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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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at monaco turned into a spectacular and serious accident already on the first lap on the city circuit in monte carlo. three cars were involved in the collision, including the mexican driver of the red bull team, sergio perez, who was unable to fit into the gate and crashed into the bump stop after a collision with the hut driver kevin magnuson. the race had to be stopped, none of the pilots were injured. that's all about sports for now, see you soon. in
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the next hour.
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you will die, but i’m like, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, he went to serve the volunteers in a roundabout way. i knew what it was like to actually be in a war, right on the front line, my younger brother, 17 years old, seryozha, also wants to go in the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from young guys.
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sergin's news is short. vladimir putin will hold negotiations with shavkat mirziyuev in tashkent. today is the second day of the state visit of the russian president to uzbekistan, on the agenda is the development of cooperation and current international questions. signing of documents is expected. in the belgorod region, debris from downed ukrainian armed forces shells caused noticeable damage in rzhevka and shebekina. at least 20 houses and 10 cars were hit. some caught fire. restoration work is underway. the israeli army claims that
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it eliminated two hamas commanders in rafah, who headed the headquarters of the movement on the west bank of the jordan river. the arabic television channel al-jazeera, in turn, reports that at least 35 civilians were killed in the airstrike. the russian ministry of defense stated that it is ready to help armenia with eliminating the consequences of severe flooding upon a request from yerevan that the second military base will provide soldiers and the necessary equipment. in the north of armenia the monthly norm fell. precipitation, three people died. russian soldiers in the kharkov region saved civilians from volchansk. our fighters evacuated people from the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. the troops of the kiev regime, retreating, hit residential buildings with artillery and use kamikaze drones. the rescued said that at first they were holed up in the basement, then they tried to hide in the bushes; as soon as they left the house, it collapsed when hit by another shell. a drone targeted the residents and injured them. a command was received to
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evacuate civilians, and therefore this vehicle was deployed and civilians were loaded. and the evacuation was carried out conditions thank you, i you we came out before the susida, thanks to the gramometchik and the machine gunner, he said, boys, this is the grandfather and the baby sitting in the green area, our boys are sitting, well , just tell us what ours are, so that it is clear, well, russian , i'm russian, i served in the soviet army, do you understand?
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our military correspondent evgeniy podubny will tell you how events are developing in this area of ​​the special operation. this is what the battle for volchansk looks like. the soldiers of our assault units are knocking out the enemy from buildings that have been turned into strongholds, even in the most ordinary-looking house. the enemy machine gun crew, every ten meters, must be fought with heavy fighting. the enemy behaves the same way.
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well, there are serious problems, now it’s getting to the point where we only move either at night, or in conditions in general from forest belts, as well as in cars, as well as on foot, because well, of course, copters see, they will immediately send drones there, time armored personnel carriers, armored vehicles, support in general for armored vehicles as such now we don’t have it, because it is susceptible to attacks by fodorons, well, in principle, the same is true for the enemy, yes, that’s absolutely true. the same with the enemy, they also hide their equipment and don’t show it to us, and also their armored vehicles are burned, everything is on fire, that is, this is such a mutual story, absolutely true, volchansk is comparable in territory to avdeevka, except that there is no such large-scale industrial zone, in fact, the northern part
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of the city is under the control of the russian army, across the river are the southern regions of bolchansk, there is still an enemy there, the bridges across the volchie river have been destroyed, but the formation of the kiev regime... they are setting up pontoon crossings , trying to counterattack, to force oncoming battles on the troops of the russian north group. but these are unsuccessful attempts. russian motorized riflemen are literally led by scouts from the air. promptly inform about enemy movements and numbers, adjust fire damage. here is an example of how aviation supports infantry. this is a blow to the reserves of the formation of the kiev regime that are trying to cross the river. four high-explosive bombs with planning modules destroy an enemy unit. aviation is hitting pontoon crossings that the enemy is trying to covertly establish outside volchansk. the city is now experiencing the most
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intense fighting in the kharkov direction, but the area of ​​active hostilities is, of course, much larger. our troops are advancing on a wide area to push the enemy back to kharkov. to form a sanitary zone that will make it possible to protect the cities of the belgorod region from terrorist attacks by the kiev regime using multiple launch rocket systems. scouts who identify and destroy targets continue to hunt for enemy crews who are involved in the murders of belogorye residents. what are your priority goals? and the priority targets for us are mainly rszzo, because rszzo are shelling belgorod. in terms of the civilian population, so this is the most a priority target for us, the enemy also uses cannon artillery, d-30, d-20, we also destroy it, we find it in forest belts, forested areas, it is mainly located in
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the edges, yeah, and in terms of distance they place their equipment far away, that is, they are afraid, they are afraid, they are afraid, large-scale combat work is underway, this is a unit of the russian army. during active operations in the kharkov direction , loitering ammunition operators destroyed more than forty enemy artillery systems. the call sign of this fighter is grandfather in action.
