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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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and the state council is already a constitutional structure that determines the main directions of domestic foreign policy, as well as the priorities of the country’s socio-economic development. vladimir putin proposed this quote to the joint meeting: “what additional tools are needed to achieve practical, tangible results for russian citizens. well, and special attention, of course, will be directed to new national projects, these are family, personnel, the youth of russia, the data economy, continue.” .
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well, in turn, the environmental commission proposed to tighten responsibility for illegal dumps, and also to pay special attention to the preparation of new environmental standards, issues of separate waste collection, as well as a program for improving the health of the don river and solving problems with honest facilities. well, what other statements were made today in the kremlin, our colleague anastasia efimova will tell you in detail. anastasia, welcome, the floor is yours. yes, colleagues, hello. saving the people, increasing the sustainability of the economy, the well-being of russian families, long-term priorities that vladimir putin recalled today, opening a meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects, as the president emphasized, these are national development goals, in other words, the fundamental tasks facing society and the state, we constantly talk about this, this is, first of all, savings .
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strengthening people's health, increasing the well-being of russian families, new opportunities so that each person can maximize their abilities and talents, achieve success, this is the creation a comfortable and safe living environment, improving the environmental situation in cities and towns, among national goals, increasing the sustainability of the economy, achieving qualitatively new dynamics in industries. primarily based on strengthening russia’s technological sovereignty, training modern personnel, and the widespread use of innovative digital solutions. the main work to achieve national goals, the president recalled, is not carried out in offices, on the ground, in cities and towns. that is why the efforts of regional and municipal teams, which means that the meeting of the strategic development council is taking place today together with the commission. the state council for
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socio-economic development, which includes the governors of the constituent entities. the work of everyone today should be aimed at solving problems that are important to all citizens of the country. you and i know, everyone knows, that the main tasks of the country’s future are largely solved on the line of combat contact. you should never forget about this. and we are all together, that's all who are sitting here, all yours teams on the ground, everyone must work exactly as our guys work on the front line, we must work constantly, intensely, understanding at what point in the history of russia, we are working, it is from this that we build goals, objectives, and the very style of work of today of the day, namely the expenses for the national project...
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as the president recalled, the decree on national development goals was signed on may 7 and was meaningful, and this is a key characteristic that the head of state focused on several times. it is the meaningful work to achieve them that has already has begun. but earlier, vladimir putin discussed with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler the restoration of the region after the floods. well, the president asked not to delay the liquidation of the consequences by paying compensation, and also drew attention to the organization of children's recreation in the region. another important topic of the meeting is economic development.
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camps that suffered, it is clear that they were all built along the ural river, today they are 24 out of 46, so they suffered, of course they need to be restored, a big task, we have already we have selected new places outside the flood zone, denislavich, don’t delay, just if any additional questions arise at the government level, tell me about it right away, okay.
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support, of course, for the residents of the orenburg region, i am ready to participate in elections and continue to work in previous years, you have done a lot and i see that you are committed to the same active work, you understand what needs to be done, what is a priority in order to improve the standard of living and quality of life of people. ..improved so that the economy became even more stable, so we wish only success, of course, everything will depend on the voter, on the resident, every
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receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. these are the facts, we continue, the ministry of truth has clarified the procedure for calculating tax cashback for families with children. according to the bill, payments to low-income families will begin to be provided in 2026. well, what impact will tax changes have on the social sphere as a whole, nika yankovaya looked into it, she joins us live. nika, welcome again, in the end how exactly the innovations will affect families, we are waiting for details from you. hello, for parents with two or more children with a small income, the personal income tax rate will actually be 6%. i'll continue the topic right now. introduction. a progressive taxation scale will improve the tax system; additional funds
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will be used, among other things, to support families with children of elderly citizens, as well as the creation of comfortable living conditions and the socio-economic development of regions. if the state duma approves the amendments, tax changes will take effect in january 2025. the rate for individuals will depend on the level of income; for people who earn less than 200 thousand rubles per month, this turns out to be 2,400 per year. the fl remains at the current level of 13%. for those whose annual income exceeds 2,4000 rubles per year , a progressive scale is introduced, personal income tax, according to which it varies from 15 to 22%, while the increased tax is not charged on the entire amount of income, but on the part that exceeds a certain threshold. mdfl is the main source of replenishing the income of the constituent entities of the russian federation, which are responsible for the quality of ours. life is with you, so the areas for spending additional funds are quite large,
