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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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“you’ll die, i’m like, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, in a roundabout way he went to serve the volunteers, found out what it’s like to actually visit vienna, precisely on the front line, junior also brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way.” "i realized that i can’t
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sit anymore, i have something to learn from young guys. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military defended crimea from an air attack, but the crew commander had only a few minutes to make a decision seconds, the target was approaching very quickly, in such conditions you have to take full responsibility... on yourself and not wait for
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approval from the higher command. stanislav vasilchenko will tell you what threat was removed from the peninsula. there is no analogue in this machine in any army in the world. the unique tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system is an ultra-reliable shield against attacks by enemy air targets. drones, airplanes and helicopters, cruise and anti-radar missiles, gliding and guided bombs. all this appears daily in the sky over the zaporozhye region. therefore, the anti-aircraft gunners of the group of troops. dnepr is on duty around the clock. the radar system detects objects at a distance of up to 32 km, even those that use stetells technology. when the target approaches the complex too quickly, the crew does not wait for the command and independently decides to destroy the object. we discovered that the strike had hit, as we further understood, there was no time to wait or report.
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worked on it themselves and, as it turned out, further, everything was done correctly. the target was heading towards crimea. tor m2 perform flawlessly day and night in any weather conditions. the missiles of the complex have an expanded destruction zone and increased firing accuracy. compared to the previous version of thor, the m2's ammunition load has been doubled and now amounts to 16 guided projectiles. at the same time , these air defense systems operate on the principle: one target, one missile. such characteristics make the tor m2 air defense system as effective as possible. that is why the ukrainian armed forces intelligence is really hunting for them, but even here the complex has advantage: the vehicle can combine traveling and combat modes of operation. while in motion, the torus is capable of detecting, capturing and destroying up to four targets simultaneously. air defense has always been the number one goal for the enemy. we cause them a lot of trouble, how much market per day during combat duty we have to change position. during work we change it very often, 10 times a day. the
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thor family air defense systems are constantly being modernized and improved, which makes them unique and one of the best in the world. it is possible that the experience gained during the special operation will form the basis for future improvements. stanislav vasilchenko, sergey eliseev, alexander parkhunov. news: southern sector of military special operation. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line. first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us, you know, but i’m really not a taxi driver, you know, and i’m really not a comedian , i am a real businessman, and how much do you pay for the account, in psb account servicing, cash withdrawals and transfers up to 10 million rubles are free, can you perform solo? "you may be tired after training,
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the year-round resort magic baikal will include two clusters in the irkutsk region. what infrastructure will appear in the region, what will be the economic effect of the project and what is worth visiting now. in an interview with our channel he told governor of the irkutsk region igor kopsev. igor ivanovich, good afternoon. hello, alena. the five seas lake baikal project will soon be implemented in russia. and two all-season resorts will appear on the territory of the irkutsk region. tell us where you plan to start? you know, when i... informed the president that we were planning to create two year-round resorts in the irkutsk region, i did not imagine that this would cause such a serious stir, why? because magical baikal is generally a union of two regions:
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irkutsk region and buryatia, in the irkutsk region we formed two locations, one was the gates of baikal to baikal, you know how it applies. the president to an ecological city, because he said that this should be the first ecological city in russia, why the history there is not very good, the baikai pulp and paper mill used to work, when... the plant was working, there were 30,000 people, now 12 live, mainly small medium-sized businesses, and of course, this city needs to do all this in parallel, creating or recycling hazardous waste, and creating infrastructure so that the city has the opportunity to develop such a tourist destination, it’s beautiful, it’s on the shores of lake baikal, in general, the place is beautiful, sable mountain,
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it should be included in a federal project or a national project for a safe, high-quality road to make a modern entrance and also make a roundabout for the baykaisk.
