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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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medical achievements in the hall of the russian academy of sciences were demonstrated on the screen, with special attention paid to a drug based on mysenchymal stem cells for the treatment of spinal injury. its combination with electrical stimulation quickly restores a person’s motor functions. we don’t know where the next such powerful discovery, scientific breakthrough will occur, because there, in addition to... knowledge, beautiful theories, there is an element of chance, something that we constantly talk about, and it is quite large. russian academy of sciences this year marks the 300th anniversary of an organization with a rich history and traditions. every year the best reports are presented on stage, and their creators are awarded gold medals for their significant contribution to the development of russian science. maria valieva and sergey ukhvaryonok, danilo kuznetsov and asya aslanyan, lead. there is
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an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, connections with the partisans burned the village of all residents, a plan was developed according to... which was to destroy at least 30 million slavs why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. in a very well thought out attack. in
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the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important to everyone involved in the inhumane treatment of people has been identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich. do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic has arrived, take it. thank you, if you could help, i don’t help like that.
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cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. we look, look in the application or on the website. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty units, tatyana petrova is with you and let’s start. we are with the news that is now come to news agency feeds, the former mayor of magas usman aushev has been put on the federal wanted list, a criminal case has been opened against him, the tas agency reports this and the telegram channel reports an honest detective, they were informed about this by the law enforcement agencies of ingushetia, other topics: in kuzbass the court sentenced the chief engineer of the lestvyazhny mine, where 3 years ago, as a result of...
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an explosion, 51 people died. anatoly lobanov was tried under a rather rare article of inaction, meaning a violation of the rules for the operation of protected information infrastructure of russia, which entailed grave consequences. the court took into account that labanos cooperated with the investigation from the very beginning. ekaterina lekhomanova will tell you what sentence he was ultimately given. in the hall of the belovsky city court, anatoly labanov, former chief engineer of the listvyazhnaya mine. the investigation came to the conclusion that he was one of those, not in 2021, more than 50 miners died, for the first time in 48 years such a complex problem occurred in my life, which i had to solve, and of course the lives of our guys depended on the solution to this problem in a mine. this tragedy has become the largest in russian mines over the past 14 years. they will return to us more than 40 children, husbands, and sons. for a small
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-scale region, a huge enterprise that provided work for thousands of families. on the day of the tragedy, there were almost 300 miners deep underground. they knew that they were working in extremely dangerous conditions, but... the mine management knew about the excess concentration, but still sent the workers underground, my husband walked as a leader, he was up to his chest here. the sensor, he says, it beeps, i’ll wet it with water so that it doesn’t beep, and continued to work. anatoly labanov was one of the first to be detained after the terrible tragedy; while a large-scale investigation was underway, he was in pre-trial detention. for selfish purposes, he took measures to ensure the continuous operation of production. using his official
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position, he committed actions to conceal violations of the rules for operating the automated control system from regulatory authorities. this system is designed. enterprise employees and managers, as well as rostekhnadzor employees who received bribes for silence, and even doctors.
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some of them have already received well-deserved sentences, now labanov is among them, he was sentenced to four years in prison. in addition, after the verdict comes into force, the ex-engineer of foliage will have 3 years...
