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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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by the way, they even argued with this, remember, one of the issues of our besagon? still, on the other hand, there is a nationality of terrorism, for example, it could be an african american, for example, or it could be a hindu, or a european, or an american. in principle, this is real international diasporaism. it’s blatant, it’s, it’s not even hiding anything, and many probably, so to speak, treat this document, which our deputies signed, with a fair amount of irony and sarcasm, even, well who will consider this, nothing, nothing, nothing, sooner or later it has to happen anyway, let us remember the words... lincoln, you can
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deceive part of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time, in this in this case , we mean humanity as such, it is, i think, i hope, impossible to deceive it all the time, and how amazing it is, look at how intertwined and echoed the events of today. with events of long ago . look, compare the logic of another one quotes by adolf hitler. when assessing such actions, it is necessary to take into account that the defeat in 1918, the subsequent period of suffering of the german people, as well as the struggle against national socialism, which required countless bloody sacrifices, were the result...
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for example, recently in the city of rivne one of the the few remaining monuments in honor of the victory over hitler's germany, it was called the monument of eternal glory. look, under vigan, amidst laughter, they are breaking this monument, which promises the metal from which it was made this monument was made to be used for the needs of the ssu, that is, in other words, from this monument, which was erected in honor of our victory... victory over germany , bullets can be cast that will be used to kill the descendants of those who won this war, their own, our own, just imagine the ominousness of this situation, but unfortunately, the trouble is that we ourselves, with our own hands and actions, give reason for distortion and distortion.
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germany, under the leadership of goebbels, reported that a mass grave of polish officers and the ussr is to blame for this, that is , the country with which germany was at war. by the way, the germans took all the documents to germany, when the red army began to approach, they simply burned them. by the end of the forty -third year, smolensk was liberated, and a commission led by academician nikolai burdenko began the investigation. while hiding these burials , german bullets were found. also, the letters that were written. after the arrival of the germans.
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the commission came to the conclusion that the dead were prisoners who were not evacuated in time. retreat, they found themselves in territory... occupied by the germans and were shot by the nazis. the katyn massacre appears in the indictment of the international tribunal in nuremberg. section three. a war crime is exactly what it sounds like. in september 1941, in the katyn forest, near smolensk , the nazis carried out mass murders of polish captured officers. well, this is basically possible. it would have been possible to put an end to it, but then the nineties came and on april 13, 1990, the president of the soviet union mikhail gorbachev conveyed to those who arrived in moscow, to the president of poland, wojciech jeruzelski
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, nkvd transfer lists with captured poles from kazelsk, ostashki and starobelsk, which do not contain any information about the execution. which did not prove anything, but this is presented as a package of documents confirming that polish officers were executed by soviet security officers. this is what state duma deputy anatoly wasserman writes in his letter to the prosecutor's office of the russian federation, march 11, 2024, the current status of the katyn case gives rise to a legal... conflict, the fact is that in the composition of the current criminal code of russia introduced article 354, paragraph 1. rehabilitation of nazism. in accordance with it, denial of the facts established by the verdict of the international military tribunal for the trial
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of punishment for the main war criminals of european countries is considered a crime and entails criminal prosecution, that is... that is, when we declared in the eighties and nineties that polish officers were killed by employees nkvd, despite the facts and documents, the evidence of the burdenko commission, we ourselves become participants the rehabilitation of nazism, it turns out, is one of the most important documents that seems to affirm and confirm our guilt. this note, it's labeled. like beria’s letter numbered 794/b dated march 5, 1940, interestingly, all four pages were printed on different typewriters, which alone
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casts doubt on the authenticity of this document. in addition, on the title page are the signatures of stalin, oroshilov, molotov and mikayan. the networks were made with a pencil of the same color, it was this letter, along with other documents, that boris yeltsin handed over the constitutional court, which also refused to accept them as genuine documents. listen to what deputy viktor ilyukhin says about this. on may 25, 2010 , an unknown man called me on the phone and stated that he knew. that a group of scientists, together with me, is conducting a study of the circumstances surrounding the execution of polish officers, stated that he participated in a large group of specialists specializing in the forgery of historical documents, including he
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stated that he directly together with his team, if you believe his statements, he falsified the so-called note of beria dated 1900... the fortieth year of march, he put beri’s signature on this note, at the same time on this note, on behalf of stalin, on behalf of molotov, malenkov , others were added their names, in particular, he stated that he prepared this note according to a proposal that followed from the kremlin, here there is the production of stalin’s signature, the production of a signature.
