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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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negotiations between two presidents. vladimir putin is in uzbekistan on a state visit. what is the program for the second day? ukrainian militants are again hitting measured citizens. a firefighter died in the oryol region. two dozen houses were damaged in belgorodskaya. help to armenia. the russian military is ready to move into the disaster zone. in the north of the country, there is severe flooding. i survived.
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his colleague, the president of the country shakhtat of uzbekistan vladimir putin personally met mirziyoyev, it is noteworthy that the leaders of the two countries left the airport on the same car, it is generally striking that personal communication, a very important part of the negotiations, in general, very warm, trusting relations were established between the presidents; the day before, the presidents of russia and uzbekistan visited the parks. uzbekistan, the new
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uzbekistan, and where the wine was placed at the time of independence. also, the president of uzbekistan told vladimir putin about the construction project of new tashkenk, this is a new city directly in the vicinity of the current capital of uzbekistan, and shaktarev spoke about plans to name one of the streets new city in honor of st. petersburg. this is how the dialogue took place. if you agree , we will agree that the story remains, i. on the street of new tashkent there was precisely petersburg, st. petersburg, and today you are in your visit with this impression, that’s why i will bring it here, it will be the most beautiful, yes very beautiful, and we will show a very picturesque place, along the - green boulevard, very beautiful, such an environmentally friendly new city, i have been nurturing it for a long time for 3-4 years, very serious companies worked, russian companies too participated.
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russia and uzbekistan are negotiating on such important areas as economic interaction, migration, security, and regional partnerships. russia remains one of the leading economic partners of uzbekistan; it ranks second in the republic’s foreign turnover after china. trade between the two countries has continued to show growth for several years; at the end of last year it grew by more than 11%, approaching $10 billion, and this figure continues to grow this year. year
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for the first quarter of this year trade turnover increased by almost 20% compared to the same period last year, among the current projects that will be discussed by the leaders today is the construction of a copper processing plant, a gas chemical complex and a metallurgical cluster in uzbekistan. a very important topic of the negotiations is gas cooperation, gas supplies from russia through kazakhstan and uzbekistan. this project is already being successfully implemented, now we are talking about volumes of just under 3 billion meters of gas per year, now we are talking about increasing these supplies, of course this interaction is an important part of the energy security of not only uzbekistan, but all of central asia, and of course also at negotiations between the leaders of the two countries, we will talk about the flagship project in cooperation between russia and uzbekistan, this is the construction of a nuclear power plant of russian design, the parameters of the general contract are now being agreed upon , except...
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the construction of a nuclear power plant with low-power reactors in uzbekistan is also being discussed. well, at the end of today's business program , it is expected that the leaders of the two countries will accept participation in the first council. regions of russia and uzbekistan is a very important area of ​​interaction between countries; now more than 80 constituent entities of the russian federation are building contacts with the regions of uzbekistan, and of course such interaction is a very important tool for building close, very effective horizontal ties between the two countries. robert, thank you, vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan is being monitored by the chief of our central az... bureau, robert frantsev. in the oryol region , a fire brigade driver was killed during an attack by fsu drones units, three more employees were injured, according to regional authorities, a gas station in the city of livnoe came under attack. when the first drone crashed on its territory, emergency
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services arrived at the scene. at that moment, the second drone of the kiev regime exploded at a gas station. now security forces are working at the site of the attack, collecting all the information about this attack. regions are eliminating the consequences of new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. this time the kiev regime chose rzhevka and shabekin as targets. air defense worked effectively, shot down the targets, but the fall and debris, including the warheads of the shells, caused a lot of damage. our special correspondent, yegor grigoriev, saw how they were rebuilding what was destroyed by the militants. four loud arrivals in a row, a few more half an hour. ukrainian armed forces fired rockets at the village of rzhevka. the missile warning signal has not yet been canceled, but firefighters have left for the arrival site. this is the shebekinsky district, next to the village of rzhevka, shebekino itself. after their arrival, the grass caught fire, now firefighters are doing everything to
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prevent the fire from spreading to residential areas. the buildings. there, there was an arrival, there was a shell that had not been dismantled, now you are getting water, right? still to be extinguished, the fire in suu vili was chaotic, shells fell near the school, on the roads on the houses of villagers, i was sitting here when i arrived, i had a glass of tea in my hand, the cup, of course, i didn’t finish it, so the window jumped out and everything started leaking, i was slightly deafened, in the garden a crater hit the old seven with shrapnel, there are shards of glass sticking out of the rickety frames, you see the damage that they did to make sure that there were houses and a dozen cars there, the gas and electricity lines, the water supply were broken, after rzhevka, the ukrainian armed forces’ attacks shifted to the city of shibekina. during the breaks, precisely in the short
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pauses between missile danger alarms, the city miraculously comes to life. utility workers barely have time to eliminate the consequences of the arrivals, after the strikes the night before, in the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings, it’s like a chimney. the rocket hit the tank of a domestic car, three nearby cars immediately burst into flames, and several more cars were cut by shrapnel. the tank was there, she arrived, she was thrown out of there when they came out through the doors, yeah, too.
