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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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sot, recognized as an undesirable organization that supported militants of the banned terrorist group hizbud tahrir. now a short advertisement and what will happen next on our broadcast. former fighter of the terrorist battalion aidar joins the penguins. he encouraged others to go to the front, and he himself equipped an expedition to antarctica with pork octopuses worth 11 million dollars. what kind of wild spending is this?
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and who is this? my name is alice. guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even be here, and space pirates, me i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to offer you my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe there is another way, any interference in time can lead to this, 100 years in the future.
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new series of smartphones common 30. techna. meet: free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card. with a wow tariff, a month of communication, a free payment sticker, a children's savings card - an adult approach, i didn’t sign up for this, but i did for gazprom bonus, every day with me, discount bonuses at hand, gazprom bonus subscription with benefits for life. in the donetsk people's republic today, massive fire damage was caused to the formation of the mvsu in the settlements of chasov yar, konstantinovka and elizavetovka, and within 24 hours the fighters of our group of troops south managed to eliminate up to 245 militants of the kiev regime. in turn
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, in the zone of responsibility of the central group west of avdievka, the enemy lost more than 330 manpower from the line of contact. report by pavel prokopenko. enemy mortar firing point. soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine go about their business at full height, not suspecting that they are already in the lens of our drone, the target has been transferred to the artillerymen. target meter, 327, 32-77, one shell per tray, shot, 152 caliber - it’s always loud, acacia shoots at 17 km, real long-range artillery. the copter detects a hit, the enemy is running out of the trench, two are carrying a wounded man on their shoulders, they are overtaken by a second blow, the targets are just distant, they quickly run in, aim, strain, that is, they are corrected by birds, well, literally the second time we hit the exact
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dugout, the artillerymen have targets on duty, that is, sighted targets, but it is at this moment that more and more new coordinates arrive, the front is in motion, its line is now outlined here. he’s already been here for a year and a half, that is, i don’t want to leave here, that is, i’m here until the end, consciously. near avdievka , our fighters find a lot of abandoned weapons in asu, including those with foreign markings or other identification marks. former air force positions, that's what
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here you can find some kind of ammunition, but what is noteworthy is the coloring of the right sector banned in russia in the ovdeevsky direction. the enemy rolls back to the rear, acacia, other guns and howitzers send their shells after him . pavel prokapenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, message: donetsk people! clearly synchronized , according to ukrainian social networks, penguins move to rhythmic music, thunderous applause and endless joy, this is how antarctica should greet an expedition from square, well, it’s not hard to guess why. the fact is that ukrainian scientists are going to bring octopus fillets, red caviar, elite wine, pistachios, expensive chocolate and even sets for playing darts to the inhabitants of the south pole. at least all these points are contained in the state scientific budget. center for the study of the antarctic, which plans to spend millions of dollars on priviant, so it is not surprising that ordinary
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ukrainians, who, unlike the penguins , are inaccessible to all this, reacted with thematic memes, but especially comically the situation is added by the identity of the one who came up with the idea of ​​organizing luxury parties under the guise of science, this is evgeniy dikiy, a former commander of the extremist aidar, who suddenly changed his field of activity, and why did he choose antarctica, boris ivanin wondered, boris, hello, well, it seems to someone southern... yes, alexey, good evening, absolutely right, anywhere, even to the ends of the earth, as long as not to the front line, now we need to pay attention, even those neo-nazis who used to terrorize the donbass think so. he urged others to go to the front, he himself gathered antarctica. but the expedition to the penguins turned out to be too expensive, which is why a scandal broke out in ukraine long before departure. the cost of the trip caused outrage; of course, it is not a billion, as the kiev people write. media, but still immodest, more than 11 million dollars, despite the fact that there is not
