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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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anxiously leaving the circle, we are trying to reconstruct the diagram of the accident with a car expert. and this is our ever-tired commercial van driver, he lazily, not lazily, but tired, shows the turn , begins to make it, counting on the help of other road users, here, here they sneak up and make a jerk, or they spur you on, urge you on, blink headlights, or they provoke you and distract your attention, we will notice that the victim begins to change lanes. to the right, the main auto support literally rams his car, it seems that the one who is to blame is not making sure there was no interference, he began the maneuver, although in fact this was also established by the investigators, the cause of all collisions was a deliberate increase in speed by the formal victims, he stood, stood, pretended to let him through, and then jumped sharply, well , in fact, it was my fault , drivers of corporate transport were persuaded to sign a european protocol and send it to the insurance company, supposedly in order to quickly begin repairs, he says that there are electronics. there it broke down there and so on,
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as soon as i hesitated, we’ll call dps, he immediately sat down and left. in fact, money up to a million rubles received through asaga was immediately cashed in to a junk car that looked like a prestigious foreign car, after a hasty garage repair , it went out on the road the same day. in some cases , the scams were executed so meticulously that the criminals were not embarrassed even by the arrival of the police. they misled state traffic inspectors and acted as the faces of road accident victims. insurance scammer. did not change the trajectory and directly provoked the collision. tricks the detained leader of the auto-substitutes, pavel korovin, as a carbon copy of the art of another serial accident worker, evgeny afanasyev. afanasyev and karavin are connected; they previously worked together in the same criminal group. afanasyev's comrades organized road accidents throughout moscow. they became so impudent that they started crashing into public transport, trying to illegally receive compensation from city auto companies, until 2 years ago, the fake victims and their henchmen were caught. now individual episodes with
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fake accidents will be combined into one proceedings, afanasyev, and now korovin behind bars, six accused of fraud on an especially large scale will await trial in a pre-trial detention center. denis vaskovsky, gennady talychki dobin, alexey mashchikov, a week in the city. a real moscow hydra, tenacious, seemingly invincible, these are cheap hostels, they close one or it sometimes burns to the ground, it doesn’t open immediately yet. they don’t ask any questions and don’t ask for any documents, it has its own concepts about relaxation, cleanliness and attracts a very specific contingent in general about life in society, and such neighbors make life miserable for a huge number of residents of the moscow region, who even allows these hostels to be set up, our dmitry blinnikov tried to book a place in one, there is a gas cylinder in the house, maybe it caught fire... it caught fire so much that in the entire village of snegir
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it was visible that in the morning the flames engulfed a private house, eight people died in the fire, only one woman miraculously managed to escape, now she is in the hospital, she somehow jumped from the second floor and broke herself, everything was burned. an illegal hostel operated in the house, a citizen of uzbekistan, muzaforkhon mirtazaev took the cottage for rent, rented it out to migrants on a daily basis, now he is arrested, how many people did you accommodate? there were 15 people, all citizens of uzbekistan, right? there were no smoke detectors or fire extinguisher inside, the landlady regularly took 100,000 rubles a month from the tenant, she saved on security, there are 30 unregistered citizens on the site, she was called by us, she said that she would not come and that you would have to be patient, guys, get used to it, residents istrinsky district they complained, demanded to close the hotel, we fought against it, we wrote, we pointed out, the hostel continued to no avail. to work until
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a tragedy happens, so the residents of arctic fox street in the capital have been complaining for many years about the hotel for workers that opened in their yard, horror, they live here, and there are bunk beds inside, fire extinguishers everywhere, apparently they are also afraid of fire, and there are still a lot of guards; outsiders are not allowed in. previously, a kindergarten was located here, then a bank, when it closed, local residents thought that the building would be demolished, but that was not the case, a hotel for workers and syringes opened here.
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i was interested and checked. the sovelovskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office of the hostel on pestsova street revealed a violation of the requirements of fire safety legislation, which the organization had not eliminated for a long time. the prosecutor filed a lawsuit requiring the owner of the hostel to eliminate the identified violations and take interim measures in the form of a ban on the operation of the building on pestsova street as creating a danger. and again in mytishche, near moscow, they are demolishing an illegal hostel on yaroslavl highway. the excavators left no stone unturned, but this business is very profitable. one hotel in the city was closed and a new one opened. on the street of the world, the establishment started working straight away. the guests scare the neighbors, make noise, litter, the entrance is flooded, the internet is full of hostel advertisements, we
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tried to check in ourselves, they don’t even ask for names, pay and live, 2,700 per day, 2,790, it is not known whether taxes are transferred from this money? the owner, she promised to come and explain everything, but of course she didn’t show up, the residents of the house didn’t they understand why they won’t close the case. we asked the manager to contact him despite drinking violations, he wanted to continue working, and his owner to earn money. dmitry blinnikov, alexander chukanov, anastasia makhina, a week in the city. this is a week in the city, the most interesting stories. always ahead, we have a very short advertisement, but you will have time to pour tea or coffee.
