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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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more than 10 million children. the mechanism will work in conjunction with an increase in standard tax deductions for the second and third child. as a result, the tax for families with children will be recalculated at a rate of 6%. we provide a mechanism under which parents in families with two or more children with an average per capita income of less than one and a half times the minimum subsistence level per month will be compensated for part of the personal income tax paid through payments from them. said that the effective tax rate should be 6%, that is, out of 13% more than half of the bets will be returned to such families. regarding taxation for entrepreneurs, the key proposal is to increase the income tax from 20 to 25% while simultaneously abolishing exchange rate export duties. at the same time, there will be no adjustments in various preferential regimes. vat rates and rules will also remain unchanged. but
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taxation for reentry industries, in which the level of operating profitability significantly exceeds the average value, will change, for example, production mineral fertilizers, iron ore mining. taking into account the abolition of exchange rate export duties from january 1 next year and the high level of profitability in these industries, we consider it justified, in addition to increasing the corporate income tax, to adjust the formula for calculating rental taxes for them, increasing the level of rental burden to the minimum. they also propose to adjust a simplified taxation system for small medium-sized businesses. income thresholds will be increased to 450 million rubles with the simultaneous introduction of obligations on payment of vat for companies with income of more than 60 million. the vat rate can be chosen taking into account the right to receive deductions. as mikhail mishustin noted, the current changes should make the tax system more balanced. she must provide. united russia, this is a tenth of
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voters in the regions where elections will be held in the fall. united russia conducted the selection of candidates to participate in them from may 20 to 26, and the results were summed up on thursday. the general council has already noted that after the upcoming elections they expect, among other things, a serious renewal of the deputy housings.
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elections, which is natural, we have the greatest interest among deputies in the moscow city duma, it’s clear, i think there’s no need to explain to anyone, there’s a competition, almost 10 people per seat, already at the level of candidate registration we recorded a serious renewal and rejuvenation, this was confirmed by voting results, among the winners only 30% are current deputies; the preliminary voting took place entirely in electronic format. from may 20 to 26 and everyone registered on territory of the subject voters. in total , more than 2.5 million people cast their votes for the candidates. it should be noted that united russia is the only political party in the country that selects candidates for deputies at all levels through an open popular vote. thus, the list of candidates is formed by the voters themselves. our winning candidates are representatives of literally everyone.
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54% of them are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, education, state and municipal administration, but as you correctly noted, the president said, that deputies and representatives of executive authorities should work in the same way as the guys work on the line of combat contact, these are the kind of candidates we need, honest, courageous, courageous, professional, skillful. this year they took part in the preliminary voting. more than 22 thousand people, it is noteworthy that almost half are women, and 210 sbo members are also vying for the positions of party candidates for regional elections. since i finally returned from the nwo zone, this topic is closer to me. support veterans, those who returned with injuries, the recovery period, support for this material support, to achieve something somewhere. it’s just that someone
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simply doesn’t know and doesn’t know where to look, for me helping them with this is a task, in addition to the fact that those who returned... for me it’s important those who are there, support in terms of volunteering movement, provision of humanitarian assistance. technological solutions were actively used to attract people to vote; in tv, for example, special digital polling stations, mobile voting points operated in altai, and personal campaigning in chukotka. another update for these primaries: 33% of the winners were non-partisan, but at the moment they... have already received their tickets, well, i consider it a better party, because it helped a lot and is still helping the participants of the svo, and other categories of citizens , for example, chelyabinsk is known as a city of labor glory, it very well
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supports workers in the military-industrial complex, education workers, well, in general the entire category of citizens. it seems to me that this is not ignored, so to speak, so i am ready to join this team and , accordingly, make my contribution. also today, at a meeting of the presidium of the general council of the party, it was decided that former minister of sports oleg matitsin will take part in the primary with united russia before the state duma elections in the bryansk region, and former deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko in the rostov region. let me remind you that the single voting day this year is scheduled for september 8, the elections will be held at forty-two subjects of the country. in the regions there will be... elects deputies at the regional and local levels, we are talking about seats in thirteen legislative assemblies, also in twenty- one city dumas. in addition, direct elections of mayors and heads of twenty-three regions will be held. anna voronina, ivan lavrikov, alexander shestopalov, valentina velichanskaya, news. the strongest heat in 80 years has hit
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the capital of india, with the thermometer almost reaching 53° celsius. abnormal weather was recorded in most of the country, resulting in deaths. not less than 60 man, about the dire consequences of drought in india in a report by our own correspondent evgeniy davidov. in the boiling air, new delhi, india gate and the presidential palace look like a mirage. the capital recorded its highest temperature on record at 52.3°, the india meteorological department reported at 12°. 32.3° is the record breaking temperature. the weather forecast is disappointing, the map is red, which means it is unsafe to go outside. i drink lemon water, cover my head, sit in the shade, but even so it doesn't get any easier. the heat is such that even drinking plenty of water can’t help, the car’s steering wheel
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burns your fingers, and boiling water flows from the tap in the apartment, the surface air is heated to the limit. flash mob on indian social networks, local residents organize culinary... scrambled eggs, break the egg and wait a couple of minutes, the abnormal heat affects not only humans.