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there was no other way, we had to break the totalitarian communist party, but it was our behavior that led to... the world’s complete impunity towards us, towards our rights, towards our claims, towards our interests; we with our own hands confirmed this most talented operation of goebbels, which we are still discussing, which brought such discord between the poles and russians, and look how well thought out it was, jesuitically subtle, even the forest. in which polish officers were shot, was renamed. never
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before had this forest been called the katyn forest. it was the gnezdovo forest, and the place itself called goat mountains. the distance to katyn station is 13 km. the word kotyn was drawn to this story because in polish kat is an executioner. isn't this the method by which the city was chosen?
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a pink jacket, and it seemed very familiar to us; after digging through the archives, we found that same frame, but it had nothing to do with the title of the documentary film 20 days in mariupol. in fact, the photo was taken by another journalist who captured the death of an entire family in the city of gorlovka in the dpr. they are destroying our children look. toys, what happened that day? from that side, from the side
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of ukraine, hail shells arrived and exploded in the apartment, the bulaev family lived on the eighth floor, it’s very difficult to talk now, because small children died, i also have children, that’s why. do you remember this moment? of course, this is sofia’s jacket, which was hanging on a tree, of course i remember, because when they were looking for it, then naturally, everything, everything that was possible, well, everything, everything naturally was thrown down, because it wasn’t immediately they found it, they looked for it, and it was hanging here, besides the children’s things they were hanging. children’s toys, absurdity, people probably don’t fear god, we all walk
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under god, we’re not afraid of sin, how can you use such things for some selfish purposes, that is, you understand, everything is for sale, everything is in the piggy bank, everything is in this cauldron of lies, manipulation, the use of only frames with absolute meaning. with the ability to falsify people’s words, rephrase them, and so on and so forth, this is the complete absence of the concept: the sin of shame, we we remember this time, the nineties, but only today this is not happening in just one country, this is lawlessness, lies, manipulation happening at the global level, the ability to turn any fact in one’s favor, and there are different forms of crimes, there are obvious crimes,
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yes, but there are invisible, there are, not only that... i think that it has become absolutely clear to thinking people that this is not a speech against ilyin, in fact, it is a speech against our president, who quite often quotes this great philosopher. began everything from the fact that the students were allegedly outraged by the fact that the higher school was named after the fascist
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ivan ilyan, not much, not little. the scientific center, one of the leading universities in the country , the winner of fascism, cannot bear the name of a supporter of ultra-legal views, taking into account the socio-political situation in which the russian federation currently finds itself. we are convinced that ivan ilyin’s worldview has nothing in common with the values ​​of russia, and the fascist idea is an unnatural political construct for us. our demand is to cancel the resolution on the creation of an educational and scientific center under the leadership of alexander dugin. we. we stand for free education from the ideas of fascism, no to fascism, no to fascism in russia, look what we see, fiery fighters, patriots, young guys who are going to a rally under the general sign of down with fascism, well, how can you
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argue with that, of course, down fascism, only by fascists. they name completely different people, one of the first who began this work of denigrating the image of ilyan is a certain veronica kroshenennikova, by the way, she even worked at the russian state university for the humanities at one time, from the age of 20 she lived abroad, studied, worked there, russia appeared only about 10 years ago, she became a prominent political scientist, became a member of the public.
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quotes, and what is a president who quotes a fascist, how is it, how can one come to terms with it, this is a subtle and long-term game, it all works in this piggy bank, the humiliation of great people, the destruction of those who are truly sincere and to the end loved
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russia, despite the fact that the trick of such information is that it...
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to ardent people, to these sincere people, don’t you yourself understand that you are being led and manipulated, and they are not being manipulated from here, they are leading from here, they are using you, watch a short excerpt from our film russian philosopher ivan ilyin. i discovered ilyin when i came across a handwritten brochure about russia, which, in general, in my opinion, is one of his most important works, i was absolutely speechless, it’s just that when i looked later, i i looked ahead when this was written, and i,
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when i saw that it was written in fifty , in my opinion, the first or second year, and when the country was on a huge upswing, they won the war, and everything was repressed, but still for the world it is a country of victors, suddenly this... man writes about what awaits her when bolshevism comes, what kind of fall of bolshevism can we talk about in general, when he predicted the future of the ussr after the war, when, as he wrote, bolshevism will collapse, with such tragic accuracy that there is a feeling that a person in 501 could not, write such, say, a brochure about russia, in which we...
