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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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[000:00:32;00] the main parameters have become known under what scenario the final adjustment of the tax system in russia will take place. the ministry of finance has submitted a package of tax bills to the government. the changes are designed to make the tax system fairer. dmitry morocco has all the details. the ministry of finance has launched the process of changes in the tax sphere. the bills he has already developed in the government will be discussed in the cabinet of ministers on thursday. according to finance minister anton
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siluanov, the proposals are accepted. will ensure stable and predictable conditions conditions will no longer change. in russia , for citizens, businesses and regions, the next 6 years will give an increase in the economic well-being of the country, this also means that until the thirtieth year, tax society has long had a strong demand for social justice, including a progressive scale of taxation. the bottom line is that the more earnings, the higher the tax. as it became known from published documents of the ministry of finance, the existing rate of 13% is offered. not for those who receive less than 2,400,000 rubles. per year or more than 200,000 per year month. everyone whose salary is more than this amount, but less than 5 million will pay 15%. for those who receive from 5 to 20 million, the rate will be 18, up to 50 million 20%, over 50 - 22. to take a specific example, a person earning 250 thousand rubles a month will pay only 1.00 rubles.
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additionally, exactly the usual 13% from... and another 15 from the remaining 50. it is necessary to emphasize that the vast majority of citizens will not be affected by the tax changes. according to the ministry of finance, 64 million people are currently working in russia. more than 2,400,000 rubles. earns 2 million russians, that's only 3%. it is worth mentioning separately about the category of self-employed. the self-employment regime is maintained, and rates remain at the same level. also, the increase will not affect income from the sale of real estate. property, dividends, income from deposits and securities. families with children who receive low income will benefit due to tax payments; the rate for them will actually be 6%. about half of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country will be able to use it. increasing the rate, they are essentially will affect a minority of taxpayers for the remaining 96-plus percent. this is either an improvement, if the household has children, or unchanged conditions. there will be
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housekeeper categories. who will feel these changes, and once again positive changes - this is primarily for families with children with not the highest incomes; according to preliminary calculations, they will pay less. additional budget revenues, which will be received through tax changes, will be used to support the social sphere, healthcare, housing construction and infrastructure. also the funds will be used for the development of technological sovereignty projects, the production of aircraft, ships, medicines, and microelectronics. the additional revenues generated by the state due to the introduction of new tax rates for individuals will be aimed at solving social issues, supporting families, developing infrastructure for other areas of expenditure of this kind, and the issue of social justice in general, the fairness of the tax system, is also important. we should not forget that the concept of justice is relevant not only for citizens, but also for businesses,
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income tax for... is proposed to be increased from 20 to 25%. but this will not affect those companies that operate under investment protection agreements and special investment contracts in special economic zones. special conditions are also provided for the it sector. increasing the rate of income tax paid by companies is also, to a certain extent, a return to what already existed. there was an era of lowering tax rates on profits, it was... and russia also reduced its rate, now it turns out that our the income tax rate is one of the lowest in the world among industrial countries, so we follow the general trend of increasing income tax rates. small businesses will also be mentioned in the ministry of finance documents, whereas previously companies with revenues of 250 million rubles were included in this category. now the parameters
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will be different, from 60 to 450 million in russia. 96% of businesses earn less than the lower limit, meaning nothing will change for the majority. the rest are expected to be disciplined when paying vat, because in fact many large companies did not pay this tax. preferred to split the business into several small ones; for those who were caught in such a practice, starting from the twenty-second year, it is proposed to introduce a tax amnesty, which will create conditions for the business to come out of the shadows. taking into account the recommendations of the state duma received by the government, tax amendments must be adopted in the spring session so that the changes come into force on january 1 , 2025. when talking about strikes against russia, nato representatives must be aware of what they are playing with. constant escalation could eventually threaten global conflicts. these are the words of vladimir putin, spoken during a conversation with journalists following his visit to uzbekistan. the president spoke about the legitimacy of the kiev regime, foreign mercenaries in ukraine, as well as the situation in the kharkov region. all the main