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of course, this is, first of all, the entire system of social benefits, this is certainly wages for state employees, because they are paid naturally from the federal budget, this is the maintenance of budgetary organizations, schools, healthcare institutions, culture, well, and a lot of other areas on which the state spends money, parents with two and more than children whose average per capita income per... family members does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level per month will be able to receive a refund of 7% of the personal income tax paid. simply put, the actual rate for them will be 6%. about half of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country will be able to receive it. and in addition, standard personal income tax deductions for the second and third child will also apply. for example, if in the twenty-fifth year the salary of each parent is 35,000 rubles per month, then in the family. with two children total support will amount to almost 65,000 rubles, in a family with three children with a similar salary
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of parents, 74.00 rubles. taking into account the trends that the president is talking about, the tasks for saving people that are today formulated in the main documents of the country, strategic ones, it is very important that they are reflected, among other things, in the decisions that the ministry of finance is making today in terms of adjustments.
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say a few words about the most important tasks that are formulated in the national family project. the new national project will promote increase in life expectancy. care programs for maternal and child health, long-term care systems, modernization and construction of social institutions have a significant impact on this indicator and, of course, are supported by the governor’s corps. almost every resident of our country is involved in them. a big step has been made in the digitalization of the social sphere. while at home, a person can make an appointment with a doctor, view tests in his personal account, and select a package of social support measures. all this gives people something new quality of life, and these directions, of course, need to be continued. today, the risks of poverty and the risks of growing poverty have been overcome. we have reached
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the national figure of 8.5%. a unified approach to measures of social support for the population makes a significant contribution here. and a social contract program. we have agreed with the ministry of labor on mechanisms to expand the possibility of social contracts for large families for a new cycle of national projects. your instructions to introduce new approaches to the wage system from 2027 will also contribute to reducing poverty. for public sector workers, an accelerated increase in the minimum wage. our strategic priority is to increase the total.
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well-organized area of ​​residence, of course, high quality of medical care, availability of modern medical equipment. we used the funds that we received as part of the pilot to update municipal transport infrastructure, repair youth centers, build family multifunctional centers and outdoor sports and playgrounds. we have attracted
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developers for construction apartment buildings. this was not easy, because, of course, it is profitable for developers to build large ones. cities and large sites, and today, although our pilot began in january, we are already seeing at least a small increase in the birth rate, an increase in the registration of women , our reserve is small towns and settlements, more than 40 million people live there, namely a comfortable living environment should be created there, it should be possible to follow the principle: work where you live, and not vice versa, dear vladimir vladimirovich, yesterday we had a live discussion related to issues of demography and principles of distribution of financial resources. at the same time, the term economic efficiency of national projects was constantly heard, but if we take only this as the basis for the formation of national projects, we may not be able to solve demographic problems. only when we ourselves sincerely believe in
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the feasibility of developing our small towns and villages. investors and entrepreneurs will believe this. they don’t come to such cities now because there is no corresponding infrastructure, and as a result, there are no points of economic development are formed. therefore, in our opinion, the only opportunity to realize national development goals in terms of demography is to put the interests of the family first in all national projects. in this regard, i propose to conduct an audit of all national projects currently being developed on the principles of distribution of financial resources for the benefit. settlement, it must answer such simple questions as what infrastructure, what services should be in a comfortable city, what is the quality of housing and communal services
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economy, and further evaluate all national projects for compliance with the standard with an emphasis on the regions of the so-called demographic land, plan our activities for the coming period to achieve national goals, taking into account the principle, well, this word: at the same time, of course, there are supporting tasks, we we will certainly decide, this is the need for a frequency of statistical assessment of total fertility rates, poverty levels, it is important to constantly monitor how the situation is changing, it is necessary to expand family mfcs, to improve social services for families with children, of course, the contribution of the corporate sector is very important to us, and here my colleagues and i will definitely discuss programs to support: families and workers with families, of course, we need to pay attention to the modernization of cultural facilities, museums, music schools,
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cultural centers, which create a favorable climate for the development of multigenerational families. and lastly, we need to think about expanding training programs for management teams, state and municipal, those very people who will implement national goals at the level of our constituent entities. our municipalities. dear vladimirovich, we have a fundamentally important task - to make sure that our families, our parents, our citizens, feel comfortable giving birth to children, comfortably raising them in our great and beautiful country. i believe that we have every chance to do this within the framework of today's national projects. thank you. thank you. only now you said about the necessary audit. yesterday we had a meeting.
