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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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rebinin nikolai sergeevich, do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic has arrived, take it. thank you, i would help, but i can’t help. come on, guys, let's put it all together. passenger's call sign. i'll come back for you. i 'll come back. are you used to watching videos? stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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oleg nikolaevich, hello, let's talk to you about tourism potential primorsky krai, tell us, today , every year, how many tourists come, what infrastructure is already available, or the number of tourists is growing every year, you know, after the introduction. and the pandemic, it affected the fact that the population of our country, the far eastern region, began to pay more attention to their beauty, to those natural, unique places that are probably in every region, there are especially many of them in primorye, because it warm sea, bays, magnificent nature, good climate train, so we see an increasing flow of tourists, if there were, say, a million during the pandemic.
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who want to enjoy the gastronomic diversity of our seaside cuisine, that is why the seaside itself is attractive in this regard, there are a lot of different festivals, such large events - let's say, i would say of russian significance, there are such as tiger day, this festival gergiev international symphony music, this is an asian theater festival, that is.
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these are various film festivals, of course, sporting events, which we reveal more and more every year, so all of this is, well, such magnets for attracting tourists, and we see that the flow is growing, and this makes us happy, and these are the challenges that we must decide now. recently the president announced a large-scale tourism project five seas lake baikal, and aliud bay was chosen from...
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where you can see both china and the democratic people's republic of korea, there are transport links and railway and automobile, i hope that it will go into future ferry service. bukhtolyut is located about 200 km from vladivostok, but how to get there? right now, what are the possible access routes, roads, are you planning to expand railway connections, possibly the throughput. capacity of the airport, how can tourists get there? well, those tourists who come from the primorsky region by plane, that is, they arrive at vladivostok airport, and you can get there by bus, you can take a taxi there, in principle, a train goes there, and we we will send a tourist train, there is an agreement on this with the management of russian railways that a tourist train will depart, we have, in principle, quite well. it is possible to launch
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a ferry there, which will also go to the port of zarubina, which is located nearby and will receive passengers there, so by the time this resort opens, well, there is a car there. the road, which every year we, say, make it so that it is adapted for convenient travel by road, we will certainly continue its reconstruction, modernization, so there are several options for tourists to get there directly, and if there is such a resort, of course we will expand the possibilities for organizing such a massive tourist flow, the project is large-scale, several hotels, a very extensive... structure, and then people for construction will this project be enough to operate? do vladivostok universities train industry and hospitality specialists? well, not only vladivostot university - we now have many secondary vocational educational institutions preparing who are preparing tourism and
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hospitality for the project, preparing skippers, preparing administrators, that is, now we are even opening a new direction in the tourism field. these are not only cooks, pastry chefs, these are waiters, those who, well, in general , represent the face of any establishment, so we see in this, let’s say, great potential, in our secondary vocational education we entered the tourism and hospitality tourism profession, so that is, where, in general, guys are happy to receive this specialty and subsequently work for in practice, they are already assigned to the places that they will represent, but i also know... that they themselves make such large resorts their own educational centers, where they train specialists, say, those already intended and adapted to work at this particular resort. the project is being implemented on
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the basis of public-private partnership, what resources will it require from primorsky krai? you know, our task is to make a road there, our task is to provide water supply and sanitation. well, that is, we turned so that there is an opportunity to seek help from the federal government with electrification, but the investor invests in fixed assets. and in general, how do you assess the prospects when this large-scale project is launched, what economic effects will primorsky krai receive? firstly, this is 3,800 guests who will constantly stay, this will pass in a year, well, several tens of thousands one... a guest always means one or two new jobs, plus a large, very multiplying effect in transport services in the organization public catering, here in the service sector, so the project itself is a multiplier for both the tourism industry and
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the development of the khasan district, so we are confident that this will be, firstly, the first year-round large-scale resort in the primorsky territory, and it... five seas lake baikal, the largest tourism project in the modern history of russia. new resorts will be built in nine regions of the country; they will become part of the national program for tourism and the hospitality industry
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until 2030. more than 100 people are investing in the project billion rubles a year-round complex will appear in the primorsky region on the shores of the sea of ​​japan. after the introduction and sanctions of the pandemic, it affected the fact that the population of our country, the far eastern region, began to pay more attention to its beauty, to those natural, unique places that probably exist in every region in the primorye region, there are especially many of them, because this is a warm sea, these are bays, this is magnificent nature, this is a good climatic train, so we see an increasing flow of tourists, if it... was allowed during a pandemic somewhere million million 200 came, that is, now 3,800,000 come annually to the primorsky territory. aliud bay was chosen for the construction of a year-round seaside resort; it is one of the most picturesque natural areas on
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the coast of the sea of ​​japan, a favorite vacation spot for local residents, next to it there is a marine biosphere reserve, adjacent to it is the land of the leopard. primorsky krai is one of our most... top regions in terms of tourist attractiveness in the far east, it is the first among our 11 regions by the number of tourist flows, by location. accommodation, probably in general in terms of business activity, probably has all the resources for the development of active tourism, cultural, educational, sports, business, the future resort will be 180 km from the airport in vladivostok, now you can get to aliud bay by car, by bus or by rail, for the new resort, they plan to launch ferry services and a special tourist train. those tourists who come.
