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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 31, 1815 , at the congress of vienna , the creation of a new state, the united kingdom of the netherlands, was announced. this followed from an agreement signed between russia, england, prussia, austria and the netherlands. although the country has a long history. it was under the rule of ancient rome, the holy roman empire, and the spanish. habsburgs after
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the revolution in the 16th-11th centuries, seven united provinces became an independent republic, but at the end of the 18th century they were already occupied french. only the defeat of napoleon, thanks primarily to the russian army, brought long-awaited liberation to the netherlands. moreover , russian troops fought directly on dutch territory, under the command of generals levan ryshkin, alexander benkendorf, and pyotr balabin. russia and other powers that defeated napoleon. there were strong netherlands to counterbalance the influence of france. therefore, the country was expanded to include belgium and the duchy of luxembourg. ostroy was defined as a constitutional monarchy. but a quarter of a century later, belgium separated, the end of the 19th century and luxembourg. the kingdom of the netherlands established itself within its current borders. on this day, exactly 100 years ago, may 31, 1924, the thirteenth congress of the russian communist party ended. the first
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after lenin's death. this congress played an important role in the struggle for power between the leader's closest associates. stalin, with the support of dinoviev and kamenev, challenged trotsky, who was considered the second man in the party and state. having taken the post of general secretary, stalin sharply increased his influence. lenin’s letter to trotsky did not help either. congress. in it, the leader of the proletariat criticized stalin for his rudeness and proposed to remove him from the post of general secretary. but zenoviev and kamenev are good. worked with delegations, and this proposal did not pass. trotsky was subjected to real persecution at the congress. he remained on the central committee, but most of his supporters were removed from there. soon trossky was deprived of all posts and sent into exile. meanwhile, stalin dealt with his former allies, zenovyev and kamenev and other groups in the party leadership, whom he considered his rivals and became absolute dictator. on may 31, 1961
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, the south african republic appeared on the world map. previously, these were british colonies that had been trying to free themselves from the rule of london since the end of the 19th century. in the war with the european settlers, the boers, the british won, but already in 1910 they had to grant self-government to these colonies, which united into the south african union. it received dominion status, and has now become a completely independent and independent state. politics were carried out in yur. apartheid division of the population by race in reality, all rights remained with the white minority, while africans were subjected to discrimination, segregation and all kinds of humiliation. they could not move freely around the country, vote in elections, or enter into mixed marriages. the african national congress, the anc, communists and other organizations fought for their rights, including with the help of the ussr. at the end of the eighties, the apportheid regime had to make concessions and release the head of the anc. canceled and today south africa is one of the most
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influential states in the global south, russia's brix partner. on may 31 , 2002, the seventeenth fifa world cup began. for the first time it was held in asia, and in two countries at once, which was also new: in south korea and japan. everything was explained simply, only they submitted applications and the ffa congress decided not to choose anyone. this championship has gone down in history as one of the most spectacular. the names of his mascots, ato, nik and kaz - these are fantastic creatures from the planet amazon, were chosen taking into account the wishes of fans who sent their suggestions to organizing committee the first match was played in siula and it became a sensation. the senegalese beat the french, the current world and european champions. and in the final match it took place in the suburb of kagame. the brazilians beat the germans and became five-time world champions.
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brazilian ronaldo was the top scorer with eight goals, including the winning goal in the final, but it was german goalkeeper uliverkan who took the title of best player. germany took silver, and...
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and so you can’t change anything here , what happened, what happened, well, nothing is the most important thing; alive, you can walk around with people like that. and you will return from reconnaissance with these.
