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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here, space pirates, i love children, they will meet again, i wanted
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to offer you my hand and my heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe somehow - it’s possible for another, any time of extravagance can lead him to this, 100 years in the future, the news from the middle of the hour is short, in the south donetsk direction the russian... razed the strengthening of the armed forces of ukraine to the ground. the strong point was hit by the newest tosochka system. after completing the task, the crew took the car to shelter. the ministry of finance submitted to the government an initiative to improve the tax system. the personal income tax rate is proposed to be different depending on income. the increase will affect only about 3% of working russians, those who receive more than 200 rubles per month. a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov, took place in the kremlin.
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the president emphasized the importance of creating favorable conditions for business in the region, and the construction of kindergartens and schools was also discussed. israeli tanks entered the center of rafah, the international press writes about this, in the united states does not believe that tel aviv has launched a full-scale operation in the city. algeria , in turn, intends to propose a ceasefire resolution in rafah to the un security council. gazprom has begun production in the most difficult area of ​​the orengoy site. when the deposits were born , they are located at a depth of 3.5 km; they have to work under conditions of abnormally high pressure and temperature; heterogeneous rock also adds problems; in order to eliminate risks , new technologies had to be created. anastasia ponko has details. the urengoyskoye field in the russian arctic is one of largest in the world. today a new stage begins in the history of urengoy, russian specialists have found the key to the most complex, deep and ancient...
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100 production facilities for the production and preparation of transportation of hydrocarbons. the main facility of these hundreds is a gas pre-treatment installation. it was built twice as fast as industry deadlines, all thanks to the block-modular approach. domestic equipment was delivered to the site in maximum readiness. these blocks, like a construction set, were already assembled here on the spot. the development of the achmovsky deposits of section 3a is an important stage in the development of the urengoy production center. work with deep deposits is for us, of course. allows us
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to obtain additional volumes of hydrocarbons, this includes natural gas for delivery to consumers in russia, and these are, of course, liquid hydrocarbons, which are valuable raw materials for petrochemicals and oil refining, and additional volumes of gas condensate, which we will receive at the terial section of the umengoy field, this will be additional shipments for omsk oil refinery, which is one of the gazprom neft company already has experience in working with such reserves, and it greatly helped the oil workers in developing the achmov horizons of the new site. of course, the widespread use of a number of modern technological solutions helped us achieve this, this is, of course , high-tech drilling, which allowed us to build horizontal wells with a long trunk length, these are multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, which...
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kilometers from the field, get into a thin layer at a depth of many kilometers underground, focusing on sensor readings is difficult. drilling such structures is undoubtedly a jewelry job and it would be impossible without the use of digital assistants. with the launch of a new production complex, gas and condensate began to be produced here. the quality of hydrocarbons is monitored in the laboratory. the specialist analyzes the density, composition and other parameters that determine the quality of the raw material. gas condensate is a valuable resource; gasoline, aviation, and diesel are produced from it.
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smart cameras will create a digital model and accurately determine the required size so that the clothing fits perfectly. selection, issuance, storage, dry cleaning of uniforms, robots are responsible for everything; there are more of them here than people. the development of the achmovsky deposits of the tria section of the urengoy field is an important event for the russian oil and gas industry. and this successful experience will be used in other projects for the production of achimov hydrocarbons. new sites in yamal and ugra are next. anastasia panko, maxim bragin, sergey zabarov, tatyana klepcha, news from yamalo. in lanud opened the production of clothing for soldiers undergoing treatment, offering, in particular, covers for elizarov’s devices, as well as special ammunition that can
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protect the wound from dust and dirt. the products of volunteers from buryatia have already been evaluated at the moscow hospital and a large order has been placed. the topic will be continued by yuri otanov. here it is also fixed and already worn; a regular splint, unfortunately, does not solve such problems. this studio has already donated more than 2.0 units of its products to wounded soldiers, the range is wide, 16 items, and for wounded soldiers undergoing rehabilitation, such clothing is simply necessary. now we just need to help, and we help, look, they are happy to wear these things of ours, they like it. the fact that, as they say, after the operation you ca n’t go out into the street, you can’t pick up clothes, here are our shorts and pants, you put them on, you can calmly go. in addition to the aesthetic appearance, such clothing also protects the wound area from dust, dirt and
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other environmental influences. treatment for more complex operations, restoration is necessary using an external fixation device, this is an elizarov apparatus, with a plaster, with a splint. different ones and with special threaded knitting needles, and such clothes are not widely available; specially adaptive ones are needed. the main difficulty is that each product is made individually, and fighters who are hospitalized seriously lose weight, when they recover, on the contrary, they gain it. everything is individual, each product has its own patterns, drawings, everything is measured according to standards, even the devices were specially measured.
