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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

5:30 am
but this is not in my power. after watching the so -called documentary film by the ukrainian director who won an oscar, i, like many of my colleagues, had a feeling of déjà vu. we all saw the shot of the little pink jacket and it looked very familiar to us. after digging through the archives, we found the same shot. however, he had nothing to do with the title of the documentary. 20 days in mariupol. in fact, the photo was taken by another journalist who captured the death of an entire family in the city of gorlovka in the dpr. they are destroying our children look, it’s all so rubbish here, but what happened that day? from that side, from ukraine, hail shells arrived and exploded in the apartment.
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the bulaev family lived on the eighth floor, it’s very difficult to talk now, because small children died, i also have children, so you remember this moment, of course, this is sofia’s jacket, which was hanging on the tree, of course...
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that is, you you see, everything is for sale, everything is in the piggy bank, just this cauldron of lies, manipulation, the use of some shots with a completely opposite meaning, with the possibility falsify people's words, re-voice them, and so on and so forth, this is the complete absence of the concept of sin and... yes, we remember this time, the nineties, but only today this is not happening in just one country, this is happening at the global level lawlessness, lies, manipulation, the ability to turn any fact in one’s favor, and there are different forms of crimes, there are obvious crimes, yes, and there are invisible ones, there are, not only are they invisible, they... here, for example, is a story
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that has now flared up relatively the great russian philosopher ivan ilyan. at the beginning of april this year , a fairly powerful campaign was launched against the russian philosopher ivan ilyin , the higher political school named after him at the russian state humanitarian university. i think that...
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the scientific center, one of the leading universities in the country , the winner of fascism, cannot bear the name of a supporter of ultra-legal views, taking into account the socio-political situation in which the russian federation currently finds itself. we are convinced that ivan ilyin’s worldview has nothing in common with the values ​​of russia, and the fascist idea is an unnatural political construct for us. our demand is to cancel the resolution on the creation of an educational and scientific center under the leadership of alexander dugin. we stand for freedom.
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completely different people, one of the first who began this work of denigrating the image of ilyin was a certain veronika kroshenennikova, by the way, she even worked at one time... at the russian state humanitarian university, from the age of 20 she lived abroad, i studied there and worked there. russia only appeared about 10 years ago, she became a prominent political scientist, became a member of the russian public chamber from 2012 to 2020, shortly after the start of the svo, she suddenly disappeared from public political life. there is an assumption that she went back. abroad, she is a supporter of the democratic party, loves joe biden and, by and large, if we speak seriously, is engaged in the simplest and most clear anti-russian agenda. here is a short portrait of mrs. korsheninnikova, who
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writes and distributes materials denigrating the image of ivan ilyin, moreover, remember, at one time a dissident, a wonderful writer, a very... wise man, zinoviv wrote: “they aimed for communism, ended up in russia.” in the same way here, it’s like they’re targeting ilyin. but, in fact, this is directed against the president, who often quotes ilyin. and what is a president who quotes a fascist? how is this, how can one come to terms with this? this is a delicate and long-term game. it all works there in this piggy bank.
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preaches conservative views, who is anti-lgbtq or who promotes christian morality, that’s what she writes: gays, new jews, the persecution of lgbt people in the world belongs to the agenda of the extreme right forces, and so on. now pay attention to this subtle but important detail. this whole story revolves around the highest political school, wearing. name ilyin, led by philosopher alexander dugin. and this is happening precisely at a time when mr. dugin, together with other deputies, are writing a statement to the investigative committee, accusing the biden family of sponsoring
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terrorism. well, tell me, is this a coincidence? maybe, but i don't believe in him. i want to appeal to the guys, to these students, to these hot people, to these. sincere people, don’t you yourself understand that you are being led and manipulated, and they are not manipulating you from here, and they are not leading you from here, you are being used, watch a short excerpt from our film, russian philosopher ivan ilyin, i discovered ilyan when i came across a handwritten a brochure about russia, then why, in general, in my opinion, is one of... his main works, i was absolutely at a loss for words, just when i looked later, i looked ahead when this was written, i, when i saw that it was written in the fifties , in my opinion, the first or second year, and when the country was on a huge upswing, they won
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the war, yes, there were all the repressions, but still, for the world this is a country winners, suddenly this person writes about what awaits her... we will absolutely find out what happened to us after, say, the ninety- first year. back in 1948, 40 years before these events, ilyin predicted with incredible accuracy everything that would happen to us in
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1991, down to the smallest detail. that's what he writes then. the russian people will emerge from the revolution poor. there will be no rich, no prosperous, no middle class, not even a healthy, economic peasant at all; poor peasantry, poor workers in industry, poor artisans. poor townspeople, it will be the people of a classless society, robbed, but not at all forgetting that they were robbed, not what exactly was taken from them, not those who expropriated them, everyone will be poor, overworked, bitter, the state center, robbed everyone will disappear, but the state coinage the unit inherited by the heir will have a minimum number of buyers.
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approving the new constitution, why don’t they read this, why don’t they want to believe those who really saved russia in the image of it, saved its memory, saved its essence, its soul, why not take this, don’t, do n’t take this as an axiom, but this is written by a person for whom russia was everything ...