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enough money for the armed forces of ukraine, and svidomo’s salivation began when the menu of ukrainian polar explorers became known. in the procurement documents, the assortment is like in a chic restaurant, salmon fillet 118 kg, salmon steak already 140 kg, squid carcasses and separately breaded rings, octopuses - 28 kg, and also red and white wine, more than 100 bottles of each, sparkling also for an appetizer
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, sold to kiev for just one pound sterling, as virtually abandoned, so with expeditions to paint the earth, kiev is exploring not so much antarctica , how much budget money are western grants. the station is also financed by poland and the european commission, but an estonian company won a tender for millions of dollars this year, in general, as they say, it washes its hand. this is the usual banal scheme on laundering budget funds aimed at servicing the presidential office. what ended up in... in the pocket there, relatively speaking, of zelensky or some kind of ermak, but is not coming back, i am sure that they will not
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buy any caviar, any wine, and so on, just with whom they managed to agree, they wrote it off to him, all this money will simply be withdrawn, put into the pockets of those who will do this dirty work, that’s who got involved in polar contracts, ukrainian neo-nazi evgeniy dyky, a former fighter terrorist battalion aidar, which marauded in the lugansk region. coped with prisoners there, terrorized the civilian population worse than the nazis, since 2018 dikiy suddenly became the head of the antarctic scientific center of ukraine. he now explains the scandal surrounding his wild spending by the machinations of muscovites. according to him, the expedition is purchasing food in chile, where the ship will depart from, and the fact that octopus and squid are a delicacy for ukrainians there in south america is supposedly a common thing. well, there will also be ukrainian polar explorers how can we celebrate the new year in antarctica without some playfulness? so having purchased caviar steaks, the wild one
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may have decided to simply arrange a warm place for himself, there, in the eternal peace, everything is better than in a trench, those who want to steer away from the ukrainian topic, of course, a cart and a small cart, there are many former fighters, and there are even banned fighters of the same ida banned azov, who go to where they send, where there is safety. called, but just recently dikiy himself called for strict mobilization, called for putting at least half a million under arms ukrainians, threatened draft dodgers with prison, promised to purge everyone who went to rallies against the lawlessness of the shopping center, they will chew, suck, snot, if they chew, excuse me, snot, then we will see more and more such cases, and then
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the civil authorities will throw up their hands and say the army will solve the problem, believe me, the army will solve it. now, apparently, the wild has realized that the collapse of the kiev regime is inevitable, but ordinary ukrainians have already convinced him of betrayal of the ukrainian armed forces. these are the kind of memes that are multiplying on social networks. those in the know simply don’t know what’s on academician vernatsky station, there is even a bar where ukrainian polar explorers play billiards and darts. that's why the procurement documents even contain darts and so much alcohol. by tradition, in the same bar they get free food. they treat all the women, but in return they must leave their underwear, there is already a photograph, a whole collection, a brothel, not a station, the only thing missing is a disco, but users on the internet corrected this with funny videos of how a ukrainian expedition is met in antarctica, like
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this, even for notorious neo-nazis, fist fights in dnepropetrovsk are fought off by women. in the first round , tck won. they were able to get the man onto the bus. in the second, activists pulled him
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out of the window and helped him pick up his bicycle from the trunk. against the backdrop of tightening mobilization in ukraine, the situation is heating up; zelensky’s loud statements regarding the counter-offensive are not taken seriously by the population. the weapons are zero, the additional assistance is zero, and zelensky is promising a counter-offensive. people need to be disposed of. people are angry and aren't afraid to fight back. military commissar, who hand out summonses to everyone indiscriminately . a man with a prosthesis.
