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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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all these facts of crimes for the sake of worshiping the devil are collected by experts, so that later there will be no doubt who is an extremist, by the end of the summer national projects must be drawn up and coordinated among themselves, vladimir putin set this task at... meetings council for strategic development of national projects, the president noted that the main substantive work to achieve national goals is not carried out in offices, on the ground, in cities and towns. details in the report by alexey konopko. by one and a half dozens of national projects that have been operating in the country for several years and are producing real results are now adding five more, the president named them in his message, but simple addition cannot do this, in some places the problems have already been solved, in others it’s time to distribute resources differently, the number of projects here secondly,
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russia, the training of modern personnel, the widespread use of innovative digital solutions, we are not talking about projects of individual departments, but about large-scale, interconnected programs that should work to solve general, systemic problems important for all citizens of the country. the president also signed the previous decree on development goals immediately after his election; later, amendments had to be made due to the pandemic, but plans were already made for 10 years in advance.
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feel mobilized and only in this way will we achieve the goals that we set for ourselves. in modern conditions it is impossible to work differently. it is necessary to establish close cooperation between all government bodies and implementers of national projects. the effectiveness of our work will depend on this, only then will we achieve our goals, which we put in front. as i already said, and
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which the country needs. and this is heard in all branches of government. in the hall next to the president are the prime minister, speakers of parliament and heads of regions. of the working meetings, apart from state celebrations and addresses, this meeting is probably the most representative. the council for strategic development at one time united several structures at once, and today, at the proposal of the president, the state council also joined the conversation in order to immediately plan together what the road to the goals will be countries in her. regions, especially since much depends on local work. the main thing is that meaningful work to achieve national goals is carried out, of course, not in offices, it takes place on the ground, in the constituent entities of the federation, in our cities and towns, and this means that the decisive role here is played by the efforts of regional and municipal teams, entrepreneurs, public associations, and citizens’ initiatives, not least, life will make its own adjustments, this is natural, but already now... we can
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say that spending on national projects will become the core of the most significant part of the development budget at the federal and regional levels, and therefore a key direction for all levels of government. each of the current national projects, on behalf of the president, was personally overseen by the relevant deputy head of government. each item on the new list will also have its own curator. mikhail mishusin today listed everyone and promised the president to meet the development deadlines. months, strategic sessions will be held with the participation, of course, of members of the state council, governors, by september 1 we will form, accordingly, all the main activities for new national projects, we will carry out the corresponding instructions; by december, all new national projects must be approved, and most importantly, financed. the new secretary of the state council was also present in the hall today; the president appointed his assistant, who had just left tula after several years of successful work, to this position.
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proposes to draw up a digital program for its development, it makes sense to discuss the formation of, perhaps, a comprehensive state program, separate for sports, which would include infrastructure measures, events for mass sports, including fidzital, major sports, training of reserves, you propose to somehow collect the available resources so that yes, in one state program, yes, the new minister also thinks so, yes, dear vladimir vladimirovich, this is uh . the optimal story is being told, let's do it this way. most of the development goals will in one way or another relate to the social sphere and the well-being of people. it will be necessary to increase life expectancy and the number of children in families, to modernize infrastructure and not to forget about environmental protection.
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we have formulated several principles of an environmentally responsible economy, in particular resource efficiency, the production of durable things, the rejection of non-recyclable materials, the problems of the climate change adaptation program and others; we believe that many national projects should include indicators that reflect, among other things, the environmental efficiency of the measures being implemented. of course, not every industry will receive a new specialized national project, but everyone will receive due attention. if earlier we there was housing and the urban environment, now we have an infrastructure for life, which includes urban housing, landscaping, roads, infrastructure, the unification of all types of construction into one program, that is, we ...