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vladivostok razdolnaya highway khasan, this is a road of regional significance, two-lane, and this is the most popular route for all tourists who go on vacation to the coast of the khasan district, there is a branch from the highway - to zarubino, now there is a dirt road directly from the village of zarubino, it is also planned to improve the throughput directly to the tracks. regional and improvement of access roads and road network in zarubino and
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access roads directly to bukhtial. extensive infrastructure is planned for the new resort, about a dozen hotels, of various stars, almost 4,000 rooms, restaurants, bath complexes, thermal baths, medical center, amusement park, water park, water sports schools. the total area of ​​public space will occupy 12 hectares. construction will take place in several stages up to thirty. the project is being implemented on the basis of public-private partnership. primorsky krai will provide transport accessibility and water supply for the future resort. the regional government has already turned to the federal government with a request for electrification of the territory. fixed assets for development the complex is invested by the investor. at the resort we plan to accommodate hotels, water parks, thermal complexes, a multifunctional center, of course, there will be connected facilities. it is supposed, in principle
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, to hold some kind of public events, we have about 170 hectares included in the resort area, we are now conducting a large study within this territory, conducting a comprehensive analysis of where to place objects, what objects, the order of these objects, the volume of private investment to the resort will reach thirty. billion rubles thanks to the new complex will create 2,500 jobs. once completed, it will be able to host up to 500,000 guests per year. in general, thanks to the five seas of lake baikal project, it is planned to create more than 70 thousand new rooms and about 100,000 jobs. the goal by 2030 is to increase the number of domestic tourist trips to 140 million from the current 78 million and double the contribution to gdp to 5%.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 31, 1815 , at the congress of vienna , the creation of a new state, united kingdom of the netherlands. this followed from an agreement signed between russia, england, prussia, austria and the netherlands. although the country has a long history. it was under the rule of ancient rome, the holy roman empire, and the spanish habsburgs after the revolution. in the 17th-11th centuries, the seven united provinces became an independent republic, but at
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the end of the 16th century they were occupied by the french. only the defeat of napoleon, thanks primarily to the russian army, brought the netherlands the long-awaited liberation, and russian troops fought directly on dutch territory, under the command of generals levan ryshkin, alexander benkendorf, peter balabin. russia and other powers, the winners of napoleon, needed a strong netherlands, which... would balance the influence of france, so the country was expanded to include belgium and the duchy of luxembourg, and the system was defined as a constitutional monarchy, but after a quarter of a century, belgium separated, and at the end of the 19th century, luxembourg , the kingdom of the netherlands established itself within its current borders. on this day, exactly 100 years ago, may 31, 1924, the thirteenth congress of the russian communist party, the first after lenin's death. this congress played an important role in the struggle for power between the leader's closest associates. stalin, with
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the support of zinoviev and kamenev, challenged trotsky, who was considered the second man in the party and state. having taken the post of general secretary, stalin sharply increased his influence. lenin’s letter to the congress did not help trotsky either. in it, the leader of the proletariat criticized stalin for his rudeness and proposed to remove him from the post of general secretary. but zenoviev and kamenev worked well with the delegations, and this proposal did not pass. trotsky was subjected to real persecution at the congress. he remained on the central committee, but most of his supporters were removed from there. soon trossky was deprived of all posts and sent into exile. meanwhile, stalin dealt with his former allies, zenovyev and kamenyev and other groups in the party leadership, whom he considered his rivals, and became an absolute dictator. on may 31, 1961 , the republic of south africa appeared on the world map. previously it was british colonies that have been trying to free themselves from
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the rule of london since the end of the 19th century. in the war with european settlers, the boers, the british. won, but already in 1910 they had to grant self-government to these colonies, which united into the south african union. it received dominion status, and has now become a completely independent and independent state. in yura, the policy of apartheid was pursued, dividing the population along racial lines. in reality, all rights remained with the white minority, and africans were discriminated against, segregation and all kinds of humiliation. they could not move freely around the country. vote in elections, enter into mixed marriages. the african national congress, the anc, communists and other organizations fought for their rights, including with the help of the ussr. at the end of the eighties, the apartheid regime had to make concessions and release the head of the anc, nelson mandela. he spent almost 30 years in prison. and apartheid was cancelled. and today south africa is one of the most influential states
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in the global south, russia’s partner in the brix unification. may 31, 2nd year the seventeenth fifa world cup began, for the first time it was held in asia, and in two countries at once, which was also new, in south korea and japan. everything was explained simply, only they submitted applications, and the fifa congress decided not to offend anyone when choosing. this championship has gone down in history as one of the most spectacular. the names of his mascots, ato, nik and kaz - these are fantastic creatures from the planet from the mason, were chosen taking into account the wishes of the fans who sent their suggestions to the orc. committee. the first match was played in siula and it became sensation. the senegalese beat the french, the current world and european champions. and in the final match it took place in the suburb of ikagama. the brazilians beat the germans and became five-time world champions. brazilian ronaldo was the top scorer with eight goals, including the winning goal in the final. but the title of best player went to german
