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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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heroism and courage. the president congratulated the border guards on their professional holiday. how the service works in the country with the longest border in the world. cluster munitions in peaceful lugansk. ukrainian militants shelled the city twice. a big fire started. israel is threatened with sanctions for the attack on rafah, dozens of dead injured. the un security council will meet for an emergency meeting. why did the first leagues of france and germany laugh and have fun at the holocaust memorial? what is the reaction to this behavior? russian wine occupies the place of imported goods on store shelves, how does the state support our producers and what will happen to prices?
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graduates of the unified state exam in russian today are taking the most widespread exam, and this year for the first time it can be retaken. the determination of the border guards largely helped to thwart repeated attempts by the kiev regime to send gangs of mercenaries and traitors to saboteurs into russian territory. vladimir putin congratulated soldiers and veterans of the service on border guard day. report point. 1918, when border guards were established in the rsfsr. the president especially noted the heroism and courage of these people, including during the special military operation. largely thanks to the determination of the border guards, repeated attempts to break into russian territory by bands of mercenaries, traitors and enemy sabotage groups were thwarted. those who planned these terrorist raids on our soil made a mistake.
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defenders. russia's border is the longest in the world. this is more than 60,000 km. about 2/3 comes from the seas. our country borders on eighteen countries. how are border service officers trained today? why? the tasks changed after the start of the special operation , zenaida kurbatova found out. border guards have always had many tasks. they are responsible for ensuring that the contours of the russian border do not change, so that there is no seizure of territory. such precedents are extreme. rare, but famous
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in the history of our country. 24-hour service at the border, both land and sea, is preventing the entry into our territory of single violators, formation gangs and sabotage groups, combating smuggling and protecting our biological resources, primarily fish and seafood. together with units of the black sea fleet and the russian national guard , the safety of transport passage through the kerch strait, maritime economic activity facilities, as well as fishing vessels in... the black and azov seas is ensured. as part of this task, coast guard ships inspected more than 400 vessels, over 40 of which were denied passage through the kerch strait. after february 2022, service in the russian-ukrainian section of the state boundaries have become more difficult to maintain. in the city of voronezh, we celebrate border guards day as the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the western group of border troops, which in 1994 laid the foundations of the russian-ukrainian border.
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now, at the present time, this is the most difficult tense section of the border, so we wish our modern border guards to steadfastly and courageously guard the sacred borders of our homeland. in training, border guards are now trained more carefully for emergency situations, this applies to individual fire and tactical preparation, repelling sabotage, camouflage, issues of countering enemy drones. mental toughness is very important.
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some kind of forgery of documents, you visually assess the person’s behavior, how he behaves at the time of checking the documents, at the time he is stopped, relaxed, naturally, or does he have some signs of nervousness. the ceremonial events for part of the border guard's day began on the evening of may 27, because it is at 20:00 that a new day begins at the green furashkas; according to tradition, holy wreaths are laid at the memorials fallen soldiers. zenaya kurbatova, anna pogonina, lead. the consequences of the shelling are being eliminated in lugansk. on the part of the armed forces of ukraine, as reported by the head of the lpr leonid pasechnik, the strikes were carried out using cluster munitions. a strong fire started at the arrival site. according to eyewitnesses, the flames were visible from different parts of the city. firefighters, police officers and paramedics are on the scene. a little later, information came about another strike by the ukrainian armed forces.