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we conduct audits on our strategic sessions, today saldam just discussed the order of the two-month session and literally one of the sessions will be devoted to the audit, but we have audit constantly in the monitoring system, today i can show the corresponding grievances inside the table, would you like to add what he said that he would i wanted...
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the national price of development, all of them taken together - this is the actual image of the future of the country. yesterday we discussed in detail with members of the government how to ensure that the set goals are achieved. we agreed that today we will discuss exactly
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priorities, what we need to focus on in our joint work. new goals have emerged regarding the health of the nation. along with life expectancy, your decree sets a goal for rapid growth in healthy life expectancy, as well as a reduction in the total availability of temporary disability for citizens of working age.
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but access to medical care is important to people today, but simply put, getting to a doctor, here vladimirovich, there is a challenge, given the general situation on the labor market, but the reality is that if you do nothing at all, then getting to a doctor in perfectly renovated clinics will be possibly more difficult, what to do in this regard, the program must be accompanied by a sharp increase in efficiency, yesterday with my colleagues, the governor , by the way, we discussed that against the backdrop of a shortage of doctors. we often compete in cash payments, raises, additional payments, social packages, the main thing is that the doctor comes to work, but not all regions have this opportunity, all this is observed in other sectors of the economy, and what is the way out of the situation, for example, is an enterprise getting out of the situation, but only increasing efficiency, and it gives results, there is no other option, so we believe that it is important to direct funds not only to investing in infrastructure, but to developing the competence of doctors of management teams, then there is an investment in people, and in addition, the introduction
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of modern technology. to help doctors free up valuable doctor time, including telemedicine technologies, artificial intelligence, and also more effectively distribute work between the doctor and the rest staff. further, the decree established another new important goal - reducing the differentiation of life expectancy indicators by at least 25% to the level of the twenty-third year, but let me remind you that now the gap between the minimum and maximum values ​​is 13.3 years. in many ways, this is not due to everything, but... in many ways to differences in the level of the healthcare system between regions, and here we support the ministry of health in this sense, meaning to adjust the approach to the distribution of money for the modernization of primary care healthcare, meaning to use not only population size, but also the real state of the healthcare system, as well as population density, this is especially important for colleagues from the far east. now, in terms of financing, according to the condition of co-financing the primary care modernization program, vladimir vladimirovich, in 2019, following the results
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of the state council, for health care , a ratio of 90x10 was established, meaning 90 from the federal budget, 10 co-financing from the regions, this was your separate decision, we ask that this co-financing procedure be maintained. and lastly, this also applies to healthcare and in general, andrei sergeevich nikitin continues the theses of an environment friendly for families with children, we are talking about children's healthcare, but by the way, there are results here, let me remind you that since 2018 , infant mortality in our country has decreased by almost 20%, if exactly 17.6%. by the way, i was preparing today when i checked the numbers again, since 2017 , infant mortality in russia is lower than in the united states of america in the largest world economy, confidently lower, stable lower, that is, the result is quite worthy, but there is clearly potential for improving the situation in children's healthcare, first of all , better medical support for children so that untreated childhood illnesses do not develop into diseases in adulthood
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. children have no choice.
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therefore, colleagues propose to slightly introduce a correction factor, so that those who have not yet reached the appropriate level will catch up simply by the year thirtieth already have the appearance of healthcare, such an infrastructure, which should be clear, then it will allow to reveal the potential of each person, please continue, thank you, vladimir vladimovich, dear colleagues, good afternoon.


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