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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

6:30 am
well, maybe it’s possible in some other way, any interference in time can lead to this, 100 years in the future, news from the middle of the hour, briefly: zaporozhye region, the russian military destroyed the fortification of the ukrainian armed forces, intelligence officers identified a dugout with manpower, after that precision strike on... the border between the gas sector and egypt, israel announced that it had established control over the discovery of 20 tunnels there, they led from one side to the other. in response , egypt claims that with such statements it is trying to justify the military operation in rafak. northern korea fired a salvo of ballistic missiles towards the sea of ​​japan. in south korea , 10 missiles were counted, all of them fell outside .
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a new scandal is breaking out in ukraine, this time around a scientific expedition to antarctica , it turned out that the cost of the trip. dollars on the menu of ukrainian polar explorers there is caviar, octopus, a lot of alcohol and even darts for playing darts, not a word about scientific equipment, it is interesting that the organizer of the luxury trip, a former commander from the terrorist battalion aidar, that the ukrainians gathered boris ivanin found out to study in antarctica why exactly now who pays for the gastronomic requests of these scientists. he encouraged others to go to the front, and he himself was going to antarctica. that's just it. the expedition to
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the penguins turned out to be too expensive, which is why a scandal broke out in ukraine long before departure. the cost of the trip caused indignation, of course, it is not a billion, as the kiev media write, but still immodest, more than 11 million dollars, despite the fact that there is not enough money for the armed forces of ukraine, and those in the know began to salivate when the menu of ukrainian polar explorers. in the purchasing documents , the assortment is like in a chic restaurant, salmon fillet is 118 kg, and salmon steak is already 140. squid carcasses and separately in rings in plating, and octopus - 28 kg, and also red and white wine, more than 100 bottles of each, sparkling, also on appetizer caviar, experienced members of the expedition made a mockery of all this, i think this will not affect the scientific results, the results will not be outstanding, if they have red fish there , they will choose more... what kind of wine to drink,
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we would like they say we had this in institute of the arctic and antarctic, department of polar medicine, everything was medical, as he says, the amount of alcoholic drinks was legalized, there was even a big battle for beer, because at one time they forbade us to bring beer to antarctica, in general, the ukrainian polar station academician vernadsky was only formally named in the part soviet academician belonged to great britain for almost half a century, only in 1996 it was sold to kiev for just one pound sterling, as virtually abandoned, so kiev is not so much reclaiming the land through expeditions antarctica, how much budget money comes from western grants, the station is also financed by poland and the european commission, but an estonian company won a tender for millions of dollars this year, in general, as they say, wash your hand, this is the usual banal scheme for laundering budget funds before..
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the ukrainian theme, of course, is a big cart, there are many former ukrainian armed forces fighters, and there are even banned fighters of the same aid, forbidden gold, just like opportunists, swindlers, scoundrels, like wild ones, they are like fish. looking where it is deeper, yes, here was such an opportunity, well , i ran, but just recently the wild one himself called for strict mobilization to put at least half a million ukrainians under arms, threatened draft dodgers with prison,
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there is even a bar where ukrainian polar explorers play billiards and darts, that’s why in the procurement documents even darts and so much alcohol. according to tradition, in the same bar all women are treated to it for free, but in return they must leave their underwear, there is already a photograph there, a whole collection, a brothel, not a station. the only thing missing is a disco, but internet users corrected this with funny videos of how a ukrainian expedition was greeted in antarctica. so, even for notorious neo-nazis, penguins turned out to be more valuable than the criminal ideals of the kiev regime.
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the premiere of the comedy naughty people was shown at the moscow oktyabr cinema center. the film will be released in wide release on june 6. this is the final third part of the franchise about the adventures of a prankster starring gosha kutsenko. this time the heroes face more difficult tasks. rehabilitate the adults tasked with rehabilitating children. how cope, learned the author of the leading program film industry, ivan kudryavtsev. and not just children, but children from the orphanage. not allowing them to completely stumble is entrusted to the hero, who himself stumbled a long time ago, but only recently corrected himself. a former bandit and now a novice of anatoly’s father, sasha cherny, in the act of saving children from crime, is soon forced to do so himself.
