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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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talking about attacks on russia, the parliament, and while those who call themselves the authorities are playing their final role, making unpopular decisions, such as lowering the conscription age. the constitution of ukraine provides for the extension of powers, but they are only welcome, and the constitution of ukraine does not say anything about the extension of the powers of the president. i think this has nothing to do with
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the constitution anymore. that perhaps it was the idea of ​​the owners, the current owners of ukraine, that they are overseas, is to entrust the current executive power with the time of making all unpopular decisions, including making another decision to lower, further lower the draft age, now 20 was 27, now 25, the next stage may be 23 or immediately 18 years old. and after the adoption of this or other unpopular decisions in force today, as if representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people on the shoulders who will not, on whom this will not exist responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people, against this background the voices of western politicians almost merge into a chorus, who
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now began to say that the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence, technical intelligence. this task is being prepared not by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of nato countries. well, these representatives of nato countries, especially - in europe, especially in small countries, they should generally give themselves
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report. polish, if, say, some contingents of european countries come there along with the poles, others leave, the poles will never, this, this is an obvious thing, under the guise of liberating, liberating some units of ukraine standing along the border, liberating them in order to to be sent to the battlefield, and kept
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along the borders to ensure their safety. and about russia’s friends in central asia, officials at various levels actively come to the region, imposing cooperation, in general they act using well-known methods, but this part the world, vladimir putin is sure, is distinguished by the fact that pressure from washington does not bring the same effect to which america is accustomed. vizhers fly all over the world, now to latin america, now to africa, now to the east, intimidating everyone, that’s the same.
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the united states is an empire, and to a large extent its imperial ambitions are related to internal political events. now the presidential elections are coming soon, and the current authorities want to confirm. its status as an empire, many in the united states do not like it, many do not want to be an empire and bear and bear they carry such an imperial burden, and they don’t want responsibility, and they don’t want to expose their country to any dangers and drive them into any difficulties. by seeking to find a way out of the conflict, the west is trying to paint a conference on ukraine, which will be held in switzerland in two weeks, and some kind of consolidated position of the world community
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, says vladimir putin. who, i mean here and legitimacy, representatives of the ukrainian authorities, will offer us at some other stages, we don’t know, therefore - i don’t have an answer to this account, but i always look with surprise at some kind of gestures on the part of our western friends and partners who say that russia is refusing to negotiate, i’ve said it a thousand times, it’s as if they have no ears. they want to draw something, create the appearance of world support for what they drew voluntarily, based on their own wishes, and present it as a consolidated position of the world
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community, but they won’t succeed, this just means that they don’t want to come to an agreement , artificial excitement around the proposed negotiations remain a delay in time, the west for some reason expects that the situation on the battlefield can still... change in favor of kiev, and the longer it resists, the more losses there will be, and the nato countries will look at this indifferently, because ukrainian wards are not considered theirs and... people, vladimir putin hopes, should finally feel it. the united states is under pressure from its allies in europe and the nato secretary general so that washington allows kiev to strike ukraine with american weapons. like this a paradoxical theory is presented by the washington post, and at the same time the publication blames the double game of the british, since in words the head of mid-cameran gave ukraine the green light during a recent visit there, while in reality london did not allow it. kiev will use british weapons to attack russia,
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the washington post claims, citing an anonymous official. meanwhile, the united states is still resisting pressure and is still resisting such actions by the armed forces of ukraine, despite the call of nato secretary general stoltenberg, at least that’s what state department spokesman miller said. no agreement among eu countries, the majority of european defense ministers rejected both the idea of ​​allowing ukraine to strike russia and the plan to send their own to kiev. instructors, among the few who are in favor, are the netherlands, the czech republic and estonia. meanwhile, french president macron, during his visit to germany, tried to push through chancellor scholz, who is actively against it. in a new speech, macron proposed a softened version of the initiative. he called for permission for ukraine to fire western weapons at those russian military installations from which attacks are being carried out on the ukrainian armed forces. however, western curators, of course, are lying. the kiev regime has long been... using nato weapons to strike russian
