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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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we use laser sensors, these dots are the places where the laser hits, we measure these distances, we actually see the state of the rail itself, which is described here, and the location of the rail in space, how they are located, if any retreat, here we will see a yellow or red square, which will indicate to us the degree of this deviation, and this is equipment that literally shines through the rails and allows the engineer to see internal defects or chips, here in appearance. that we look, and this, roughly speaking, is an x-ray for reality, yes, yes, yes, if we see any deviations from the norm, yes, we record this matter, which means we record it and transmit it, so to speak, to the emergency room station, according to our testimony, they additionally check these places that same night, the train also has eyes, more sensitive than a person’s, thermal imagers, cameras and infrared sensors are placed in front, overheating of the contact rail or water leakage into the tunnel will be immediately visible on the monitors . we go every day
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along different lines, let’s say yesterday we drove along kaluzhskaya-rizhskaya, today we’ll go along the big clitsevaya, well, every day we check, even a month several lines, well , twice, the length of the moscow metro tunnels is almost 500 km, it’s like a distance from moscow to nizhny novgorod, however, inside the tunnels , millimeters count, every deviation from the norm is recorded and eliminated on the same day, all for the safety of passengers. vladimir bazov, vitaly melkov, daniil korsakov, lead the duty department. in the samana region, doctors are fighting for the lives of schoolchildren who were hit by a powerful electric shock from a high-voltage power line. creepy footage from the city of chepaevsk is spreading across news feeds. teenagers are returning home from fishing, one of them, for the sake of a stupid prank , jumps to reach the wire with his fishing rod and at the same moment all three of them seem to be pierced by lightning. the impact scatters the boys on the ground; the victim is now in hospital in very serious condition. state traffic inspector. the russian ministry of internal affairs
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has launched an all-russian social campaign to promote security. within its framework drivers will be told the rules for choosing a speed limit. the love of road racing is often one of the main factors in an accident. so last year, every fifth road accident was due to the fact that one of the participants violated the speed limit. my colleague alexander ostakhov will continue. trofimova street in the southeast of moscow. a car rams two teenagers on an electric scooter who were crossing the road to krasny. here's some more footage not for the faint of heart: a seventeen-year-old guy somersaults in the air after a collision with a car, the owner of this motorcycle that state traffic police officers park on the sidewalk and completely died. according to preliminary data, the biker was racing along the garden ring at a speed of more than 100 km/h and flew into oncoming traffic, where he was run over by a bus. the reasons for these accidents are stopped by the police, but it is already clear that the accidents could have occurred due to too high a speed, the numbers speak for themselves, last year it was almost like...
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well, there are no fines. therefore, the topic of the next press conference was the speed limit. experts from relevant departments gathered to discuss how reduce the number of high-speed accidents. all this is part of a new social campaign to promote safety. sooner or later i will return to the road again, i am made of iron, unlike you. since 2017, deaths on russian roads have been reduced by 30%. their quality has improved, and control over those who like to drive without rules has been strengthened. a paradox among drivers on russian roads. look, the speed limit sign is 30 km/h, and many people see the number 50 there and press the gas pedal harder. according to the rules, for exceeding +2.
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wind, sudden precipitation, which are impossible to predict at the design stage, the limit sign is not a dogma, that is, if we see risks that the driver cannot... fit into this speed, it is better to reduce it. when discussing responsibility on the road, experts often cite german drivers as an example. in germany, on many sections of the autobahn there are no speed limits at all. at the same time , the death rate on the roads is much lower than in russia. but there are more modern highways there, and the state of transport is more strictly controlled. and, as nikolai gogol wrote, what kind of russians don't like driving fast. therefore, it is better for us to maintain speed limits for now and be sure to comply with them. alexander ostakhov, dmitry kanovalov, lead. duty department. the entire operational news feed of legal news is in our telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and an honest detective. follow along with us. and that's all for now. tatyana petrova was with you. see you at 21:30. these are the facts and we
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continue. russia is going through serious trials. the right of the people to determine their own destiny is defended. this was stated today.
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we were awarded this honor, of course, very much it was pleasant, unexpectedly it was even pleasant, that’s why we will try to set a good example, thank you very much, my daughter is on your lap looking at me through binoculars,
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but i see you well and even without special devices, good morning everyone, the family has nine children shishovs are from chuvashia people.
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gratitude, but also from those of our guys who receive both your things and your letters, you know how important this is, for people who risk their lives, for the interests of our country, in the interests of families like yours, communication with the president today a large family from donetsk also came out, oleg volga told how for the first time in 2014 he and his wife traveled outside the republic, the older children paid for the tickets.
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yes, times are difficult, since 2014, donetsk, the donetsk republic, and then lugansk have been living in such difficult, let’s say, conditions, i have no doubt that this situation will change, it will change for the better, it will be sustainable , everything will be calm, stable, everything will develop, and donetsk. donetsk republic, lugansk, kherson region,
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zaporozhye region, everything will develop in as part of russia, the russian federation, in our common big family. the president spoke about the family as the basis of the state today at the ceremony of presenting state awards, the title of mother-heroine, from the tver region, from her... russia - these are military personnel who defend the country’s right to choose its own destiny. we are going through serious trials, defending truth, justice, the sovereignty of russia and the right of our people to determine their own destiny. on the front line. of this struggle, those who fulfill their military,
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professional, civic duty in the field of a special military operation, fights on the battlefield, works in hospitals, restores, improves life in our historical territories, hero stars are awarded to military personnel, participants in a special military operation, you are the true support and armor of russia. you look up to worthy reference points, to the courage and brotherhood of the generation of winners. in addition to those who are fighting on the front line, in the hall today was one of the soldiers of the great patriotic war, ibrahim pasha sadykov, 100 years old, as he himself jokes, still young. i am ready to serve my homeland even today, i even wrote a letter to the minister of defense to be sent to the front. me now.
