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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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rushydra is providing assistance to uzbekistan in creating flexible generation capacities that will help equalize the country’s energy balance and ensure uninterrupted operation of the entire energy system of uzbekistan. on the agenda are two such large hydro -storage power plants for construction on lakes aydarkul and karakateren. yes, the total, total productive capacity of 1 gw, this will be such a good, serious contribution to the energy sector of uzbekistan. another priority area, shaffat miramonovich just mentioned about this, this is a peaceful atom, the protocol signed today on amendments to the relevant intergovernmental agreement of 2018 opens up the opportunity for the construction of low-power nuclear power plants in uzbekistan according to modern ones.
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construction stage and 20 blocks under construction abroad and six contracts, well, of course, we are ready to do everything in order to work effectively in the uzbekistan market. by the way, with the assistance of russia , high-tech industrial technology parks have already been built in uzbekistan and are successfully operating in tashkent and dzhezak regions flow to the end.
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systematic efforts are being made to increase the volumes and expand the range of mutual supplies of agricultural products and food, here we are... not at all, when negotiations were going on in a broad format, we remembered that quite recently the trade turnover was less than 300 million dollars, yes 250, now 300 billion, yes, my colleagues reported, well, this is not the limit, not the limit, we will expand this work without any doubt, a comprehensive cooperation program for development of railway... transport and
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infrastructure in uzbekistan, including the supply of russian railway equipment and localization of its production. cooperation seems promising on a large-scale project to create an international north-south corridor from russia and belarus to the coast of the indian ocean, one of the routes of which will pass here next to uzbekistan or through the territory of uzbekistan, this is quite possible, this is... very interesting from the point of view of creation additional opportunities including including uzbekistan's access to the ocean. it is well known that more than a million citizens of uzbekistan live and work in russia. shakhat miranovich always pays special attention to this. i also talked about this now. we appreciate the significant contribution they make to the development of the russian economy, especially in such dynamically developing industries as construction.
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with the uzbek authorities on all current issues of the migration dossier. today we spoke separately about this with the relevant ministers, we will intensify this work from two sides russian-uzbek cultural and humanitarian ties are traditionally multifaceted. grateful leadership of the republic of uzbekistan for their careful attitude towards the russian language in general and russian culture. we consider it important that the russian language is used. uzbekistan as a language
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of interethnic communication, it is spoken in everyday life, it is broadcast on television, it is extremely in demand in socially significant areas of life, including protection and education, we understand and are aware that without support from the very top, without the support of the president, this situation would have been impossible. in this regard , i would like to note a successfully implemented joint initiative, a class aimed at improving the quality of teaching the russian language in uzbekistan. within the framework of this project, covering 85 schools with over 26 thousand students, more than 100 russian teachers work in the republic, and retraining of local teachers is also underway , i know the position of the president of uzbekistan, he believes that this is not enough, he asks us to increase the number teachers, we will strive for this,
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i think that this is absolutely true, we will work in russian universities; currently 63,000 uzbeks are studying, of which 14,000 are on the budget. on a russian basis, about 8,000 more study in 14 branches of russian universities in uzbekistan, a large, perhaps even the largest in the cis countries, network of russian universities, branches of russian universities has been created here, cooperation in the field of sports is developing, we certainly welcome the readiness of uzbekistan to hold international tournament games of the future, first such games, as you know, took place in february-march. in kazan, this is a fundamentally new format that combines sports disciplines and e-sports, i have already said publicly, i can repeat it again, i was surprised to find that this new sport attracts such a large, if
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not enormous, number of fans, naturally we considered a whole range issues on the regional agenda were also touched upon on current international topics; i would like to emphasize russia’s positions. uzbekistan largely coincide or are close. in conclusion, i want more once again thank shakhat miramanovich for his hospitality and excellent organization of our joint work. i proceed from the fact that the current visit and the negotiations that took place will serve to further strengthen the entire complex of russian-uzbek partnership. of course, all this will benefit the people of uzbekistan and the russian federation. thank you. for your attention. these were personnel statements by vladimir putin following the results of russian-uzbek negotiations. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby.