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territory. here's a recent example. message from the ministry of defense. on tuesday evening , russian air defense shot down a french-made hammer guided bomb over the belgorod region. also, the belgorod region was repeatedly attacked using the czech vampire multiple launch rocket system. and now the ukrainian armed forces want to attack belgorod and other russian regions with longer-range weapons, such as the same anglo-french stormshadow missiles. they were previously launched towards the crimea, the british seemed to turn a blind eye to this. today , the german bilt reported on the scandal of the ukrainian armed forces, allegedly using the petrio air defense system provided by germany (quote) against russia for other purposes, without details. the publication claims that kiev received angry calls from berlin and washington threatening to stop supplying missiles if this happens again. during the day the unit. central, southern and eastern groups our armed forces once again occupied more
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advantageous positions in all directions of the northern military district in the donetsk people's republic, in total they destroyed more than 1,200 ukrainian militants, in battles on the territory of the kharkov region, the hottest area remains the city of volchansk, where evgeniy’s film crew was one of the first russian journalists to get there poddubny and alexander pushin. that's how it is in
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the bug. destroyed, i remind you that earlier the enemy used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks on cities belgorod region, in volchansk they hid multiple launch rocket systems, hid ammunition, hence rszz, moved to firing positions in order to target residential areas of belgorod and other cities. region, now our
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fighters are pushing back the enemy, the battles are fierce, heavy battles in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of military operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones, the reconnaissance officer, his call sign is a specialist, a volunteer, has been fighting for a long time, says the character ... the war has changed dramatically in recent months, the battle for volchansk is the first such battle in the new stage, you need to constantly be on fox, constantly monitor him. behind the road, behind the movements, who is where, because now the war is completely different, now it’s practically a war of drones, so to speak, drones, they hang 20, almost 24 hours a day, and they work, if the bird, the bird’s
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battery runs out, approaching another, it changes, at the same moment, which ends, the battery flies away, and so they constantly, one flew up, the other. so they constantly monitor and understand what is happening in interaction. we’re trying to drive further down the street, and there’s an explosion. the result of remote mining of the enemy. the formation of the kiev regime delivers anti-personnel mines using uavs, our specialists do the same. a mine just went off under our car and they took it away. wheels, but we can’t stop, the guys control the sky, during the explosion our operator, alexander pushin, is wounded, shrapnel hit sasha in the leg, the buggy is damaged,
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but he’s lucky, alexander vladimirovich is engaged in self-help, puts on a tourniquet so as not to to distract the group and not slow down, in general
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the situation is as follows, i was driving in the back. from the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, to everything. let me remind you that russia withdrew from the agreement six months earlier, also in response to the unfriendly actions of the western participants in this agreement. an agreement limiting the western and eastern blocs in the number of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and combat aircraft was concluded in 1990. in the hope of ending the cold war forever, but as stated in moscow, nato expansion to the east. created an imbalance of power that exacerbated admission of finland and sweden to the alliance. after the czech republic and poland, and then other nato members, openly refused to fulfill their obligations towards minsk. on may 6, 2024, the parliament of belarus adopted
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a law on the suspension of dovse. alexei lungu, the leader of the opposition moldovan party chance, called his detention at the chisinau airport political terrorism. for luggage check. he was held for almost 3 hours, but nothing suspicious was found and he had to be released. according to the politician himself, such steps by the moldovan authorities talk about their fear of the opposition. the russian-language media of the republic and his wife previously reported long’s arrest. according to them, this happened after alungu returned from moscow, where he took part in the brix international financial and economic forum. an opposition rally against the law has ended in tbilis. the next action, let me remind you, began simultaneously with a meeting of parliament, which on tuesday, despite protests, western pressure and even a presidential veto, nevertheless approved the sensational bill. the controversy surrounding him is not
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subsided for more than a year. for some reason, the pro-western opposition calls the document pro-russian, although in fact it is copied almost word for word from american law. this is stated in a statement by the jewish state defense army. the idf spokesman claims that the strikes involved two small munitions of 17
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kg of explosives each, after all. hamas, which was sheltering near a camp for displaced people, idf representatives said they were investigating the reasons that led to the tragedy. but let's return to the presidential agenda, after a visit to uzbekistan, vladimir putin. the kremlin held a meeting with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov. during the conversation, the president pointed out the importance of creating favorable conditions for business in the region. in addition, the focus was on the construction of kindergartens . and about school last time, well, before that, your life expectancy is higher than in other regions of the country as a whole, and the population is growing. growing up. but this is where questions arise. this. and the number of places in kindergartens, if it is