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statements of the country's leader are from elizaveta khramtsova. vladimir putin's state visit to uzbekistan lasted even longer than originally planned. the leaders of the two countries share good relations. both are wrong. have long since re-enlisted the support of their peoples, which means there are still several years ahead working together in the interests of their peoples. the visit took place shortly after vladimir putin’s trip to minsk, where the head of state commented on the dubious legitimacy of vladimir zelensky. after all, in order to talk about potential negotiations, you need to understand who has the right to represent kiev, according to the ukrainian constitution, this person is the speaker of parliament. in the meantime, those who call
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themselves the authorities are doing it. the masters of ukraine, they are located overseas, is to entrust the current executive power, the time of making all unpopular decisions, including making another decision to lower, further lower the draft age, now it was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after making this or other unpopular... . the decisions in force today, as it were, as if by representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people on the shoulders who will not, on whom there will not be
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this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people, against this background, almost in the end. the chorus is merging with the voices of western politicians who have now begun to say that they have the right to decide what to do with the weapons received from their partners. this means that he is free to choose any targets on russian territory, not only in its new regions, and at the same time nato countries will supposedly remain aloof from the conflict, but here it is obvious, the russian president emphasizes, kiev’s support is not limited to the transfer of arsenals; long -range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second, final target selection and the so-called
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flight... other adjacent territories, everyone only says that russia has opened a new front, is attacking kharkov, not a word about what caused this, they did it with their own hands. well , then they are reaping the fruits of their creativity, and in general , this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences, if these serious consequences occur in europe, how will the united states behave, bearing in mind our priority in the field of strategic weapons, it is difficult to say, they want global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate in the field of strategic weapons, but for some reason we don’t see a large,
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large... contingent of european countries, together with the poles, others will leave, the poles will never, this, this is an obvious thing, under the guise of liberating, liberating some units of ukraine , standing along the border, to release them in order to send them to the battlefield, and to keep them along the borders to ensure their safety
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is nonsense and nonsense. that's all. and the political observers themselves,
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the american analysts themselves, say this directly: the usa is an empire, to a large extent the extent of its imperial ambitions is related to domestic political events, now presidential elections are coming soon, and the current authorities want to confirm their status as an empire, many
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in the united states do not. support for what
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they themselves drew voluntarily, based on their own wishes, and present it as a consolidated position of the world community, but they will not succeed, this just means that they do not want to come to an agreement, the artificial excitement around the proposed negotiations remains a delay in time, for some reason the west is waiting, that the situation on the battlefield can still change in favor of kiev, and the longer it resists, the more... there will be more losses, and nato countries will look at this indifferently, because they do not consider the ukrainian wards theirs, and people, vladimir putin hopes , should finally feel it. immediately after a three-day visit to uzbekistan , vladimir putin held a meeting in the kremlin with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov. during the conversation, the president pointed out the importance of creating favorable conditions for work business in the region. in addition, the focus was on the construction of kindergartens
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. life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country as a whole, and the population is growing. growing up. but from here questions arise, this is the number of places in kindergartens, if, this is the number of visits to clinics, so i understand that some of the most pressing issues, more than 40 kindergartens have been put into operation in 3.5-4 years, yeah, new ones, we now have a little left, only 3.00 somewhere. all that remains is - how to enter, besides, we are 23 more kindergarten schools and outpatient clinics have been renovated. i see your industrial production is growing, due to what? i myself head the investment council, and i can tell you that there are 40 portfolios,
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the last time we looked at seven - packages in portfolios, and an investor came to us. build a liquefied gas plant. during the day , units of the central, southern and eastern groupings of our armed forces again occupied more advantageous positions in all directions of the northern military district in the donetsk people's republic. and collectively they destroyed more than 1,200 ukrainian militants. and in the battles on the territory of the kharkov region, the city of volchansk remains the hottest area. the film crew of evgeniy poddubny and alexander pushin were among the first russian journalists to get there. this is how we try to fly into volchansk on a bug under the cover of an electronic warfare station in the sky, where enemy fpv drones are operating. 1990-160 works. they are trying to catch our unit on