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forty-five militants of the kiev regime, in turn in the zone responsibility of the central group west of avdievka, the enemy lost more than 330 manpower from the contact line, reporting by pavel prokopenko. enemy mortar firing point, ukrainian armed forces soldiers walk about their business at full height, not suspecting that they are already in the lens of our drone, the target was transferred to the artillerymen, target protractor, 327 32-77, one shell per tray, shot, 152 caliber - it’s always loud, acacia fires at... 17 km, real long-range artillery, the copter detects a hit, the enemy is running from the trench, two are carrying
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a wounded man on their shoulders, they are overtaken by a second blow, the targets have just given away, they quickly ran in, aimed, and strained, that is, it is corrected by birds, well, literally the second time we get right into the dugout, the artillerymen have duty officers , that there are targeted targets, but it is at this moment that more and more new coordinates arrive. in motion, its line here is now being outlined by the fighters of the center group of forces, the crew is very pleased, they understand, they have a fighting spirit right away, they are ready, well, they tell me, that is, we are still ready, give us some goals, we are ready to work, here this is how the guys react to a hit, there are many volunteers among the artillerymen of the center group of troops, ivan from irkutsk put his business on pause, fed the irkutsk residents burgers and came to the front, i’m young, why should i sit at home, by the way, here interesting. i have to leave the country, i signed a contract for six months, i’ve already been here for a year and a half, well, i don’t want to leave here, that
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is, i’m here completely consciously, near avdeevka our fighters find a lot of abandoned weapons in esu, including foreign ones markings or other identifying marks, a former dry position, that’s what you can find here, this is some kind of ammunition, but the color scheme for... sweden announced a large package of military aid to ukraine worth a billion euros, it contains two saab 340 (argus) reconnaissance aircraft from the nineties. then the swedes did it.
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france and the czech republic, estonia and finland, while only great britain and france from the entire list gave ukraine truly long-range stormshadow missiles, another name for scalp. and as vladimir putin commented on these geopolitical maneuvers, instructors were initially attached to the missiles. according to the russian president, they are already serving western weapons under the guise of mercenaries. in kiev, for the second week they cannot give an answer to the question, in whose hands is the ukraine is now the legitimate government. as of may 20, vladimir zelensky is officially no longer president; on that day, according to the law
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, a new elected head of state was supposed to take office, but kiev canceled the elections, citing martial law. last year, the servant of the people faction, from which zelensky once ran, stated that there would be no elections in ukraine in 2024, neither presidential nor parliamentary. as ex-prime minister mykola azarov noted today, since may 21, zelensky has actually become an impostor, the government. usurped by a criminal gang, under martial law, elections are indeed not held, but the terms of office of the president are not extended; legitimacy, according to the country’s constitution , is retained only by the parliament, that is, the verkhovna rada, and its speaker, it turns out not to negotiate, not to sign any documents, vladimir zelensky has no right , in a word, the situation is absurd, there are attributes of political and legal systems in ukraine, but they do not function, as the press secretary of the russian leader noted.
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that he is comfortable and he does not want war is over, he is comfortable seeing you bury your children and husbands, he is comfortable looking at children’s graves and children’s torn bodies, and he fully reflects zelensky’s opinion, there are no people willing to die for zelensky’s corrupt bloody regime, people believe in giving their lives for washington’s puppet it makes no sense, i have been declared an enemy, i am questioning the legitimacy.
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that he will not be lowered further until he is 23, or even until he is 18 years old. maria valieva, yulia tyushevskaya and natalya uvarova, lead. mindrud clarified the calculation procedure tax cashback for families with children. according to the bill, payments to low-income families will begin to be provided in 2026 . more than 100 billion rubles will need to be allocated from the budget for these purposes annually. what impact tax changes will have on the social sphere as a whole was examined. inca book. the introduction of a progressive tax scale will improve the tax system. additional funds will be used, among other things, to support families with children of elderly citizens, as well as to create comfortable living conditions and socio-economic development of regions. if the state duma approves the amendments, tax changes will take effect in january 2025. the rate for individuals will
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depend on the level of income. for people who earn less than 200,000 rubles per month, this comes out to two per year. personal income tax remains at the current level - 13%. for those whose annual income exceeds 2,400 rubles per year , a progressive scale is introduced. personal income tax, according to it , varies from 15 to 22%. at the same time, the increased tax is not charged on the entire amount of income, but on parts of which exceed a certain threshold. dfl is the main source of replenishing the income of the constituent entities of the russian federation, which are responsible for the quality of ours. life is with you, so the areas of expenditure of additional funds are quite large, of course, this is, first of all, the entire system of social services, this is, of course , wages for state employees, because they are paid naturally from the federal budget, this is the maintenance of budgetary organizations, schools, healthcare and cultural institutions , and a lot of other areas that
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the state spends money. parents with two or more children whose average per capita income for family members does not exceed. 1.5 times the subsistence level per month will be able to receive a refund of 7% of the personal income tax paid. simply put, the actual rate for them will be 6%. about half of the total number of all families with two or more children in the country will be able to receive it. and in addition, standard personal income tax deductions for the second and third child will also apply. for example, if in the twenty-fifth year the salary of each of parents is equal to 35,000 rubles per month, then in a family with two children the total.
