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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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how washington is trying to cut off central asia from the ocean. these and other news from the region are in a large review by robert frantsov. welcome to asia, we invite you on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent. today the program includes fear and hatred in kyrgyzstan, pogroms on ethnic grounds in bishkek and other populated areas, and dozens of victims in pakistan. evacuates students, a look at the new world from ostana, where the sco meeting was held, and who is this new world for i don’t like how washington is trying to cut off central asia from the ocean. fear and loathing in bishkka, the night of long knives for foreign students, the capital of kyrgyzstan. the background is banal, ordinary gop-stop. i have a light,
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no, but if i find it, they will drive me to the hostel, they chased the local non-locals, and then the local kyrgyz, they started breaking into the rooms and looting, for this one was beaten, and severely, and then a video appeared on the internet describing that part of the events, where it’s the non-locals who are beating up the very local, in no one bothered to delve into the backstory. people took to the streets with the call of the homeless, officially dozens of victims, mainly from pakistan, india and bangladesh, to make it clear how serious the situation is, the next day the government of pakistan urgently evacuated the students by evacuation planes, the incident was discussed at the level of the cabinets of ministers of the two countries, the president of the country sadyr japarov promised that all those involved in the pogroms would be severely punished, several people have already been detained. moreover, according to kyrgyz president, if this happens again in the future,
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and there are citizens from india, bangladesh and pakistan, foreigners were beaten, their property was broken, and their money and mobile phones were taken away. it is reported that more than sixty sewing shops have already closed in kyrgyzstan since the attack, according to the founder of the group successful model entrepreneurs zayeva, the incident. “strangers,” as the attack on visitors is called in the local media, has already seriously hit industries. we specifically train girls for free, as soon as they learn, they leave and say that they will work from home, they sew everything at home without a technologist, so they had to involve foreigners in the work. citizens of india and
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bangladesh work efficiently and peacefully, now they have left and i don’t know what will happen. now in kyrgyzstan they are asking the question, how random is such a surge of xenophobia? remember just recently? we quoted the words of the head of the country's security council, remember what he named among the main potential threats to security: a unipolar world that imposes its values ​​on other states is already a past stage, there is a lot to go through polarity, so that these sovereignties of the state, they really must be ensured, this national is identical, ethnic is identical, it must be indefeasible, because it begins from there, it killed the language, killed, divided everything poetically, the people are already everything, they may not be able to why, you can calmly take it with your bare hands, so many are concerned about this, the forces are interested, i can’t
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name them specifically, but there are global forces that are interested, this is primarily to weaken, to destabilize the country, they need organize. for the authorities, who were reminded, and perhaps threatened, what is the destructive potential of a crowd? the situation that we had from the seventeenth to the eighteenth, it was on everyday grounds, first of all, i want to say, where it usually happens in all countries,
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but they wanted to use this everyday basis precisely for political purposes. third forces, i will say that they are connected directly with our... distant colleagues, we think so, the conflict, naturally, could be used for their purposes in their interests directly, but thanks to the fact that our authorities responded to this situation in a timely manner and were able to suppress this situation, appropriate work is now being carried out to directly identify these organizers of the work.
