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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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using access to software that reflected the balance of the victims, the attackers entered into these programs information about the beginning of an increase in the account balance, and then supposedly about the collapse of the brokerage account, thus stealing funds. currently, all episodes of criminal activity are being established. the business coach’s clients mortgaged apartments and sold cars. in as a result, we found ourselves without money and without work. at least 29 victims are known. now bayborin faces up to 10 years in prison. we 'll be back on air in 3 minutes. immediately after a short commercial. stay tuned to our channel.
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fuel gdve reveals the potential of the engine and those who strive to be the first are tested in racing conditions, drive, be the first. live, legal program hosted by the duty department, we continue our release. a so-called fixer was caught in kaliningrad; the adventurer convinced a friend that he would help get her husband out of the colony, of course, for free. this is footage of the suspect being detained. a moment and the citizen stretches out on the ground. according to investigators, he defrauded the woman of 900,000 rubles. he promised to hire me for this money. currently, the investigator has opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime
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fraud on a large scale. now, by a court decision, mr. reshalshchik himself was in custody and moved to a pre-trial detention cell. however, he is no stranger to this; the probable fraudster has already been convicted several times. new details have emerged of the murder that happened the day before in an apartment in the north-east of the capital. let me remind you that there a family drama ended in a bloody massacre, and the criminal used a very exotic weapon - a crossbow. first, the jealous man shot his wife, later he tried to commit suicide, but survived. andrei romanov found out what happened in a seemingly quiet, exemplary family. a gloomy story that happened last night in one of the apartments of this high-rise building on...
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based on the condition of one of the doors in tambura , it is immediately clear in which apartment the crime took place. the investigative actions in the apartment were completed, the door was sealed, these are the consequences of the night incident, the police arrived on call, but no one opened the door, so the security forces had to open the door. they cut the door itself with a grinder, after which, apparently, somehow we finally got to the lock and opened it. entrance to the apartment, this photograph was taken by investigators in the apartment, the body of a woman with a bullet through the head is hidden by computer retouching, according to media reports the victim is a forty-four-year-old owner of a transport company, her fifty-eight-year-old husband, neighbors knew as a lover of alcohol and a collector
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of weapons, although for some time now the man was allegedly deprived the right to possess firearms, but the supplies apparently remained; it was established that the woman was wounded by her husband, and then inflicted bodily harm on himself... currently the probable killer tried to commit it and was taken to the intensive care unit of one of the capital's hospitals. the story seems clear, but there is one oddity, suicide, allegedly with a crossbow. pierced his head with an arrow from temple to temple, and then pulled out the ammunition himself. crossbows and bows are legally classified as sporting weapons; no special permits are required for them, however , criminal cases in which a crossbow appears as a murder weapon are very rare, but there are several points that unite these stories: the fatal shot it is always committed by a man, and the reason most often is the desire for revenge or burning jealousy, as in the case of nikita tankikh, a resident of the moscow region... grapes, according to investigators, last year he killed his wife with an arrow to avoid divorce.