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protection, it ran like a red thread through the decisions of many structures that in this part, in one way or another, relate to family life, labor, explained the procedure for calculating tax cashback for families with children, according to the bill, payments to parents with low incomes will begin to be provided from the twenty-sixth year, annually for these purposes , more than 100 billion rubles will be required from the federal budget. changes in the tax system will not affect self-employed citizens, according to the law the condition is fixed that within 10 years the tax rate for this...
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we are now hearing that nothing will change for this category, based on the assurances that the legislator and the state as a whole gave to these individuals when they... fell into the tax payment regime under the self-loan system. of the 64 million working people, tax changes will not affect most russians; progressive taxation will affect only 2 million people , or a little more than 3%. they plan to spend the money received thanks to the changes on repair and equipment of hospitals, clinics, kindergartens, schools, to help regions with low birth rates, as well as for the development of infrastructure and the construction of roads and housing. vadik, come out, come out and start a business with
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digital in the cloud, to certify a document remotely you need an electronic digital signature, you can get it in the app state key, how to do this and what ’s new here, we’ll tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions, well, let’s start with what a state key is, it’s an application that generates an electronic one. the signature is remote without any fees, and then allows you to work with it, the state key mobile application saves time and money, because in order to obtain an electronic signature, you do not need to look at the opening hours of the certification center, this can be done at lunchtime on a weekend and at night, and completely free, like this thus, the mobile application allows, well,
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about 3 minutes. after spending time, get an electronic signature. the key is created, stored and used in the application itself; usb flash drives with a copy of the signature and sms passwords are not needed. all functions are available without personal appearance without unnecessary paper documents. in gosklyuch you can create two types of certificates: unp and ukp. this is, in fact, a strengthened, unqualified enhanced qualified electronic signature. these. signatures differ in that the enhanced unqualified electronic the signature is used instead of a handwritten signature in strictly defined life situations that are defined by regulation, and as for an enhanced qualified electronic signature, such a signature can be used almost always, as an analogue of a handwritten signature. cep means your handwritten signature on paper, that is , you can sign any document with it, including, for example, property documents. to
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obtain unep you only need any smartphone, a verified account on government services and a few minutes of free time. state key will request data from government services and you will receive a certificate for the phone number that is linked to your account. a special code will arrive and you can activate an enhanced unqualified electronic signature. the possibilities for a qualified signature are wider, which means there are more requirements. a smartphone is required with an nfc module, the one that allows. rally in one touch, and in addition to a confirmed account on government services, you will also need a biometric passport, it contains a chip with personal data that allows you to identify an individual, or you must be registered in a unified biometric system. you can now confirm that it is you who is applying for an electronic signature in another way. we are currently conducting a pilot project on strong
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identification of citizens. to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature, and this can be done in some mfcs and branches of partner banks. to issue an electronic signature certificate in person at the mfc or a branch of a partner bank, it is enough to have a passport and a mobile phone. you can get more detailed information on the state klyuch website; there is also a special interactive map where you can see where. such multifunctional centers and bank branches are located. how to use an electronic signature? the mechanism is as follows: first, the legal entity - the person who provides the service, draws up an agreement in electronic form and signs it on his part. after this, the document is sent to you for signature, also in electronic form. you receive a notification in personal account on public services. the contract is automatically with


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