo direction, more than 500 freight vehicles pass, and we move to the railway checkpoint, which has its own the specifics of the work and its own difficulties, but how to check, for example, a train with coal, which contains at least 70 cars, and here equipment, a stationary inspection complex, comes to the rescue. well, if there are carriages with scrap metal, then gold can only be found based on operational information, which is what happened last year. during an inspection of an overseas transport
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, a bundle of yellow metal was found in a wheeled cart in a technological opening; it turned out to be gold, which they tried to illegally move through the state border. how many are there? more than 6 kg, in the second case also more than 6 kg in the support beam in the technological hole, where it is difficult to see, was discovered by the inspection team, also gold more than 6 kg, as a rule, only the drivers know about the presence of contraband in one of the cars of the train. by the way, this happened in one episode of the criminal activity of the organized crime group, mayla ragimkhanov. this story is connected with the driver stanislav.
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there is only one restriction: stanislav cannot travel abroad on his diesel locomotive. in while talking to us, the driver took a peculiar position: i don’t know anything, i’m not involved in anything. how did you get into such an incomprehensible, uninteresting, ugly situation? well, as if i don’t know anything, i didn’t get anywhere, didn’t get there? no, well, a criminal case has been opened, your attitude is that i also don’t know anything, you don’t know anything, that is, i don’t know anything, i haven’t seen anything, but no, okay, what about gold? were engaged, no, of course, you did not transport gold, no, once again, you consider yourself completely innocent and innocent in this story with gold, yes, i don’t know there at all, that is , you have nothing to do with gold at all, you didn’t receive money from anyone, no, never ever, no, no, there are four other drivers like stanislav khandaev in the criminal case, they have something to hide, because
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the illegal earnings of railway workers amounted to hundreds of thousands of rubles, just for one trip. the investigation into the criminal case of the organized crime community in transbaikalia is in full swing. according to security officials, no one will escape responsibility. 16 members of the criminal community detained are in custody. preventive measures were taken against 12 defendants in the form of a written undertaking not to leave in accordance with proper behavior. one suspect is under house arrest. according to preliminary calculations about '. of precious metal acquired through criminal means exceeded 94 kg. its cost is estimated at 370 million rubles. 42 kg of gold worth about 200 million rubles. taken out of our country by criminals. 52 kg were seized by the police. according to
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available information, the leader of the criminal community offered to participate in criminal business. for three foreigners, they organized uninterrupted supplies of natural gold to the trans-baikal territory from the republics of buryatia, tyva and yakutia, the krasnoyarsk territory, the irkutsk, amur regions and the jewish autonomous region. subsequently, the precious metal was melted into gold bars, which were subsequently exported abroad. the story of exposing the largest international criminal community seems to have come to an end. most of the participants in the organized crime group have been arrested and will appear in court, but we must not forget about the legacy they leave to the transbaikal region. zolotoisk.
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they remove the top layer, get to the gold, yes, they literally wash it in the warm summer seasons, when there is no water, and in fact they get the gold itself, now the gold fund of gold deposits in the region is more than 460 deposits, of which about 270 to see...
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such regional locals call the taiga desert, of course, over time nature will take its toll, and these lifeless spaces will again be covered with dense forest, but this won't happen soon.
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this is the story of the liquidation of the golden organized crime community. this was our investigation from the trans-baikal territory, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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6:59 am
stand, who are they, newbies, this is with me passenger, director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing sometime, brusley, quickly, we don’t need names, it’s not a trosh, nothing, not a trosh is not yours, well, you, little hand, the light of god, homer to the machine gun, there is something to do, commander, that’s it, shoot, call sign, passenger, call sign
7:00 am
passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebina, no, my brother’s call sign, you stay with the passengers, that’s for sure. and we start with the latest progress reports carrying out a special military operation, units of the southern group of troops were defeated.


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