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someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. the state has abolished commissions for transfers between its accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alphacard. receive supercake in rubles and withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous
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of freshness, only online magnet. this week in the city, the main stories that happened nearby. so, in several districts of the moscow region at once. in the near future the noise of construction equipment will subside, but the local residents, of course, are not primarily pleased with the coming silence, although this too, they will finally get what they have been waiting for a long time, some a new hospital, some a new school or a new road, the construction of a number of large truly important objects have reached the final stage, and we they just couldn’t help but look at what was going on there, they looked, it was impressive, the wanderers were just magicians, that’s how well it was going. construction, to hear such assessments of their work, even before its completion, the builders who are building a new hospital in
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khatkov, of course, tried very hard, here even a non-professional will immediately understand that the project is serious, very large-scale and is being built to the highest standards, the future the complex is seven times larger than the existing clinic in the city, just 10 km in sergiev pasad there is also a lot of construction here, the new building of the physics and mathematics lyceum is almost ready, if only 150 schoolchildren could study in the old building, then in this one three times as many will sit at desks, classes here will begin in september. we are taking all the traditions with us, all the traditions of high school, and of course, we will develop with the children of the fifth grade. but the most large-scale construction in sergegiev posad is taking place here, in the area of ​​the old wastewater treatment plants, which have been operating since the early seventies of the last century. with load they haven't been able to cope with cleaning technologies for a long time. do not meet modern standards, the complete reconstruction of the most important complex for the area
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will be completed next year. modernization of housing and communal services has a priority for the quality of life, this is a very important component for a person, for the life of a city, for its development, there are as many permanent buildings as are being built in the moscow region, but believe me, we work throughout the country, they are not being built in any region. and in derzhinsk they are already preparing for the heating season. the heating mains are here, like in many other cities for more than half a century. another winter. they just ca n’t stand it, so the pipes are being completely replaced, we are planning completion, we are planning on november 15, but we will provide heat, as is expected throughout the region on october 15, accordingly we will enter the heating season according to schedule, and we will complete two or three more sections before november 15, from a bird's eye view, even a non-specialist can see, the construction of a large road is nearing completion, this is the mytishchi expressway, a sixteen-kilometer route that will connect dmitrovskoye and yaroslavskoye. the highway will actually be the northern backup of the moscow ring road. after the road opens at the end of this year
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, travel will become more convenient for about a million residents of the moscow region. another important project will be completed in november. this is the pirogov highway. the fact is that when you leave mytishchi, it essentially became two lanes. we are now expanding it to four, creating a sidewalk, bicycle paths, lighting, all this will radically change the situation. after the opening of the mytishchi expressway, getting, for example, from pushkin to dolgoprudny or from it will be possible to get from mytishchi to lobnya twice as fast, in 30 minutes instead of an hour. well, the capital’s real estate market has become slightly, but still safer. these days, a gang of scammers who preyed on the apartments of lonely pensioners is being tried in moscow. they found a potential victim and deceived her into re-registering her living space, and all the swindlers were members of the same family and their own... somewhere, in the city department of a reliable, blood-borne agent, they had no property. they literally dragged old people to
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the mfc in the middle of ladnya, in full view of everyone. how we managed to neutralize the gang together with the investigators; alexander karpov was on the trail of the criminals. video recording from a criminal case. not a single visitor to the mfc at that moment even realized that he had witnessed a serious crime and that the elderly visitor, who was brought into the office, was in danger. mortal danger, and her caring escort is in fact an accomplice of bounty hunters with pensioners' apartments, maybe they gave her something to drink, maybe they gave her something to drink, maybe they gave her water to make you go crazy, and they'll come too, i'll kick them out, go from here to a swindler, i’ll call the police now, here they are already in the courtroom, there’s a whole family in the dock, mother elena huseyn aliyeva and daughter...