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how many shots were fired at her? one one? and in what area? another exotic story took place in the village of shushinskoye, krasnoyarsk territory. local craftsman andrei kravchuk designed a crossbow system and built it into the front passenger seat of his car. with the help of this the avenger's invention planned to kill his rival mikhail. perhaps the most notorious crime involving the use of a crossbow was the reprisal of the so-called sausage king vladimir morugov. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program spoke about this story in detail; the crime was committed by repeat offender alexander mavridi in november 2020. long before this , he began courting the businessman’s wife; it is still unclear what caused the fatal
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shot. mavride's selfish interests or his amorous adventures. together with his accomplice pasha akhmedov, the killer visited a hunting store and bought a crossbow of arrows. akhmedov later told investigators how they practiced shooting outside the city for several days. where they shot from here, they left the target here and it pierced it several times, pierced it, these marks look like they came from a crossbow, right? having honed his skills, mavredi came to marugov’s country house and plunged an arrow into the businessman’s body. after his arrest, the killer managed to escape from investigation, went on a rampage during trials and feigned madness, but in the end received 20 years of colony. the crossbowman, who, according to investigators, had dealt with his wife the day before could face an equally severe punishment. now investigators are finding out his motives: andrei romanov, eduard petrov, dmitry malyshev. news, duty department. the alleged culprit of a powerful explosion in a warehouse with pyrotechnics in sergiev
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posad near moscow could go to prison for 7 years. investigators brought new charges against the executive director of the company pira ros, which produced fireworks and fireworks , sergei chinkaev. in their opinion, it was he is responsible for the loss of life and extensive destruction resulting from a fire explosion at the company's warehouse. at first , one person was recognized as a victim of the emergency; eight more employees of the enterprise were considered missing for a long time. now they, too, have been declared dead, which is what influenced the severity of the new charges, kommersant reports. the investigation found that in addition to the loss of life, ignoring systemic violations of industrial safety requirements existing at the enterprise, which sergei chinkaev was reliably aware of, resulted in also causing major material damage. so, the official results of the emergency in the moscow region in august 2023, nine dead, 100 injured and... experts came to
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the conclusion that the power of the explosion was at least 100 kg in tnt equivalent, all due to an attempt by businessmen to save, tons of gunpowder, pyrotechnics, fireworks installations stored in an ordinary hangar, which was not equipped in any way. by the way, mr. chenkaev himself never admitted guilt. suspended the activities of the hostel on pestsovaya street, about this shelter and its we have told more than once on air about the guests who turned a quiet area into a high-risk area, now it’s time to check out at the hotel, reporting by dmitry blinnikov. bailiffs entered the hostel building on pestsovaya street with the support of special forces. vladimir borisovich, the manager tried to get lost in the maze of dimly lit rooms, but he was found. actions to close and seal the building, the remaining guests at this time were hastily
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taking things out, this hotel haunted the entire street, local residents for many years they sought to close it, there used to be a kindergarten here, but then it was sold and a hostel for workers opened here, after that the life of the neighboring houses turned into a nightmare, this is how the guests moved in to cheerful music, they could not sit in their rooms, they wandered around the courtyards, so there's a whole crowd on the street. guests lived here, there were a couple of bedside tables, a refrigerator, a wardrobe and four bunk beds, cockroaches, for a place here they paid from 200 rubles per day, in such conditions they washed, showers and fire alarms did not work, residents of neighboring houses wrote complaints, our program regularly talked about this dysfunctional hotel, so the sovelovsky prosecutor’s office intervened in the situation,
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went to court on may 29, its activities were suspended. the prosecutor's office, following numerous appeals from citizens of the sovelovsky district , carried out an inspection of the activities of the hostel, sent a statement of claim requiring the owner of the hostel to eliminate the identified violations, as well as the application of interim measures in the form of a ban on the operation of the building. the police got involved in the case and found illegal migrants, they are now checking hostel owners. the police collected registered materials to check the signs of a crime under the article fictitious. registration of a foreign citizen, by noon all premises in the boarding house were sealed, now a judicial act banning the use of the building is being executed, while the ban is in effect, bailiffs monitor the fulfillment of the requirements of the writ of execution. the fate of the building must be decided by city authorities. residents of pestsovaya street hope that this hotbed unsanitary conditions will be closed. today, for the first time in
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a long time, they were able to walk quietly in their yards. dmitry blinnikov, alexey yaldin, ignat. sokolov, oleg dobin. vesti is the duty unit. patients of the notorious neurosurgeon yuri aksenov continue to appeal to the investigative committee. they claim that the doctor has been operating on people without intensive care in private metropolitan clinics for several years now. after such treatment , several people allegedly even remained disabled. a criminal case has been opened. is it true that the doctor just changed his job? continues to see patients. and how do the victims of his merciless life live now? therapy was dealt with by ekaterina lekhomanova. it’s hard to imagine that this man in a wheelchair conquered the alpine mountains 2 years ago. and here are the very same shots where eighty- four-year-old vladimir berezkin is resting in courchevel. buiki, a pensioner, lived his life to the fullest, but then developed a back problem. i went to a private clinic, where they offered to perform spinal surgery.
