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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in moscow 10 we continue our morning broadcast , here is what we have learned by this hour: the ministry of finance has made a proposal to the government to improve the tax system. some of them concern the personal income tax of citizens, they are going to increase it, but only for those who earn more than 200 thousand per month, the innovation will affect only about 3% of russians. presidential aide alexei zyumin has been appointed secretary of the state council. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. this was reported by the kremlin press service. the document comes into force from the date of its signing. on yuzhnodonsky direction, the russian military razed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces to the ground. the strong point
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was hit by the latest heavy flamethrower system tos-2. complete the task, the crew took the car into cover to avoid a retaliatory strike. modernized military equipment allows you to hit a target from a distance of up to 20 km. natural fires are raging in buryatia. six outbreaks have been identified, and almost 300 specialists are involved in extinguishing the fire. the fire covered more than 16 hectares. by this moment , the threat to populated areas in the region has been removed. special fire protection regime and ban on visiting forests. and firstly , about the package of tax bills that the ministry of finance submitted to the government. the changes are designed to make the tax system fairer. it is assumed that people with an annual income of less than 2,400 thousand rubles. will continue to pay personal income tax at a rate of 13%. if the amount is more than 5 million the rate. will be 15%. for people who
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receive from 5 to 20 million - 18%. from 20 to 50 - 20. and those who have a higher income will be taxed at a rate of 22%. it's important that people they will pay an increased tax not on the entire amount, only on the excess amount. as the ministry of finance calculated, these innovations will not affect 97% of working russians. at the same time , tax support for... large families and families of svo participants will remain. by the way, they themselves will not be affected by changes in the income tax collection system. well, i’ll add that the ministry of finance does not plan to increase vat rates, so as not to provoke an increase in inflation. my colleagues from the economic editorial team will tell you about everything in more detail in a few minutes. now to the news marked "urgently". poland allowed ukraine to use the weapons it supplied to strike targets. russia, the deputy head
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of the polish ministry of defense announced this on the air of a local radio station. russian flamethrowers in the southern donetsk direction burned out the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces. an enemy stronghold with soldiers of the kiev regime located near the carbon was identified by reconnaissance, sending drones into the air. the modernized tos-2 flamethrower system operated at these coordinates. the fighters quickly brought the equipment to a strike position and fired a volley of thermoboric shells. then the crew took the vehicle into cover so that it would not be detected by enemy drones. the first advantage is, of course, the difference in time, that is, if on the previous, in the first sunny day we have more time, that is, we need to stand in one position, aim at a landmark, find out our place state point, then on the second melancholy the car is made everything itself, determines its location, the coordinates of the target, it calculates everything itself. in the lugansk people's republic
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, tankers and artillerymen provided powerful support to the assault units. armored vehicles and artillery batteries fired precise volleys at the strengthening of the armed forces of ukraine, and also prevented the enemy from delivering ammunition to the front line. our war correspondent alexey baranov saw the combat work. the crew received a combat mission, now the t-90 breakthrough is heading to a closed firing position, which is located just a few kilometers from... this is how combat vehicles move to firing lines in the dust and over rough terrain. tankers of the central military district are working today from indirect firing positions. commander crew with the call sign sanya tells us about the interaction with the engineers of the ural carriage plant, who developed this car and are constantly modernizing it. to do this, they come straight to the line of combat contact. don't be scared, that's the hardest thing when you... completely
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all the work that you should have done. the driver mechanic with the call sign sten worked on all modern types of russian tanks. he assessed the t-90 breakthrough in a specific combat situation in the avdeevsky direction. a completely different job, this is a real one car. we were given the task of escorting equipment, well, infantry. we went to the colony, got to umansky and worked. and this is the artillery of the central military district, as opposed to tankers. units working with d-30 howitzers do not approach the line of combat contact, they operate at a considerable distance from the front line, but also support the infantry moving forward, with the help of our detachment mapping officer, he flew
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on a quadcopter, saw that there were some movements near the basement and came towards us, they detected something, the guns were constantly are on duty, all this is happening in... khaled tankiev line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. only at alfabank. spin!
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maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never force himself wait. start a cool career in alfabank, bring friends and get 1500 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. proposals for changes to the tax system have been submitted to the government. a package of amendments was prepared by the ministry of finance, an innovation for...
