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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the interest rate in savings is more profitable with prime. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. and now briefly about the main economic events of the day: the ministry of finance called the crypto industry a locomotive of economic development. this was stated by deputy finance minister ivan chebeskov. according to him, the department has been discussing the issue of comprehensive regulation of the crypto industry for many years. u many russians have digital assets. such citizens must be protected from deception by unscrupulous sites. on the other hand, the ministry of finance sees huge potential for using these assets, including for investment projects. the element group, a leader in
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the field of microelectronics in russia, raised 15 billion rubles as part of its ipo, the company reported: the placement took place at the lower end of the price range of 223 rubles per lot. this corresponds to business capitalization at the level of 105 billion rubles. trading in securities has already started today. export prices for russian wheat increased by 15% over the month. by may 24, the price of grain reached. 45 dollars per ton, a businessman writes about this with reference to the center of price indices. analysts note that the price exceeded the national mercantile exchange index of $235 for the first time in 8 months. experts attribute this trend to the end of the discount period for the new crop. as a result, contracts for supplies to foreigners are concluded at a higher price. at the same time, the eu council approved the barrier duties on grain manure from russia and belarus. about this on social networks. said the first deputy head
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of the european commission, valdis dombrovskis. as the department previously stated, we are talking about wheat, eggs, corn, sunflower seeds, as well as feed. at the same time, they announced the amount of duties up to 95 euros per ton. this corresponds to 50% of the value of wheat on the european market. according to europe’s plan, duties will undermine russia’s income, as well as create an opportunity for the import of ukrainian grain into the eu. the decision will come into force on july 1. it was news economy. short.
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you will die, and i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many danes went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, in a roundabout way i went to serve as volunteers, i learned what it’s like... to be in a war, specifically
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front line, the youngest is also a brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, there is something to learn from the young guys.
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a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile will make a rainbow in the sky.
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the sportsmaster mobile application. in the russian lotto we will raffle off country houses in honor of the anniversary, a golden keg, and an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. tickets on the website are branded. it’s more profitable with prime that we bring back from traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip. avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback and bonuses. meet the free children's sber card, limited design, access to
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a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. russian special services prevented a large-scale terrorist attack in crimea, the fsb reported. according to operational data, several local residents recruited by ukrainian intelligence were preparing a series of explosions on the railway. after this, it was planned to launch a missile strike on the peninsula. emil mirsaev has details. a special operation in crimea, employees of the federal security service break into the agent's house. ukrainian special services, your phone number, i lost it, clear questions, unclear answers, after accessing the correspondence, it becomes clear why: to put a mirror under the slats in the lenin area. this instruction was sent by a certain andre, an employee of the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian armed forces.
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from kiev, using messengers, he supervised the work of several saboteurs at once, they detained and interrogated all of them. the first task is to go here and see the air defense installed on the mountain. take photographs, send him military installations, also the movement of troops, substations, bridges, also remove hiding places and re-pawn other places. all four recruited by a local resident. named bakhtiyar, he demanded a mandatory receipt, agreeing to work for the special services of the ministry of defense of ukraine. bakhtia ronzhechin gave clear instructions about the results and reported to kiev. i went through full instructions with the shepherd, preparation, everything, everything, everything, showed him, told him how to work with the phone, prepared it almost 95.5%. this one said that he would not let you down, he would have everything under control. this audio message is all that was left from the recruiter when he opened it here. a rare cache detonated a homemade explosive device,
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four more such unexploded ones were found among the detainees, each weighing a kilogram, for what they were needed - the saboteurs themselves say: to lay a cricket under the gun, blow it up, stop the train, and then a missile strike will be carried out. there shouldn't have been just one explosion, there had to be several. the ssu wanted to leave crimea without railway connections, not only military, but also civil. i advise the enemy, so to speak, to send here only those to whom they have already said goodbye, exchanged their papers, wrote their wills, and can go. it's minimum for the second time in the last month, when the federal security service detained ukrainian saboteurs in crimea, they face up to 20 years in prison for preparing a terrorist attack, as well as for illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, forwarding or carrying of explosives or explosive devices. emil mirsaev, news. at avito
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a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. now footage from. presidential service, dear friends, good afternoon, can you hear me, you see, everything is fine, everything is working. great, at the beginning of our meeting i would like to congratulate all young citizens of russia, parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors, on international children’s day. this holiday is filled with warmth,
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joy, sincere emotions, and is widely celebrated in our country, where...
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so that as many children as possible are born into russian families, i emphasize this is the fundamental task of our state policy, working for the future for the sake of the future, i want to wish all the children happiness, joy, faithful, reliable friends, dear friends, go for it,
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dream, conquer the highest peaks on the road of knowledge and... you will definitely succeed. on the eve of international children's day, we traditionally honor large families with many children in our huge country. and today i am glad to greet families where the parents were awarded the order of parental glory, as well as a family where the mother received the honorary title of mother heroine, recently revived in our country. families like yours are certainly the pride of our country. you carefully preserve the best traditions, without reserve give yourself to your children, raise them in an atmosphere of love, this is the most important thing, mutual support, do everything so that they grow up as happy, successful, worthy people, continue the history of your families, your family and pass on to the next
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generations those values, principles, which you value and which unite the... country, of course, a large family, raising children is intense everyday work, you know this like no one else, but at the same time, children for parents are an incomparable happiness, perhaps , the main thing for anyone person, your example, like that of many other wonderful families with many children, is a clear confirmation of this, i am sure that such an example inspires young people who are just starting their... adult life, a family where three or more children grow up should certainly become the norm, natural way of life, and we are moving precisely in this direction, in recent years the number of large families in russia has grown by approximately 26%, now there are already more than 2 million such families, we
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are constantly expanding and improving the system - nationwide measures to support families, in this year, let me remind you, a single status for large families was established and this was done precisely at the request of large families with whom i met, this is very important from the point of view of equal social guarantees throughout the country, i hope that regional and local authorities will continue to supplement the existing federal worlds, with their own decisions and programs, help... specific families; families, especially, of course, large families, must see and feel the respect with which the state and society treat them. you know this year has been announced year of the family.