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the all-round resort magic baikal will appear in our country by 2030. build three all-season tourist clusters on the lake coast, in the irkutsk region in the republic of buryatia. each region will require approximately 54 billion rubles of private investment for implementation. all the details are in the special
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report by alena logvinova. baikal is the oldest, deepest and largest freshwater lake. world, its area exceeds 3000 km, soon several all-season resorts will appear on the coast of lake baikal; they will be built on the territory of the irkutsk region, in the republic buryatia. we’ll tell you right now how tourism is already developing in the regions and what will be done in the coming years. the grandiose project was called “magic baikal”. the year-round resort will include three separate clusters. there are two sites in the irkutsk region. paykalskaya sloboda will be located on... the gate of baikal on the southern shore of the reservoir
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at the foot of the khamar daban mountain range. the base for development will be the city of baikalsk, located 148 km from irkutsk. on the territory of the republic of buryatia , one project is planned: baikal harbor in the eastern lake coast 160 km from thulannude. the two regions will develop infrastructure together. we take to be. the whole, that is , the irkutsk side, the buryat side, because we are united by baika, and this is the development of shoulder infrastructure, this is the development of hotel infrastructure, transport, this is the construction of honest training grounds, this is the construction of a fleet that will sail on water to provide excursion trips there, and taiga, lake baikal, these are 20% of the world's water reserves, and in general, each one has its own way for the time of year. interesting for the irkutsk region, therefore
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, i invite everyone who is watching our meeting today to baikal, we will try to create an infrastructure that will provide both environmental requirements and, probably, such tourist sights that the tourists themselves would like to see. in the irkutsk region, the area of ​​the resort area will exceed 1,200 gatars; the closest to the regional center will be baikalskaya sloboda, the first ethnographic... the main advantage is convenient transport accessibility. on the banks of the angara. on an area of ​​330 hectares there will be a new tourist hub, baikalskaya sloboda, is located. irkutsk is approximately 45 km away, can be reached by car in an hour, the first hotels will begin to appear in 2027. by 2035, the resort plans to receive 850,000 tourists; to make this possible, hotels are first needed. on the territory of baikayskaya sloboda we are now located at the southern tip, it is planned to create more than 3,500 rooms,
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there will be only two five-star hotels, so far according to the project there will also be 4.4 plus hotels. stars, but we try to make sure that the rest on the territory was maximally accessible to all categories of citizens, so basically it will be 34 stars. it is planned to create entertainment facilities, an ecological park, infrastructure for beach tourism and winter active recreation, and the main point of attraction will be its own marina for 450 yachts with a yacht club, an area for outdoor and heated winter storage of boats. we are now on the banks of the angara river, this is the only river that flows out. with baikal, and baikal is about 20 km by water, just from here tourists will convenient, including using water transport, yes, that is, whether it be yachts or small vessels or even regular passenger transportation, then a pier will also be equipped here and it will also be a good, let ’s say, starting location for
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visiting baikal, the place for the development of the baikal settlement it was not chosen by chance, nearby are places already well known to tourists with... listvyanka is located in a unique place, on the banks of the angara, the only river originating from lake baikal. the village itself is small, with approximately 2.0 people living in it. people, but in recent years it has increasingly acquired the features of a resort area. in winter, the waters of the hangars do not freeze, the current there is so strong, when you approach the village, a clear line of river and lake is immediately noticeable. one of the favorite entertainments of tourists racing on khivus is airboats. pillows, trips are available in winter, spring and autumn. we have a wonderful baikal museum here, which is probably known not only on the territory of the russian federation, but outside of russia, in principle, there are wonderful exhibits there, there is an observatory sunny, where people can go, look at the stars in the sun, that is , we have quite a lot of interesting places, we have a very
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popular, i would even say, mega popular walking trail now, this is the big baikal trail, it also begins . here in listvyanka, here people come here, they can even just come, leave their car here, walk, for example, to the village of big cats. listvyanka is called the gateway to lake baikal; most water trips around the lake begin from here. the village is being built up with tourist facilities and turns into the main logistics center. at the same time , the existing infrastructure needs to be updated. three berths will be reconstructed in the region in the near future. port baikal, listvyanka complex and slingshot pier. in larch bay, the pedestrian embankment that runs along the entire village will also be rebuilt. we need this infrastructure like air, we need, of course, a beautiful, high-quality embankment, we need berths where people can safely board some kind of ship, be it a large vessel or a small fleet, ride along the surface of lake baikal, admire it, and go home with a feeling
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of complete pleasure. near lestvyanka and baikalskaya sloboda there is the toltsy museum. history, architecture and ethnography of the 17th-20th centuries, located on the right bank of the angara at the 47th kilometer of the baikal tract. the open-air complex introduces visitors to the culture of the peoples of the baikal region. several historical and cultural zones have been recreated here: russian, buryat, evenk and tafalar. the event space with an area of ​​70 hectares unites historical environment and modernity. the territory is equipped with stages for holding events.
