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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried. i’m saying now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well , it was like i was covered with a department, well, it was not visible that my leg was gone, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, with you can walk around like this, and you’ll come back from reconnaissance with these, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here, space pirates, i love children. and they will meet again, i wanted
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to offer you with my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe in some other way , maybe, any interference in time can lead to this, 100 years in the future. yes, so the main task will be solved, the situation with ukraine has taught them nothing, because, well, they believed that as soon as they forced russia to use military means here, consider that they had already won, they were deeply convinced of this, that their victory began the moment russia used force against ukraine , they terribly sought this, now they... are going to do a second similar
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thing, they want to ensure that russia is forced to use force against europe, the americans, as you exactly said, will be there until the last minute, biden is there speaks, doesn’t speak, is silent, is not silent, blinken changes 500 times, there won’t be these, there will be others, they will dodge to the last, well , the fact that they are our direct enemy and that they are all...
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look at these countries, what do we think the equipment that they describe as a legitimate target, no matter where they are, a legitimate target, no matter where they are, to strike now at these aircraft, their bases in sweden and us in general in half for their fifth article, that they will do exactly the same, like all the equipment it supplies germany, france, bases in poland, romania, just there, and you don’t even need nuclear weapons, it’s enough to send hypersound and... and see how it burns, so, therefore, we will have to solve this problem in this way, or else , well, by some other methods, i think that the main directorate of our general staff has a proposal on this issue, and what needs to be done here, we will undoubtedly do, at the moment when it is needed, i have in general here, well, not that... but i just have an understanding that
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we will definitely do this, so - if their question of world hegemony for them... is of an existential nature, then for us it is also a question of existence, less, much more, to a much greater extent, that ’s why it will have to be here, again i’m talking about i said this, i repeat once again, at the level of reference to history, we will have to meet head-on on a collision course, and this will be much more unpleasant than it was in the caribbean crisis, of course, much more unpleasant, so. with all my desires, personal, human, understandable, many, probably, yes, to find some kind of alternative, i don’t see it, i don’t find it in the historical sense, that’s because, concluding my
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speech, i’ll say that the americans sought this, behind this there was a long- term understandable calculation, a long-term plan, that’s because -
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called himself your friends, yes, well, as if he were trying to become friends, you were trying to become friends, go, here you go, well, this is the normal logic of the gang, yes, there is nothing new here, so they consider the situation as historically extremely significant for
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themselves , they view it as historical chance, they view it as the last chance, because they understand that if everything starts to crumble...
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with a firing range of 300 km, these are shadow storm missiles, scalp with a similar
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firing range, but by the way, tanks may still be suspended from them and the range will increase even more, but if german chancellor olaf scholz transfers the taularus missiles, then this is already a firing range of 500 km, and with a very decent warhead, again then, if all these decisions are made, and they have actually already been made, in my opinion they accepted. it turns out that in a zone of 300-500 km from the western border of the russian federation, well, the concept of operational rear practically disappears, and there are no objects that could not be subjected to attacks by air-launched cruise missiles. again , multirole f16 fighters will probably be transferred in the near future. at first, we are talking, in general, about a few, but still pay attention to how the western side takes care of the control of these fighters, the fighter is transferred, which is called one-two count
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completed, they already have two aircraft for long-range reactionary detection of control, that is , control issues in nato are always in the foreground - in the foreground, we always need to keep this in mind, how these aircraft will probably be used in the near future, i exclude, well, i certainly rule out the possibility that they will be used, for example, in quality. for assault strikes on frontline targets, most likely they will be used as missile carriers, again taurus, stormshadow, scalp, anti-ship missiles for striking on the ships of the black sea fleet in the ports of the caucasus narrower, since the range allows and the radius of combat use, and this circumstance must be kept in mind, of course, of course, nuclear weapons could theoretically be suspended above them, but in my opinion no one will transfer them to ukraine and ...