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well, what was it, it was always with some kind of mystery, the idea for the third part was born from vladimir, the director, in my opinion, during filming, we liked working with each other so much that, well, he came up, once told me, he says, and i came up with everything, the third part is there, i came up with everything, the adventures will take the heroes far to the north, the film was shot in tiriberki, a new scope, entertainment and intrigue, designed to develop the success of the series, which had previously attracted at the box office... 800 million rubles. the film should not be over its head, but above itself. we made this movie first, we have to jump over ourselves, it’s always like a step. well done that he played in general this truly depth of human existence, that a person
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can conquer everything. i liked it very much, the most important thing was that my son, who is 8 years old, liked it and... i recommend everyone watch it on the big screen, because it’s a completely different effect than this tv, you know, in a comfortable chair. filmed by director vladimir kot with the participation and support of the russia one tv channel, a light comedy with a deep meaning, designed for the widest audience, from young to old, and is released just in time for the beginning of the school holidays, naughty people on the country's screens from june 6: ivan kudryavtsev, daria kolokoltseva, oleg fomichov, artyom besedin, inna zolotareva, vitaly paretsky and oleg. shempel, news from the premiere of the naughty. due to the thirty-degree heat, water began to be distributed at train stations in moscow. the capital's utility workers carry out air aeration several times a day. when thunderstorms drive away the extreme heat, in which regions of russia would the heat now be welcome -
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vadim zavodchenko will tell you. may on the russian plain will end with tropical heat. but beyond the urals, winter is still snarling. is it true that soon the whole of western siberia will be under... power when livni is driven out by extreme heat from moscow, current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, my name is vadim. hello, on the eve of summer, weather contrasts on opposite sides of the ural ridge have reached their climax. instead of may 29, february 129, these are residents of ugra talking about the landscapes outside the window. on wednesday , many settlements of the khantemansky autonomous okrug were covered with snow. in addition to the capital of the region, precipitation in the solid phase occurred in nizhnevartov. in may the snow does not calm down,
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it falls and falls and falls, my flowers will freeze all over, winter reminded the residents of yamal of itself, for example, in november there was snowfall paralyzed traffic on the roads, disrupted the work of the airport, and as a result of a powerful arctic invasion in siberia , temporary snow cover even began to recover. of course, we are only talking about the northern half of the region, but here, too, usually all relapses of winter are completed by mid-may; at the end of the month, the last time something similar was observed was in 2013, and if the temporary snow cover lay mosaic, then another manifestation of the arctic invasion of frost will be more widespread, look, already on friday in the negative night zone temperatures will be the entire... territory of western and central siberia, right up to the tyumen, omsk, kemerovo line, and this is also
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a serious anomaly, because in these latitudes the frost period usually ends on average 10 days earlier. by the way, not only the streets of siberian cities suddenly turned white at the end of may, because of the heat in the black earth region and the middle volga, poplars are already in full swing. rescuers ask not to set fire to poplar fluff, but those who wish to do so. there is always room to experiment, this is what it leads to: a serious fire broke out in lipetsk the day before; cargo trailers and a gazelle, according to eyewitnesses, the fire spread to them right out of the blue, a little more snowstorms swirled in moscow, on wednesday the capital’s thermometers reached +28 for the first time since the beginning of the year, to slightly refresh the atmosphere in in the metropolis, air aeration is carried out, and fog machines are installed at train stations.