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the explosion occurred in the eastern part of the city. information about the destruction and casualties is being clarified. in the zaporozhye region, russian the military destroyed the dugout and the personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. a precision strike on targets north of rabotin was carried out by fpv drone operators. they operate alongside intelligence officers who monitor the area using small drones with powerful cameras. soldiers detect enemy targets and transmit their coordinates. then the attack aircraft are sent for destruction. they operate effectively at a distance of up to 20 km. one crew uses at least forty attack drones per week. when. let's say a mavic pilot detects a target, we immediately we take off, approach the target, begin a dive, it happens very often that we are conducting a free hunt to find equipment or manpower of the enemy, the mood is fighting, the team
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is ready to work, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, well, in the zaporozhye region. russian mortars hit a unit of foreign mercenaries with a precise strike. our fighters work in the so -called gray zone, a territory that is not controlled by any side, sometimes less than a kilometer from the position of the ukrainian armed forces. how to protect yourself from enemy drones in such conditions and effectively complete the task, our war correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, saw. you won’t meet civilians on this road; being here is life-threatening. this is the so-called gray zone, a strip that separates populated areas. region from the territory controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. this is where russian mortar crews operate. the front line remains behind, now we, together with the bars 10 volunteers , are entering the gray zone in an armored pickup truck. any objects in this territory become a target for ukrainian nationalists, therefore, to the position of our we are trying to get through the mortars as
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quickly as possible. well, in general, we don’t often go here by car, we mostly walk, because there are a lot of computers here that are against drones, and lately they have become them. one might say, they are trying to rule us, drones are hunting for mortar men, therefore, despite the fact that the positions are well camouflaged, the area around is additionally fenced with nets of traps, the fishing net is very effective, let’s say their drone just gets tangled up, of course it will have to be neutralized later , that's the most the main thing is that it simply gets tangled in the wires with its fans and hangs, it is used to fight. additionally, in the arsenal of this crew there are mortars of 120 and 82 mm caliber, both are capable of hitting strongholds and dugouts. rarely do fighters use fire from these guns to disrupt enemy rotations and his attempts to clear the approaches to russian positions. and all artillery and mortars work closest to the enemy. one of the enemy dugouts is located less than a kilometer from here, and in good weather it can even be seen by the unarmed
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eye. the fact that real professionals in their field serve in the bars-10 group of dnepr troops is now known in the west. not long ago, while carrying out another combat mission, mortars hit the positions of foreign mercenaries. they shot, it turns out, at dugouts, at positions, in general, and that’s how many there were, they knocked out eight two-hundredths, somewhere like that, a lot of, so to speak, foreigners were spotted there, dozens of targets hit, constant disruptions to enemy rotations, bars mortars - 10 perform any combat missions every day demonstrate their superiority in the gray zone of the zaporozhye region. stanislav vasilchenko, kiev. news: southern sector, military special operation. kiev should not receive the right to use western weapons to strike russian territory. this opinion was expressed by french politicians heading the lists of their parties in the elections to the european parliament. in their opinion, this step could lead to inevitable escalation, even a clash
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of nuclear powers. alika komarova will tell you which other western leaders spoke out against such strikes. europe is waiting for permission from usa to become more involved. in the ukrainian conflict, bilt reports , citing sources. according to their information, the european union insists on sending nato instructors to kiev. however, france has already disowned these statements.
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security, we do not want to see a repetition of the darkest periods of history, so i am sure that ukraine should be given the right to use western weapons to attack russian territory. while the west is discussing this issue, moscow is on the offensive. the lifting of restrictions on the use of nato weapons for strikes on russia were discussed in brussels. the most hawkish position was taken by the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs, he condemned hungary for trying to interfere with the european union, and in fact admitted that he was striking at russian...
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poland, i think almost all of us know, we have really done a lot for kiev, now the time has come when we we must allow kiev to win this fight, we must allow ukraine to use the weapons we supply. the excitement around the shelling of russian territory is caused by the effectiveness of its offensive, the western press admits. military experts from the times, under the pathetic headline, exhausted but not broken, cite harsh statistics. most of the brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the eastern regions of ukraine consist of 90% new mobilized people who completed a week-long course for young fighters and were then sent to the front line. the publication directly calls them victims, but does not mention that the death of these conscripts is sent to...