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efforts to protect russia, its sovereignty, its security, and once again i want to say that with such a leader, we, a national leader, we will definitely... achieve everything, i really liked your words yesterday at the state council and the council for strategic development, when you they said that everyone, all of us must... work even more successfully, more efficiently, selflessly, as our guys do at advanced, it seems to me that this is an order to all of you, i am not a military man, but i will still say, i serve russia. the order of merit for the fatherland was presented today to the chairman of the state
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duma vyacheslav volodin, the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin, as well as the artistic director of the mariinsky theater. and general director of the bolshoi valery gergiev. state awards, as the president promised, were transferred to the minister who worked in the previous cabinet, victoria abramchenko, nikolai shulginov and oleg matytsin. outstanding citizens, each of whom, as emphasized president, make an outstanding contribution to the development of russia, each at their own turn. or, to quote alexander nevsky, what vladimir putin actually did today. everyone will fight where they stand. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you
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demanding to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, and it is impossible to register remotely, you can only update your data remotely, but for this you must have an account on the reserve plus service. and here’s another innovation in square: they decided to abandon the idea of ​​a property qualification during mobilization. reports this. local media, we are talking about the idea of ​​​​exempting people with high incomes from mobilization, which are considered to be a salary of 35,000 hryvnia, the general staff spoke out against it, they decided that such an initiative will be perceived by society as unfair, which will lead to a drop in morale in the army. but perhaps this is not the case at all, the critical shortage of people in the army. information even appeared on the internet that they plan to lower the age of those mobilized to 18 years. zinaida kurbatov has all the details. the mother pushes away the tsk employee with her hip, rushes inside, but gets stuck in the turntables, screaming mercilessly, this is
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an unsuccessful attempt to recapture her son from the clutches of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment office employees, took place in krivoy rog. why are you twisting your hand, i don't no one bothers to put the phone away. a new way to mobilize knitting men at points of delivery of online orders. it’s interesting that in this way they kill two birds with one stone and the guy is mobilized and the order is appropriated for themselves. people accuse online stores of giving an order as a bonus. they hit my boy in the face, took away his goods and wanted to take him to the front by force, but he was able to escape. of course, particularly greedy tcc employees tend to extort for a mobilization certificate. in odessa, such an employee demanded that the boy pay certificate 300 liters of gasoline. in volyn they extorted 3.0 dollars for removing a person liable for military service from the wanted list. the true leader of the situation overseas is not interested in the legitimacy and democracy of mobilization. in ukraine, but employees of western companies were protected so that business would not suffer, and the head of the kharkov military administration oleg sinegubov has already suggested that zelensky go further, calling for, starting from the age of 17,
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to consider the possibility of amending the law of ukraine on military duties and military service and consider opportunity conscription of the armed forces of ukraine for students of educational institutions of all forms of education, men who have reached the age of seventeen. lawyer nadezhda shulyak explains in an interview with one of the ukrainian tv channels if the documents are incorrect. formalized, the student’s grief will be immediately tied up and sent to the front. i would recommend taking with you an extract from the order for enrollment of undergraduates and graduate students, which clearly states that this is enrollment in full-time education for a certain person. if there is only certificate form 20 and it is still expired, then the person will have problems. nowadays, few people can evade mobilization, the term is partially valid, it no longer exists, unless the paralyzed person is taken away. since mid-may , there has been active mobilization of women, including the head of the ukrainian ministry of justice. denis malyusko admits the possibility of attracting female prisoners; sbu officers have already begun to mobilize. there is a category of officers who are at the disposal of
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the state. so vasily malyuk signed an order that such sbu servicemen will be sent to the armed forces of ukraine for participation in hostilities, since the sbu officers have military ranks, it is very simple, by order they are transferred to ... mines, the kind the us army used in vietnam, iraq and bosnia. zenaida kurbatova, anna povesyeva, lead. former ukrainian prime minister mykola azarov called vladimir zelensky an impostor, saying that since may 21 he has lost legitimacy. on the air of the fifth studio
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, azarov explained that under martial law, zelensky had to apply to the constitutional court for permission to extend his powers. well, with similar ones statements today were made by one of the authors of the current ukrainian constitution, former deputy prime minister of ukraine dmitry tabachnik. the topic will be continued by stanislav bernwald.
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are carried out, according to this law, in the event of the expiration of the term of office of the president of ukraine, during martial law, his powers continue until the newly elected president, elected after the lifting of martial law, takes office, but this is not the task, this law directly opposes itself to the main law ukraine, the constitution, where it is clear it is said that the presidential term is 5 years, that’s all, without any additions. the only body that has the right to interpret. the position of the constitution, in my opinion, in any country, this also applies exactly to ukraine, this is a constitutional court, elections, for example, are appointed by the parliament, not the president, therefore zelensky, issuing his decree on the cancellation of elections and, so to speak, the unauthorized extension of powers, committed an obvious crime, and against the laws of ukraine, against the constitution, he had no right to do this, according to the ex-prime minister of ukraine
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azarov, a few months before the end...
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in place, poroshenko is on his heel, so the topic of the illegitimacy of zelensky’s presidency may already be picked up by forces hungry for power in ukraine itself. stanislav bernwalt, news!
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