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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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+50.5. i will add that according to preliminary forecasts, things will become a little easier in moscow at the beginning of next week. daytime temperatures will drop to 24-25°. now footage from the kremlin. ruslan nikolaevich. were born in the khantamassi autonomous okrug, worked all your life, people trusted you twice in the elections, the mayor of tyumen, the head of the city administration, i want to invite you to head the autonomous okrug, everything is dear to you there, i hope everything that you have developed in tyumen will also be used at a higher level. what do you see as quality
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first priority, what priority tasks do you consider the most important and in working in a new place, thank you very much for the trust shown, to fulfill the duties of the gubernatorial district of jura, indeed today this is a very serious strategic region, it makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy today, and the primary task, of course, continue the pace of development in certain directions. i think that it can be further increased, first of all, here, probably, the emphasis was placed more on what concerns living conditions for residents, this is a solution problems of resettlement from dilapidated housing stock, and as for issues related today to the creation of a comfortable urban environment, people who live in the north should not feel disadvantaged, here i would like to say a word of gratitude to the entire municipal community, as co-chairman of the all-russian association development of local self-government, this is an initiative that was... from the heads
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of municipalities, this is, by and large , the initiative of our people, and you supported it by deciding to extend the program for the formation of a comfortable urban environment, and undoubtedly, today for all of us, for not only the authorities, for all people, the priority task is to support those who today defend our country as part of a special military operation, these are, of course, members of the families of our military personnel, and the khantamass district of ugra has a bearing territory, this is the donetsk people's republic, the city of makeevka, today such close interaction is taking place to restore engineering, social, transport infrastructure, this the work undoubtedly needs to be continued, and of course, if we talk about plans, then today, probably, such a guiding document is a new decree on the national development goals of our country, within the framework of this work it is necessary today, in my opinion, to closely interact with federal structures, federal ministries in terms of completing those tasks,
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russia china, cooperation in a new era. senior officials of the two countries, experts and scientists are participating. today tomorrow they will discuss political and economic aspects of interaction between moscow and beijing. this year marks the 7th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our states. the foreign ministers of russia and china sent their video messages to the conference participants. moscow and beijing are actively working to consolidate the global majority. the circle of our like-minded people is growing steadily. recent.
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to promote in-depth cooperation to integrate the opopas initiative, strives for joint development and gain. it is important to communicate to counteract unilateral actions, attempts at protectionism, erecting artificial barriers of separation, ensuring the stable and uninterrupted functioning of international production and supply chains, cultivating new drivers of global development and progress, increasing mutual enrichment in the interests of bringing peoples closer together. queues technology news with them
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philip trofimov, host of the vesnet program. our task was taken by a stone in the morning , they attacked us, i open my eyes, but i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, it’s just mom, she says, she will be very worried, i say, now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i was like... the department was covered, well, it was not visible to catch up, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the main one is alive, with such you can find reconnaissance, and you will return from reconnaissance with such,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even
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end up here? and space pirates. i love children, they will meet again. i wanted to offer you my hand and my heart. interesting offer. well, maybe in some other way , any interference in time could lead to this 100 years in the future, the largest leak from google, which could have very large-scale consequences, the main search engine on the planet somehow lost 2,500 pages of technical documentation that concerns ... the holy of holies of algorithms searching for the very tool that for google is the basis of its entire business, and for the rest of the world, that which to a significant extent determines whether a site will survive or die in obscurity. the authenticity of the leak and its relevance have already been confirmed by several former google employees. moreover, some of them shared additional
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information with the researchers; all this together, at a minimum, has already made it possible to refute some of the main search engine’s statements regarding the site ranking algorithms used. in particular. google representatives have been asserting for years that user behavior, in particular clicks, is not taken into account, just as data from the chrom browser is not used, that the name, domain and age of the site do not matter and much more, all this turned out to be untrue, but the information was confirmed that google has white lists of sites that are promoted forcibly, however, the leaked document is interesting, rather, because it gives an idea of ​​​​the amount of information that google processes when ranking search results,
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the influence of each of the parameters on the final result of the work of google algorithms, well, without that, the published documents will obviously give a lot of new work to the so-called search engine optimization specialists, this is a huge industry, hundreds of thousands of people who, for years, have actually been groping by indirect signs and trial error methods studied the algorithms of google, and of course, yandex too, in order to bring sites to the top of search engine results, and some promote legitimate projects in this way, others spam and fraudulent, and there have been examples and... natural hooliganism, which even received a proper name, google bonding. so, for example, at one time, for searches in the context of “pathetic failure”. the biography of us president george w. bush was brought to the first line of search results. and the first known case of google bombing was the association of microsoft sites with a search greater
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evil than satan himself. in fact, this is one of the reasons why search engine algorithms are kept secret and even hidden behind misinformation. hardware news. managed to get to the counter in the first very productive laptops according to the new microsoft copilot plus pc specification, where the emphasis is on solving problems of artificial intelligence, including directly on the device, and they are already preparing a much more powerful one... an innovation made by the company that has benefited most from the current race of neural networks. let me remind you that just last week microsoft presented a new class of computers and even redesigned the windows 11 operating system for it. all in order to integrate a generative neural network into all processes in which can. and from that, one of the key specification requirements for such laptops is the minimum performance of the neuroprocessor at 40 tops (40 trillion operations per second), and now it is. nvidia announced in partnership with taiwan media library to produce the computing part for copilot plus pc.