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number of visits to clinics, so i understand that some of the most pressing issues, more than 40 kindergartens have been put into operation in 3.5-4 years, yeah, new ones, uh, we have a little left now, only 3,000, somewhere left just, how to introduce, in addition, we have renovated 23 more schools, kindergartens, outpatient clinics, i see that industrial production is growing, due to what? i myself head the investment council, and i can tell you that there are 40 portfolios, the last time we looked at seven packages of portfolios, and an investor came to build with us liquefied gas plant. russia and magatte may further discuss the restart of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant. this was stated by the head of the international atomic energy agency
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, rafael grosse, following negotiations with the head of rosatom, alexei rikhachev. they took place in kaliningrad on the territory of khrabrova airport. grosse noted that it is now impossible to restart the zs, but diplomatically kept silent about the reasons for this decision. alexey likhachev had to be reminded about them. the point is ukraine’s constant provocations, including drone attacks. but the condition itself. according to rosatom specialists, the station fully meets safety requirements. we assess the current state, technical condition, conditions related to personnel at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant as absolutely safe. this allows us to make not only the assessments of our specialists, but also the opinion of rostekhnadzor. all necessary procedures are carried out as per the point of view. a physical protection of the station, additional methods of protecting spent
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nuclear fuel storage facilities, physical protection systems, means of combating unmanned aerial vehicles devices, so from the point of view of comfortable activities at the station directly for the personnel. testing of drones will begin in moscow; they will be able to fly around the territory of the rudnevo industrial park; an experimental legal regime has been established specifically for this. details from alena logvinova. drones will be tested in the rudnevo industrial park. the russian government has signed a decree that establishes an experimental legal regime for drone flights in moscow. the document was developed by the ministry of development russia together with the moscow government and the federal center for unmanned aircraft systems. it is rudniv that is the basis for the creation of new unmanned aerial systems, taking into account the safety requirements that exist in
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the city, taking into account that. unmanned aerial systems, he will act as an operator of the pilot area, a developer and manufacturer of drones. others include geoscan, gazprom neftsnabzhenie and flytron. an experimental legal regime was introduced for 3 years, during which time 45 drones will be allowed into the program, they make more than 1,800 flights, will transport cargo, perform aviation work, for example, aerial photography and more. at the same time, drones will not be able to rise
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above 800 m above ground level. this is the first one. economics, how does it differ, this is a center that is actually filled with significant resources, there is a rich infrastructure both for developers and for testing drones, while it is not planned that they will fly throughout the city, it is very important for development of technologies to test the use drones in agriculture, in aerial photography, and, importantly, in aerial logistics. in fact, it is planned to create several regional centers, and this center will be the base for other centers created in the regions. a network of research and production centers will develop throughout russia as part of the national project unmanned aircraft systems. the federal center based on rudnev opened in 2023 and brought together 12 leading developers and manufacturers of drones. a collective center was created for residents use. the government has approved a strategy for the development of unmanned aircraft until
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2035, a national project for the development of unmanned aircraft systems. his. implementation began in january of this year. by 2030, the drone market should reach 47,000 units, and this does not include educational devices. in total, following the implementation of the national project, the market volume will increase to 260,000 units, and the share of russian manufacturers will reach 70%. the main goal is the emergence of a new sector of the economy in the country with the greatest potential for application drones in agriculture, construction supervision and cargo delivery. to hard-to-reach areas. services based on unmanned aircraft are already in demand in various sectors of the economy, and their development and production is of great strategic importance, as evidenced by the approval of the national project of the same name. according to the forecasts of the ministry of industry and tourism, by 2035 the drone market as a whole will amount to about 120 billion rubles. accordingly,
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in terms of money, the growth of services based on unmanned vehicles will naturally... lead to growth of infrastructure to the opening of new jobs . the ongoing experiment is an important step in the development of the drone industry. companies will be able to test their developments in real conditions and quickly improve products, and therefore improve their performance. this will lead to increased safety of flights and
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drones. pit. for connections with the partisans, the village of all the inhabitants was burned; a plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people because it is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to convey
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a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained, the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment to people have been identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic has arrived, take it. thank you, would you help? i don't help peza like that. what's happened? come on guys, let's put it all in! passenger's call sign. i'll come back for you,


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