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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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where it would be calmer, the supported barneviks shared their money, local businessmen chipped in for repairs and re-equipped the car. now such special transport is used to evacuate the wounded, transport repair crews and even farmers where ukrainian drones attack civilian vehicles. a minibus with workers was attacked when special services, a fire department, an ambulance arrived, and similar fipividrons also prevented them from working as a rescuer on the spot and hit their cars. alexander with call sign, captain, head of department rapid response, specialist in enemy drones, copters and spies. here they are called beetles, the cabinets in his. it
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works without a gps channel purely with a signal as a repeater between each other, this is a common, this is the most expensive toy, these are the toys the west supplies to the ukrainians and accordingly fight them, but nevertheless we found a way, we plant, we catch, on the floor heavier shells neutralized them explosives technicians are already on the ground. half the ammunition of the american nk-19 grenade launcher, forty-millimeter ammunition, which. not embarrassed, they cultivate peaceful houses, simply seeded, american, it is also neutralized, already safe, in the next room there are high-flying birds, large-scale krill, larger, taller than human height, it turns out, such a scout, which at the same time also brings death. this is part of the wing
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of a drone with a jet engine, the other day we noticed it in the sky, which flies along a strange trajectory, as if looking for a target, they are not fighting with the military, they are fighting with the civilian population, their task is to terrify ours, our residents, but us residents, believe me, they are not afraid, they will soon start killing them with shovels. you are a great audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank, you still owe the bank, i have already ordered an anti-credit card from rosbankrot to valderes on... under the silver foil there is a delicious
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payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. near the office of shebekinsky agrarian gennady chmerev, everything that was collected from his fields. the ukrainian drone arrived yesterday, and this the wing from a polish drone fell the day before yesterday, and this is the upper stage of point u. such is the harvest. part of the collection has already been dismantled for souvenirs; new irons with the ukrainian mark are in particular demand. this one was flying to a gas station, but stumbled upon it. yes,
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thank god, no one was hurt, everything exploded here, we found it here, the chest vampire was flying towards belgorod, it was intercepted by the russian air defense system. another missile got stuck in a barley field, the sappers have already accepted the request, they are working here in a rush mode. they help a lot if you don't them, we are fpv drones, well, not only fip, mavikov everything, here the rep system works all around, everything, and some simply do not reach, thank god, the city and fall here in my fields, the fields of the new border stretch for 20 km of the state border , due to constant shelling by the ukrainian armed forces this year.
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no, no, you have to hold them in your hands, these are the handles, this is the button you press, it already works, in no case should you point it at people, of course, point it if you saw a drone, fpv, of course, you point it and preferably two of them at once, because it's unclear at what purity it flies, if of course we know at what purity we also have this system there in another car. a barbecue pulled up in a frying pan, we have all tractors, we have four pieces of equipment equipped with anti-drone nets, like this, well, how can there be no other way,
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but you are just like on a battlefield, and we are already a battlefield, a battlefield over there, yes just there. i’m used to wearing a bulletproof vest, but i want to take this burden off myself, i feel the advance of our troops in the kharkov direction, well, it’s become a little easier, but they only arrive until the morning, we’re standing, as soon as we finish we leave, that is
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, ours went there, and ours didn’t go there yet, they also worked like that, they don’t shoot, we leave, they shoot, we leave, we hide, and then we leave anyway, be glad that on... let's go, look on the smoke, what will they get? well, of course, it should have been like this a long time ago. it flew into a combat tractor twice and cut the sidewall with shrapnel. uncle sasha glances at the drone detector to turn it on in time. ram mobile station, this gadget is now more important than a cell phone, there is still no connection near the front line, well, it’s a walkie-talkie signals whether there will be either an fpv or a uav above us, it will tell us uh, how close the aircraft are, but this is mavic third, yes mavic third, which does not pose a danger, it says mavic third, this is or photo video shooting. the production of premixes of biological additives for animal feed has already been stopped due to
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shelling, shrapnel damaged sealed containers, the technological process was disrupted, the plant suffered billions of losses, everything is being restored, for example, you see, we haven’t restored it here yet, that’s all welded, polished, and after the container is restored, we insulate the top, restore it, it was all here... the result of the arrivals, everything was cut, the levators were destroyed by a direct hit from a shell, the boiler room and production shops were damaged, one employee was wounded, leave, people, families, houses, that is, well, where will people go, there was a time when we stopped the plant in the summer of last year due to shelling, at the request of the people they left, then after 2 weeks i returned to those who were restoring the plant here, then returned a month later, well, in any case, all
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850 people who worked, they are still working today, more than a hundred enterprises suffered from ukrainian shelling in the belgorod region, in one shebek there are a dozen and a half chemical production facilities, and not only a pasta factory, the ukrainian military is hitting in the industrial zone where civilians work...
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october, the entire installation was completely damaged here, this is the whole upstairs production of varnishes, this is a completely secutive installation, a shell hit between the wall and the first reactor and completely...
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gennady nikolaevich received a concussion after being wounded, returned to restore the enterprise, the chemist has no plans to leave shebekin, he wants the city to live. but i will tell you that recently, even despite these latest shellings, last week the city suffered, this week the city suffered.
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my soul hurts, but i know that everything will be fine, i calm people down, everyone is coming, someone is coming, they will cry with me, i will help someone, someone with a word, someone with money.
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"why are you like this to me, and why are you to mishnev i came, i know, you asked him for this, this, and this, but you don’t contact me, yulia, well, out of a backless thought, well, i just can’t , after finding out myself, she came to me. despite
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the proximity to the lbs, just a couple of kilometers from the border, the bypass road is being repaired. the restoration of houses destroyed by shelling by the ukrainian armed forces in the shebekinsky district and new tavalzhanka was temporarily suspended. difficult operational situation - say the military. now you can’t tell, repair work is underway, that here under the concrete slab, just recently there was a hole because a ukrainian shell flew into the apartment on the third floor, it exploded with such force that the concrete ceiling was lifted, the beams were bent, the roof flew apart.
