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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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sentenced to life imprisonment sincerely hopes to be released and settle in his apartment, formally he has such a chance, after a quarter of a century behind bars, even the most notorious scoundrels have the right to apply for parole, however, not a single court has ever made such a request did not satisfy. on autopilot under a train in the usa , the tesla electric car almost killed its owner twice. the self-driving car confidently flew under the speeding freight train. only at the last moment did the driver manage to pull steering wheel to avoid an accident. like artificial. the intellect rebels against humanity, alina skachkova understood. the rebellion of the machines has come to the usa, tesla's autopilot almost killed its owner. the car was rushing at full speed right under the train. a second before the collision, the driver miraculously grabbed the steering wheel and crashed into the barrier. the trip ended for him in the hospital, and there the man said: tesla has already tried to send him under the wheels twice, in its justification the automaker said: yes, it’s a failure, but artificial intelligence, aka only learning until recognized. there are rushing
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trains, here are the statistics of such disasters. the national highway traffic safety administration investigated 956 crashes involving tesla that occurred from 2018 to 2023. as a result of these accidents , 43 people were killed and 49 were injured. there is, of course, another side to the coin. how many times has the same autopilot saved careless drivers on the road? for example, here the car dodged a flying tire, and here it will brake sharply. in front of a foreign car that skidded. unmanned trams and robots couriers, taxis without a driver and electric cars are gradually taking over russian roads. mikhail efimov has been working on such cars for more than 10 years, says his swallow, like a woman , only gets wiser over the years, he gains experience in packages with each update, you yourself may not suspect it, but also train artificial intelligence by passing these tests on the internet, where you need to find traffic lights, road signs.
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legislation, we still have responsibility for what happens to us, firstly, this is from the point of view of the car, all damage, accidents, it doesn’t matter the driver, the person who sits behind the wheel of the car, is responsible, however, there are still some failures, and the autopilot cannot predict what the next driver will do in the head of the next driver. officially in russia this technology still works with reservations. even the vaunted autopilot does not really allow the driver to relax. the car closely monitors your hands and eyes, so you won’t be able to read a book or sit on your phone while driving; you still need to hold the steering wheel, or at least touch it sometimes, in order to be on time at any time take control into your own hands. if the rules are ignored, smart technology will not spare you and will simply block the autopilot function. where are the restrictions that melse has? they have already learned how to bypass them, for
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a tidy sum, some masters will connect a full autopilot to electric cars, but whether to risk using it is up to everyone to decide for themselves, for example, this chuvash couple staged a beer tasting in the back seat while driving along the highway. unfortunately, the weekend driver, well done to the chinese, comfortable things. looks like it's time for taxi drivers to think about what other profession he will master in the future, which in fact has already arrived, but it’s too early for the happy owners of electric cars to relax, it’s nice when robots work hard. but it is still a person who is responsible for their mistakes. alena skachkova, vladimir shabalin, andrey melnikov, lead the duty department. now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, do not switch gears. apply for a loan at sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it. and also receive a monthly cashback of 2%. professional coloring is more profitable
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turbin, accused of bribery. he is lost in thought and clearly upset; it seems that he himself does not believe in the acquittal . colleagues had questions for turbin, apparently, even after he left the police several years ago. in february 2022 he was arrested and sent to pre-trial detention. it turned out that turbines, instead of serving the law, helped circumvent it, of course, not for free; according to investigators, more than 3 million rubles were given to him through intermediaries by authoritative businessman mikhail kolmagagorov. the bribe-giver represented the interests a person involved in a criminal case that was investigated by internal affairs bodies. the illegal remuneration to the prosecutor was intended to ensure the reclassification of the accused’s actions to a less serious article of the criminal code. kalmagorov himself is a well-known personality in siberia; according to open sources, the businessman’s influence is built not only on high business turnover. kolmagorov is a former deputy of the city council of kuibyshev, novosibirsk region, a sports philanthropist, whom law enforcement officers previously accused of organizing a murder and allegedly other serious crimes. he was wanted for a long time, but recently he was detained in
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kazan, all these dark affairs did not stop the turbine from pretending to be a guardian of order. at press conferences, he commemorated the work done for the benefit of the people. where is the leader? were brought to criminal liability, including in relation to the head of smu-17, there is theft, we are talking about more than almost 13 million rubles, the case is correct, we are talking about 67 million rubles. it is possible that andrei turbin simply followed in the footsteps of his boss, because in the same year, that he too was detained by vladimir fallileev, the former prosecutor of the novosibirsk region. investigators found out that fallileev was protecting him for bribes from... recently, the court found him guilty and sent him to a colony for 9 years, but this did not surprise what they call knowledgeable people, we knew him only from the bad
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side, these are hunts and other little things even, because the fact that he was arrested was not a discovery for us, by the way, in the patronage of the east for... found guilty of committing a crime, together with the turbine, sergei belousov, one of intermediaries in the transfer of bribes. the court sentenced the former deputy prosecutor to 4 years in prison and a fifteen million dollar fine, although the prosecutor's office asked for a sentence twice as long for the former colleague. the turbines spent their last moments of freedom under camera lenses. the turbine was taken into custody right in the courtroom. soon he will go to a colony, where he will be given a prison uniform, which will suit him much better than...
