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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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you will die, i’m like, he says, who will protect you if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school; in a roundabout way they went to serve as volunteers. i found out what it’s like to actually
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go to war, right on the front line, my younger brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go in the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from young guys. russia and belarus are demonstrating an increasingly large scale.
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the joint history of russia and belarus shows one thing: to command peoples because the frontier will not succeed, it will be this multi-field world. these madmen are bringing
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this multipolar world closer with their actions, whoever likes it stole the money, in this case in russia they not only don’t like it, they grabbed it.
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like them, that is, if there are specific decisions and actions on the part of western countries that are unfriendly, then we will use all the mechanisms that we have, so we will respond in kind, discussions about how to use our reserves , the income from them is thus some kind finesse, so that it would still be in the legal field, something like this, what does it all mean, well, you know, it always seemed that the property of other countries, including the gold and foreign exchange reserves. central banks are a taboo subject to which no sanctions apply at all. now the ideology has changed, and now it means that no foundations, let’s say so, yes, the legal foundations for western countries do not apply, now i don’t say the following, oh well, it seems like we are not taking away gold and foreign exchange reserves yet, not
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we touch, but we will direct the income from their use to the purposes that they define, we have the same thing, all the possibilities, therefore... we have frozen money in our accounts, yes, we have assets, we also receive income, there will be a decision, we will do the same, absolutely mirror, so we have the answer, the independent position of other countries irritates the west so much that european commissioners in private conversations threaten uncontrollable politicians with the fate of the executed prime minister of slovakia, there are many commissioners there, they are constantly changing and they bring all sorts of blizzards, you know, if this is the case... you said that you can’t call it anything other than a political blizzard, it’s a disgrace, it’s just everything, unfortunately, the irresponsibility of middle-level officials, especially in this direction, is growing, we often we ourselves are faced with this, it only causes regret, and
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the frankly boorish statements in the united states regarding the tragedy with the iranian leader cannot but cause regret. the death of the russian president is a great loss, first of all, of course, for iran and the iranian people, indeed he was a very reliable partner. a straightforward man, self-confident, of course, he was a man of his word, it was a pleasure to work with him, if we agreed on something, you could always be sure that the agreements would be fulfilled, we, for our part, would do everything to ensure that so that russian-iranian relations continue in this vein, if our colleagues have a need, then we are ready to do everything to show them expert support in identifying the true causes of this disaster, disgusting “the disgusting position of the united states led to this, these scoundrels did not have the right to impose sanctions against ships, against planes, helicopters on which people are transported, they also introduced sanctions against us, against my, say, plane, well,
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vladimirovich will not get it, because it has a russian plane, but here they imposed these sanctions, is this normal, these are people moving around”? you sold this ship, but they forbade their companies to service it, so this is their fault, including, they are all believers, but what if they are believers, then let them wait, he will send them an answer, this is how they behave in the world, by the way, the accompanying persons flew on two russian helicopters, in my opinion, and russian -made helicopters without any special ones, in the same conditions, in the same koido.
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let’s say we got a good lesson, we were taught, the same thing won’t happen again, thank you very much,
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thank you, the negotiations between putin and lukashenko lasted so long on the second day that these shots were taken at half past midnight, the belarusian side later reported that lukashenko treated putin youth salad homemade. the russian president flew to moscow to hold a meeting on the defense complex, to begin his visit to uzbekistan on sunday, in the good sense of the word, he is an absolute workaholic, the schedule is really very tight, the president finishes his working day every day at full capacity, every day at full capacity, in fact, early in the morning he it is already connected, it is already functioning again, a period that requires very energetic efforts from the head of state. and our president knows what and how to do. one meeting, another
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meeting. teleconference with regions. good evening. during meetings, unscheduled calls are also made. operators and those who helped in organizing teleconferences. everything is fine, the most interesting video is always in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe, but behind the scenes the work continues, for obvious reasons, a lot now requires special secrecy, at one of the meetings even ministers handed out mobile phones in special safes, here in the kremlin maxim oreshkin on i checked myself just in case. presidential meetings can be quite lengthy, so there is no need to watch the clock.