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help to learn about migration services on the territory of the russian federation. together with vladimir kolokoltsev, the ceremony was attended by first deputy minister of internal affairs of russia alexander gorovoy , head of the main directorate for migration issues of the department, valentina kazakova. the prosecutor general's office asks the court to sentence entrepreneur oleg medvedev, better known in certain circles as the boss of his three accomplices to life imprisonment. colleagues from the publication
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kommersant write about this. let me remind you that the day before the jury had already rendered its verdict on the main episodes of the case. and shishkan himself and 18 members of his gang were found guilty in a row. grave and especially grave crimes. maxim shevchenko will continue: after the jury decided the fate of one of the most influential people in the russian underworld, the court is preparing to deliver one of the most high-profile verdicts recent times. oleg medvedev, also known as shishkan, demanding a jury, could hardly imagine that everything would unfold according to an unfavorable scenario for him. now he , along with his associates, can receive the maximum punishment. state prosecution. requested life sentences for four people, the rest, a total of 18 large sentences, investigators established that oleg medvedev, also known as shishkanov, together with members of the criminal community he led, committed particularly serious crimes on the territory of the moscow region region, among them extortion from
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entrepreneurs of the city of ramenskoye and ramenskoye district, murder to eliminate competition in the field of natural resource extraction, causing harm to health of varying severity. and others. among other things , investigators were able to prove the murder of the general director of the ramenskoye breeding farm and district deputy tatyana sidorova along with family members. she mysteriously disappeared along with her household in february 200. twelfth straight from her country house. they searched for the dead for 7 years and found them in a quarry at considerable depth. later shishkanov was named as the customer. this episode became one of the key ones in his criminal case, and so the entrepreneur was detained. this happened 5 years ago. the operatives' archive contains some rather spectacular footage of the storming of an apartment in lyubertsy, moscow region, where an influential criminal was located. judging by his facial expression, he was not preparing for the visit of the security forces. initially, after this operation to capture medvedev, he was charged with an article
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of the criminal code, which implies responsibility for occupying a higher position in the criminal hierarchy. the person involved of course, he denied this; in public for many years he built the image of a philanthropist and benefactor. the prosecution had its own arguments. medvedev was regularly seen in the company of well -known criminals, including at the time when the new leader of the russian underworld was being elected. according to media reports, eight convoy service employees were under investigation. this case
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is still under investigation. and the story of shishshkan seems to be coming to an end. in may , the jury heard the high-profile case in the appeal building of the moscow city court. demanded their participation medvedev himself, probably hoping for an acquittal. the board was formed only the fifth time. potential assessors refused to participate after learning what kind of material they would have to work with. people chose a preventive measure for a jealous person who knocked down his beloved to death. let me remind you that the bloody drama took place the day before.
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the girl announced the separation to the young man, but did not even have time to move away from the car when the lover ran over her. what now threatens the boyfriend and how he tried to justify himself in court, alexander will tell watering. in the russian region of the moscow region, this time there is increased security along with special forces officers, and in case of misunderstandings there is also a translator. all this is because of one person - islambek abdikhalikov. here he is in his trousers. black under escort enters the meeting room, islambeg, you regret what you did, you regret it, it was abdikhalikov, according to investigators, who was driving the car under the wheels of which a woman died, terrible footage was taken by a camera, surveillance video in a cafe, the scream of thirty-year-old armena everyone in the area heard kocheryan. the woman died in hospital from multiple fractures. forensic investigators conducted inspections of the crime scene and the vehicle. witnesses and the accused himself were questioned; according to investigators, abdikhalikov allegedly decided to deal with his beloved in a fit
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of jealousy immediately after the woman announced that she was breaking off all relations with him. according to rumors, islambek and armene often quarreled, their neighbors from the village of dorokhova near moscow told about this. the complex family had rather complex relationships. mom is very caring, kind, affectionate, all the time spent with the children, dad was always at work all the time, i know that the police are coming to them. news, duty department. in kuban, burglars
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robbed the jewelry department of a department store. they took away both money and valuables, although they had to work hard. before closing, the sellers carefully placed the jewelry and proceeds into a large, heavy safe. the criminals climbed into the building and saw only empty display windows, but did not give up; they decided that since it was hidden, they would weld it together with the safe. the huge metal box, although a heavy burden, clearly warmed the thief’s soul. the cost of its contents exceeds 5 million rubles. but the joy of a couple of raiders was short-lived; they were soon caught. as a result of operational search activities by the police... with force support from the national guard, the suspects were detained. police investigators have opened a criminal case. along with the two burglars , their alleged accomplices were arrested by court order. in total , four people became defendants in this criminal case. in ufa, a forty-six-year-old vice-rector for strategic development of the ufa
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university of science and technology, azad yangirov. according to investigators, the scientist for three years. for years he took, and sometimes openly extorted, bribes from his subordinates for general patronage and connivance in the service. izufa report by angelina mashkina. on this sunny may morning, the sweet dream of the doctor of economic sciences was interrupted earlier than usual and not by an alarm clock, but by a quiet knock. fsb operatives planned to intelligently enter the cozy modern cottage of forty-six-year-old azat yangirov. but after seeing on the threshold of people in camouflage balaclavas, the owner was seriously scared and tried. slam the door, stand, hush, hush, hush, hush, the fsb department, politely asking him to get dressed, the security forces explained to yangirov the purpose of their visit, but either in a daze, or having already decided in advance on the tactics of their defense, the defendant in a criminal case of bribery in a large size, also committed with extortion, behaved as if he did not understand what we were talking about, do you understand why they came to you, no,
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your position is vice-rector for strategic development, he now holds a leadership position at the ufa university of science and technology, and according to investigators, azad vazirovich committed the crime at his previous job, when he was still the rector of the institute for educational development of the republic of bashkirtastan. so far, only five episodes are known, but this is already enough to land him behind bars. fsb officers established that the accused, from 2020 to 2023, was the rector of the institute for educational development of the republic of bashkaratstan. appointed bonuses to a number of persons from among management staff of this educational institution, subordinates, fearing negative consequences at their place of work, transferred more than 1,200,000 rubles received as incentive payments to the attacker. as required, according to the law, fsb officers , together with the investigator, began to search the residence of the attacker. the vice-rector's cottage is two-story, more than 170 m2.