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shower thunderstorms in the northwest, and also in the south. frontal sections are attacking the domain of a hot anticyclone, but will they be able to displace subtropical heat with the scum of the plain? this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. thunderstorms will bring down the heat in
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the south, but the central region will continue to melt from the heat. the day before, the air in the capital warmed up to +26, which is 2 degrees higher than the july figure. muscovites tried to spend more time in air-conditioned buildings; they preferred ice cream instead of coffee; it was very hot throughout the russian plain, apparently, a real invasion is connected with this. in many regions, moose began to emerge from the forest into open spaces to escape insect bites. in the leningrad region rospotrebnadzor, for this reason, drivers were asked to reduce speed on suburban roads. the sun is now making the earth so hot that dust devils are swirling over certain parts of it. over the past 24 hours, these vortices have been observed in tula, ostashkovo and samara. however, the power of a hot anticyclone is not undivided. just yesterday in sankterge. an atmospheric front broke through, it was marked by short but very intense
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downpours, the roadway was flooded on some streets, and before that, large hail occurred in dagestan. the main characters in the atmospheric processes of european russia are the anticyclone that has captured the center and north-west of the region and the black sea depression, just today a new frontal wave from europe will flow into the area of ​​this vortex, so it... cargo rains in its area will also become more active will intensify. in a day on the coast of the caucasus, in crimea and more than 20-30 mm of moisture may pour out in the lower reaches of the dnieper. bad weather enters the zone from sochi. thunderstorms in the resort capital of russia began at night; they will peak around noon. according to model estimates, the intensity of the storm will be up to 10 mm in 3 hours. in the second half of wednesday, precipitation will noticeably weaken and stop completely in the evening. during this time , 22 mm of moisture will fall in the city, almost a quarter of the total monthly amount. rain clouds will have a decisive influence on
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the temperature regime due to the reduction in inflow solar heat, daytime temperatures in the black sea region will drop to +17-22, in the rest of the russian plain, even in the north-west, there will be a subtropical summer. at midday the air will warm up to 25-30. in the lower reaches of the volga , the thermometers will rise even higher. by a couple of degrees. the situation in the atmosphere of the nadruz plain will begin to change only at the end of the week. the fact is that the anticyclone will begin to drift south and its crest will finally displace the rain clouds from the black sea region. but in such a situation the average the strip will be affected by fields of frontal clouds, however, with showers and thunderstorms they will still carry very warm air masses. so the region will simply move from dry subtropics to humid ones. as i mentioned, in st. petersburg it is frontal. things began to destabilize the atmosphere the day before, until the end of the week
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, masses of cumulonimbus clouds will form over the neva, while the abnormal heat will continue, at midday in the city + 27-28, this is only a couple of degrees below the absolute records of maximum temperature. in moscow in the coming days it will be sunny and up to +29, by friday the heat will intensify even more in the afternoon around +30. on saturday the noise in megapolis will be fresher. thunderstorms, but on sunday there will be fewer clouds in central russia, so extreme heat will return. that's all for me, goodbye. now advertising, then we will talk about the proposed changes to the tax system for russian business. thanks to shopping at the mega market, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone. will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket they are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us,
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income tax, which is paid by companies. now the rate is 20%, they are going to raise it to 25 next year, and this is not just a technical increase. measure at the same time will allow you to abandon the use of circulating fees, such as exchange rates and export duties, which increase the business’s need for working capital and do not take into account its financial result. in addition, it will be a fairer fiscal alternative to exchange rate export duties. and in general, the current income tax rate in russia is still one of the lowest among industrial countries, although it is being raised everywhere. we follow the general one. trends of increasing income tax rates, but nothing particularly dramatic i would i didn’t see it here, because the increase in the tax rate is accompanied by the appearance of additional benefits, and the state stimulates our business so that there is more investment in new technologies, and those