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together to victory in st. petersburg , the second rally of search teams of the investigative committee of the russian federation ended, the event dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the nazi blockade. during the plenary session , deputy chairman of the investigative committee alexander klaus addressed the guests with a welcoming speech. addressing the representatives of the search teams, i wanted to say that your work is sacred. the all-russian relay was also attended by the governor of the leningrad region alexander drozdenko, the head of the department of socio-political work of the investigative committee sergei petrov and others honored guests. the event ended with a solemn ceremony of awarding war and combat veterans, as well as activists of the search movement. today is 18:15, don’t miss the final episode of our program, this is its main topic. the last flight of an aircraft designer. in the vladimir region
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, a craftsman crashed his homemade light aircraft, which happened during testing. he didn't have to fly, he just had to walk there on the ropes. the airfield is closed, several more unregistered aircraft were found on the territory, whom they lifted into the sky. it seems that it was in this place that homemade aircraft moved, which were assembled in the village hangar and... aircraft then arrived there. anyone who operates in the field of small aviation, well, as a rule, is already obviously a violator from the point of view of the regulator. the season for trips on light aircraft is open, what are they flying on and what are the dangers of such flights. how they monitor equipment and what prevents them from putting things in order in this area. about the big problems of small aviation and the investigation of andrei romanov. sold native language, in the krasnoyasssk region they paid off the crime. how employees of one of
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the country's leading universities passed tests on the russian language, history and legislation for foreigners, and what do the migrants themselves generally know about our country, where you live, you know, now, as the city is called, krasnoplotsky, there are only one police officers throughout the country after another , offices that illegally sell certificates for foreigners are being closed, and what can we expect from the new migration reform?
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mills, what do the deputies propose? must be standard spellings in the transcription of all basic names. who should look at your passport before packing your bags and what could be a reason to cancel your documents and contact the police. a current report before the holiday season was prepared by andrey ivlev. the main anti-corruption fighter of the sverdlovsk region was burned by corruption. in yekaterinburg, the head of the department of economic security and anti-corruption of the regional police was arrested. andrei dyakov is suspected of receiving bribes worth 200 million rubles. moreover, the threads according to the data local journalists are drawn to very influential people in the city. galina hungureeva for more details. the gait is cheerful, the mood is high. it seems that there is no convoy, no handcuffs, the energy of charisma. not shackled, as is the mood, but like you, i am always positive, giving the journalists a dazzling
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smile , andrei dyakov, the main anti-corruption fighter in the region, head of the department of economic security and anti-corruption, regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs, walked into the meeting room of the leninsky court of yekaterinburg, for iron bars, the colonel's charm abruptly gave way to excitement, diakov is accused of exceeding official authority and receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. what is the amount of the bribe? 200 or something, that is, i took 5 million rubles a month, if you calculate it, 200 million, just some kind of nonsense, how did i manage? dyakov himself is embarrassed; he is charged with bribery for illegally refunding vat from the budget; no one officially reports how exactly tax fraud is connected with the name of the colonel. the trial for choosing a preventive measure was held behind closed doors, and the main department the investigative committee, which is investigating the case, has so far refrained from commenting. some media reports contain only assumptions. investigative actions may be related to
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the detention of his ex-wife, the son of the ex-head of yekaterinburg arkady chernetsky. anastasia chernetskaya was there. arrested on march 21 after a series of searches in yekaterinburg. entrepreneurs vasily petrov and alexey shakhmaev are defendants in the same criminal case. entrepreneurs chernetsk petrov and shakhmaev are accused of filing a declaration with complex information. due to this, they supposedly received tax deductions for huge amounts, about 500 million rubles in total. this is footage from one of the searches in march of this year. security forces visited the clover park business center. a high-ranking police officer is on trial. he categorically denied fraud with mrs. chernetskaya, although he recognized it as a sign, they detained nastya chernetskaya, and there was petrov, vasily borisovich, in what cases in general, you say, you saw chernetskaya once under what circumstances, so she came as her friend, with petr vasily , for what reason, but they just came to visit, they traveled around the perm region, in addition to 200