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this reason may be the main reason why we feel that the presence of third forces in such situations, in such mass unrest, is present in our countries. here is the kazakh view on the migration issue. astana has made it a mandatory requirement for those wishing to obtain kazakh citizenship to own state language at an elementary level, as well as knowledge of the basics of history. and the country's constitution. such amendments to the law were signed by the head of state not long ago. in addition, the law also provides for other changes aimed at further improving legislation in the field of population migration. and to other events: the heads of all five central asian republics expressed condolences to the people of iran in connection
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with the death of the country's president ibrahim roisi in a plane crash. kazakh and uzbek leaders kasym jamar takaev and shavkat mirziyoyev called the deceased’s contribution to the development of bilateral relations invaluable. serdar. at the funeral ceremony and other mourning events, he stated that tajikistan is aimed at fruitful cooperation with iran in any circumstances. rahmon also had another foreign visit to baku. ilham aliyev invited his colleague to increase trade and economic cooperation not limited to the traditional aluminum sector. dramatic shots from behind the scenes. a five-year-old child, who was left unattended, hung onto the balcony fourth floor. and he probably would have crashed if the random eyewitness, the hero, had not rushed to help him. arts,
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including such ancient ones as gold embroidery, making ceramics and, of course, carpet weaving. in addition, anyone could take a virtual tour of samarkand, bukhara and khiva. this week , a meeting of the heads of the mit countries was held in astana, this is the final event in preparation for the summit of the association’s leaders, which will also take place in kazakhstan in july. the parties once again confirmed the general course to build the eurasian space on the principles of equality and mutual respect. our organization already unites 10 states of the eurasian continent, which are home to almost half of the planet’s population and account for a quarter of the world’s gross domestic product. product and 15% of world trade. kazakhstan, as chairman of the sco, is making
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every effort to further strengthen the organization’s potential. taking this opportunity, i would like to express my gratitude to the participating countries for supporting our initiatives and fruitful joint work. the main topic the foreign policy agenda was the formation of the architecture of a new world order. the russian side proceeds from the fact that interaction within the sco is aimed at creating a contour. security in eurasia on the basis of close interaction between the eurasian powers themselves, outside intervention is categorically unacceptable, but western countries are actively trying to establish their total control unilaterally in the eurasian space, and traditionally are not shy in their choice of means. in the southeast of the continent, the united states is trying to infiltrate tensions in the taiwan strait, in the south china sea, including the creation of bloc military structures similar to nato, and
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they are also being introduced into the everyday life of central asia, of course, when central asia arouses interest, no one is against the creation of communication formats, central asia is a plus, but when in the case of the united states and the european union, these formats are used to try. to get involved literally in all spheres of organizing the life of the country, in organizing the activities of the state, central asian, any, of course, this does not mean that the west is offering equal, mutually beneficial cooperation, trying to take over these processes, threatening, demanding to report on how they implement secondary sanctions,
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cooperation, including in trade economic sphere. and now about
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the issues of further development of bilateral relations : how everything actually works, why nothing works. according to calculations, up to 60% of the cost of products produced in central asia falls on logistics. well there is no region from the steppe to the ocean all around, every extra kilometer to the end consumer is a plus to the cost. products and minus competitiveness. this means that goods from, for example, karaganda will always be more expensive on the world market. in such conditions it is impossible to develop industry and the economy as a whole. there is a way out, to actively develop regional associations such as the eac and others; in fact, this is part of the second option - to make our way to the ocean. the key point on the map is the port of chebahar in iran. this is the fastest way to ocean for the countries of central asia. the port is the largest geopolitical and geo-economic project and part of the formation of a multipolar world. there is huge interest in it in uzbekistan,
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turkmenistan and tajikistan. once again, this is a key link that can connect india with the central one. asia and the entire large eurasian space, but the united states appeared on the cloudless horizon of endless prospects. washington made open threats against india and others wishing to participate in the project. next, a quote. we are aware of the signing of india and iran ten-year contract on the port of chabahar. us sanctions on iran remain in place, and we will continue to enforce them. anyone considering doing business deals with iran. must be aware of the potential risk to which he is exposed, as well as the potential risk of sanctions, because you cannot be friends with iran, because washington has decided so, so sit in your dead end, everything that is beneficial to us, we are already taking away from you ourselves. tell us how important this port is and what its opportunities are for economic development uzbekistan and other central asian