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various mechanisms, technologies for protecting objects, this work is
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ongoing, russia is constantly increasing the production of weapons, the increase in the production of missiles and artillery weapons is 22 times, through electronic warfare and reconnaissance - 15 times, in terms of ammunition and weapons - 14 times, in aviation technology and unmanned aerial vehicles four times, good pace, large volume... further expand opportunities for our scientific and production teams, for
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and the well-being of russian families, if we do, and engineering, entrepreneurial, and creative teams. at a meeting of the agency for strategic initiatives, behind putin there was this inscription: even before the meeting, the people on whom many changes in the country depend, discussed in detail. economic details oreshkin approaches nabiulin and reshetnikov, then they also begin to participate in the calculations. over the past 2 years, the economic bloc of the government and the presidential administration have demonstrated, without exaggeration , professionalism on a global scale. task being the best, however, is reserved for everyone. the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our ill-wishers to limit us in any way. on the contrary, if effective
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solutions are offered, they will be taken, regardless of any restrictions, 100%, the market will arrange everything. and of course we have to fight for the market, especially since there are many people in the world who want to do business with russia. a special suitcase is traveling around the kremlin; our program has seen a lot, but this is the first time. guests place numerous documents signed by russia and bahrain in a suitcase from...
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they definitely understand him. this year, bahrain chairs the arab league and is calling for a peace conference. russia will be the first country to which i will appeal to support the holding of this conference. our operators are able to see things in the kremlin that no one else notices. here the king barely noticeably gives commands to his subordinates. pick up his documents right there. and this footage was taken by our program during the beginning of the visit. the soldier of the presidential regiment did not move, even while moving car, but it might seem that he blinked, and this is a signal to his comrade. in big politics, every gesture is important, the hospitality
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of the russian minister and president. respect for different countries. turam, religion, why the russian position is valued by the vast majority of countries in the world. and now it’s sunday evening, vladimir putin is in tashkent, our program too, we begin to cover vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan. special hospitality, as always in uzbekistan, from the doorstep, the presidents will travel from the airport in the same car, that’s what.
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already quite late in the evening , informal communication between the presidents started in tashkent, so you and i wrote interviews day and night, you said that the president’s schedule is especially difficult, here’s how you endure it all and experience it, well, listen, it’s all much more difficult for the president, because that after all, behind all these ceremonies there are many hours of communication, and now the two presidents are sending. do you play sports to withstand this? i try, yes, i try, i definitely did, i worked out today, i arrived, i i was an hour and a half away, so i worked out, from the car window putin
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can definitely see such numerous screens. pavel, what is known about the president’s plans for the next week? the president’s new working week has essentially already begun, his state visit to uzbekistan, and putin will also present state awards this week. on the eve of children's day, he will talk with large families, there will be many other events, well, i’ll repeat right now, a visit to uzbekistan, then there will be tashkent, a state visit to uzbekistan, the first day today on monday on the second day of the visit, continuation of extremely intense negotiations, vladimir putin and shavkat perziyoyev met and communicated in detail just recently two weeks ago in moscow, but the level of relations between the two countries has gained such momentum that there are always many questions.
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our program. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for a week, and we will meet again with the audience. after a short pause, i'm waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening.
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there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including ninety-one the child, the search engines found when they came across this execution pit, all the inhabitants of the village were burned for contact with the partisans, the ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated, why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people?
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it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i hear voices from the beautiful distance, wow, very cool, energizing, awesome. downright funny, i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, actors just gorgeous, mom, this is alisa, i liked alisa and her bari and sasha petrov actually
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really, really did this one. “i see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khabensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov is the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it came off, i don’t know if this will actually be the case in 100 years, i would like it to be like this, you are so sensory, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, i have thought a lot over these 100 years,
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“here all the senses are heightened to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she’s my lover, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear,
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