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there are a lot of rooms, and law enforcement officers must look into literally every corner. to leave. realizing that he would not return home soon, the vice-rector collected a bag of things and modestly said goodbye to his wife, don’t tell me where to look for a lawyer, we have to look for it ourselves, usually he got from home to work by minibus, but on this day yangerov was lucky, he got to the university without a single stop, and even under guard, that’s just the attacker was very shy about the handcuffs,
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it was somehow not fitting for a doctor of economic sciences to appear in such a form in the corridors of the university, having noticed the vice-rector, who was being led by the arms with... fsb, the students, to put it mildly, were surprised, but what happened next in his office, no one anymore did not see. letters of gratitude, numerous awards and even the sukhamlinsky medal , no one doubted azat vazirovich’s teaching talent. what was the attacker's hobby besides economic sciences? these books, neatly laid out on the closet shelf, speak for him. and if here yangirov is just a vice-rector, then in his previous job all the power was in him. none of the things listed were actually found in his office, but the operatives seized documents that may be of interest to the investigation after during the search, yangirov was taken for interrogation, the vice-rector did not admit his guilt in committing the crime, in the end it was decided that
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the defendant in the criminal case should be arrested, the forty-six-year-old former rector of the institute for educational development. republic was charged with five counts of receiving a bribe on a large scale, associated with extortion of a bribe. realizing the gravity of the crime committed and the severity of the punishment, the person involved may hide from the investigative authorities, put pressure on witnesses or otherwise obstruct investigation of a criminal case. in this connection, the investigation decided to apply for a preventive measure in the form of detention. while the investigation was underway, the wife of a doctor of economic sciences found two lawyers at once. during the election of a preventive measure , yangirov sat like a student during an exam, as if he was praying and, it seems, even crying. his defense attorneys tried their best to convince the judge that their client did not deserve to be arrested. and the attacker himself also asked to go home, to leave house arrest or forbidden your actions, but the investigators’ arguments turned out to be more convincing,
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the vice-rector will definitely spend at least 2 months in custody, and in general for bribery on a large scale and committed with extortion, he now faces from 7 to 12 years of actual imprisonment, so most likely yangirov will be engaged in science already in the colony. angelina mashkina and marcel zaripov, duty officer. part of bashkartastan. the sverdlovsk star committed violations in yekaterinburg and the police are looking for blogger daria grosman. the barushka was glorified by a video with violations of the rules road traffic. she regularly films races without a driver's license and discusses why she allegedly can violate traffic rules. and now a new video has appeared on social networks: a young lady decided to dance on a tow truck so as not to get bored in a traffic jam. let's go!
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the head of the state traffic inspectorate has taken control of an inspection of a citizen blogger, a resident of the capital of the urals, who publishes immoral behavior on the roads on social networks; the identity of the woman and the driver is currently being established, apparently... a dance lover is waiting a whole heap of protocols for dancing in traffic jams for previous antics. cars with autopilots cope with tasks better and better; they now compete not only with law-abiding drivers, but with real auto louts. this, of course, is not yet a robot uprising, but it is arrogance on the face. in these frames , artificial intelligence in the most unceremonious way overtakes the traffic in another lane and impudently wedges itself into the turn lane, not caring about size. the robot coped with driving without rules no worse than some rushed major in a fashionable sports car. the owner of the car just threw up his hands in front of the other drivers. sorry, it's a system error.
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in kamchatka, the police are looking for poachers who hunted bears directly from a helicopter in a specially protected reserve. footage of illegal fishing appeared on social networks. it is known that three violators rented a mi-8 helicopter and shot three of them within a few days. lumberjacks, whose carcasses were transported tied by the head to the aircraft. investigators are looking not only for the poachers themselves, but also for the organizers of the barbaric hunt. report by andrey romanov. this flight over the deserted expanses of kamchatka, according to the plan of the pilot and passengers, it was supposed to pass unnoticed. the plans of potential poachers were ruined by an attentive local hunting inspector. he took off like a rotorcraft. the car carries through the air the carcass of a dead bear secured by a cable. the inspector sent the footage to the police.