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lake baikal, i added the angara separated by commas, so we want to design a centralized collector that will remove all wastewater and drainage from hangars, private construction of the city from lake baikal, a serious project, an important project, we are still planning to organize a children's holiday there, today, unfortunately, we do not have a water park, and many families go to novosibirs, for example, we understand that this is expensive , we don’t have a zoo today, it’s also going to
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novosibirs, we decided to see it all , we laid it all as the basis for this tourist and recreational zone, where in general there will not only be a recreation area, yes, but also a lot of public spaces, everything after all, we are a raw materials region, we have a large amount reserves, gold, copper, rare earth metals we have. large reserves of gas and oil, but this is still a story that is attractive to everyone, well, it is indicative, because the nature here is unique, what does the irkutsk region already have, what do you advise tourists to visit? last year we looked, we had almost 1,7000 tourists, tourists, and we understand that this is a serious format, because of the infrastructure. today does not fully provide such an influx, of course,
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we consider irkutsk as such a cultural center eastern siberia, the irkutsk region in general, if we take from the north and south of the irkutsk region, this is the distance from moscow to krasnodar, well , imagine, that is, there are different locations, someone wants to go to taiga, see how the locals live, i wonder if someone... then on the contrary , someone is closer to baikal. who wants to see where there are industrial enterprises, there is so-called industrial tourism, various victors, well, i think that there is no taste and color here, comrades. but in any case, baikal needs to be seen. igor ivanovich, thank you for this interview. the year-round resort magic baikal will be developed as part of the five seas project, lake baikal. ecoclusters will appear not
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only in the irkutsk region, but in buryatia. details from alena logvinova. herself. the deepest lake in the world and 20% of all fresh water reserves, by 2030 a new year-round resort, magical baikal, will appear in russia. it will include three separate clusters. one project is planned on the territory of the republic of buryatia, baikal harbor. there are two sites in the irkutsk region - baikalskaya sloboda and the gates of baikal. the harbor is on the eastern coast of the lake 160 km from ulanude. baikalskaya sloboda will be located on the banks of the angara river. 45 km from irkutsk 20 km directly from the lake. the gates of lake baikal 148 km from irkutsk. the base for development will be the city of baikalsk. along the southeastern shore of the lake, the hamardaban mountain range is one of the local attractions. we take the whole of baikal, that is, the irkutsk side, the buryat side, because baikal unites us, and this is the development of basic
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infrastructure, this is the development of hotel infrastructure, transport, this construction of clean. training grounds, this is the construction of a fleet that will sail on the water and provide excursion trips there, we will try to create an infrastructure that will meet both environmental requirements and, probably, the tourist look that tourists themselves would like to see. now let’s take a closer look at each of the projects, starting with the irkutsk region, where the area of ​​the resort area will exceed 1,200 hectares. the location for the development of baikalskaya sloboda was not chosen... also the territory is attractive for projects in tourism sector. baikalsk is located in one of the most beautiful places in eastern siberia, famous primarily for its ski resort mount sabolinaya, pomegranate beach and
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the annual strawberry festival. by 2040 , baikalsk will turn into the first eco-city in russia on the former industrial site of the baikal pulp and paper mill . the eco-campus ecoshop has already appeared, it is a resource and educational center for youth, a place for generating ideas and implementing green projects. a platform for holding various events, and this is what it is for today it is a complex of pre-fabricated non-permanent structures, it is a forum zone, there are about ten tents, exactly where we are now. we are located, including accommodation facilities, these are houses, of which we also have about twenty, with the ability to accommodate up to 80 people, we have also been categorized as a tristar hotel complex. the irkutsk region will attract 54 billion rubles of extra-budgetary investments to create infrastructure, as a result
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5,400 rooms will be built, this will ensure year-round availability the resort's work increases the flow of excursions. will appear. 6,000 new jobs. the project has great prospects and will have a multiplier effect. on the eastern shore of the lake, on the territory of the republic of buryatia, the baikal harbor will be located. as part of the project, several areas will be developed at once, including the goryachensk resort, bukhta, nameless and gorobychye. the total area exceeds 3,500 hectares. the projects of six residents of the special economic zone, which covers the entire cluster, are already being implemented. for example, object one. four-star the hotel company greenflow baikal plans to open in 2025, it is designed for 154 rooms, will include a thermal complex, a restaurant, a conference area, a beach with a length of 500 m. the cost of the project is 2.5 billion rubles. in addition to them, many investors also came in, the cosmos group, well, today the cosmos group is
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the largest owner of hotels in russia, yes, the fkstema company, they also came in with a big project, more than ten, about 12 billion rubles. plus vodokhod company. today the company is the largest company that keeps up with water cruises, along the volga, along the yenisei. now, the company is visiting baikal, building four electric ships , these are hotels on the water. the implementation of the buryatia project will require 55 billion rubles. off-budget investments. as a result , the number of rooms at the resorts will exceed 4,500. in tourist.
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the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. every wedding ends the same. unite in the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future,
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an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a blast!
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four cylinders with turbo, 215 horsepower, code range - 100 km, increased. cross-country ability, climbability, 60°. accommodates a company of up to nine people, and here, all of your own, join your own, to instill the opinion that time heals, 512 people,
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including 91. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism. mostly europeans abstained; the united states voted against. a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead.
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today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, how are the negotiations going, what are the formats of the agenda and what statements have already been made. chinese response to kiev beijing responded to zelensky’s call for sidinping to take part in the summit, which will be held in switzerland. what
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position did you take? diplomatic question: mia has sent a proposal to the kremlin to remove the status of a terrorist organization from the taliban, what are the conditions for this? political clinch in georgia and the legal committee parliament voted today to override the president's veto on the law on foreign agents, should we expect new unrest? birthday. what program have you prepared for residents and guests for city day? we will tell you about the plans and construction of a new all-season resort on lake baikal in a special report dedicated to the five seas project. the pace of development of economic relations between russia and uzbekistan is impressive. they
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are becoming more and more diverse. have good potential. vladimir putin announced this in tashkent during negotiations with his colleague shavkat mirziyoyev. today is the main day of the russian leader's state visit to the republic. the meeting is taking place at mirziyoyev's country residence called kuksaroy, which means green palace. and the president had a meeting in a limited format, now they were joined by members of the delegation. this is one of the first visits after the election of all related procedures is completed. including. related to the formation of the government, such a representative delegation came to uzbekistan, it is no coincidence, it emphasizes our special character, both strategic partnership and allied relations, the pace of development of economic ties, they are really very impressive, according to your data, about 30% for last year , according to our statistics, we actually have a little less,


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