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the ukrainian armed forces department used high-explosive aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allowed the aviation group not to enter the enemy air defense zone. as a result of successful work , it was possible to hit the command posts and manpower of the nationalists. after completing the combat mission, the crew returned to the airfield. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces. the combat mission was effectively carried out by the crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzer. modern. equipment allows work quickly and accurately, so as to cover the target and change position before a retaliatory strike from the enemy. our war correspondent eduard punigov will tell you how this is done.
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an mstas self-propelled artillery unit of the eastern group is in a combat position. the crew conducts targeted fire at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. fast reload, adjustment. on the target, the next blow is delivered to the adjacent enemy supporter. after a series of shots , the gunners immediately change positions so as not to fall under return fire. these calculations came here. from buryatia, the artillery of the eastern military district is supporting with fire the infantry, which these days is working on the vremev ledge of the south donetsk direction. musta can fire at a distance of over 30 km, the installation can operate both from closed firing positions and hit with direct fire; as a rule, these targets are hidden deep behind enemy lines. the crews destroy strongholds, fortified areas, enemy tanks, and disable artillery and mortar batteries. the senior officer battery gives instructions. i i set stops, superimpose on the target, we continue to work, a shot, in the previous version everything is on tomulators, it’s all like this, well
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, manually, there are already computers here, everything is aimed automatically, howitzers keep enemies in constant tension, they work both during the day and at night, during the day, the crews fire dozens of shots, what is the rate of fire, and the rate of fire depends on the loaders, force is needed, that is, it’s like you have to push the shell in there, then push the cartridge case all in there. after combat work , the installation is hidden in the so-called garage in forest belt, they are also periodically changed so that they are not detected by enemy drones. under no circumstances should you linger in one place for a long time. the fierce battle in this area is now in the active phase, the ukrainian armed forces are hopelessly losing the artillery duel. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the european union is being drawn into the conflict in ukraine without assessing its costs to achieve its goal. with this...
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no one in the military leadership of the bloc is ready for negotiations. ukraine has the right to apply strikes on russian territories, as long as this complies with the laws of introducing military conflicts. this statement was made by the swedish minister of defense. he emphasized: according to international law, kiev can use weapons supplied by stockholm for such attacks. the minister believes that such actions should be considered as self-defense, to which ukraine has the right. the topic will be continued by anton dadykin. the french president arrived in germany on his first official state visit in a quarter of a century. macron planned it a year ago, but then prevented by the riots that broke out in france after the murder of a seventeen-year-old native of the north. the main goal of the visit is to show that paris and berlin are pursuing a joint, conscious policy, which many
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already openly doubt. macron clearly failed to calm them down. we have never had so many enemies, both inside and outside. we are experiencing an existential moment because, as i said, our europe may perish, firstly because war has returned to europe, and secondly, our continent must decarbonize its economy. of course, macron did not say that... the west has returned to the continent and is actively supporting the war. next, the president launched into a discussion about the crisis of democracy, expressing surprise that europeans, against the backdrop of a diving economy, stopped trusting the authorities. macron got so carried away that even the presenter could not stand it. she began to find out from her assistants whether there was at least a little time left for the german president. europe was divided during the 2 years that the conflict was going on, but we were able to come together and know what to do next. even the french newspaper lumont. notes at the head the two countries have weak politicians, there are many disagreements between them, and french-german
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relations are in decline. europeans are turning away from the old leaders and believe that they are leading the eu into the abyss. according to polls, the french national rally party will receive twice as many votes in the european parliament elections as the entire coalition of centrist parties, which includes macron's revival. in berlin, the ruling elite is considering how to nail down the growing ratings of the alternative for germany party, the publication claims. we warned about this from the very beginning, only peace and diplomacy, our children and grandchildren should not participate in this war.
