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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:29pm MSK

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it’s more profitable in savings with prime. this is russia-24. the program "facts" is on air. saving people and improving people's well-being is a priority of russian policy. vladimir putin stated this today at a meeting of the council for strategic development of the national project and the state council commission on social and economic development. well, among other tasks, the president named the stability of the economy, qualitatively new dynamics of industries, personnel training and widespread use. saving the people,
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increasing the sustainability of the economy, well-being of russian families, long-term priorities, which vladimir putin recalled today, opens a meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects and the state council commission. as the president emphasized, all of the above are national development goals, in other words, fundamental tasks facing society and the state. we constantly talk about this, this is, first of all, saving the people, strengthening people's health, increasing the well-being of russian families, new opportunities for every person could maximize his abilities and talents and achieve success. this is the creation of a comfortable and safe living environment, improving the environmental situation in cities and towns, among the national goals.
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settlements, and i would like to draw your attention again to the fact that we will evaluate the results of national projects not by how many events are carried out or how much funds are spent, but by how national development goals are achieved, how people’s lives actually change, and of course, how the citizens themselves evaluate these changes. one of the key directions work, increasing the birth rate and supporting russian families, a lot is being done for this, benefits and benefits. of course, but since the beginning of this year , a pilot project has been launched in the novgorod, tambov and penza regions to overcome the so-called demographic winter, with an emphasis on small towns. as their residents say, when deciding to have a child, housing remains one of the key factors, and in small settlements it is built in much smaller quantities compared to megacities. great importance also has infrastructure. governor of the novgorod region andrei nikitin even suggested conducting a quote: audit.
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families now don’t even pay attention to social benefits and payments, but just to housing and infrastructure so that this is possible. yesterday , on the eve of today's meeting, the minister and the governor actually held a meeting. gathered for a seminar, during
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which the discussion was about exactly what needs to be done within the framework of national projects, and not only in order to achieve the set goals; the curators of each direction, vitaly gendievich saveliev, have already been identified. efficient competitive economy, and new energy technologies, including nuclear technologies - this is alexander valentinovich novyk. environmental well-being, food security - mikolaevich patrushev. economics of data dmitrievich grigorenko. means of production and
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automation, new materials and chemistry, transport mobility, advanced space technologies and exports - this is denis valentinovich mantarov. until may 29 , the determination of project curators, national project managers, you know, is necessary to fulfill, practically everything has already been prepared, and by may 30 we will approve the schedule for holding our strategic sessions to prepare national projects. the president asked that the initiatives prepared during the seminar, as well as the proposals voiced at the meeting, be recorded during the preparation of national projects; they should be fully agreed upon by the regions and the state council by the very first.
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russia is going through a stage, and if we understand this, then everyone, everyone must work as if on the front line, everyone must feel mobilized, this is the only way we will achieve those the goals we set for ourselves. in modern conditions it is impossible to work differently; it is necessary to establish close cooperation between all government bodies. implementers of national projects, the effectiveness of our work will depend on this, only then will we achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, as i already said, and that the country needs. as the president recalled, the decree on national
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development goals was signed on may 7, and it is substantive, and this is a key characteristic that the head of state focused on several times today. meaningful work. upon their achievement , it has already begun that if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing more. the ministry of labor explained the procedure for calculating tax cashback for families with children; according to the bill, payments to low
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-income families will begin to be provided in 2026; more than 100 billion rubles will need to be allocated from the budget for these purposes annually; what impact will tax changes have on social... the sphere as a whole, nika yankovaya understood. the introduction of a progressive tax scale will improve the tax system. additional funds will be used, among other things , to support families with children of elderly citizens, as well as the creation of comfortable living conditions and the socio-economic development of regions. if the state duma adopts amendments, tax changes will take effect from january 25; the rate for individuals will depend on the level of income. for people who earn less than 200 rubles per month, per year this comes out to 2,400,000. personal income tax remains at the current level - 13%. for those whose annual income exceeds 2,400 thousand rubles per year. a progressive scale is introduced. personal income tax, according to it, varies from 15 to 22%. at the same time