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who do this will also notice the increase in income tax less. the growth of the russian economy in the first quarter exceeded most forecasts, but in april-may, according to preliminary data, it could have slowed down slightly. this is reported in the bank of russia bulletin, as evidenced by the trends. at the same time, central bank experts note that in april the growth consumer prices accelerated and returned to the values ​​of january-february. to return inflation to the regulator’s target , the central bank’s materials say it is necessary to maintain tight monetary conditions for a long time. inflation is fueled by the fact that supply is out of stock.
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in november last year to a record 98% in december, european businesses are for russian gas, but politicians are clearly against it. thus, the authorities of germany and the czech republic are calling on the european union to create a working group to gradually stop the supply of gas, oil and nuclear materials from russia. this is the initiative of the main green of germany, minister of climate economics robert habock, whose policies are known to what his country has already led to. between. the people's monetary fund predicts a constant rise in energy prices in europe; the conflict in ukraine, which is supported with all its might in the west, will lead to a further weakening of the region's energy security and will make the european economy more sensitive to supply disruptions. in addition to the conflict itself, pressure is exerted by western energy sanctions against russia, as
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well as a short-sighted plan to phase out hydrocarbon supplies by 2030. despite some reductions in energy consumption. european countries' energy costs are expected to increase, imf experts emphasized. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 88 rubles 43 kopecks. euro - 96 rub. 23 kopecks raman. mash, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. vladimir putin had a meeting with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov. the president emphasized the importance creating favorable conditions for business in the republic. in addition, they discussed the pressing issue for the region about the construction of kindergartens and schools. the ministry of finance has submitted to the government an initiative to improve the tax system; the personal income tax rate will vary depending on income; the increase will affect those who receive more than 2,000 rubles per month. this is about 3% of working russians. the georgian opposition said that rallies against the law on foreign agents will continue; yesterday, at a parliamentary meeting, deputies approved the scandalous
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document, overcoming the president's veto. neither western sanctions threats nor street protests prevented this. the goalkeeper of the russian national football team, matvey safonov, according to european media, moved to the french psg, the most titled club in the country. they previously performed there at the same time. neymar, mbappe, safonov played 13 matches in the national team and eight of them, eight of them did not miss a single goal. immediately after the advertisement day in history, a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. what what if the bank only has banking services? without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, uralsip bank, nothing extra, what this
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day in history is remembered for, we’ll tell you right now, hello, on may 29, 1606 , a new tsar appeared in russia . vasily shuisky is the last of the rurik family on the throne. he was an influential and treacherous boyar, experienced in intrigue and conspiracies, who wrote his page in the history of troubled times. he served three tsars: ivan the terrible, fyodor ioanovich, boris godunov. and when the throne fyodor godunov took over, betrayed him and went over to false dmitry i. he also betrayed him, but was forgiven and even exalted. and then he organized a rebellion in moscow. the false dmitry was killed by yeshuisky on this day. was proclaimed tsar, but his position remained precarious: first the peasant uprising of ivan bolotnikov had to be suppressed, then a new impostor appeared, false dmitry ii, who was supported by the poles. shuisky
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entered into an alliance with the swedes, but this only prolonged the agony; the people did not like him. the historian vasily klyuchevsky wrote. quote: the main reasons for discontent were the incorrect path to the throne and his dependence on the circle of boyars who elected him and played with him like a child. shuisky. overthrown in 1610, he died in polish captivity, power in russia passed into the hands of seven boyars, seven noble boyar families. on may 29, 1895 , the first british edition of h. g. wells's novel the time machine was published. the americans published it 3 weeks before, but in an abbreviated form, the british version is considered classic. the famous writer 10 years before einstein, put forward the idea four-dimensional world. yes. wavel to spatial dimensions, the fourth - extension in time and laid the foundations for a whole trend in science fiction, but the time machine is also a philosophical work, a vivid example of the dystopian genre.