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goalkeeper uli verkan. germany took silver, and turkey took third place. the surprise was the assertive play of the south koreans, but our team performed unsuccessfully, not leaving the group, losing to the belgians in the last match, although a draw would be enough to reach the 1/8 finals. this is what this day in history was like. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring. warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. owners of private houses must take care of the removal of household waste themselves. to
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do this, you need to conclude an agreement with the regional operator. we'll tell you how to do this in 5 minutes. starts instructions. let's start with msw definitions. solid municipal waste is generated in residential premises during the consumption of food products by citizens, that is, construction waste does not apply to it and is paid separately. don’t think that you can get rid of simple household garbage yourself and save money. by law, all owners of private houses are required to enter into an agreement with the regional msw operator. this can be done in two ways , directly or through a gardening partnership. there are a great many country houses in russia, so regional operators, again by law, unilaterally, by default, can enter into agreements with the owners, it is up to each home owner to... clarify the information if necessary to make changes. the regional operator, within 10 working days from the date of approval of the unified tariff for the msw removal service, publishes in the print media
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on its website a proposal for consumers to conclude an agreement and the text of a standard agreement. within 15 working days from this moment, the consumer must send an application to the operator to conclude an agreement, if need to request changes. if this is not done, it is concluded. working day after the operator has published the offer, but in such a situation it remains possible to change the conditions, according to paragraph five of article 24.7, federal law no. 89, the contract for the provision of solid waste management services is concluded in accordance with the standard contract, which is approved by the government of the russian federation federations and the contract for rendering.
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garbage removal and the service will become more expensive, request cleanliness lower than prescribed by law minimum, and even more so , you cannot completely refuse the service. you can independently conclude a flow agreement in order, for example, to clarify the number of residents, as follows: find an operator on the website of the regional division of the ministry of construction, the same information can be clarified in the local administration, then send a written application for concluding an agreement, the operator reviews it within: 15 days to complete the application you will need a package of documents, this is the owner’s passport, documents confirming ownership for the house, a certificate about the number of people living in
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the premises and a technical passport of the property; if there is no information or documents on the list, the operator has the right to suspend the review, he is obliged to identify deficiencies in 5 days, then sends a corresponding letter to the consumer, you will have 15 days to eliminate the shortcomings, otherwise applications. is considered invalid, but what to do if you bought the property from the previous owner and an agreement on the removal of solid waste had already been concluded. here we need to turn to another regulatory act, which is called the rule for handling municipal solid waste, and in paragraph 8.2 of these rules it is precisely said that when the ownership of a building, structure, structures or land plots is transferred to a new owner. and such owner is obliged to notify the regional operator about such a transfer of rights within 3 days and conclude an appropriate agreement with him. in our
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telegram chat there was a question about what to do if the contract dated 2023 includes payment for the period from 2019, in high quality they advise first of all, in such situations , seek clarification from the regional operator, if january 1, 2019 is mentioned, yes, when all this... reform, yes, they switched to a new system, and most likely the regional operator was chosen, and it was he - finally, he made the accrual, concluded the agreement in the current version on august 1, twenty -three, in fact, from that moment the obligation arises, but in this case it is still necessary to find out what happened before that moment, perhaps the house was not built, or there was another house, let’s say, existed on this plot of land, and the obligation of these... owners or possessors, it has not gone away. let us repeat the most important thing: an agreement on the removal of solid waste must be concluded by each owner of a private residential building, personally or
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collectively, through the management of snt. it is impossible to refuse the service if the consumer has not requested changes; a standard contract is automatically concluded, but an additional one can later be added to it. the new owner of the property must notify the operator within three days of transfer rights and sign. new contract, have any questions, want to know more about the rights and responsibilities of property owners, subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we will talk to experts and tell you about everything in the next issues, instructions, watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, look, look in the application or on the website. you will die, i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school. ocular ways.
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there is a lot to learn from young guys.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change your voice.
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today is an interesting day, i watched how the solemn presentation of state awards took place in the catherine hall of the kremlin, they were awarded to more than thirty outstanding citizens of russia, i knew almost everyone, many of them, relatives, friends, personal and such a feeling of pride of justice. they
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really did.


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