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strikes on airfields, on communications control centers, on warehouses with materiel, on communications, on infrastructure facilities, and i do not completely rule out attacks on facilities of the fuel and energy complex, including power plants, heating plants, overhead and cable power lines, that is, this is the area of ​​​​combat use of all the weapons that they transfer, you can already spend ...
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airfields, what a problem, how many airfields theoretically that can be used in 16 these swedish, well, you can hit them with tactical nuclear weapons, on the fingers of one hand, if you hit these airfields with tactical nuclear weapons, they cannot be used, well, the fact is that if, for example, even with concrete-piercing bombs strike here... nuclear weapons perfectly solve these and there is no need, yes, so tactical threats, but why worry? not that it decides, it reduces them to nothing, in general, then they can transfer anything they want, anywhere, moreover, they don’t have to limit themselves only to the territory of ukraine, if they want, that
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is, we just have to, i think here is to warn them in advance that this will happen if you don’t like it.
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as before, they are still achieving tactical successes, almost every day they are improving the situation at the front line, this is the question transfers, in the sense of ukraine, of this permission for everyone to use - long-range weapons on objects on the territory of the russian federation, they arose for some reason in connection with
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the fact that the russian army every day presses, presses and presses, the situation for the armed forces of ukraine... is getting worse every day and is simply becoming catastrophic in some areas. i have another asymmetrical answer. and this is the conclusion of an agreement with the korean people's democratic republic with the involvement of military-technical potential, including air defense systems, long- range destruction systems, they are very interested in artillery developments with large calibers and attracting friendly army, as was said by one of the leaders of kenderma and so on in one area. i’m just not hiding a plus... today china very interestingly said that independence courses are a declaration of war. it seems to me that the west must understand that we are not going to fight them alone, that’s not enough, we will not use any sentiment, literally at all. semyorovich, that means, well, yes, now for us, of course, question number one is not just the ukrainian
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direction, the fact that the transfer of missiles means that they have a sufficient range to hit. cities on the territory of russia, this is a resolved issue, this was expected before, it’s strange, this is an increasing conflict, so to speak, and naturally the question is how it works here, there may be a lot of questions, that’s what he said about north korea, well, in general -this is a terrible dream for the west, for the united states, this is, for example, the emergence of technology from north korea and iran capable of reaching the territory of the united states with the delivery of appropriate ammunition, taking into account the potential of these countries, the transfer of some technologies to help with this , this arose in the shortest possible time.
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this will result in obvious actions, which means actions directed including against us, but what is happening now in armenia, what is happening, is, if you like, an uprising, this is a spiritual uprising, of the majority of the population. armenia, it has nothing to do with it, which means that when it is said that pashinyan speaks in the spirit, someone is behind them, someone means a specific country, they didn’t finish no, there really is a specific person behind them,
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only not the country, but the armenian apostolic church, and i’ll say this now, which means he didn’t even guess, he doesn’t understand that there are no fools, there are such diverse political forces between who are in a very difficult situation, that by definition no country can stand behind them, behind them is the armenian apostolic church, why is the armenian apostolic church, well... excuse me, when this situation arises, it has always been in the history of the armenian people, what the church took responsibility and raised the people when it speaks, but how is it that the archbishop’s priest, that he will be the prime minister there, excuse me, in neighboring iran in general it was the great aityatala, great, this is a religious title, homini, who came and raised the people , it was not a revolution of the stomach, no, everything was fine there with the economy, it was a revolution of the spirit, the same thing is happening in armenia, take the history of cyprus, the leader of the nationality of the movement of the cypriot people, the first president of cyprus is archbishop makarus, national the hero of cyprus, this is a normal phenomenon, who could lead, and then accumulated such