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thanks to the anticyclone, the sun will continue to get hot in russia today, as a result in the north-west and in the center of the region the thermometers will rise to +25-30. moderately hot during midday hours will be in the black sea resorts, the strongest heat is localized in the lower reaches of the volga and don, here it is +28 during the day, due to the intense heating of the earth's surface , powerful updrafts will form in the atmosphere, so that in some areas cumulonimbus clouds will develop, carrying thunderstorms, hail and squally wind increases. today , the north-west of the russian plain, the middle volga and the south of the urals, as well as the southern regions of the country, are in a special risk zone. if we talk in detail about the capital, the first cargo clouds are over moscow will become. appear on friday evening, in the following days local showers with thunderstorms will already
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become an everyday occurrence, at the end of the working week in the megapolis there will still be extreme heat in the afternoon +29:30, but then the sultry anomaly will decrease slightly, the temperature maximum will not exceed +26-28 °. that's all for me, goodbye.
6:45 am
now advertising, then we will talk about inflation rates in russia and not only in the economic news block. meet the free children's sber card. limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. vacation is coming soon. re going. you will move to a new level of savings. thanks to a wide selection of new and like-new auto products. collect without extra expenses on avito. magnet, price, what you need. 1199. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple
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mash, weekly inflation in russia has slowed down. now i’ll tell you what factors have become limiting. inflation in russia during the week ending may 27 slowed to 1. year on year, the rate of price growth slightly exceeded 8%. the statistics were published by the ministry of development. in the food products segment, prices over the week increased by only hundredths of a percent. the seasonal deflation of fruit products served as a restraining factor. in the segment of non-food products, price growth rates decreased to 5% due to cheaper prices.
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supplied as a result of government procurement amounted to 68%. over the year it has grown by eight percentage points. today a meeting of the european union energy council will be held in brussels. relevant eu ministers are going to discuss how the plan for european energy independence from russian fossil fuels is being implemented. they plan to achieve it by 2030. it is no coincidence that recently it became known that a number of political figures from germany and the czech republic. came up with an initiative to completely refuse only from oil and gas from russia, but also from nuclear fuel, and, by the way, us secretary of state antony blinken is traveling around europe these days, and during his current tour he is paying special attention to energy issues. today he flew to the czech republic, the day before he visited moldova and visited a power plant in chisinau, where he did not forget to promote the interests of american technology.
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energy dependence. from russia pose a threat to national and economic security, an important part of the work we are doing with moldova, as and with many other countries in europe, it's about helping to build greater energy independence and energy security, and you see it right here today. the board of directors of polyus recommended not to pay dividends for the twenty-third year. this was said in a statement. last year, as noted, she at least showed good results. however, the mining industry as a whole continues to face various challenges, so the priority now is not to pay dividends, but to maintain financial operating the company's stability against the backdrop of a record investment program. and a number of other factors, the recommendations say. let me remind you that the last time polyus paid dividends was based on the results of the first half of 2021. at
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the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 25 kopecks euro - 96 rub. 89 kopecks novel. yours, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. stormtroopers of the vostok group of troops successfully advanced in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the detachments of our fighters came close to the road. carbon is the only node supplies for the vso group. a large fire in the east of moscow. the fire engulfed the building where production workshops and warehouses are located. the roof and walls partially collapsed. fire area 4.00 m2. rescuers are working on the spot. aviation was involved in the fire extinguishment. yemeni houthis attacked american ships. the shiite group carried out six operations using long-range weapons of various calibers. one of the ships was seriously damaged. the attacks were confirmed by the command of the us armed forces. there are hundreds of people in brussels protested outside the israeli embassy, ​​demonstrators holding placards in support of palestine filled the street in front of