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, the increased tax is not charged on the entire amount of income, but on the part that exceeds a certain threshold. mdfl is the main source of replenishing the income of the constituent entities of the russian federation. who are responsible for the quality of our lives, so the direction of spending additional funds is quite large, of course, this is in the first place turn, the entire system of social services, this is... of course, salaries for state employees, because they are paid naturally from the federal budget, this is the maintenance of budgetary organizations, schools, health care institutions, culture, and a lot of other areas on which the state spends money. parents with two or more children whose average per capita income for family members does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level per month will be able to receive a refund of 7% of the personal income tax paid, in other words, the actual rate for them will be: 6%. about half of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country will be able to receive it. and in addition,
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standard personal income tax deductions for the second and third child will also apply. for example, if in the twenty-fifth year the salary of each parent is 35 rubles per month, then in a family with two children the total support will be almost 65,000 rubles. and in a family with three children with a similar salary of parents - 74 rubles. considering those. about which the president speaks, those tasks of saving people, which are today formulated in the main documents of the country, strategic ones, it is very important that they are reflected, including in the decisions that the ministry of finance is making today in terms of adjusting tax legislation, but it is already clear that this principle, which i mentioned above, which is very important for the family to be reflected in the national project, it concerned not only... the activities of the relevant department of the ministry of labor and social protection, it ran like a red thread through the decisions of many
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structures that in this regard in one way or another concern family life. the ministry of labor explained the procedure for calculating tax cashback for families with children; according to the bill , payments to parents with low incomes will begin to be provided in the twenty-sixth year. more than 100 billion rubles will be required from the federal budget annually for these purposes. changes to the tax system will not affect self-employed citizens, as is enshrined in the law. conditions that for 10 years the tax rates for this category will not change, here we are talking about the trust of taxpayers, this category of taxpayers with the introduction of this regime it was promised that tax conditions for them would be stable for 10 years, in this regard, we are now hearing that nothing will change for this category, based on the assurances that legislators and the state as a whole gave to these... individuals, then , when they entered into the regime of paying taxes under
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the self-borrowing system. the majority of russians will not be affected by tax changes; out of 64 million working people, progressive taxation will affect only 2 million people , or a little more than 3%. they plan to spend the money received thanks to the changes on repair and equipment of hospitals, clinics, kindergartens, schools, to help regions with low birth rates, as well as for the development of infrastructure and...
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the ministry of finance has not yet announced its parameters. in honor of the anniversary, a golden barrel is an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. buy tickets on the website in company stores. are you thinking about which university to go to? you can plunge headlong into studying in the far east. take a meteoric rise, create the future in it clusters, and take your place among the industry giants. work as a team and have fun with friends. your all kinds... we present
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the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, book yours! gap among millions of hotel apartments. well, now to the news of the special operation: a new report from the ministry of defense. the russian military disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units in the south of the dpr. the combat mission was carried out by su-25 attack aircraft, hitting targets with unguided aircraft missiles. well , the units of the russian group north continue to move deeper. defense of opponents in the kharkov region. well, what ’s important is that during the battles the troops managed to repel four counterattacks. we will learn more about the situation in other directions from denis alekseev. denis is already with us. denis, how are things on the front? well, one of the russian air defense crews reported another downed mig-29 fighter. the aircraft fleet of the ukrainian
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air force is rapidly thinning, but kiev still relies on the supply of f-16 aircraft. and expectations. nato aircraft so active that they even created a pilot training center and a command post at the yavorovsky training ground in the lvov region, they practiced air missile launches there against russian targets, only they were hit by a hypersonic dagger. so far, according to unofficial data , western military instructors were liquidated the day before. well, here’s more about high-precision strikes during the day: the pilots of operational-tactical aviation and our missilemen had a good walk under the rear storage area. on the list of liquidated warehouses of unmanned boats, a fuel warehouse for western equipment, and also a uav assembly shop. military personnel of the dnepr group disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces on the islands in the dnieper delta. a platoon of militants was eliminated by strikes from the left bank. not that much, but this is a permanent story. ukrainian commanders in this area regularly send