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wells painted a picture of the degradation of humanity in the future, as a result of deep social antagonisms, the time traveler finds himself in a society where the eloi live, this idle nobility, and the morlocks, the working people who have gone underground, both are examples of degeneration. eloe is helpless. and become victims of the morlocks, having moved forward billions of years, wells's hero observes a dying land, where there are no longer people, only giant arthropods, and then they disappear. this is also a novel of warning, permeated with eschatological motives; it has been republished many times, including in our country, and has been filmed more than once. may 29, 1918 state. the soviet russia commission on education decided to create an institute of physical culture. the country was experiencing a crisis, famine, devastation, civil war, but concern for the physical
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i considered education a priority. the idea of ​​the institute was proposed by vera bonche bruevich, the wife of one of the most influential people in the state, lenin’s closest assistant, vladimir bonche bruevich. she emphasized that the training of physical education instructors should be put on a scientific basis. therefore, from the very beginning the educational process was combined. with research in pedagogy and sports. this was necessary for the mass development of physical education and sports in the twenties and thirties; during the war years , the institute of physical education trained nurses and orderlies, ski fighters. here they taught hand-to-hand combat, overcoming obstacles, and throwing grenades. teachers and students worked in hospitals, many went to the front. today it is the russian university of sports. there are 39 departments, four faculties, the central olympic academy and... a research institute for sports medicine. on may 29, 1990, boris elson became chairman of the supreme council of russia
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at that time. fsr of the soviet socialist republic. this event became one of the turning points in the bitter struggle for power between him and the head of the ussr mikhail gorbachev. at the end of 1987, yeltsin found himself in decline, but under the conditions of perestroika he managed to advance again, leading the russian democratic movement in defiance of the allied center. and he was elected chairman at the first congress of russian people's deputies, but only in the third round and with a minimal margin. perhaps many voted not so much for him as against him. gorbachev, who was losing control over the country and causing more and more irritation in society. having taken the highest post, yeltsin immediately headed for russian independence. in june 1990, a declaration on state sovereignty was adopted, and in july , at the cpsu congress, he announced his resignation from the communist party. the laws of the rsfsr were placed above those of the union, the split worsened, and events developed progressively. finally, yeltsin gained control after the unsuccessful coup attempt
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in august. soviet union. this is what this day in history was like.
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you will die, damn it, like us, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to...
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in the southern donetsk direction, russian the military razed the ukrainian armed forces' fortifications to the ground.
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the strong point was hit by the newest heavy flamethrower system tosochka, after completing the task the crew took the vehicle into cover. the ministry of finance has submitted to the government an initiative to improve the tax system, the personal income tax rate is supposed to be made different depending on income, the increase will affect only about 3% of working russians, those who receive more than 200,000 rubles per month. vladimir putin met with the head of ingushetia, mahmud ali kalimatov, in the kremlin. the president emphasized the importance of creation. pleasant conditions for business in the region, the construction of kindergartens and schools was also discussed. israeli tanks entered the center of rafah, the international press writes about this. the united states does not believe that tel aviv has launched a full-scale operation in the city. algeria, in turn, intends to propose a ceasefire resolution in rafak to the un security council. russian flamethrowers burned out the area in the southern donetsk direction.


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