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the revolution will be poor, there will be no rich, no prosperous, no middle class, not even a healthy economic peasant at all, the poor peasantry, the poor worker in industry, the poor artisan, the beggar townspeople, these will be the people of a classless society, robbed, but not at all forgetting that they were robbed, nor what exactly was taken from them, not those who expropriated them, everyone will be poor. overworked, bitter, the state center, having robbed everyone, will disappear, but the state coinage, inherited by the heir,
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will have minimal purchasing power on the international market, he projects everything that happens in russia in advance, then, when what happened to us happens, i ask myself the question, why did we do this? don't read? why do people who undertake to lead the country, change its climate, power, apply new laws, approve a new constitution, why don’t they read this, why don’t they want to believe those who really saved russia? in the idea of ​​her, saved her memory, saved her...
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i want to give you one quote from the article on the basis of the struggle for national russia. it was written, be careful, in 1938 . listen carefully, ukrainian separatism is an artificial phenomenon, devoid of real foundations. it arose from the ambition of the leaders and international conquest. little russians are the essence of branches of a single slavic-russian people. of the people, this branch has no reason to quarrel with other branches of the same people and separate into a separate state by separating. this is the state
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offers itself up for conquest and plunder to foreigners, fir trees, 1938, you understand, the level of thinking of this man, his scale, whom mrs. karsheninnikova calls a fascist, here i will give you another small excerpt from a letter from this fascist on october 13 , 1938 , which ivan ilyin wrote from switzerland to the writer ivan shmelev, also from russia. the persecution of me in germany began back in 1933 because i dared to be a russian patriot, in my own opinion. here is the list 1933. april-june,
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the first visit to my home by the political police, attempts to expose me as a francophile, or to use me against the rest of the immigration, my refusal. 1934, april, an offer to me, as a professor at a russian scientific institute, to engage in propaganda of anti-semitism throughout the immigration dispersal, my categorical refusal. 1900... thirty-fourth year july i was denied the right to work. july 1934, i was fired from the russian institute in no time. the attack on me will continue. the propaganda ministry announced me exposed masons, and my public speeches are unacceptable for the lack of anti-semitism in them, for the christian point of view held in them.
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an attempt will be made to... use my forces in preparing a campaign against russia. 1938, early july. i'm leaving germany completely. i would have suffocated with disgust at the black hundreds mobilized there with the involvement of a number of notorious german agents who led the persecution against me. is this written by a fascist? well, let 's face it, guys. did he support the black hundreds? no, he made me happy. in the war hitler and the soviet union? no. back in september 1941, ilyin wrote: germany lost this war. moreover, he quickly got rid of the illusions of understanding nazism back in 304, unlike so many. yes, to be fair, he really didn’t accept bolshevism, but he didn’t play court, he didn’t, he, he, he didn’t seem like anyone, he didn’t
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try to fit in. he was a staunch anti-communist and was expelled for this, and he was not alone. i will quote the words of the writer, doctor of philosophy, deputy chairman of the izborsk club vitaly vladimirovich overyanova. this is what he writes: according to the testimony of historian olga bonch osmalovskaya, out of several hundred students, almost no one except five or six people counted, and even then, as you can guess, they read.
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the school of economics is haunted by the ideas of one of the most anti-soviet and anti-russian organizations , nts. this is alexander sungurov, professor of political science at the higher school of economics in st. petersburg. in 1993 he established the commonwealth fund in st. petersburg. subsequently the center of strategy. the work of his center was paid. from funds macarthur, naumman, bell, ebert, rosa luxemburg and others. the adenaur foundation is under the christian democrats, and the ebert foundation is under the social democrats, there is the naumman foundation under the free democrats, under the rosluxenburg foundation and someone else's ballot, these are the greens and they are all working, what are they doing? they conduct seminars, how much money will i pay to go to the regions?


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