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their soldiers to slaughter, undertaking fruitless sabotage attacks in the dnieper waters. for a catchphrase, but the loss of personnel has long been nothing more than a cost, those who understand this, and speech not about everyone, they still leave their positions in dashes, and more and more often it takes on a collective character, so organized, in groups, music, i’m more honest, i’m already tired here, they leave units with smiles on their faces, one gets the feeling that they are not afraid of punishment from their own people, and a military tribunal... for no reason, they are running in our direction, that’s what they are running from, such personnel come from all directions, every day, nato equipment halfway to its destination can turn into a pile of iron , that's what happened with this one bradley's armored car, when before your eyes tank after tank, which are already being counted, falls into disrepair, again minus the american abrams, again in the avdeevsky direction, here
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it is burnt out in a forest belt, blowing at the floor, our military only had to take a photo. groups of the twenty-fourth mechanized, 144, 143, 142 infantry and twenty-fifth airborne brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses amounted to up to 335 military personnel, three pickup trucks, a 155mm howitzer m-777, a 1522mm howitzer mstab, a 1522mm howitzer d-20 and
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422mm galubitsa d-30. and here are fresh shots from kharkov. equipment from one bank to the other, but it didn’t work out; after the arrival, such a column of dust smoke rose that you couldn’t even see the consequences, but meanwhile in ukraine , female prisoners... could be sent to the trenches, just like male criminals. this development of events was allowed by the head of the ukrainian ministry of justice denis maluska. according to him, the country's legislation does not provide for restrictions in this regard. against the backdrop of tightening mobilization, the situation in the streets there are heating up, about the new atrocities of the ukrainian mobilization in the material of maria valieva. fist fights in dnepropetrovsk
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are fought off by women. in the first round, victory for ttsk. they were able to push the man onto the bus; on the second bus, the activists pulled him out through the window and helped him pick up the bicycle from the trunk. against the backdrop of tightening mobilization in ukraine, the situation is heating up; residents do not take zelensky’s loud statements about the counter-offensive seriously. we are waiting for a counter-offensive from zelensky, weapons - zero, additional help - zero, and zelensky promises a counter-offensive. people need to be disposed of. people are outraged and are not afraid to fight back against military commissars, who hand out summonses to everyone indiscriminately. the man with a prosthetic leg lost his nerves when strong, healthy guys from the shopping center approached him. come on, they wrote, together with you,
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we’ll get together right away, i answer, i’ll pop with you right away, together we’ll take the hand like this and go to ovdeevka, but if we’re going to ovdeevka, then the tsekashniks are in no hurry, brave lads in bulletproof vests, they can only walk the streets accompanied by the police and take away people's military registration and enlistment offices, and who will go to the front there, will a person even be able to hold a weapon in his hands? don't they care? petrov, zelensky’s propagandist, said that he is comfortable and he does not want the war to end, he is comfortable seeing how you bury your children and husbands, he is comfortable looking at children’s graves and children’s torn bodies, and he fully reflects zelensky’s opinion, there are no people willing to die for the corrupt bloody regime of zelensky, people consider giving...
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reducing the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, and there are no guarantees that he will not be lowered further to 23, or even to 18 years of age. maria valieva, yulia tyushevskaya and natalya uvarova, lead. legitimacy is in question. zelensky’s term of office expired at the beginning of last week, but he decided to cancel the elections, depriving the country of the right to vote. who is now the legitimate authority in ukraine? the answer to this question was given by vladimir putin yesterday during a press approach in tashkent . the only legitimate authority in ukraine remains the parliament speaker of the rada - these are the words
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of the russian president, as putin clarified, the ukrainian constitution provides for the extension of powers, but this applies only to the rada, the document does not say anything about the extension of powers of the president of ukraine, well, under martial law, elections are not held, but terms of office are not extended. so, after the president’s words about the legitimacy of the ukrainian government , that the answers should be given by the political and legal system of ukraine, the author and host of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel zarobin asked dmitry peskov if there is such a system in ukraine, the president said several times about the political legal system of ukraine, is there a political and legal system in ukraine, even before all these, the attributes of this system exist, they must function.
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let me remind you that vladimir zelensky ceased to be the legitimate leader of ukraine on may 20, according to the country’s constitution, it was on this day that the new elected head of state was supposed to take office, but the kiev regime canceled the elections, citing martial law.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changing entire locations. easy to do. we
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will expose all fakes.


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