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countries? this is a region that is located inside the large eurasian... which has long been exploited by the countries of central asia, in particular uzbekistan, but its location inside the persian gulf, which requires exit through the narrow neck of the strait of armuzd, it creates certain problems, because the strait of armuzd is one of the most militarized areas, therefore the same india. made a bet specifically on the chabahar port, on the development of the chabahar port, because for trans-eurasian trade for north-south corridors in the space of greater eurasia, the port of chabahar seems to be one of the most optimal. how sensitive are the united states’ attempts to limit those wishing to work with this port, and can this
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be called a struggle for new logistics? unfortunately, the united states in its foreign policy increasingly relies on the policy of imposing extraterritorial, unilateral, illegitimate from the point of view of international law, sanctions against certain countries, and please note, only for the last month of sanctions, the united states expresses gratitude to georgia for its law on foreign agents. at the same time they threaten india for its attempts to be present, expand its presence in the chabahar party and develop transport corridors, and north-south. in order to create problems for the implementation of the north-south project, the united states even goes to the extent of imposing sanctions against india, with
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which good relations are vitally important to them, because the geopolitical and geo-economic value of... chabahar as a key point from which begins and with which the trans-eurasian north-south transport corridor ends, this is an indicator of the value that the chabahar port represents. what else do you remember about the past week? turkmenistan solemnly celebrated two national holidays at once: constitution day and national flag day, the president of the country. ministers and elders laid flowers at the ashgabat flagpole, which, by the way, is the tallest in the world, rising 133 m. serdar berdumukhamedov also held talks with the secretary general of the commonwealth of independent states sergei lebedev. he arrived in ashgabat to participate in a meeting of the heads of government of the cis. levedev noted the high level of preparation for the summit and thanked the turkmen leadership for this. the russian delegation to the summit
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is headed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. the kator financial holding will pay 65 billion for the purchase of the kazakh berike bank, which, let me remind you, was previously a subsidiary of the russian sberbank. information about the deal has already been officially confirmed in doha; all that remains is to obtain permission from the regulatory authorities of both countries. a long way from kazakh riders set off from pavlodar to astana to participate in the traditional equestrian marathon. the race over a distance of five thousand kilometers is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding soviet geologist kanysh sadpaev. the winner of the race will receive.
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russian philanthropists from the russian lamp foundation donated specialized typho-pedagogical literature for blind, visually impaired children in the city of ozh in kyrgyzstan. a large batch of such valuable and rare pedagogical material was sent to a local boarding school. the mastermind of the project the russian presidential administration spoke. our school is taught in russian, we teach using the braille method. and it was precisely the typhlo-technical instruments that we lacked. and in all subjects, physics, biology, we received the name elementary school specifically for laboratory classes, for this individual work with children, we received an allowance, we do not issue this, and it was
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very nice, we also received educational literature, educational literature , of course, the children were very happy, especially the teachers, they wanted i would like to note the key role in the implementation of the project on the part of the russian charitable foundation russian lamp, representatives of this foundation have repeatedly... visited the southern region of kyrgyzstan, we are further ready to assist russian charitable organizations and institutions in promoting their solutions in kyrgyzstan, and here in this it is very very interested. but we also believe that this kind of support fully fits into our strategic, friendly relations between peoples. celebrations continue in turkmenistan events dedicated to the tercentenary of the poet and thinker magtymguly fragi. a colossal statue was erected in the foothills of kapidag. match the scale of the genius. the height of the sculpture is 60 m, the diameter of the paste is 25 m. it contains poems by the poet himself, as well as lines and poems by gurbanguly berdumukhamedov. keep the mind of
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magtymguly frags. next to the statue of magtymguly are sculptures of foreign thinkers. among them are shakespeare, dante, chingiz aitmatov and fyodor dostoevsky. at the end of the ceremony , the sky of ashgabat was lit up with a light show and fireworks. that's all for us. see you how usually next week in central asia. take care of yourself, children are growing, we need new solutions, such as a children's savings card, limited design, free registration, access to sim cards with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control. my expenses payment sticker apply now children's savings card - an adult approach. what
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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9:00 am
tragic plane crash in iran, killed the president of the country, who is to blame for the disaster. the international criminal court is about to issue an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu, but the west is surprised, to say the least. and western countries are deciding how to take away frozen russian assets, but so far it’s difficult. see about this in the international review program after a short advertisement. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. if only the house was
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in the countryside. better apartment.


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