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a thing that is offensive to the entire armenian people that it is no longer possible to tolerate it, there are 12-14 million armenians in the world, a little less than 4 million live in armenia, the first change, and by and large , sooner or later we know how much he sold in karabakh for, honestly, yes, for the first time in more than a thousand years of the history of karabakh there are no armenians there, they all mean a loss, and secondly, it means the surrender of their own territories. he says, third, means rejection of the genocide of the armenian people, that is, the head of the armenian state, well, there is the prime minister, the chief official, yes, not the president, renounces genocide, dozens of countries have recognized, yes, he says that there was no genocide, there was a great one, this is a term that is often used by countries that not wanting to offend the armenian people at the same time not recognizing genocide, there was no such term, a rejection of one’s own history, i didn’t make a mistake, he says, we must forget historical armenia, don’t need it, there was no armenia at all, that some , what kind of armenia, here... there was an armenian in 1991, that's all forget the rest, rejection of the symbols of the armenian people, he says, mount orat must be removed, he says, of course, we will remove it from the coat of arms, we must remove everything, that means the signs
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of the armenian dynasty, the historical ones that are on the coat of arms, we will remove this too, we will remove everything, only tell us that we will do everything, refuse contact with the diaspora, we will refuse, otherwise they have a bad influence on us, you always remember this genocide, one crazy member of parliament from the civil treaty party of pashimyan said, yes, genocide... then we’ll think about whether it’s worth admitting it, like you i like it, yes, that means that there is a small country, deeply religious, which means that it was influenced by people who are anti-religious , not in the sense that they don’t go there, they go, but by people who profess, well, let’s say, sectarians, sectarianism in armenia, sometimes we don’t pay attention to this, yes, this is a very dangerous moment when the intelligence services of the united states are very active. they use various sectarian structures also located in the post-soviet space. in armenia now more than 10% of the population are sectarians, and the sectarians are radically close to satanism. pashinyan himself
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compares itself to jesus christ, yes, it seems crazy, or what? then he compares himself to moses. many people speak without understanding what they are saying. in fact, this is such a theological, ideological formulation, structures, which means that the neo -pentecostals said so, which are considered charismatic, this is normally considered, but their center is located, where do you think? in the united states, they are all located there, they are all created, and then they spread around the world like tentacles, so to speak, they are naturally controlled from there intelligence services of the united states, that means his other one, that means the counterfeiter says that - well, that means i’m a christian, attention, but i don’t believe in the resurrection of christ and i don’t believe in god, strange christianity, but this is such a satanic anti-christian thing, so to speak, yes, they see the armenian apostolic church as an enemy when pashinyan speaks. in parliament he says: i need 2-3 months, i will destroy the armenian apostolic church, listen, we need to live, in fact , the head of the armenian state is threatening the church with its destruction, so to speak, and its 1700
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they tried to destroy it for years, it was she who survived, she always raised the people like this, so now there is an uprising, but people want to peacefully achieve the departure of this, which means, uh, god forgive the leadership or at least early elections, but he doesn’t want to leave, why and he ? does not belong to itself, you understand, its owners are in ankara, in london and in the us embassy, ​​which has been raised here many times, not only is it the largest in area in the world, but the 2,500 personnel in the american embassy in moscow are several times smaller people, and the russian embassy in yerevan is tens of times smaller, they ask why is suddenly small armenia such a huge american embassy, ​​why, why is it not in baku, not in...
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no, it’s the way it was, it’s still the same, that’s 1/3 all the armed forces, all, the ground forces of turkey, the largest of the four armies, it is deployed against whom, armenia and georgia, or what? well, this is funny, this is uninteresting by definition, what’s more, over these years they not only did not reduce, they saturated, increased their presence on the border, according to by and large on the closest approaches to the russian border in the south, now if they need it, they will need a few hours to get to ours. on the border, not somewhere on the border with the northern caucasus.
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you will die, and i’m like us, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, and went to serve
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the volunteers in a roundabout way. i found out what it’s like to actually be on line, right on the front line, my younger brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit more, there is something to learn from the young guys.
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i can’t say which corps will go where, and so on, yes, they are from the second field army. which is actually a warring army, the syrian direction, the iraqi direction, where they are fighting either with syrian militants, or god knows that for 30 years the qandil have not been able to take the main headquarters of the kunisan workers’ party in northern iraq, they removed separate units, separate units from there and increased this third watering, why? so you ask, why? yes very simple because day x they will end up in our southern...


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