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here in rajasthan it is always so hot, at noon we do not leave the house, we sit next to the air conditioner and the pool is our salvation. construction work has been stopped amid the heat, people are called. use water rationally; due to the inclusion of air conditioners , energy consumption has also increased, and interruptions occur in some areas. evgeny davidov, vladislav dadonov and evgeny samsonov, news from india.
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and what solutions are available for business in this area. there is a good expression that a cow has on the tongue, then in the milk, so it depends not only on what she ate, but also on the health of the animal. the twenty-second year simply gave, to put it mildly, such an impetus, which was kicked very well when western companies that supplied american, danish, german, yes, they simply stopped supplying. you can put your paw to your cheek, and if you feel that heat is coming from it, you need to work it out, the main thing is not to put it on yourself, feel the warmth, in 7 years, our agricultural production volumes should increase by 25%, compared to twenty in the first year,
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exports should increase by one and a half times; agricultural surveillance has a special role here, primarily in preventing the spread. gives us the safety of milk in veterinary terms, if this document is not there, or it is drawn up incorrectly from our point of view, we do nothing further, we do not even open the car section of the tank, if we have confirmed the presence of the document and the document says that the milk is really safe in veterinary terms, we begin to control it, open a section,
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we take a sample with a sample and we already come to the laboratory, production has become a pilot project, new digital services came here in 2015, thanks to technological solutions it was even possible to identify counterfeits? we had a case where, using the mercury system, we tracked and prevented the spread of counterfeit goods, when the product was supposedly produced at a training and experimental dairy plant, but in fact it was not produced here and was simply sold under our guise. ensures product safety and quality. federal state bet information system, it covers the entire production chain of circulation of raw materials and consists of sixteen components. here are just a few of the main ones. cerberus is control and accounting of legally significant actions in the field of veterinary supervision. serano, an early warning system, signals violations during laboratory control, and mercury is
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an electronic veterinary certification that includes all stages of production of raw materials and detects violations. at the enterprises themselves, the system builds a chain certificates from raising animals to selling finished products, and 86% of them are made by mercury itself, without using human labor, on average 13 million veterinary accompanying documents are issued per day, 4.700 million per year. we conduct tastings, production and quality control, is this a full-time job, tasting?
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suppliers suddenly had some questions regarding quality, i see some kind of number there, just electronic veterinary certificates, where all this is written down, deliveries come from all over russia, every day on this line deboning 200 tons of pork, production is as automated as possible, but manual labor cannot be done here, each deboner processes 6 tons of pork per shift, it’s very physically difficult, look at the guys here, real heroes. previously , veterinarians at the plant also needed heroic strength, when for every kilogram of meat there was a stack of paper documents. we still remember those times when we had to spend a lot of time and money just on application forms, our employee had to fill out all the forms and go to the office of the veterinary service, where there was a line of people, where in this line there were
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large, small, medium, professional, not professional companies, but it was as if they came to the store, stood b... today, of course, thanks to electronic all systems, we have forgotten what it is. now the construction of a second production site is underway, where canned food will be produced, there will be even more documents, but now the mercury platform is responsible for this part of the work. now you only see a computer on the table, and a small closet with some necessary documents. previously, there were piles of papers. today the company works in foreign markets, supplies meat to the european union countries, serbia, vietnam, and documents for export. prepared in a few clicks. to supply products to foreign markets, a veterinary certificate is required. you can get it through the my export platform. she works under the national project international cooperation. and export of more than 100 electronic services for exporters, in one window mode, consultations on logistics services, assistance in certification and searching for buyers,
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they will fill out an application and issue a certificate for free if the product meets all the requirements, everything is done within one day, foreign buyers are confident in the quality of russian products, dozens of delegations come to us every year to check, here... milk we made counters and modules for calculating fat and protein, that is, you received 100 tons of milk with 3.5% fat content, from these 100 tons of milk you