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this is interesting because it is nvidia graphics accelerators that power the majority of all artificial intelligence projects in the world. due to this, the value of nvidi itself exceeded $2.8 trillion the day before, almost like apple. all in all, for new laptops , performance in working with neural networks is promised to be three times greater than that of those presented for just a week. back solution. well, and probably the shortest youtube video, well, of the relatively meaningful ones, to be more precise, a video of a process that takes so little time that you can literally blink through it, it lasts less than your eyes remain closed when blinking. this is a robot from mitsubishi electric that set a world record by solving a robik's cube in 305 seconds. for comparison the record holder needs more than three seconds. according to tssubstrik secret. success in servamotors, which can rotate the face of a cube exactly 90° in just 9 seconds. and
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it will be difficult, as they say, to improve this result, simply because faster movements no longer stretch the material of the cube itself. former sbu officer vasily prozurov claims that freelance security officers will be sent to the front line. he said this in an interview on the fifth studio program. according to him, the corresponding order was given. may 7 chairman of the sbu malyuk signed an order stating that there is a category of officers who are at the disposal of the staff, that is, they seem to be in the authorities, they have ranks, they have a certificate, but they do not hold any position, most often these are changes in staffing, and people here are being removed from the staff, so vasily malyuk signed an order that such sbu servicemen will...
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at these minutes , the soyuz 2.1a rocket with the progress ms27 space truck is being launched at the baikanur cosmodrome. you see these shots live. flight of the ship with the symbols of russian student groups will take place over a two-day schedule. docking into the search modules of the russian segment of the iss is scheduled for june 1 at 14:47. the roscosmos truck will stay in orbit for about 173 days. progress ms-27 will deliver more than 2.5 tons
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of cargo. these are apparatus, equipment, clothing, food, medical and sanitary products for the crew, fuel and water. the ship also carries birthday gifts for russian cosmonauts. detachment commander oleg kononenko celebrates his sixtieth birthday in orbit 21 june. handmade chocolates will reportedly be delivered specially to him. and to the other birthday boy. from dreams to stars. on july 15, grebenkin will turn 42 years old. you owe the bank. i have already ordered
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a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valberes on the yandex market. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit with interest on... with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open deposit the best percentage brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, in sber it is more profitable with prime upon burning.
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conditionally the world war party, the conference announced in switzerland has nothing to do with peace, it is only an attempt to gather a certain number of countries in order to try to legitimize western, as they say, narratives, western approaches, to certainly legitimize both the figure of zelensky himself and his regime of all its... monstrous extremist terrorist acts. against the backdrop of major failures of the ssu under in kharkov, the kiev regime seeks to take out its anger, to take it out on the civilian population of russia, exposing them to fire from various types of nato weapons. at the same time , western countries, well, literally, not noticing the terrorist activities of their ukrainian charges, publicly encourage them
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to strike russian regions. may 26 about this so-called right. sow said the minister of defense, for example, sweden. paul johnson. on may 28 in brussels, secretary general stoltenberg, at a joint meeting with eu defense ministers, called on european capitals to withdraw all restrictions on the use of western weapons by kiev. as a matter of fact, the very weapons that have been supplied to the kiev regime for some time now speak about the true plans and goals of the collective west. the point is that it is not intended. how - everyone understands perfectly well, for defensive purposes, and its, i mean, so to speak, the radius of destruction, ah, the technical characteristics of this weapon, which falls into the hands of the extremist kiev regime, testifies to exactly what is now openly nato capitals began to talk about encouraging zelensky and the armed forces of ukraine to strike
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civilian infrastructure on the territory... of our country, in fact, in the same piggy bank on may 28 in berlin at a meeting with german chancellor scholz, french president macron with a geographical map of the russian-ukrainian border area literally, so to say, he showed and proved that a direct quote from macron, it is necessary to allow, as macron said, ukraine to strike targets on russian territory. end of quote. well, the united states publicly allegedly disagreed with the use of american missiles against russia, they actually gave the go-ahead for their use. this is again evidenced by what i said, regular attacks on crimea with missiles. let me remind you of the attacks, one of these attacks was carried out on may 24. the response of the russian armed forces to such actions
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follows every time, and it will continue to be so, these responses are proportionate.