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and he’s also with us, just like that, well, shura, shura, that’s all, their goal there was, of course, no friendship with my grandmother, an apartment on watchdog street, which, to use the slang of swindlers, was obtained in advance... by rakhmon’s daughter elvira, who worked in the capital’s department of city property. using an account with access to service databases, mm, i received information on this property, established that the grandmother was single, and has no relatives of heirs. investigator dugina, who solved this case,
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tells how the swindlers took complete control of alexandra petrovna for many months. kusein aliyev even lived in this apartment and, in order to create the appearance of a warm relationship with kusakina, he printed out a photograph of him with her, and installed surveillance cameras in all rooms to monitor the pensioner’s every move. the neighbors were the first to sound the alarm. i called the police, i said, please find out who they are, she has no relatives, she lives alone, what these are the people who came, i don’t know them, this is the first time i’ve seen them, she says, well, these are my relatives, she says, you have no relatives, when the police were there, she warned, she says, take away the document, hide the passport, we hid the passport , and thus, it seems, they saved alexandra petrovna’s life, because it was after this that the apartment swindlers were forced to go with their victim to the mfc to receive a new passport instead of the allegedly lost one, and were captured right at the moment when this passport was taken from her,
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then there was a power of attorney has been issued for citizen. notarial, after which a gift agreement was drawn up for the father of one of the girls, here is an accomplice, after which the documents were transferred to the mfc and the transfer of ownership to third parties took place. later , alexandra petrovna herself told her neighbor about this, what kind of paper should i sign, maybe i signed, or maybe there’s an apartment there, maybe i can’t see well, so in the end we found out, the passport was received - they went to the savings bank, which means her accounts were transferred, the pension was transferred, in addition to this, she had a lot of money there for the funeral, this money too transferred to another account, the savings were saved, the apartment is now seized and it can only be returned through the court, if the scammers managed to resell it several times, launder it in their slang, seize
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the property from the last owner, who is considered a bona fide purchaser, it would be almost impossible, the victim at best... the database could have played the role of a spotter for the apartments of lonely pensioners for many years, but there is reason to suspect that some potential victims of the gang may already not to be alive. alexander karpov, maxim aparinv, selatsavichev, yaroslav aulov and oleg dobin, a week in the city. the holiday season has begun in the country and russian border guards
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decided to immediately dot all the i's. if there is such a letter in the first or last name, close it. then the document can be confiscated right at the airport. the first victims of borderline literalism are already there; tears of prayer and appeal to common sense could not change the position of the exacting people in uniform. who is at risk and how not to ruin your trip, a problematic part of the alphabet studied by irina baranova. she had a little more than an hour left before departure and nothing foreshadowed trouble, but alena was on vacation. flew away, she flew with him, my child immediately started crying, because he wants to come to me, they don’t let him in, his husband’s tears are flowing too, the three of us just start crying through this glass, the border control officers let us through the departure zone for dad and daughter, the road to the sea was closed in front of mom, saying that this was impossible without dotting her name. my
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name is alkacheva, alena with ё, in russian on her passport her name is written with ё, foreign... laws change, the rules of the russian language change, ignorance of them, as it turns out, does not save a citizen from a ruined vacation and loss of money paid for the tour. the letter y is
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the only one in the alphabet that has a birthday; by the way, it is 241 years old, but it is still optional, that is, it can easily be replaced with e, but there is an exception and a person’s name is this exception. here is the passport of another twelve-year-old owner of an ancient russian name. in the city of yekaterinburg you are missing the letter g. what are our next steps? well, you 're going home. they added that they understand everything humanly, but they can’t do anything. i say, we could close our eyes and we would pass. we were told that no, there are cameras everywhere.
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you need to carefully, carefully check all the information in the record that is indicated there, and as soon as you put your signature, it means you give your consent and confirm that you have checked everything, but what to do when the errors are not in personal data, in those that it’s impossible to verify, a drinking incident certainly not due to the fault of failed tourists happened in krasnoyarsk, we almost got locked up for thai shit because of... an error in the child’s passport. a man sold his car to take his child, who was constantly suffering from bronchitis, to thailand. the child’s passport was not scanned at the airport. as a result, the family
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was released abroad, assuring them that there would be no problems with the passport in thailand. and then everything is like in a psychological detective trailer with an asian flavor. i see that people in police uniforms are already walking towards us, wearing bulletproof vests, with weapons, everyone immediately takes us away, the police station starts screaming. point something at the child, well, so that, apparently, they would take him away from us, since the passport is real, we cannot prove in any way that this is our son. as a result, instead of relaxing by the warm ocean, they flew 18 hours a day to thailand and back, and according to thai laws, they almost lost their child, whose backpack contained new swimming trunks and children’s shovels for playing in the sand. the family is going to compensate for the losses through the court, here is alena, a name that, through her, was still able to fly to her family in turkey, as the press service told us, her passport was replaced with a valid one within 4 days. irina baranova, marina gromova, nel borisova, albert musin, olga gribina, a week in the city. in general,
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it is better to check in advance that the passport complies not only with the spirit, but also with the letter of the law. it's been a week in the city, we'll be back in exactly 7 days to tell the stories that happened near us. see you.
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wait, who are they, the new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i’m behind my brother i arrived, i’m a battalion commander, call sign is trigger, everyone has call signs. i’m why adam and not adam i’m a chechen i’m an artist white rose can you sing somehow i shave am i alive names we don’t need to touch her or what not to touch isn’t
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yours well are you a daisy? light of god, to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, forget my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to a new height. all of you are there, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like?
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four people were killed, 18 were injured as a result of yesterday's strikes by the armed forces of ukraine in the belgorod region, as the governor reported, two of the victims were children, four adults were in serious condition in intensive care, residential buildings and public utilities were damaged, so in shebekina there were problems on the lines due to ukrainian shelling electricity and gas supply, fragments the façade was cut, the glass was broken, the heating circuit is now being restored, the town in the village
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of dubovaya caught fire... chaos, another fire.


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