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we won’t force people here to risk their lives, unfortunately we can’t restore the kazinka until july 1, although you saw those houses,
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what happened, with their cars, with houses, with apartments, yes, they remained like that, that’s it they are fields, here they are, garages, you see, ukrainian saboteurs came in with noise, scaring civilians, destroying everything they came across on the way, a kindergarten, a school and even a church, here they were already standing, here they were in these houses, they came in, from there they hit our houses, and the church, why? half of the church does not exist, and half of it was demolished, only it was repaired not so long ago, the church is very
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beautiful, well, again everything can be restored, local residents, those who did not have time to escape, were then hiding in the basements, came here at night, and here was already mine head of the department for interaction between vasilyevich structures, he met me. came here, and from the basement they took out people who were here, they couldn’t leave for a long time, because there was constant shelling, but we took a risk, uh, an armored car, which was given to us by sberbank and we were in two cars, yeah, so, well, like in the movie, a child, a mother, uh , a girl with a suitcase, a priest, my assistant and i, that ’s it... everything is in the night, they’re shooting, shells are flying, exploding, thank god that no one was hurt, the priest gave me a priest, he gave me a cross, which he held in his hands and read holy
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prayer. russian military security forces knocked out ukrainians for several days saboteurs from kozinka, how many of their yellow-bladed chavrons on their nato uniforms remained lying in the nearest landing and rotting. in the basements it is still unknown, the local claims several hundred. kiev traditionally did not admit its participation in a senseless action, blaming everything on a mythical showdown between the russians, who, as usual, fired at themselves. these were shellings, as far as i understand, of cannon artillery and, uh, there were shellings from drones and missiles, here, of course, a lot of things were flying. and, but flowers, flowers. yes, two apartment buildings burned to the ground, but there are only six people left here, they are taking care of the flowers. vyacheslav glotkov often stops by the kazinka and brings food
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and medicine. this will be enough for us for a year, but we probably need these gurs and poimsors right away. on the street above, electricity has already been given to 40 houses, gas has been connected, water is still being taken from wells, and here they are in every yard, and these powders and washing supplies. we have, we have everything, we have everything, you see, we’ve already gotten used to it in 2 months, we’re also used to arrivals from the ukrainian side, the state doesn’t they leave the devastated village alone at least twice a day, they fire at kozinka with cluster munitions, but our helicopter arrived two times, koddal and today the helicopter flew in four times, in my opinion, yes zhen, and therefore he is so happy about the advance of the russian troops and the work of our vks, well, i can just say that the anger and hatred is growing. on our part in relation to those enemies who are hitting us, hitting residents, peaceful people, killing children, old people, therefore, therefore,
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based on this joy, they are hitting us, and we must take revenge, push back, in order to return peace to ukraine, in our country, truth must win. lidy pavlovna and her husband every time offer to rent a house in the city, the region takes over the expenses, but the pensioners refuse, they say that in the district center the noise from the siren can be heard every hour, and that’s all they can do here, they look after the property of the neighbors who have left, we have banks here with pickle, with borscht, and it was the priest who laid the scythe, the guys here are helping him mow there near the temple, but he asked, he says, can i be here... here's a man, their apartment is completely burnt down, there's a whole motorcycle in the barn, you see, there's a hole, a crack, and
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a motorcycle in general, look here, we're keeping order here, they always tell me that , i just come to them and say how are you, what comments are there, what are the violators, they always tell me so cheerfully, but of course they are great, former neighbors come to the inhabitants of the three-story building, they miss different places, i’m burned out everything except what was bombed. house
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georgiy dolgorev, which they built together with their father, a front-line soldier, was bombed by ukrainian nationalists. look, there was a bedroom there during construction, the corner, you see, was completely destroyed, i was supposed to sleep there, but for some reason i lay down here on the sofa under this wall, god had mercy that i... wasn’t torn apart there, because there was just a hello there in the corner, oh they jumped out, they’re already greeting you, now misha, hello, dear ones, he threw a piece of iron, the pensioner doesn’t bring his wife here, he’s afraid that from what he saw health is shaken, they live in a neighboring village, friends let them live in an empty house so that they can be looked after, the house is solid, the yard is large, there is a vegetable garden, but the dolgorevs
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are uncomfortable here, they are always drawn to... it doesn’t drip, it doesn’t drip, there is food to eat, that there’s somewhere to sleep, that’s it, we’re alive, thank god, we’ll make up for everything else somehow. georgiy dulgriev lived in donetsk until 2014, then moved here to his homeland, his daughter grew up and went to khaikov, and his son, after the beginning of exile , moved to canada and stopped communicating with his parents, so to speak, yes, but i realized that the father was still a father, but the son still didn’t understand, son.
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you see, most of all georgy vasilyevich wants to hug his daughter and is looking forward to the further advance of the north group in the kharkov direction. for me, for me , kharkov and belgorod are kind of the same thing. i grew up here, in kharkov, and lived for 30.
7:00 pm
storks have been nesting in kazinka for many years; they flew here in march, and in the midst of fierce battles they began to collect twigs and build a nest. georgy vasilyevich shed tears when he saw large white birds hatching chicks in the environment of the ruins. this means that peace will soon come to kazinki, people will return, and broken families will be reunited. the russian
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leader arrived in tashkent from... the kremlin, vladimir , strategic issues. partnership with putin and shavkat mirziyoyev plans to discuss the development of relations between moscow and tashkent, as well as


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