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conditions for citizens, businesses and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic well-being of the country, the minister noted. among the main proposed changes to personal income tax, taxation of personal income is planned on a progressive scale, it determines the rate for the working population relative to the level of income. it looks like this: the current 13% remains with those who receive less than 2.4 million per year or less than 200 thousand per month. if the annual income
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is above 5 million, but within twenty, the monthly rate is 18%. 20% will be paid by those who earn from 20 to 50 million per year, and 22% - by those whose income is above 50 million per year. at the same time, the increased tax is not paid on all amounts, only the part exceeding the threshold. thus, those earning 250,000 per month under the updated taxation system will pay in addition to the usual 13% thousand rubles. with an income of 400,000, 4,000 comes on top. the planned tax changes , the ministry of finance emphasizes, will affect only a little more than 3% of the working population, which is approximately 2 million people out of 64 million. the rate system , from what we hear, will be formed in such a way that the majority of the population. these changes were not affected, probably, as
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if these changes would end with the fact that for for the majority of the population, as the personal income tax rate was 13%, it will remain at this level, and for wealthier categories of individuals, personal income tax rates will increase. but the rate for low-income families raising two or more children will decrease. due to the redistribution of the tax burden, the rate will be... 6%, in practice it will look like cashback, a return of 7% of the thirteen paid. we are talking about families where the average per capita income per person does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level per month. in 2025 - that's approx. 320,000 rub. per year for one. if this is a family with two children, the total annual income will be no more than 1,300,000 rubles. about half of all families with two or more children will be able to receive tax cashback. will additional funds received by the budget after tax changes be used, among other things, to fulfill the social
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obligations of national projects voiced in the president’s message? at the same time there are many national, state-wide tasks that are financed through the budget system and require resources, this is a reduction inequalities are just one of these tasks, but there is the issue of infrastructure development, inequality, maybe social inequalities, maybe regional, for example, but all of this naturally requires resource support. therefore, certain changes are overdue, yes, but at the same time, of course, as i understand, the changes will be quite accurate, and it will also be possible to receive tax deductions when passing the gto standards and undergoing an annual medical examination. dividend income will be taxed at the current rate of 13% up to the amount of rub 2.4 million. anything higher increases the rate to 15%. the same mechanism applies when calculating personal income tax on interest income from deposits and at. real estate sales. a new approach to taxation is also provided for business.
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small medium-sized businesses will be able to use a simplified taxation system for longer, which reduces a number of tax contributions. it is expected that income thresholds will be increased to rub 450 million. and fixed assets up to 200 million rubles. in 2023, the limit for the use of special tax liability insurance was almost 251.5 million rubles. an obligation to pay vat is also introduced for income is higher. up to 60 million rubles. which means the measure to introduce vat will not affect the vast majority of taxpayers. income tax will increase from 20% to 25. the decision, the ministry of finance emphasizes, is becoming relevant against the background of the growing number of profitable organizations. many industries have moved from the category of stably unprofitable to profitable. the measure will make it possible to abandon
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the use of exchange rate export duties , the ministry clarifies, and will become a fairer alternative. incentive measures are provided for investing companies, we we follow the general trend of increasing income tax rates, but i would not see anything particularly dramatic here, because the increase in the tax rate is accompanied by the appearance of additional benefits, and the state stimulates our business so that there is more investment in new technologies, and those who will do this, several small ones do it to get the right to do business, when from a large company on paper the use of a simplified taxation system, for those who are ready to abandon the serkh scheme, come out of the shadows, an amnesty is provided, and unpaid white taxes will not be collected.
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minutes remain, we return for they are rubles each. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, megamarket - just grow with us, well, to nature, oh, what is this, what is this schematat, here are different cards with cashback, why, you need one vtb card, transfer to it for free from any bank without commission restrictions , get cashback for purchases up to 25% in vtb rubles together everything will work out clean water - the holy spring fills life with joyful moments the source of joy is in you boldly look into your eyes with your expenses with yota, your money will not fly away
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sber card - an adult approach, magnet, pasta shibekinskie 49,999 magnet - the price is what you need. there is a new protest action in yerevan today, its participants went to the building of the ministry of internal affairs, they demand a meeting with the minister and want to understand whether he himself gives orders on harsh dispersal of rallies. in recent days , protests have spread to many cities of armenia; demonstrators are demanding the abolition of the border delimitation with azerbaijan; they believe that an actual cession of armenian territories is taking place. we are talking about four villages in the tavuzh region under... nikol pashinyan and
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are demanding his resignation. but in tbilis only around midnight the rally of opponents of the law on foreign agents ended. russaveli avenue was finally unblocked all night. workers dismantled the stage and restored order. let me remind you that another campaign has begun simultaneously with the meeting. street protests. the law was supported by a majority of votes, and now it will again be sent to the president for signature. if she does not sign it, the head of parliament will do so, after which the law will come into force. all npos that are funded from abroad will be included in a special register. the opposition has already stated that it does not intend to give up, and the leaders promise to continue. protest actions right up to the parliamentary elections on october 26, the president of the country is also calling for this. now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning for
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american currency gives about 88.5 rubles. the euro is trading around the level of 96.5 rubles. and yuan costs a little more than twelve. the moscow exchange index is 3.310 points, and the rts index is 1170 points. to other topics: tens of thousands of ammunition will be sent to ukraine in june. on the initiative of the czech republic , more than one and a half billion euros were collected for the military needs of kiev. russia has repeatedly noted that arms supplies are playing with fire and directly involve nato countries in the conflict. the topic will be continued by victoria koroleva. the ssu has repeatedly used western weapons for attacks on russian territory, frances agency writes. nato justifies the choice of such targets by law.