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everyone is sure that kiev will lose. the sky news tv channel has calculated that russia produces three times more shells than the united states, great britain and their allies combined. zelensky is running out of ammunition and trained troops, according to a wall street journal report. we have less structure. we don't have enough ammunition, and knowing this, the russians are trying to advance as far as possible. without western partners we simply cannot... independent western experts say the us and its allies must achieve peace talks as soon as possible. there is every reason to believe there will be benefits in the coming weeks and months.'
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armenia, a month's worth of precipitation fell, rivers overflowed their banks, according to the latest data , three people were killed, hundreds of houses were flooded, residents were evacuating, roads and bridges were destroyed due to landslides. now there is footage from taiwan: more than 1-70 people are trapped in a high-rise residential building after a fire in the city of senju, the fact is that the fire was localized and 119 the residents were rescued, but thick smoke still prevents evacuation from the upper
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floors, now on your screens there are footage of this special operation, where the ladder trucks were able to reach those people. to save, here is a specific photograph of this moment: the firefighters do not have enough air in the oxygen cylinders to reach the people inside the building, the media also report that as a result of the rescue operation, two firefighters died. the state of emergency in new caledonia, introduced due to unrest, will be lifted today. this was reported by france press agency. citing a source at the elysee palace. according to journalists, about 500 gendarmes will arrive on the island to maintain order . let me remind you that despite the order of the french president to stop violence in a number of areas of new caledonia, the situation remains tense, demonstrations are organized by supporters of the island’s independence, the indigenous population, they demand that changes to the constitution be abandoned, which paris plans to host. the current president of lithuania won the second round of
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presidential elections, getanos nausėda scored 75% votes, this is evidenced by the main data. let me remind you that the candidates had no differences in foreign policy; both support increased spending on military needs, call for comprehensive assistance to ukraine and pressure on russia. let's return to vladimir putin's visit to uzbekistan, the central topic of the meeting of leaders is trade and investment partnership, maria filippova, majdu will talk about this not only in our economic bloc. economic cooperation will become one of the central topics of russian-uzbek high-level negotiations, they will take place today in tashkent. vladimir putin and the president of the republic shavkat mirziyoyev are expected to first talk with teta, and then
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the communication will continue with the participation of the delegation. russia is one of the leading economic partners of uzbekistan. foreign trade is second only to china. last year , trade turnover between our countries increased by 11.5% and exceeded $9.5 billion. in the first quarter of this year, the growth in indicators continued. russia supplies primarily light industry products, mechanical engineering, machine tools, and equipment. from uzbekistan also mainly supplies textile products, fruits and vegetables to our country. these positions collectively account for more than 60% of turnover. russia is also one of the key investors in the republic’s economy, with total investments approaching $9.5 billion. there are over 3,000 enterprises with russian participation in uzbekistan, and there are about 700 companies with uzbek capital in russia. in total , more than 3,500 enterprises
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with russian participation operate in uzbekistan, and as a result, these the enterprise is mainly... financed by the russian side and produces products that are sold both in the territory of uzbekistan and in third countries, for example, some of these products go beyond the territory of uzbekistan and not only to russia, but for example to the countries of the middle east. on other topics: rospotrebnadzor, against the backdrop of the start of the holiday season, has opened a hotline on issues of tourist services. now people will be able to learn more about purchasing, exchanging and returning vouchers. consultants will comment on the points contracts for...tourist services will tell you what to do in case of complaints about the quality of the product. you can ask your question from today until june 7. regional hotline numbers are available on the department's websites. the cost of sea freight has approached its january peak, notes the financial times. on average, urgent delivery of a container from the far east to northern europe now
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costs about $4,350. the january highs, when such attacks first began, were around 4,800. experts argue that the current growth is due to erroneous forecasts by major retailers. they expected too low demand due to difficult macroeconomic conditions. but the consumer is active and it is necessary to urgently replenish warehouse stocks, while many cargoes are still delivered bypassing africa. in the first week of april , traffic on the bustle canal was 66% less than a year earlier, according to the uk statistics authority. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 70 kopecks euro - 97 rub. 9 kopecks. that's all i have. novel. masha, thank you. continuation of economic topics. preparations for the st. petersburg international economic forum have reached the home stretch; there are only a few days left before the opening. year after year the forum proves its effectiveness. the signed agreements