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bandarovetsko for the shooting of a civilian, for attempted murder, as well as shelling of civilian infrastructure in the seventeenth year in the gorlovka region, dpr. 22 years in absentia received the head of the pre-trial detention center season number 23 of the city of poltava. namashov, he was found guilty of cruel treatment of prisoners of war from april twenty-two to the present. ukrainian nationalist shevchuk was sentenced to 24 years in prison for the premeditated murder of a civilian in mariupol in march of twenty-two. we have repeated and are doing this again, and will also do this in the future. all crimes of the kiev regime will receive a proper legal assessment. will not be able to escape punishment, now about the amazing thing happened now against the backdrop of the ongoing
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lawlessness on the territory of ukraine, committed by the kiev regime, we drew attention to the decision of the shevchenkovsky district court of kiev to close the once high-profile case regarding the dispersal of protesters on the maidan. remember, then on the night of november 30 to december 1, 2013. that same berkut case, in fact, the court set the record straight 9 years later, recognizing that the leaders of the berkut special forces acted within the law, all charges against them were dropped, including the seizure of their property. i would like to remind you that it was then in 2013, on that very night, that the phrase was born: they are children, remember, only in ukrainian, at the same time.
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and nato and the collective west in general to legitimize the illegal authorities in kiev who came in the wake of the coup d’etat, because it was precisely
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these same shots from those same snipers that westerners referred to when they said that the former legitimate authorities in ukraine, president yanukovych and his administration, the ministry departments. lost this legitimacy precisely because the shooting started, when asked by the russian federation on the question of a huge number of experts, political scientists and journalists, and many, so to speak, officials around the world then allowed themselves to ask the question: who shot, who gave these orders, there was no answer then, because westerners began to refer to the fact that they have 100% reliable information that shots were fired. on the part of the legitimate authorities, and this is a crossing of all possible boundaries, so they begin to recognize, in the form of
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the legitimate power of those who came in the maidan war, yatsenyuk, this whole gop-stop-campaign. the westerners also referred to the fact that an investigation must be carried out that would reveal the true organizers of these same... shots and these same snipers who fired at people on the maidan. well , look, since the fourteenth year, how many years have passed, no one has been found, nothing has been established, and at the same time, let me remind you, it was the actions of the snipers that became an opportunity for the westerners to recognize the illegal authorities, in order to launch. they lacked provocation during this entire procedure, but she there were them. at the same time, we clearly understand that the current kiev regime, in conditions of its effectiveness and legitimacy, makes it clear that
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it will no longer play. in democracy, will no longer even play, i am sure that the bank will try to crush dissent literally at the roots, but we will talk about this very berkut case a little later, now about an important date: june 7, marks 230 years since the publication of the highest rescript of the russian empress about, as it was said there, the establishment of... a harbor with a merchant pier in the black sea bay on the site of the former turkish settlement of hadzhibey. as a matter of fact, this marked the beginning of the future russian city of odessa. the mentioned rescript was issued to vice admiral osip deribas with instructions to begin developing the port and settlement. today , the kiev regime continues its efforts to eradicate from the public consciousness of the population, and indeed the world, everything russian or anything
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that somehow connects ukraine. with russia, unfortunately, odessa was no exception, it became just another confirmation. in december twenty-two, let me remind you, the city authorities, as part of a frenzied campaign to combat, as they put it , the imperial and soviet legacy, destroyed the monument to the founder of the city, catherine ii, her associate, who made a tremendous contribution to the construction of odessa. we talked then about how even the hated people of today did not allow themselves to do this. bandera, the bolsheviks, who, after dismantling the monument in 1920, transferred many of its elements, including a bronze figure of the founder of odessa, to the local regional museum. but as they say, everything got mixed up in those very heads which, apparently, were completely filled with bloody thoughts in the kiev regime. and the monument was demolished and dismantled. let me remind you,
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by the way, then. after this monument was first dismantled in 1920, these elements, preserved, including by the bolsheviks, were used to restore the monument in its original place at the beginning of the two thousandth, when submitting, by the way, an application to unesco for inclusion in the twenty-third year of the historical center of odessa in the list of world heritage sites, being under threat, the ukrainians provided photographs of the blocked monuments to catherine and alexander suvorov,
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will triumph, and odessa will again be free, forever getting rid of those who are trying to make odessans forget the glorious past of their beloved city, its labor and military feat. well, how can you forget the founders of this city, well, only if the country, the people, the leadership of this state really suffer from historical amnesia. and i would like to say a few words about the next military aid packages in mtr. zelensky again travels around europe with an outstretched hand from may 27 to 28, he was received in madrid, brussels, lisbon. bilateral agreements on so -called security were signed there. let me remind you that it was similar earlier. and i emphasize that it is very important that documents that do not have legal force were concluded. but again, the word can probably be put in quotation marks, kiev with britain, canada, germany,
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france. denmark and other countries, one of the main provisions, we have already commented on this, is similar to a document is confirmation of western countries to continue providing military assistance to the armed forces of ukraine. spain announced a $1.2 billion military aid package, which will include missiles for the petrit air defense system and leopard tanks, but only a sixth of the weapons will be supplied from existing ones. arsenal, the rest is an order for the spanish military-industrial complex. belgium intends to spend about $1 billion on the needs of the armed forces of ukraine in the twenty-fourth year, do it now, and transfer it by the twenty-eighth year 30 f-16 fighters. all this information is extremely in demand and needed by those from these same countries.


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