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the fact is that biden wants to go to war with russian president vladimir putin, i don’t know why, but what can i tell you for sure, so this is what the biden administration noticed that presidents like abraham lincoln or frank roosevelt who win wars become famous, great presidents, so they think that a president who wins a war always gets better ratings than a president in a war didn't even participate. now the latest night footage from the gas sector. the israeli
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army launched a new attack on the city of rafah, now this moment of the attack on your screens was filmed by eyewitnesses, it is not very clearly visible, but nevertheless it is clear what is happening, yes there is here is also a video with the consequences of the strike, a refugee camp was damaged, at least seven people were killed. arab media also reported a fire in a neighboring residential building. but in the meantime. condemned israel's previous attack on rafah, because of the attack on the refugee camp, the security council will hold an emergency meeting today, the european union for the first time started talking about possible sanctions if the military operation in rafah does not stop, eu foreign ministers will raise the issue of introducing restrictions against israeli officials. let me remind you that as a result of the air raid, both at least 45 people, about 200 more were injured. amid widespread condemnation , israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu admitted it was deadly. we have already evacuated
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about a million civilians to rafah, and despite all our efforts not to harm them, unfortunately, there was a technical failure last night, we are investigating this matter, we will provide conclusions, because this is our policy, and for us these are tragedies. meanwhile, the israeli army reported intercepting several shells from lebanon. formerly shia hezbollah said it fired more than eighty rockets into israel. the iraqi islamic resistance also announced a strike. three drones were launched towards the city of eilad. it is alleged that the attacks were a response to the bombing of the gaza strip. the spouses of the french president and the german chancellor burst into laughter as they visited a holocaust memorial, right next to stone slabs in memory of the murdered jews. the german publication bilt was the first to draw attention to this. journalists called such actions an outrageous gesture, what caused the fun is unknown. the situation
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was commented on in the russian media, where the behavior of the first ladies was considered unacceptable. maria zakharova reminded. earlier, german chancellor olaf scholz called the words about genocide in donbass ridiculous. in all regions of russia, school graduates today take the eg in the russian language. this is the most widespread exam, which will be written by more than 620,000 people. an additional day has been introduced for schoolchildren in border areas: tomorrow, may 29. for the first time this year, the unified state exam can be retaken, however, only in one subject. in the far east, the exam has already been written in primorye for passing. the unified state examination is organized at 47 points in 34 municipalities. there are more than 5,500 such classes throughout the country. the exam lasts 3.5 hours, the results will be announced no later than june 14. russian language is one of two compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate of secondary education ; you need to score at least 24 points, and for a certificate with honors, at least 70 points.
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unified state examination results in russian are needed when entering a university for any specialty. now economic news, come to me maria filippova joins. masha, good morning. the ruble is strengthening its position against foreign currencies. roman, good morning, yes, today's trading opened with a decline in the dollar and euro. how it happened the day before. now i’ll tell you about the reasons. the ruble is stable in today's trading on the moscow exchange after a noticeable strengthening the day before, before the end of the may tax period. in accordance with the presidential decree, exporters converted the currency, against the background of which, during the previous trading session, the dollar fell by 91 kopecks.
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by euro. phosagro's board of directors recommended considering three dividend options, as reported by the company's press service, this is 160.234,309 rubles. per share. at the june 30 meeting, shareholders will have the option of abstaining or voting against. according to the company's report, production grew by almost 7% in the first quarter of this year. phosagro's revenue increased by more than 2.5% year on year. menselkhoz of russia plans to introduce a federal emergency regime due to the may frosts. this was stated by the head of the ministry oksana lut. this, according to her, will allow the government to compensate for the damage suffered by farmers. the validity period, however, has not yet been determined. abnormally cold weather was observed in central russia in the first half of the month. according to initial data, frosts led to the death of approximately 1% of crops throughout the entire sown area in the country. in a number of regions, a state of emergency has already been introduced at the local level, and the federal one will
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expand support. the government, well , the ministry of agriculture, in particular, they with... compare the number of agricultural producers affected by frosts, then there are from force majeure circumstances, in the future the federal center - financially, so to speak, helps the farmers who have suffered the greatest losses, this is such a, well , quite ordinary mechanism that financially helps to stand on their feet - our farmers who are in a difficult situation, in view. well, anomalous natural phenomena. in russia, meat production increased in january-april by 4% year-on-year to 4.5 million tons, reports the ministry of agriculture. in particular , the production of beef and pork increased, poultry remained at the twenty-third level of the year. as explained in the national meat association, this dynamics fully reflects the plans of enterprises to increase
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production against the backdrop of increasing demand. it is possible to keep up with it thanks to investments in the pig breeding industry. increasing productivity in poultry farming. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 88 rubles. 68 kopecks euro 96 rub. 30 kopecks that's all i have. novel. mash, thank you. continuing the economic theme. wine prices in russia will be kept down. as they said at the wine congress, which takes place in moscow during weeks of russian retail, manufacturing trading companies will try to smooth out the increase in order to avoid sudden jumps. yulia makarova. will tell you the details. wine imports are growing in russia. deliveries from georgia in the first 4 months almost doubled, to 37. the tone is data from the national statistics service of georgia. european union.