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million rubles. according to investigators, diyakov also received a bottle of champagne as a bribe, and gave him the above... the owner of a car wash cannot wash himself off in the capital region, the perpetrators of the intermediary and the customer who ordered the murder of a business partner of a businessman are being tried, according to retired security officials. the officers were dealt with because he interfered with dubious schemes, and instead the thief of the mining business, fyodor eliseev. in these footage, businessman vyacheslav chumachenko, months before the murder, a retired officer, a successful businessman , a caring semyonin, together with his wife he gives a gift to his grandson for his birthday, go, we are giving you a gift, our common one, hello big,
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go, kiss everyone, say thank you to everyone, he was very loving. loved children, adored grandchildren, widow natalya chumachenko says, vyacheslav disappeared without a trace in january 2022, was returning from work and did not reach the apartment some hundred meters. sovetskaya street is the outskirts of moscow podolsk, along which businessman vyacheslav chumachenko returned home every day. the businessman doesn't even he suspected that he had been under surveillance for some time, and that his route had been thoroughly studied by criminals. on the day of the abduction , vyacheslav parked the car in this pocket as soon as he left the car. a black minivan stopped nearby with a squeal of brakes, and several strong men in masks jumped out of it. investigators began a search, and it turned out that vyacheslav had a protracted conflict with a business partner. in 2010, they opened a car wash together. at first chumachenko completely trusted his partner, but after a few years he suspected something was wrong and carried out audit and found out that money was leaking from the company’s accounts somewhere, but debts were growing by tens of
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millions of rubles. legal feuds and threats began between the men. they were looking for the car in which the thieves took away the business. as a result , four possible perpetrators were caught. the door was open, after which we brought the victim into the vehicle, carried him into the vehicle and placed him face down on the floor, head first. probably like this. this is footage from an investigative experiment. one of the kidnappers says the businessman was taken to forest belt 15 km from his house. his body is buried there. how we loaded chamashchenko into the car, arrived at this area of ​​the area, opened the door towards the forest and dragged the victim. the probable perpetrators of the crime pointed to the intermediary, who named the customer, a certain andrei metroshin. here he is, at the time of his arrest, mr. mitroshin, the same business partner whom chumachenko suspected of fraud involving tens of millions of rubles. in october 2022,
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the most terrible testimony of the accused was confirmed. investigators found remains vyacheslav. a man with a pistol ran up and tried to shoot, but it misfired, well then the whole thing was hushed up in klimovsk, because... the chief of police was a friend of metroshin. during the investigation, icr employees found out that the likely participants in the murder were hardened criminals. someone else has murder, someone else has drug trafficking. mr. mitroshin himself, the owner of several underground casinos in the moscow region and st. petersburg. he needed the car wash to launder his dirty money. conducted a large complex
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the amount of work involved in collecting evidence, more than 100 people were questioned. more than 100 forensic examinations were appointed and carried out, including human, molecular genetic, forensic and others. expert evidence collected in a criminal case. formed the basis of the charges. now the investigation materials are being studied in three courts at once; the fates of the probable killers, the intermediary and the customer are being decided separately. but for natalya chumachenko it remains a mystery: did the retired officer know who he was contacting when opened a common business, because the risk he took cost him his life. fyodor eliseev, andrey karamanov, maxim bragin, daniila klishchevsky, conductor, duty department. auto disgrace in the cultural capital. st. petersburg police staged a large-scale raid on street racers. patrol officers spectacularly burst into the street racers' lair right during the drift, the result was thick stacks of protocols, it seems, not one or two deprivations of rights and even the prospect of criminal cases, about the spectacular finish maxim shevchenko: on
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a huge asphalt area near at the football arena in st. petersburg, the smoke from burnt rubber became loud, under the orange sun, those who liked to tickle their nerves behind the wheel put on a real show. this is a big st. petersburg one. the trail of drift enthusiasts on krestovsky island, advertised on social networks, and, of course, without any attempt to coordinate it with officials, is the triumph of tuned foreign cars of soviet classics lovingly completed in garages, interrupted by a road patrol that suddenly appeared on the site. the amazed audience is either delighted or shocked. event scenario the police are changing right before our eyes, with helmsmen who do not show their documents at first.