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they don’t write on the fence, it’s nice, it burns much better than soviet technology. now lancet operators are conducting counter-battery warfare and reconnaissance, destroying enemy radar stations and air defense systems; the range allows the enemy to transfer units to the kharkov direction, which are equipped with the most modern weapons systems of western production. in addition, the redeployment of ukrainian armed forces reserves continues. command formation.
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units, and the ukrainian armed forces removes the battalion from other sections of the combat line contact, did not deprive our fighters of the kiev regime, but additional initiatives, units of the russian army continue to push back the enemy. news of the week, kharkov direction. thirty-degree heat will come to the capital this week, it’s so warm, spring says goodbye to the moscow region no more than once every 15 years, with forecasts from evgeniy teshkovets. subtropical heat came to moscow, and moscow weather went to the subtropics. when the capital's thermometer rises to +30 for the first time this season. and what's going on on the outskirts of the hot anti. time for weather news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at
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the fobas center. hello, by the end of the working week moscow will be covered in thirty-degree heat. until now, the most extreme weather has reigned on the periphery of the giant anticyclone, which stretches from scandinavia to the steppes of kazakhstan. for example, a large hailstorm occurred in the altai territory the day before. ice floes fell from the sky in the vicinity of yekaterinburg, while there was precipitation in the north of the sverdlovsk region. walked in the snow, you can imagine how depressing the residents of nizhny tagil fell into despair when, 5 days before summer, a blizzard swirled on the street, but there was absolutely no amount of fluff. in the north of armenia, the downpours began on friday and by sunday morning brought in some places 130% of the monthly precipitation norm, the result was a large-scale rain flood, some cities, such as allaverdi , were flooded, trains between yerevan and tbilisi had to be canceled, stormy...
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cause local thunderstorms in central russia became clouds of a cold front that made their way into the anticyclone area, here is its main mass of clouds that provoked nenaste in the urals and southern siberia, another cloud whirlwind is the culprit of extreme showers and thunderstorms in the transcaucasus. today , active cyclonic activity will continue along the boundaries of the anticyclone. one array of frontal clouds will stretch along the arctic coast of european russia. here precipitation can even turn into snow. the other will provoke local thunderstorms in the black sea region and the caucasus;
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the clouds will no longer be able to penetrate deep into the center of high pressure, over most of the russian plain sunny weather will prevail. this atmospheric situation will continue at least until the end of may. as a result of intense heating of the air in the area of ​​the anticyclone , the heat pole of the russian plain will move here. at midday, the thermometers in the north-west and center of the region will show +26-30. in sochi, the last days of may will be accompanied by showers and thunderstorms. the most intense rains are expected in the resort capital of russia on wednesday. on this day , about a quarter of a month's moisture may pour out here, and the temperature regime will be only slightly warmer than the climate in the afternoon +22-24. in the central regions, on the contrary, until the end of the work week, significant
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precipitation is unlikely and daytime temperatures will rise rapidly. if today or tomorrow in moscow after the floor. this is a little warmer than usual at this time of year in antalya, turkey. that's all for me, goodbye. now advertising, then we will talk about the economic country of vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create. there's someone in the apartment will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us, attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts in one place, conveniently pay off in 24 months, and don’t forget about shopping in installment plan, holva - simple reception and
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a brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares as a gift, it’s more profitable with sberbank with prime. now economic news, let's continue the topic of russian-uzbek relations, and they plan to increase supplies of russian gas to uzbekistan. roman, this will strengthen the energy security of not only the republic, but all of central asia. extension investment and economic cooperation will be one of the main topics of negotiations between vladimir putin and his uzbek counterpart shavkat mirziyoyev. the meeting will take place today in tashkent as part of. state visit of the russian president to uzbekistan. as a result, it is planned to sign a substantial package of documents. in addition to the traditional trade relations between our countries, interaction is actively developing in other areas. in october, supplies of russian gas to uzbekistan through kazakhstani territory began in the amount of 2.8 billion cubic meters per year. it is planned to gradually increase them. this, as noted in the kremlin, will
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help strengthen the energy security of uzbekistan and the entire central asian region. also, moscow. and tashkent are working on major joint projects in industry. russia is also one of the key investors in the economy of uzbekistan. total capital investments are approaching $9.5 billion. there are over 3,000 enterprises with russian participation in the republic. there are about 700 companies in russia with uzbekistan capital. at the moment, about 20% of all firms with foreign capital that operate in uzbekistan. these are companies with russian participation, here, of course, in terms of investment cooperation, as the share of russian capital in uzbekistan significantly exceeds the other side, that is, the number of companies with russian capital participation is large, in general it is constantly growing. and the prospects here are opening up quite extensive, since the uzbek economy in recent years, especially under merziyoyev’s presidency, has been showing quite high rates, well, according to the results