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can produce, taking into account the fat content , this is the amount of product and that’s it, the system itself produces more automatically gives, when we launched, it turned out that in four months of september, october, november, december, we made more detections than in the previous 2 years? risk indicators are triggered, yes, if risk indicators are triggered, this is a reason for control and surveillance activities, last year more than 273,000 were carried out, this year there are already over 100,000, but more activities to prevent violations are information, consultation, preventive visits and warnings. in 2023, more than such events were held 1,156,000, this year about 700,000. there are checks, they are carried out in the form of a direct audit, that is , some specific recommendations are given to improve the situation with biosecurity at the factory,
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so perhaps somewhere it is necessary to additionally install a disinfection mat, put ditches with a disinfection solution. one poultry house contains 40,000 chickens, there are 25 poultry houses, in total there are a million birds in the factories under the strictest sanitary control. the first thing that surprises you at the poultry farm is that the chickens are not yellow, but green, what is the secret? so that veterinarians are sure that all the birds have been vaccinated, the vaccine, and they spray it, add green dye, here it is at the chick, well, you’re vaccinated, go, go, if you don’t feel like it, go, go for a walk, there’s a saying, a medical doctor treats a person, and the veterinarian treats humanity, they supply the whole country with: chicken, yes, which you are watching, kirillin, a veterinarian in the third generation, continues the work of his mother and grandmother, they have been working here for 15 years, the main
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diseases for which birds are vaccinated are - infectious bronchitis, bursitis, newcastle disease, until 2022, vaccines were used mainly imported, there was a fear that domestic production would not be able to cope with that volume, since there are quite a lot of poultry complexes around the country and simply... completely cover the needs for immunization of poultry. when western companies left, the production of domestic vaccines began to grow faster; over the past 3 years, their production soared from 12.5 billion doses to 21 billion. in 2023 , 3 billion fewer doses were imported from abroad, and this volume was replenished in the same year russian companies. it turned out that the requirements for veterinary producers within the country are more stringent than for foreign ones,
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our legislators accepted this , that is, in this regard, i can tell you that it is very interesting, an invisible lobby that made it easier for foreigners work in russia than for domestic producers, when all these sanctions began, we immediately said:
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we began to purchase equipment for new premises, well, of course, make repairs, equipment, and i want to note that we are buying russian equipment alone in 23rd year, based on production results, we produced somewhere around 1.6 billion doses of the vaccine, today we have produced more than 5 billion, this suggests that we are increasing volumes, and this is some kind of intermediate story, yes, it will continue to develop, of course, they produce vaccines here, the analogues of which... there are no analogues on our market against mastitis in cows and for fish, yes, they also get sick. poultry vaccines produced here will fill the market in 2022 . we compared the immune response to vaccination that we had when receiving an imported vaccine, and what kind of immune response we had when receiving a domestic vaccine. there was absolutely no difference. the first factor is the clinical condition of the birds, we can see from it that the bird is sick, it becomes sad,
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you don’t see any sad birds here. today no, everyone is cheerful, everyone is cheerful, absolutely, i am strictly prohibited from approaching chickens, cows, happy and sad, in the next 2 weeks after visiting the vaccine production, but of course, you can probably meet another one, now in the center of moscow it’s a little difficult, unlike cottage cheese milk, they are sold at every turn, the main thing is what the consumer expects from these products, so that they are safe, healthy and of course tasty, we filmed this release in... cities, everything is not included in the program, so follow the qr code to our social networks, there is even something that usually remains behind the scenes.
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you'll die, i'm like, well, he says, who will protect
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you if? not me, many danes went to the front almost immediately after graduation school, went in a roundabout way to serve the volunteers, learned what it’s like to actually be in war, on the front line, my younger brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit and eat anymore. learn from young guys?
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former us president donald trump was found guilty. on all 34 counts of the case of forgery of documents when paying money for the silence of porn actress stormy daniels, this is the decision of the jury, the verdict will be handed down on july 11, trump could face up to 4 years behind bars or a very large fine. and announce his verdict will be by a judge who, according to media reports, is closely associated with the democratic party, and this will happen just before the republican party convention, at which trump and


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