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gdr fuel unlocks the potential of the engine and those who strive to be first. tested under racing conditions. gdr, be the first. meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. terrorism, human sacrifices, child molestation, rape, this is not a complete list of crimes of the satanic cult, in which one of the militants of the terrorist rdk was involved. according to news reports, actor kirill kanakhin, who is fighting against russia, is a longtime adherent of a radical sect called the order. nine corners, and he admitted his inclinations on his own, posting on the network archival videos with the symbols of the cult with himself in the main role, here, as they say, the full set, not only satanism,
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but also nazism and, of course, the final greeting from the heart to the sun. now it is clearer what kind of rabble moved to ukraine to join the ranks of terrorists carrying out raids in the belgorod region. in russia, kanakhin, by the way, faces lifelong imprisonment; in the independent territory he has complete freedom, including in matters. propaganda of the occult, which is very welcome among the ukrainian far-right, so it is quite natural that in russian society the question of the status of devil worshipers is increasingly being raised in the expert community the issue of recognizing satanism as an extremist movement is already being considered. i introduced anastasia to ivanova, anastasia, greetings, as i understand, a lot of evidence has already been collected. hello, alexey, there is indeed enough evidence, but the list is still growing. worship of the enemy of the human race. does n’t the philosophy of satanism itself speak of recognizing it as extremist, our interlocutors say, we need legal facts, and also to accumulate in the evidence
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base the general signs of those or other. material enough to convince the members of the supreme court that it is not just any organization that needs to be banned, but the movement as a whole, because all types of satanists have common characteristics, no matter whether they are luciferians, business worshipers, theistic satanists, but they have common characteristics, and accordingly, we count on the fact that this decision of the supreme court will be, well, at the end of this... year, everything depends on us, they kill, torture people, justify themselves with philosophical teaching, here is one of these, the so -called evil nasferato, 33 years detained in krasnogorsk, near moscow, he attacked passers-by, distributed all these articles dedicated to the worship of the devil, but the worst thing was that he raped a fourteen-year-old girl for a year. the famous, bloody perverts andrei trigubinga and olga bolshakova sacrificed, as they say to satan, three of their acquaintances. meat from the body.
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removed and fried at the stake, tregumenok was sentenced to life. certain criminal groups of sectarians are banned, but this does not solve the problem as a whole, say the authors of the initiative to recognize sectarians extremists. now satanists can be brought in only when the fact of a crime is recorded, but if the movement is recognized as extremist, its fanatical followers can be held accountable to the point of murder or violence. there should be a fairly serious evidence base afterwards.
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in the meantime, such attributes are freely sold on marketplaces, the so-called black horses with inverted crosses and baphamets, even children can easily buy them, concerned parents wrote to the vice-speaker of the state duma about this. anna kuznetsova has already contacted the prosecutor general's office with a request to check the legality of the promotion of all these products. and here are the clear consequences of such recruiting satanist movements. kareli police detained a fifteen-year-old fan of satanism for stabbing two girls with a knife. what will happen to him next? the victim, as it were, according to satanists, gives up his energy, prolongs life, imparts occult abilities, so of course, people who profess such things, who believe in such misanthropic ideas and such attitudes are professed, of course, they are extremists in their purest form, and many of them are simply terrorists, satanism today is spreading under a variety of masks,
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that is, in essence... any teaching, any subculture that denies, can be considered stanin ’s teaching. actually , universal human moral principles, many of the detained satanist criminals are associated with the radical sector of the order of the nine angles. it originated in the usa back in the sixties and began to spread around the world. the row belongs to the nine angles militants from the terrorist rdk banned in russia, who in turn recruit russians. live it up. something on the territory of a temple or burning down a relay cabinet, is this also perceived by ukrainian terrorists as a sacrifice? some satanist groups are under the influence of ukrainian satanists, for example, there is a large satanist group in dnepr and ivano-frankivsk, which actually recruited our satanists and send instructions, and accordingly certain actions related to destruction and
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sacrifices. all these facts crimes for the sake of worshiping the devil are precisely collected by experts, so that later there will be no doubt about who the extremist is. anastasia ivanova and the black mark. the goals of national projects are not achieved in offices, on the ground, in russian cities and towns, so the results of work should be assessed not by reports, but by improving the quality of life of people. vladimir putin made this appeal today to the participants of the meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects. the president emphasized that now officials and managers should follow the example of russian fighters on the line with...


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