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of last year, for example, it grew by about 6%. to other topics, the state duma proposed a lower income threshold for changing the personal income tax scale, the tax budget committee recommended setting it based on income of at least twice the average monthly nominal salary in russia, and... according to rosstat, at the end of the twenty-third year it increased almost up to 75,000 rubles. the state duma recalled that the threshold for professional income tax for the self-employed is 200,000 per month. this approach stated the deputies, it will save the vast majority of citizens from the growing tax burden. by the way, if we talk about the countries of western europe, then it is much higher there; at the maximum rate , almost half of the salary is withheld in the form of taxes. currently , the personal income tax rate in russia is 13%. and 15% if income exceeds 5 million rubles. per month. the council of foreign ministers of the european union will meet today in brussels. and one of
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the key issues for discussion is the use of profits from frozen russian assets to finance the military. expenses of the kyiv regime. currently, according to anonymous sources, methods are being discussed to transfer funds to the so-called european peace fund, from which brussels can use them to purchase weapons. how to carry out these? in the belgorod region, the consequences of shelling by nationalists are being eliminated. the targets of the ukrainian terrorists were rzhevka and shebekina. the pvu worked effectively and shot down
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the targets, but the fragments of the shells caused a lot of damage. the current president of lithuania won the second round of elections. getanas nauseda received 75% of the votes. his rival, the country's prime minister, admitted defeat and congratulated the president on his re-election. in turkey, between. a city bus carrying local residents drove into the oncoming lane, crashed into a truck, two more cars collided with them, the accident killed 10 people, about 40 were injured, the police began an investigation. the official city tourist portal visit-petersburg invites you to st. petersburg, the city of history and romance, architectural splendor, and an innovative museum. highest level excursion service, creative space and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger, all this is
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a unique journey of impressions with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. opened in saratov. russian student spring, a bright and grandiose holiday for talented youth from all over the country. more than 3,500 participants came from the regions. over the course of the week, young people will present more than one thousand creative numbers. for the first time, spring will become a platform for a grant competition for youth projects. this year, at the opening ceremony, they decided to abandon fireworks; all proceeds will be used to support fighters in the special operation zone. student spring.
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passengers and vehicles from morning to midnight, the interval in movement is 30 minutes, more details, inna askiritova, in 10 minutes she arrives, the experienced captain vladimir gotselyuk has been at the helm of the ship for 16 years, giving orders to the crew, he is preparing for the first departure in the new navigation season, speaks, that the work requires a lot of responsibility, because the safety of passengers is important, it takes us 40 minutes to go there and 30 minutes to go back. time, if you count, now at the moment we are working as if not according to a schedule, but according to accumulation, because as if the first day there are still few cars, as if everyone will just find out
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that the crossing has opened at... the drives are waiting in line dozens of cars, gradually a line of cars, suvs and heavy-duty trucks fills the raking barge so that the ship goes smoothly and maintains balance, it is necessary to place the cars correctly, this is carefully monitored by traffic controllers. we drive them in, set them up so that the cars don’t hit each other, so that there is a good passage between the cars for the convenience of customers, so that they don’t hit each other with the doors, well, we try. it’s like we’re also saving a lot of space. on average, the ferry can accommodate six trucks or 40 cars. the fare depends on the weight of the car. the heavier it is, the correspondingly more expensive the cost. literally 15 minutes pass and the scour barge is already filled with cars. each driver needs to get to the other side. very soon the ship will set off. both drivers
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and travelers can be seen on the ferry. many of them. this is not the first time they have been crossing in this way, the residents have been impatiently waiting for the start of work, we travel regularly for work, back and forth, i hope we will sail back today too, the main thing is that everything has become civilized here, before there was a crush, now the queue is directed like this, well, let’s just say, i use it when i need to get to the other side, it’s that’s how it’s for relaxation, now let’s say we ’re going to the other side to the amur side in the amur region, the first day we got on the line. motor ship, in the future the number of ferries will increase to 14, they will transport passengers from 5:30 in the morning until midnight, with a movement interval of 30 minutes. inna sekritova, sergey zaborovsky, lead yakutsk. i hear a voice from the beautiful valley. awesome, very
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cool, energizing, cool, downright funny, i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, the actors are just gorgeous, mom, this is alisa, i liked alisa and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov in general i really, really did this film, i see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khabensky, the performance is normal, we can start, i liked key the most. yuri borisov is the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it just came off, i don’t know if it will actually be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you’re so sensitive, hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ago forward, i have thought a lot over these 100 years.
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear?
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putin will hold negotiations with shavkat mirziyuev in tashkkent. today is the second day of the state visit of the russian president to uzbekistan, the development of cooperation and current international issues are on the agenda. signing of documents is expected. in the belgorod region, debris from downed ksu shells caused noticeable damage when they fell.


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