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i asked again 10 times, it won’t get worse, that’s for sure, and so, i’ll say, definitely don’t worry about anything. nothing bad will happen, everything was done, everything will be fine, well, i did it and after that i was completely immobilized, he returned the screw directly to the nerve, vladimir was operated by yuri aksyonov, a neurosurgeon who moved from kiev to russia several years ago. previously, aksenov was engaged in plastic surgery, but now he performs spinal surgeries in private clinics. on specialized sites it is indicated that the doctor is allegedly a member of the association of neurosurgeons of america and
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damaged the spinal cord, cut off the ridge of the spine, completely with a scalpel, i lost the mobility of the spine, holes spinal cord, for these reasons i am now a bedridden invalid, in the clinic where lyudmila had a complex operation, there was no intensive care unit, the patient about this, by the way... aksyonov does not operate there. it was in this medical center, although now the doctor at the clinic, yuri aksyonov, received his patients. despite the large number of victims, the clinic continues to operate. the employees themselves refuse to comment on the situation in any way and do not voice the reasons for aksyonov’s dismissal.
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the investigation is cited. you can report that the film crew came to talk. there really is a criminal case, but there are no defendants in it; dr. aksyonov is involved in the case as a witness. as part of the investigation , it is necessary to conduct a commission of forensic medical examinations, taking into account the conclusions of which to give a proper legal assessment of the actions of the clinic employees. we managed to talk to the neurosurgeon, he doesn’t feel guilty, he blames everything on his former colleagues. and the intensive care unit is me, it’s not me, it’s a clinic. and someone else who was involved in this, who called on the phone, yes, who kept in touch with patient, this is the whole work of the clinic, this is the consulting and management department, this is the call center, but there was also a big case against the call center there, there were. a lawyer is now helping victims achieve justice, he carefully studies each case, sometimes he takes his head in,
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more and more victims continue to appear, that is, i know of at least five victims of aksionov’s actions, and the characteristic handwriting can be seen everywhere, he cuts off this top one for everyone part of the spine, bone processes and accordingly, i don’t know, is this the action of some kind of maniac? only an examination can definitely say about a criminal medical error, but that’s not the task, it was appointed a year ago, but the employees of the forensic expert center are so busy with work that they won’t get down to business, judging by the document that was at the disposal of our editorial office, the results will be ready only in a few years, by which time the statute of limitations will have expired, not to mention how many more people will fall under the scalpel of the doctor whose former patients are now chained to the bed. ekaterina lekhomanova, vitaly melkov and danil kors.
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supposedly died, however, there is no evidence of this; what could have happened, alina skachkova sorted out the complicated story. this is what the beginning of a big cat scandal looked like. there was a meowing cargo on the table of the vnukovo customs officers. the owner dmitry gulyaev was traveling abroad with exotic pets of the savannah breed, but at the airport they suspected that it was smuggling, suddenly under the guise of those very harmless travel shrouds. trying to bring out the red data book cats from servals, the animals, just in case , were seized for examination and were temporarily locked in a cage in one of the capital's zoos, but as soon as night fell, from under the nose of the owner they
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were suddenly transported to another region, as much as 400 km away, after a month and a half gulyaev was informed that he not a smuggler, but his ordinary savannah cat, he can pick them up from the zoo, i came there to pick up a kitten, you have two cats, one died in lipetsk. the second kitten died, but not everything is so simple here. this photo was taken a few days before the death of the animal. employee rosprirodnadzor is holding what appears to be a completely healthy animal in its arms. according to the official
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version, the animal then suddenly died and was immediately cremated. we took him to an examination, where the cover-up protocol took place, tests were taken, and where it was diagnosed in the cover-up protocol that he had polycystic kidney disease. the same autopsy report. the document seems to have been drawn up on my knees. examined the male, the documents indicate a female, the question arises whether there was an autopsy at all, so the owner is convinced that his pet died only on paper, precious the cat, worth about 2 million rubles, could have allegedly become a gift to some official, or it was simply secretly sold to someone, some people have already said that they are constantly sending it. wild animals to the lipetsk zoo, where they either keep them for themselves, later they