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tax policy had an impact, as did changes in exchange rates and the complexity of logistics. credit policy, you, being a large operator, cannot naturally work solely on working capital, so we that’s it, we all take out loans, now refinancing rates are 16%, despite the fact that there are also costs associated with, among other things, monitoring sanctions pressure from outside.
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the authorities are working to warn residents about the danger of the disaster, but now there is also one video of eyewitnesses, this is how it is seen when the storm has already arrived in the populated area. gave
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sports news in the studio danila makhalin, good morning, the high court of matrida recognized the actions of fifa and uefa as preventing free competition in the market. what is the reason? good morning, the thing is that these organizations are doing their best to prevent the creation of a new club football tournament, we are talking about a super league. russian karen khachanov beat indian representative sumit in the first round match of the french open tennis championship. together with him , pavel kotov, anastasia pavlyuchenkova, lyudmila samsonova, anastasia potapova, anna kalinskaya and daniil medvedev, who, despite three doubles and only one serve for elimination, beat the german dominik köpfer, entered the next stage. the meeting lasted more than 3 hours and ended with the score 6 3 64 57 63 in favor medvedev. at the tournament as number five, in the second round daniil plays with serbian miomir kitsmanovic. for the first time in his career
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, public favorite rafael nadal lost in the opening match of the tournament. by the will of the draw, the thirty-seven-year-old spaniard got alexander zverev, who ranks fourth in the world rankings, in the first round. the german tennis player won in three games 6:3 7-6 6-3, but nadal canceled the farewell ceremony with the tournament, as he wants to try to enter the rolangoros courts. another year later. in the vtb united basketball league, zenit took a step closer to bronze medals at the championship. the st. petersburg team beat lokomotiv kuban 99-96 at home and took the lead in the best-of-three series 2-0. from the start of the meeting it became clear that the match would be equal and productive. the teams went into the long break with the scoreboard tied at 48-48. everything was decided in the final quarter, in which zenit was constantly ahead of the opponent by at least four points. and
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a three-pointer for overtime was blocked by vince hunter. zenit's winning streak in matches with kubantsi is already four matches in a row. the last time lokomotiv won this duel in december last year. now the confrontation will continue in krasnodar. and in the nba, the first finalist was determined - the winner of the eastern conference. it was boston, which beat indiana 105-102 in the fourth match of syria. although during this meeting it seemed that indiana could. to win at least one match in the entire series, everything was decided in the end, where the home players scored their last points in the match 3.5 minutes before the end, but boston, on the contrary, was able to win back the gap, defeat the decisive three-pointer by derrick white, and the mvp of the eastern final conference became jaylen brown. boston reached the nba playoff finals for the first time since 2020.
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the day before i became a guest of the final program of russian football at the end of the entire season. famous russian soviet coach valery nepomnyashchy, who discussed with my colleague ilya kazakov the main topics of the entire championship. dynamo was too lucky in those matches when they could and should have lost when they saved themselves in the last minutes, and the fact that they have no championship experience was shown by the last game, because dynamo played below their potential, below their game, which they demonstrated, this is truly an experience to be. champions, it develops over time, i am sure that next season for dynamo not everything will be easy, but in any case they will already have this experience that anything, anything is possible, they are ready to achieve anything, this will help, but it will also hinder. portuguese cristiano ronaldo is the first footballer in history to become the top scorer in four different leagues. the day before forward al-nastro scored another achievement in the match against the
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al-idihadra team. spain italy, but still in the saudi arabian championship. with children, russian cartoons and children's programs, we look, on the application or on the website,
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the task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, but i’m alive - i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, just mom , she says, she will be very worried, i say, now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i was covered with clothes, well, it was not visible, so that there is no leg, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened.
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100 years ago. mid-hour news briefly: vladimir putin congratulated the russian.


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