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kiev's lethal weapons will not lead to escalation, justifying endless military tranches by international law is a new trend in european politics, german chancellor olaf scholz insists that these measures help strengthen defense, the only question is whose? we want to provide ukraine with billions of euros in funding so that it can guarantee its defense and thus improve the security of the whole of europe. but still most eu countries speak cautiously about the legitimacy of strikes against russia. noted that not everyone shares this policy. member countries have different approaches. i know that there are
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those who are categorically against it, and there are those who are definitely for it. i can't say who will be in the majority. no one can stop a member state from supplying weapons to ukraine and allowing ukrainians to use those weapons to attack military targets on russian territory. we can't stop them from doing it, just like that. we can't oblige them do it. meanwhile, washington’s position on the possible use of american weapons to attack russia has not changed. the state department does not encourage justifying the strikes; the white house noted that they do not want the situation to escalate. i will say that there are no changes in our approach. at this time, we do not encourage or facilitate the use of us-provided weapons to strike inside russia. however, nato, writes the washington post, is putting pressure on the united states. the alliance requires the states to approve the ukrainian attacks, apparently about the same with joe biden zelensky himself wanted to talk once again, at the so-called peace summit, it will be held in june, but that’s not the task,
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the american president... plans to skip the meeting, instead he will go to hollywood to raise funds for his presidential campaign. while biden is engrossed in the election race, american military analysts are calling on him to finally enter into direct dialogue with the russian president. until biden talks directly with putin and starts a dialogue, our lives are in great danger. well, the american leader apparently has different priorities. victoria koroleva, news. they appeared on the roads in the belgorod region. new signs, they indicate which routes are safe and where an attack drone may appear in the ssu. the russian military is doing everything possible to shoot down enemy drones. our special correspondent yegor grigoriev has all the details. a black column of smoke over the village a car is burning without a name. a ukrainian uav attacked a civilian field. the driver, fortunately , was not inside, but the car was destroyed. the ukrainian armed forces launch kamikaze drones dozens of times a day.
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they hit people indiscriminately on the roads of the belgorod region, and it’s easy to come across burnt equipment. these cars were attacked by drones near the village of shchetinovka. local residents have already learned to identify flying killers. you can hear it from very far away , like a mosquito buzzing, like a bumblebee buzzing, you run away right away. a pensioner complains that no one in the village can cut the grass, the sound of lawn mowers is too similar to a flying drone. while olga galenko showed a homemade pluk. the anti-drone beeped and detected the uav. the device beeps, shows that an fp drone is flying and circling, then there are not only missiles, now they are hitting the village, but they are launching attack drones, the enemy is testing out new models on belgorod, enemy uavs can now not only fly in a straight line, they are circling in search of a target, circling in circles over prokhorovka.
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there he is, he’s a freak, he’s changed his trajectory, now he’s cutting circles, they’re shooting at him, firewood is raining down, the sky over belgorod is protected by our armed forces and terrorist defense, but the proximity to the border and the low cost of attack copters give the enemy a chance to fly, they take in numbers, our fighters show a variety of downed and planted means of electronic warfare, drones of the ukrainian armed forces, poroshenko’s charitable foundation, the simpler the better.
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runs virtually parallel to the state border, special road signs have been installed that warn drivers of the danger of drone attacks. unfortunately, the ukrainian army literally burns civilian cars every day. signs have also appeared that show safe routes from shebekin to belgorod in the opposite direction. similar road signs will be installed on other regional routes, where for now kamika drones of the armed forces of ukraine can fly. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov.
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lived the village of all the inhabitants. a plan was developed , according to which at least 30 million servants were to be destroyed. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of nazism. those who abstained were mainly europeans, united.


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