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separatism is an artificial phenomenon, devoid of real foundations, it arose from the ambition of the leaders and the international conquest intrigue. the little russians are a branch of a single slavic-russian people; this branch has no reason to quarrel with other branches of the same people and secede into a separate state, having separated this state. gives itself up for conquest and plunder to foreigners, fir trees,
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1938, you understand, the level of thinking of this person, his scale, whom mrs. kasheninnikova calls a fascist, here i will give you another small excerpt from the letter of this... fascist on october 13 1938, which ivan ilyin wrote from switzerland, writer ivan shmelev, also expelled from russia. the persecution of me in germany began back in 1933 because i dared to be a russian patriot by my own judgment. here is the list, 1933 april-june. police attempts to expose me as
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a francophile or to use me against the first visit to my home by the political rest of the immigration, my refusal 1934, april, an offer to me, as a professor at a russian scientific institute, to engage in propaganda of anti-semitism throughout the emigration dispersion, my categorical refusal. 1934 and... i was denied the right to work. july 1934, i was fired from the russian institute in no time. the attack on me will continue. the propaganda ministry declared me an exposed freemason, and we declared public speeches unacceptable for the lack of anti-semitism in them, for the christian point of view held in them. an attempt will be made to use my powers.
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back in september 1941, ilyin wrote: germany lost this war, and what’s more, he quickly got rid of it.
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this is what he writes: this is according to evidence historian olga bonch osmalovskaya, out of several hundred students , almost no one, with the exception of five or six people, read it, and even then, as you can guess, they read it or not, not on the scale of a large book, on the scale of several articles that were carefully slipped in student, those who organized all this, but how does it all connect? so to vilify indiscriminately, without truly knowing, and without truly knowing, the long-dead great philosopher ivan ilyan, at the same time today, today in the higher school of economics, the ideas of one of the most anti-soviet and anti-russian
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nts organizations. this is alexander sungurov, professor of political science. higher school of economics in st. petersburg. in 1993 , he established the commonwealth fund in st. petersburg, later the strategy center. the work of his center was paid for from the funds of the macarthur, nauman, bell, ebert, rosa luxemburg and others foundations. the adenaur foundation is a christian democrats' foundation. for what money will i go to the regions, road, hotel, and i know what’s wrong with them, what they are interested in, after that, if everything works out more or less to return again, as far as possible, to
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the civilized world, then there is a high probability that in another 10-15 years, this scares me most of all, the people will want putin again.
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how comrade stalin, who was supposedly an ardent atheist, opened monasteries during and after the war, restored the patriarchate, and restored churches. why did he do this? because he, like no one else, understood that there are no atheists in the trenches. well, in conclusion, i want you to enjoy and listen to a wonderful song, a new song by maxim fadeev. cranes, listen, please, and the smoke will melt, i will see the silence of the fields. 100 winds howl about my friends who did not return, who knew that everything
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would be like this, after those battles, that not everyone will come home and hug their mother, that not everyone or... still see their daughter, that not everyone rise from the trench as a god, i want to say, and i want to finish singing this to my mother, you will forgive us, your sons, who did not return. the cranes, like all of us, are flying home, and you
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just wait for me, i know we’ll meet, but the dark night of the steppe, where are my cranes? the wind keeps blowing it’s like he’s crying, he’s like me alone, the stars are falling, separating us, you still wait, when the fire is behind me, in my heart you’re alone, i know it in advance for me. all your love lives on me, the cranes, like all of us, are flying home, and you
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just wait for me, i know, we will meet, but the dark night is falling, where are my cranes, i know we will meet, but the dark night is falling.
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where are my cranes, where are my cranes, hold on, brothers, well, after such a wonderful song, it’s not a sin for us to fulfill our tradition, i hope you... are ready to raise your glass for victory, for our victory, oh, who do you think came, right, together, the pen came said: we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists, i’m looking forward to seeing you at
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ours, god willing, a new meeting. i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, the actors are simply gorgeous, mom, this is alisa, i liked alisa and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov really, really did this film in general, i see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khabensky. the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most. the best actor,
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everything was just done very cool, it really clicked, i i don’t know if this will actually be the case in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you are so sensory, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now, i have thought a lot over these 100 years.
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’m loyal to you, do you hear. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the app or on the website, how far is it to the border, and here directly how many kilometers, people came to the auto shop, it started
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shelling, it's indescribable. they will never understand what the border zones are experiencing, let's leave, let's leave, guys, look, these are the special shelters, here there is double reinforcement, 400 grade cement, we tested it, took it to the landfill, 7 km from here volchansk is smoking, and here in the fields works as a tractor driver, uncle sasha. they don’t shoot, we go out, they shoot, we hide, even despite these latest shellings, everyone’s enterprise is shattered, we must move it back in order to return peace to ukraine, to our country.
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6:00 am
in the belgorod region, new attacks from side of the armed forces of ukraine, there are dead and injured. at about one o'clock in the morning, shibekina found herself under rocket artillery fire. egor grigoriev will talk about the consequences of the ukrainian strikes.


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