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it will take two or three years for it to be fully realized. the next resort in the irkutsk region, which will be developed by the gates of baikal, already has a special economic zone of a tourist and recreational type. its area exceeds 760 gars. as part of the project , a landscaped embankment park, roller ski trails, and a trail construction center will be created. we are currently engaged in the construction of supporting infrastructure, including: water supply and sewerage networks. a street and road network with lighting, an electricity supply network, and heating networks, that is, according to our plans , the construction of this infrastructure should be completed by the end of this year, which will give... a good impetus to the development of tourist flow, to investor activity, which is already off scale, i’ll say this , that today we have no free land plots left on the territory, the special
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economic zone offers a comfortable climate for investors, land plots with engineering transport infrastructure practically free, corporate property tax 0%. companies come to us, and they are very different, some are small, with plots of about 50 acres in total and the amount of investment.
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consulting companies. the baikalsk moment, worked out together with the presenters , is located at the foot of the khamar daban ridge. the mount sabaliniye resort is actively developing here. snow lies from november to may. height 900 m, mount sabolinaya. modern ski resort. located on the southeastern coast of lake baikal. already on holidays the complex is visited by more than 3.00 person per day. total length. the route exceeds 15 km, here you can race along steep slopes on skis or snowboards, or you can just walk, enjoying the beautiful scenery.
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it will take approximately 15 minutes for non-skiers to descend from the heights. there are five lifts operating on the territory of the complex, some of which are going to be modernized by the beginning of the next season. for example, instead of an outdated cable car, a six -seat chairlift will appear. by the next ski season we will launch it according to eastern clone, this is the first, second, we now have this cable car, which uh, by which we climbed here, and it is designed to be a gondola type - a ten-seater cable car, this will also give additional interest. baikalsk is a unique city with the largest provision of trails per 1.00 inhabitants. the first fairytale trail was built in 2019, right on mount sabolina. it leads to a height of 1,200 m, from where it opens. magnificent view of the lake, there is a mountain cluster, as we call it, this is the ski area slopes, these are paths between heights, this
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is a neighboring mountain, above the southern microdistrict, mount chernaya, there is also a system of eco-trails, once there were ski slopes there, also bppm, we plan to restore them in the future together with the internet, which means there are walking trails along the shore of lake baikal, and from the pier. from the seaport, from the stadium, city to the bppm site and beyond. since 2021, the development of the former industrial site of the bppm has been carried out by the baikal center, a subsidiary of the all-russian breeding federation, eco-workshop, and anchor project. on the territory of the former baikal pulp and paper mill there is already built an ecological campus called eco-workshop. on its territory there is an educational hub and space for various events. a tourist town, as well as a network of eco-trails leading directly to lake baikal. the creation of the eco-campus began in 2022. it is located on the territory of the former timber exchange,
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a place where trains with wood were unloaded in the days of the bppm. the space for holding forums is already ready: more than ten tents and 20 houses have been installed in which event participants can be accommodated. we have also passed categorization into hotel complex three stars. and accordingly. bright large events can already be held here, we hold events here at the federal, regional level, including international ones. in march of this year, we had a meeting of participants of the expanded tumangan initiative here, as were representatives of the countries of korea, china, and mongolia. the southern coast of the lake is visited by more than 250 thousand people a year. in summer, tourists can enjoy the picturesque nature of the baikal region. visit an international festival strawberry festival, taking place at the end of july. in addition, fishing, jet skiing, motor boating and more are available. by 2040, baikalsk will turn into the first