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rotation. they are trying to hit the evacuation teams. at the same time, ours is now actively working. operational-tactical aviation, active our artillerymen are working. the assault in volchansk continues, russian army soldiers are knocking out the enemy. our film crew entered volchansk, we are in the northern part of the city. the northern part is under the control of a unit of the russian army. this is a collapsed wolf. there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually destroyed, i remind you that earlier the enemy used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks on the cities of the belgorod region, multiple launch rocket systems were hidden in volchansk,
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they hid ammunition, from here the rszzo moved to firing positions in order to hit purposefully. in residential areas of belgorod and other cities of the belgogorod region. now our fighters are pushing back the enemy. the battles are fierce, heavy battles in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones. intelligence officer, his call sign is special, a volunteer, he has been fighting for a long time, he says that the nature of the war has changed dramatically in recent months, the battle for volchansk is the first such battle in the new stage, you need to constantly be on fox, constantly, monitor the sky,
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the road, movements, who is where, that now the war is completely different, now it’s practically a war of drones, so to speak, another one flies up and changes it at the same moment the battery runs out and flies away and so they are always alone flew up, another flew away, so they constantly monitor and understand what is happening in interaction, we try to drive further down the street, then an explosion occurs. the result of remote mining of the enemy, the formation of the kiev regime , delivers anti-personnel mines using
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uav. our specialists do the same. bugs, wounded his leg, we dismounted to unload the car, there was a mine explosion, sashka and now a soldier is taking him for medical assistance. the group leaves the combat zone on foot. the successful offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction continues, despite the fact that the enemy
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has pulled all available reserves into the kharkov region. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news from volchansk. let me add that the operator of our film crew, alexander pushin, is now in hospital, his life is not in danger. we, of course, wish him a speedy recovery. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, the megamarket is simply growing with us, it’s hard not to notice. the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all
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of socio-economic development of the vologda region. there also need to be put in order and many other issues, i think that you are immersing yourself in detail into the life of the region, the most important thing now is for you to cover as many districts as possible, travel, talk to people, thank you very much for your support, for your kind words, for your understanding, for being immersed in the contest, just today my report to legislative assembly of the region in the form of a message,
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i can really admit that... i speak it well partly, because i am from this region, this is my home region, i am familiar with the local elites, with issues of party building, and the main thing is that we use an approach of open communication with residents, it's a direct, very honest, very open and truthful conversation. porcelain with a rich biography has opened an exhibition of rare items in moscow. porcelain objects created over the last century, this is a joint project of the museum of contemporary history of russia and the imperial porcelain factory. both celebrated anniversaries, 100 and 280 years, respectively. in total, you can see 150 exhibits, including those created by famous avant-garde artists, for example, kazimir malevich, but the main thing is propaganda suprematist porcelain.
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there are no analogues to this trend anywhere in the world. porcelain is always also... a reflection of the time and it is no coincidence that the exhibition is called porcelain. time masters of domestic porcelain, such as danko, malevich, set the tone for the development of domestic porcelain for many years to come, and actually created its fame in the world level, in total there are about 4 items in the collection of the museum of contemporary russian history; only a small part of the wealth that we have is presented here. the all-russian youth army forum ended in the moscow region, and was joined by movement participants throughout the country. during the ceremony, the head of the main military-political department of the armed forces, viktor gorimykin, read out welcoming words to the young army soldiers from the minister of defense andrei
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belousov. dear young army men. today the young army movement unites more than 1,600,000 caring boys and girls help you gain useful knowledge, unleash your creative potential, and feel involved in the fate of the country. military soldiers actively support participants in a special military operation. it was you who initiated the letter to a soldier project, which has acquired a nationwide scale. a general meeting of members of the russian academy of sciences took place in moscow. the president of the russian academy of sciences, gennady krasnikov, made a presentation. the academician spoke about the key areas of activity of the russian academy of sciences the event was dedicated to the three hundredth anniversary of the wounds. maria valieva will tell you what topics were in the spotlight. participation in the state decision-making system, creating conditions for training scientific personnel, creating a board of trustees.
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key topics at the general meeting of members.


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