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the security forces are now looking for the participants in this helicopter raid. officially, law enforcement officers do not comment on the situation, but according to media reports, the barbaric hunt for collecting a rotorcraft happened at the end of april. allegedly then on a mi-8 helicopter we arrived at the camp site in the ustbolsheretsk region of kamchatka. three unknown people, where they reportedly rented a more compact and maneuverable bo-105 helicopter, this is what this german equipment looks like, the helicopter is designed for four people and can easily cover more than a thousand km without landing. in such a helicopter, influential citizens allegedly went to a specially protected zone, the udochka river natural reserve. there the company allegedly hunted bears for several days and shot at them. as reported from the helicopter, judging by these photos of the killed animals were skinned on the spot, then the carcasses were transported, hooking them with a cable to a helicopter, this process was managed to be photographed
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by a local hunting inspector, in total three bears were allegedly killed, and this is during the period when clubfooted animals are just coming out of hibernation, hunting for them is strictly prohibited, this is unconditional baroning, and according to russian hunting rules , hunting from vehicles in... motion is prohibited, it doesn’t matter whether they move independently or by inertia, renting a helicopter in today’s realities is not just expensive, it’s very expensive, if it if you had a mi-8 helicopter, then it costs about 750-800,000 rubles to rent. per hour helicopter flight. it turns out that very wealthy gentlemen were engaged in shooting bears. according to the most conservative estimates, a couple of days of such entertainment could cost them tens of millions of rubles. elite poaching is an extremely closed club of the rich who try. do not attract attention to themselves, in the nose bands, they usually end up as a result of an emergency, as in 2009, when a helicopter carrying a group of businessmen and
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high-ranking officials, they had fun shooting at the red book argali, then out of the 11 people who were on board, only four survived, the investigation surprisingly dragged on, and in the end the case was simply closed, the statute of limitations had expired. belinsky should exchange a real criminal case. and here is another leak, these shots were published in 2013, they were allegedly also filmed in the altai republic, in the video of passenger robinson, after. and the glades skin a large animal killed from the air, however, there is no information about a criminal case against these there are no characters, but the only case when killing animals from the air is legally possible is when shooting dangerous predators if they are terrorizing residential communities. the killing of three bears in kamchatka is clearly from a different series, because the hunt took place on the territory of a nature reserve far from populated areas, which means
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the task of the police is to understand the resonance. stories to find moneybags who do not care about the law for the sake of cruel entertainment. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. and now more news from lent informagen, you can also see this feed on your screen. so, a high-ranking employee of rostransnadzor for south ossetia is suspected of illegally issuing permits to drivers to transport dangerous goods. this was reported by the federal security service of russia in rostov. region, and according to operatives, the head of a private driving school collected money from drivers interested in obtaining permission and transferred it to an official of rostransnadzor. marathon queen elena blinovskaya will remain in custody. the first court of appeal did not satisfy the internet scandalist's complaint to bridge to the state court. meanwhile, the debt of bloggers to the state has already been digested for 1 billion 402 million
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rubles. because of the stump, it is growing at a rate of half a million every day. blinovskaya is clearly losing the race with the tax authorities. she managed to repay only 140 million rubles. it turned out that to solve financial problems, wish marathons alone are not enough. we must also pay taxes honestly. all operational information is in our telegram channels, led by the duty department and an honest detective. and while that’s all, tatyana petrova was with you. see you in 21:30. three-day visit to uzbekistan. vladimir putin summed up the results of the trip. press approach of the russian president. putin answered questions from journalists. about the legitimacy of zelensky, about western arms supplies to ukraine, about the status of the taliban movement. the enemy retreats and suffers colossal losses. the north group continues to advance in the kharkov region. fierce battles for volchansk.
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the plane was greeted with a water arch, the pilot wore a khadak, a traditional kalmyt white scarf, the first flight at elista airport. the kalmykia air harbor resumed operations today after the lifting of the federal air transport agency restrictions; now planes fly at 100% capacity, and the tourist flow is expected to almost double. well, putin’s three-day visit to uzbekistan ended with a press approach in tashkent, before flying to moscow, the russian president answered questions from journalists. the head of state spoke about the prospects for cooperation between russia and uzbekistan.


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