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give these animals to the manager’s birthday or to someone else to the top officials, the director of an ordinary zoo, alexander osipov, is called the richest state employee in lipetsk, at first he didn’t even want to give away the second kitten , surely there was a buyer for it, no one ever didn’t return it, it’s always been like this, how animals are treated... the open doors of some zoos are evidenced by statistics: recently in moscow, in a private menagerie , a monkey and two storks died of starvation; in evpatoria, due to faulty wiring in locked cages, more than 200 animals were burned alive , that this is like a silent cry for help, the police are now looking into the suspicious story of the death of a savannah kitten. during the inspection , the circumstances and causes that led to the death of the animal will be established, as well as a legal assessment will be given. actions of persons responsible for their content. then the one who has lost his beloved pet does not intend to retreat, he treats the second cat at his own expense, he says that if he survives, it will be a miracle. alena skaskova, lead the duty department. scandal in
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karelia in petrozavodsk. deputy of the korean legislative assembly vitaly krasurin was detained along with his thirty-six-year-old son, an entrepreneur. both are suspected of giving a large bribe. in parliament, krasulin holds the position of head of the budget and tax committee. details of the arrest, as well as why local media call krasulin one of the richest deputies in the region in the material of alexander ostakhov. petrozavodsk. in the middle of the day, operatives in black, maneuvering between cars, run to vitaly krasulin, a deputy of the local parliament. the businessman is called one of the richest influential people in karelia. at the same minutes, in another place, his son artyom is laid out on the asphalt. both are accused of giving a large bribe . and this is footage from the court where krosulina was chosen for suppression of peace. he looked depressed and looked around lost. i’m still not used to the fact that the hands through which all the cash flows in the region passed were handcuffed in parliament and the deputy headed the budget and taxes committee. no
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worries about needing money. no from the budget. more than 20 years in politics, even longer in business. based on the data in the declaration, krasulin’s income for 2021 amounted to almost 28 million rubles. and the wife allegedly earned only 3,000. the local prosecutor's office even had questions about this figure. the document also contains an impressive list of real estate: non-residential premises, land plots, apartment, cottage, car place and hotel. the total area is more than half a hectare. rumor has it that the politician had a profitable hotel business. so much so that in the twenty-second year krasulin allegedly bought a prestigious hotel-oneshsky castle on the embankment of lake oneshkoye in petrozavodsk, worth 94 million rubles. we are constantly increasing production; as of today, approximately 80,000 tons will be produced this year. and this, apparently, is another source of krasulin’s fortune. until march of this year he held the post of general director of the only enterprise in the world where shungite is a valuable rock produced from its own deposit. krasulin’s business empire
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was not limited to this; he was connected with other companies, but apparently things were not going so smoothly. the politician has recently become nervous and, according to investigators, together with his son he handed over 200,000 rubles to a security official he knew. and later he planned to pay another 400 thousand so that, if something happened, he would warn him about the danger in advance. if they put him on the wanted list, they will want to detain him. investigative officer an employee notified management of a planned corruption crime. subsequently, he took part in...
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it is possible that after the first accusation brought, new, no less curious ones will fall. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. in the united states, a man who was deprived of his driver's license decided to return it through the court, and he exercised his right to participate in the hearing remotely via videoconference. imagine the judge’s surprise when the naturalist appeared in the frame driving? mister, are you driving now? exactly, wait a second. i'm parking, great, so what do we do? it’s not hard to guess that after such an outburst, the hearing turned out to be record-breakingly short; no one returned the plaintiff’s driver’s license. i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news is in our telegram channels, led by the duty department and an honest detective, that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big
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information evening, we continue to introduce you to the agenda today. they met zelensky without a helmet. at a meeting in the faces of ukrainian military pilots were illuminated in belgium. what awaits them now? the elite of the ukrainian special forces are dying in the kharkov direction. two militants from the eighth regiment were eliminated. special operations forces, why kiev is transferring its best forces across borders. for the sake of ukraine they are ready to sacrifice their own defense capability. sweden supports zelensky so much that it will transfer all its flying radars to the mtr. wait, were n’t they prepared to be written off? a former fighter of the terrorist battalion, aidar, joins the penguins; he urged others to go to the front.


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