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eco-city in russia. more than a thousand new jobs will be created, which is very important for the city, because once this city was industrial, today there is a big transformation of the city into a tourist focus, including eco-production, which is why we are also expecting a new number of rooms here so that we can receive our dear tourists. to implement the magical baikal project in the irkutsk region, a total of 54 billion private rubles will be required. as a result, 5,400 rooms will be built, which will ensure year-round operation of the resort and increase the flow of excursions. 6,000 new jobs will appear. the project will have a multiplier effect for all sectors of the economy. in general, the irkutsk region, if we take from the north and south of the irkutsk region, this is the distance from moscow to krasnodar, well , imagine, that is, there are different locations, someone wants to go to taiga, see how they live
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local residents. it’s interesting, on the contrary, someone is closer to baikal, someone wants to look where there are industrial enterprises, there is so -called industrial tourism, different vectors, well, i think that here the taste and color of the comrade is not, but in any case, baikal is needed see. on the eastern shore of the lake on the territory of the republic of buryati there will be a baikal harbor. as part of the project , several areas will be developed at once, including the goryachinsk resort, nameless and gorobychya, the total area exceeds 3,500 hectares, already now projects are being implemented by six residents of the special economic zone, which covers the entire cluster. we need medical infrastructure, energy infrastructure, transport infrastructure, environmental infrastructure, and so on. now this project is the five seas of lake baikal, it put it all together, and the investor, today we signed
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an agreement for 54 billion rubles. already, that is, with us these are not such projects, these are real investors, these are concrete people with specific money, with specific projects that they start doing all this. the first facility - the four-star greenflow baikal hotel is planned to open in 2025, it is located on another site of turka, designed for 154 rooms, will include a thermal complex, a conference area, a beach with a length of 500 m. the cost of the project is 2.5 billion rubles. special attention is paid.
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the complex will also include a separate restaurant, a landscaped coastline, an outdoor swimming pool, and we have not forgotten about the younger generation. the complex includes a children's center in which children of the younger generation will be able to relax during their holiday on lake baikal. on the site there are sands on... one of the projects is being implemented by the amar company, the tourist complex will include a hotel for 900 people, a cafe and restaurant, a spa complex, a gym, a center for spiritual development, and a museum. the goal is to create a place of balance that would reveal both lake baikal and the culture of the territory itself. there will be parks, beautiful walking areas, there will be a feature of the project, this is the skull of the mammoth, dasha nadakov, designed, a beautiful five-star hotel in the shape of a wave of lake baikal, that is
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very creative and interesting. objects, this is the first, not even the first, this is the zero stage, what we can see now, five modular buildings, they will be launched this summer, the emphasis is on cultural space, the central art object is the mammoth skull, according to the authors’ plans should become a magnificent photo zone, the height of the mammoth tusks will reach almost 60 m, among other projects, putnik-siberia is relying on the development of water tourism and a yacht marina, youth baikal on organizing recreation... will become a hospital center with mud-hospital. different investors, different projects, they differ in internal content, in the ideology that is embedded in them, but they all create high-quality service, a high-quality offer for tourists with high environmental requirements. a modern system of wastewater treatment facilities has been operating on the territory of the special economic zone of baikal harbor for 5 years. it was built specifically to receive sewage.


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