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help the development of various enterprises, including a plant in kaluga, where aluminum parts are produced. maria filippova will tell you what changes took place there after the previous st. petersburg forum. baths with boiling water and red balls take on brand new parts made of aluminum. soon they will become part of the structures of buildings and not only throughout the country, produced here in kaluga, the details complement the architecture of moscow city, lakhta center and the main temple of the russian armed forces, and today the vmk-invest plant is opening a new line, here aluminum is anadized, that is, made stronger. launch! the launch was agreed upon a year ago at the st. petersburg international economic forum. vmk invest is one of the leaders of the country's metal industry at present. currently ranked among the top 10 companies in its industry. the plant has withstood the blow of sanctions and is ready for new achievements. the fact that today vmk invest products are a mark of quality is already
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a proven fact. we see that it is in demand not only within our country, but abroad. we are reorienting ourselves from supplies to european partners to the east, and we are doing this quite successfully. and now at a new level, aluminum is coated in the electrolyte. a protective layer, with its help the parts will last much longer, up to 30 years, they will not be afraid, for example, of bad weather and other external factors, in such material today the developer is especially interested, this is currently a rather scarce process for our processing industry, specifically in our industry, where fairly long semi-finished products are processed, well, i don’t know, in my opinion there are five or six similar production facilities in total, and also a new workshop is a plus 150 workplaces, each equipped to the latest standards, there is its own laboratory where they work with
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the chemicals required for processing aluminum, these are the same bathrooms from the workshop only in miniature, tests are carried out here, all this it started working in record time, investments amounted to 5.88 million rubles, thanks to the support of the regional leadership, we basically helped with communications with technical things and solved everything. the launch of a new site will expand the range. and this project is far from the only one that was implemented in kaluga after the signing of agreements at the st. petersburg economic forum. in 2024 , he shares the plans of the region’s leadership and will add new key agreements to the list. maria filipova, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, lead koluga. more sports news. the issue will be presented by alexander abramov. sazh, good morning, in one. vtb has started the final series, we are waiting for details. roman, good morning, cska won the first match of the final against unix. cska has never in the history of the vtb united league started the final series with defeats.
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cska moscow started the final series of the vtb united league against kazan unics with a victory. it turned out to be an exciting match; during the third quarter , the army team's maximum advantage became double-digit, which i really couldn’t hold it back. unix caught up with csk just 49 seconds before the final. first , the american legionnaire of cska made an effective pass under the hoop, after which he coolly converted four free throws, including after an unsportsmanlike foul by dimitrievich. cska basketball players in this match never missed from the penalty line at all, 100% success. as a result, 96-95, cska took the first match of the final and the second match of the series will be held in kazan tomorrow. stack matches for the right to play in the rpl for the next season will be held on may 29 and june 1. thus, on the first day of summer , the full composition of participants in the rpl season
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24-20 will become known. from the rpl , parien and yekaterinburg ural will play in transition matches. at the end of the season, they took thirteenth and fourteenth places, respectively. the first league will be represented by talyatinsky okron and tula arsenal. in the first division they took third and fourth places. based on the results of the draw , the rpl clubs will become the hosts of the first matches on may 29. stack matches will be played according to classic rules two-round confrontation. if the results of two matches result in a draw in a pair, the teams will play an additional 30 minutes.
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he can neither confirm nor deny. sofonov still has a valid contract with krasnodar until the twenty-ninth year. and one more goalkeeper news from the russian championship. sergei pesyakov leaves the rostov football club. this information was officially confirmed by the club. sergei pesyakov played for rostov for 7 years. the main part of the grid started in the suburbs of paris at the second tournament of the series of the season grand slam. the barrier of the first round of roland gorossa was successfully overcome by the sixth racket of the world andrey rublev. the russian defeated japanese representatives taro daniel in four sets. the key factor was rublev's first serve. andrey won almost 90% of balls on the first serve. during the match, andrei rublev took the opponent's serve five times, and, not surprisingly, did not return his own once. the opponents spent just over 3 hours on the court. let me also remind you that at the french open, rublev’s best result in his career so far was this is reaching the quarter-finals, where he played twice. the first racket of russia and the fifth number
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in the world ranking yes. medvedev will play his first round match today. the eighth stage of the formula 1 season, the monaco grand prix, turned into a serious and spectacular accident on the first lap on the city circuit in monte carlo. three cars were involved in the collision, including the mexican red bull driver sergio perez. he failed to negotiate the turn and crashed into a bump stop after colliding with haas driver kevin magnuson. the race had to be stopped, no one none of the pilots were injured in this accident. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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i will die as well, he says: who will protect
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you if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, went in a roundabout way to serve as volunteers, learned what it was like to actually be in war, on the front line, the younger brother is also 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to do the same, i understood, that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn.


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