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gaining knowledge in this area and then applying it, including to raising children in the future. everything i wanted to say at the beginning, thank you very much for your attention, please, whoever would like to say something, please raise your hand, and oh, the girl there accepted the hand of the kamchatka territory. kamchatka, please return kamchatka, come on, my dears, kamchatka region, raised her hand, sitting on her mother’s lap, on
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her lap, apparently, yes, with bows, bows, that’s what he said, vladimirovich, vladimirovich, hello, hello, my dear, what’s your name, dashay marshkina, very good. it's your - it's your sister's birthday today, right? yes, yes, did you congratulate her? no, no, well, well, you will congratulate, uh, someday, and what are you, good, and what will you give her as, listen, as a gift, what will you give her, what will you give, you see my wife? wow, you don’t feel sorry, well done, you love your sister,
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okay, that little one is crying, it’s okay, she also wants to talk, mom wants it, no, it’s just that it’s already a little late in kamchatka, i understand, yes, everyone is already tired and wants to sleep, and the baby there already wants to sleep, of course, you’re great, you don’t feel sorry for yours. wife for your sister, you are a very kind girl, well done, that’s how you treat your loved ones, she loves you, that’s probably why you give her your suv, you feel that your older sister loves you, well done, i want to wish you all the best, it’s great that you have such a friendly family, maybe mom or dad will say something, mom is okay in the car, it’s quiet talk, lida, bye, can we lida have the floor? i also wanted to say after the congratulations, please, please, thank you very much for the congratulations, it’s very nice, you see, sister, how well she treats you, this
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is not by chance, she probably feels that you love her and answers you in the same way, even her own they give you the teddy bear, that’s great, mom or dad, probably, hello, vladimirovich, hello, thank you very much for the honor and trust, thank you for such a high award, we are very pleased that we are part of an example for many families, and this is a really worthy emphasis for many large families, and i think that thanks to this, many will take a healthy principle, an example for... in order not to be afraid to create such strong, good families. thank you very much, may god bless you with health and give you wise rule in our multinational, large
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country. thank you, thank you, thank you, all the best to you, i haven’t been to kamchatka for a long time, how is the situation there now, how do you assess the situation in the social sphere, do you feel support from the local authorities, how are your relations with the local authorities, but you can always, yes i will say, vladimirevich, hello, hello, i’ll take the floor a little, but about the order, everyone is asking, but how... yes, how this award, you were striving, well, we say, we honestly lived our own way of life, so to speak, and well, of course, you didn’t even aspire, and as i ’m always asked, did you receive an award there for the heroine, the mother, i say, yes we don’t give birth to children for the sake of heroism, well, in general, thanks to the administration, they interceded somehow, made sure that we were awarded this honor, of course it was very pleasant, unexpectedly it was even pleasant, that’s why we will try to give. example,
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thank you very much, my daughter is on your lap looking at me through binoculars, but i can see you well even without special devices, all the best, all the best, i must visit you, i will definitely come to kamchatka, guests, yes, with pleasure , please, i beg you, let's move on.
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radskaya station where i work, and we want to express gratitude specifically to you and the people who took a significant part in helping to take care of our family, of course, there are many difficulties, indeed the situation, situations are difficult, but with god's help we overcome, we overcome all the difficult moments of life, we thank you for the high reward that, which my wife olga vladimirovna was honored with.
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something to be proud of, there is something that certainly makes you happy in life, the most important thing is your children, do you have any questions olga vladimirovna, i have trouble hearing, very badly, maybe there are any questions, wishes. well, we met with representatives of the municipal authorities and prepared certain questions, they will be presented to you, as i was told, in general there are a lot of questions, they are significant and concern not only our family, but maybe even many large families of the russian federation, well, i asked some questions regarding status, determination of need, well, i work in our family, it so
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happens that our god. surrounded by very caring and attentive people, in the person of our governor, alexander yuryevich, we they received a lot of care and help also in the person of the director of the station, vladimir ivanovich pereguda, that is, the care on their part was personally shown to a considerable extent, to a greater extent, because well, my income slightly exceeded the subsistence level until the last twenty-four year, and well accordingly, it turned out that we sort of... launched all the social programs for the reason that there was a slight excess, only in the twenty-fourth year they provided us with help, well, they asked questions, there were such interesting reactions, as if the most a large family in the leningrad region, and social assistance goes around the country, well , it turned out that the income exceeded a little, yes, yes, yes, of course, by the way, they paid attention to this, tatyana alekseevna also talked about this...


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