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presumably under the influence of drugs, and 50 cars in a special parking lot, the reason for the difference in the unit numbers. administrative materials have been drawn up against them; traffic rules have been violated. quite rude are potentially dangerous for other participants, except for the participants; these violations are also dangerous for residents and guests of our city. it is no coincidence that the police of the northern capital begin the warm season with a mass checks, those who like to give the gas in st. petersburg often do not deny themselves the pleasure of arranging a couple of dangerous pirouettes in the center, where there are many tourists. this is a black skoda flying over the roadway in the admiralteysky district, surrounded by historical monuments. just one example of dangerous driving, the driver sergei polev, who was soon, of course, brought to criminal charges, was well aware of what he was doing, but still boasted about his stunts on social networks. and this is the capital,
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the patriarchal ponds. instead of the bulgakov tram, there are now powerful luxury ones sports cars, the roar of engines and exhausts, a corpse, the needles of the sound level meters are down, the decebels are the same as on the runway, residents of an elite district. visiting majors, to put it mildly, are not welcome, they come here in cars, usually without license plates, at about two, three, four in the morning, from time to time you wake up because everything is humming, everything is shaking, but not only the central streets are chosen by those who strive to survive on more horsepower in front of the amazed public, the outskirts are also held in high esteem by the racers, because there are wide empty avenues and parking lots of shopping centers, and for a long time such disrespectful... attitude towards others was not a direct violation, neither in the rules of the road, nor in the legislation, and not a word about the so-called drift. you can only be punished for dangerous driving or violating the law on
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silence. work is being actively carried out in this direction. it is planned that violations will be recorded by smart electronics, sensors and sensors that measure the noise level as the car passes under the camera lens. this is a simple algorithm that compares the fact when a car passes, at the same moment there is a peak value. these days are spent at one of the autodromes, it was built for formula 1 pilots, now there are racers who perform miracles of tuning in car repair shops, this season, during the day
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of training and the day of qualifying, we repaired the rear... part of my car eight times , here everything is much more serious and, probably, no less expensive than in the parking lot near the stadium on krestovsky island, there are stands full of spectators, you can’t do without a certain amount of skill, but in any case, this is exactly what a sports festival of speed can be an alternative to illegal street races. maxim shevchenko, stas ridikultsev, anna balan, conductor, duty department. the police are working, do not offer candy. in the moscow region, the most principled and strict inspector has taken over the service, he checks everything thoroughly, and no fly will slip through, he doesn’t take bribes, alexander polivko will tell you who he is. the drivers of ramensky near moscow were clearly not expecting such a traffic inspector. a fighter for riding according to the rules of nine years of joy is waving a rod. car enthusiasts are almost line up, get acquainted. the boy himself got hold of a uniform somewhere and began to keep order on the roads, stopped drivers, asked for documents if allowed, and even inspected the car. to all dubious
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offers, the reaction is immediate. maybe a bribe, guys, he’s offering me a bribe, what are we going to do? the real police immediately became interested in the identity of the young impostor, it turned out that the schoolboy's name was daniel, soon he and his parents ended up in the police department, it was inevitable, since the boy so wants to become employee in the ministry of internal affairs, which means he deserves a tour of the offices of the traffic police department of the city of ramenskaya in order to get to know his future colleagues in advance. for now we need to study. when the excursion is over. daniel was solemnly accepted into the detachment of young traffic inspectors, now you know that your friends, the ramensky department of the state traffic inspectorate are always nearby, the young inspector was presented with a furashka, a model car, a real baton and whistle, now in the yuit detachment he will help traffic inspectors in preventive work. alexander polivko and dmitry manashev, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, as well as our
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investigation. watch the episodes on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio, don’t miss our final episode today at 18:15, see you later, it’s an opinion that... time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit. for contact with the partisans burned the village of all its inhabitants. an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important,
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especially today. installed, even if these criminals are already dead, are used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in
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application or on the website, we start with the latest reports on the progress of the special military operation, a unit of the southern group of troops defeated three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, more than 400 militants were destroyed,
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the enemy. material and its own equipment, these are three howitzers, including the american m37. gaze in.


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