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the building, despite heavy security. to disperse the protesters, police used water cannons and tear gas. next on our broadcast is a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras. what do you remember about this day? let's tell the stories right now. hello. today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most famous cosmonauts in the world, alexei leonov. it appeared in the siberian village of listvyanka 90 years ago, may 30, 1934. he graduated from aviation school, became a fighter pilot and joined the first cosmonaut corps. and he was the first man to go into outer space. this was a landmark event in the development of astronautics. started in sixty-five. together with pavel belyaev at sunrise two. at that time, few people knew how much risk he took, what he endured during those 12 minutes and 9 seconds that he was outside the ship. tachycardia, rapid breathing, sweat poured down
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my face. leonov lost 6 kg of weight. due to the pressure drop, the suit swelled and it was impossible to enter the airlock, but the astronaut did not lose cold-blooded. he inserted air and managed to return to the ship. it got worse: due to a failure in the control system, we had to land manually. and, because the landing capsule began to spin wildly, we landed 200 km from the estimated place, spent the night in the remote taiga in thirty-degree frost, but still went on an epoch-making flight in 75 , but it ended safely, and then leonov, back in the apollo soyuz program, docked with the american spacecraft by ship. if you had the opportunity to fly somewhere else now, where would you fly? well i had dream. go into space and stand on the footboard of a tram and fly around the entire globe, it was so interesting, i only
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flew around a quarter of the globe. alexey arkhipovich was a versatile personality, he was fond of painting, wrote books, space objects, streets and even a children's art school were named in his honor, and the film time of the first was made about his exploits. may 30, 1593 his plays, tamerlane, the great scythian shepherd, the tragic history of doctor faustus and others, had enormous success. psychologism, depth of characters, brilliance of monologues written by white verse. this was an innovation for the 16th century. marloo had a reputation. izodira's companion, he was threatened with prison, but he did not live to get here, he was killed with a knife in a tavern in london, he was not even thirty. a popular version is that the death
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was staged; then marlowe worked under the name of william shakespeare. both were born in the same year, and shakespeare gained fame only after the death of marlowe. researchers compare their dictionary, the work finds many matches. but all that has been proven is that these playwrights knew each other and several plays were written in co-authorship. on may 30, 1918 , georgy checherin took charge of the foreign policy of soviet russia. he was appointed people's commissar for foreign affairs instead of leon trotsky, who disdained diplomacy because he believed that when the world revolution broke out, workers of all countries would unite and there would be no need to establish relations with other states. checherin was a social democrat, a comrade-in-arms of lenin, and at the same time... managed to work in the tsar’s foreign ministry, at first they were established relations with afghanistan, turkey and iran, then in the early twenties came the turn of europe, which was then convinced that the bet on...
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isolating russia and the ussr had failed. in just a few years, almost all the leading western powers recognized our country. this event went down in history as a streak of recognition and cartoonists depicted foreign representatives eager to receive checherin. on may 30, 1975 , a convention establishing the european space agency was signed in paris. it brought together satellite development corporations and launch vehicles. appeared in the early sixties, but europe lagged behind the russian americans in the space race and it was decided to catch up. the first project, already in 1975, launched an x-ray observatory into orbit to study the galaxy, then the ariane and vega launch vehicles were developed. they will launch from the kourou spaceport in french guiana. the agency has many achievements, including the launch of a space telescope and the creation of the
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galileo satellite navigation system. interplanetary probes to meet comet golay, descent to titan, one from the moons of saturn, we took european satellites into orbit, russian ships were launched from the kourou cosmodrome, today all bilateral projects have been curtailed, but confrontation is unlikely, sanctions will benefit the european space industry. this is what this day in history was like.
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i also want to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have a lot to learn from the young guys.
7:00 am
in the zaporozhye region, the russian military destroyed the fortification of the ukrainian armed forces, the scouts removed the dugout with manpower, after which our mortars carried out an accurate strike on the target, five militants were eliminated, their positions were destroyed. in the east of moscow, a strong fire is being put out, a building with warehouses and production workshops is burning, the fire has engulfed. the k-32 helicopter dropped 75 tons of water, the mi-26 helicopter is preparing to take off, the roof and walls of the building are collapsing. israel said it had established control of the border between the gas sector and egypt. i found 20 tunnels there, they led from one side to the other. in egypt, in turn, they claim such statements.


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