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vladivostok is the capital of the primorsky territory and the russian far east. last year , almost 4 million tourists visited the region, and this is far from the limit. the journey from moscow to vladivostok by plane takes 8 hours, the time difference is 7 hours, after such a journey, of course, i want to rest and recuperate, we go to a hotel near the airport. the owner of this
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recreation center in lazurnaya bay or shamara, as the locals call it, lyudmila sleptsova, came here back in the nineties. that year there were small houses here, it was an early enterprise of, say, recreation, today the recreation center is the star of the sea, it consists of a hotel with 50 rooms, almost a hundred wooden houses of various configurations, the development of business was helped by residence on the territory of the free port of vladivostok, which provides customs and tax preferences and the support of the regional authorities, well , these are our modular houses, where the state. gave us subsidies, yeah, well, naturally, we also invested, it’s year-round, year-round, year-round, here we have another one bedroom, azure bay, one of the favorite
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vacation spots of the residents of vladivostok, there is a public beach here, less than half an hour from the city, 20 minutes drive from vladivostok, there is a mountain area close to the airport, but the most important thing is that there is a beautiful sandy beach where they can relax with family. the beach is our area of ​​responsibility, well, on the beach here in the summer there is a landscaped area, there are sunbeds and umbrellas, there are many playgrounds for children, we have lifeguards working from june 15 to september 15. beach season, the hotel opened in the twenty-first year, its first guest was igor margun, it wasn’t a situation at all, well, let’s say it was tactful, but i was driving from work from smolyaninov to the city and dropped in to eat, i had been looking at this hotel for a long time, it was still standing behind a construction lock then, well, i came up, i looked,
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there seems to be some movement here, i met lyudmiluevna, i asked if i could check in, they said, yes, we are opening the day after tomorrow, but let’s do it for your sake. now the hotel is developing a restaurant menu, lyudmila hired a chef from moscow and a chef. and the pandemic, it affected the fact that the population of our country and the far eastern
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regions began to pay more attention to their beauties, to those natural, unique places that exist, probably in every region, in the coastal region there are especially many of them, because this is a warm sea, these are bays, this is magnificent nature, this a good climate train, so we see an increasing flow of tourists, if it was, say, during a pandemic, somewhere around a million million. 200 came, that is, now 3,800 thousand come annually to the primorsky region, one of the most beautiful places in the region, khasansky district, we'll go there by helicopter, no.
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the khasansky district is located in the southern part of the pacific coast, here you can find almost all natural landscapes: forests, mountains, fields, hills, meadows, valleys, rivers, and, of course, the sea, many plants, endemic to these places, there is the khasansky natural park, there is a nesting place for many redbacks. part of the territory is occupied by nature reserves, the cedar mouth, the far eastern marine reserve, a seal habitat, and the land of the leopard national park is nearby. the southern part of the khasan district is picturesque bays on the coast of the sea of ​​japan. this is where a new year-round seaside resort will be built. five seas lake baikal is the largest tourism project in the history of russia , new resorts will be built in nine regions of the country, they will become part of the national
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tourism and industry and hospitality program. by 2030 , the number of annual trips across the country will almost double to 140 million. and to do this , expand the available offer by offering a variety of tourist services, as they say, for every taste, so that citizens. could see the unique nature of russia, touch our great history and culture. in the primorsky territory , oliud bay was chosen for the new resort, which has long become one of the favorite vacation spots for local residents. this is what aliut bay looks like now: a sandy beach, wooden houses for relaxation, but very soon this place will change a lot, they will begin to build a year-round seaside resort here. the project is being implemented on the basis of public-private partnership, the supply infrastructure
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will be taken over by the authorities, the construction of the resort of all domestic tourist stuffing, investor company, resorts of primorye. at the moment, a comprehensive analysis of the territory is being carried out, engineering surveys are underway, we are now analyzing the site as a whole, where what objects can be located, because of the location. unique, it is unique not only in its natural characteristics, but in physical characteristics, hydrometeorological, including archaeological, since there are many historical time contexts layered there, and we want to take all this into account, and before to develop some final version of the first stage, we will take into account all aspects of the territory, all its advantages, all its disadvantages, then we will begin the immediate implementation
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of the first objects. due to the proximity to protected areas, including the southernmost island of russia, furugelm, where rare birds, animals and plants live, anthropogenic load will be taken into account during the construction and operation of the resort. a competition is currently being held to select architectural solutions. literally on may 13, we completed the collection of applications and... among the participants we have foreign architects, and we expect proposals from them on the visual appearance of objects, but the main pool of specialists... are russian and the level of competence of our experts is very high, competitive, they have great insight, so we have no doubt that their proposals will be very good , what the resort of the future will look like, we don’t yet know, yes, and with these architectural solutions we want to select such an object
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composition, such a content that our resort will probably be ahead of its time and... and so that it was relevant in its content and in its offer to guests, and there in 20, 30 years. another important issue that needs to be resolved is the transport accessibility of the resort: there is a road, vladivostok razdolnaya khasan, this is a regional road, two-lane, and this is the most popular route for all tourists who go on vacation to the coast of the khasaensky district. and from it there is a branch from the highway to zarubino, now there is a dirt road directly from the village of zarubino, we understand that this path cannot provide a large flow of tourists, therefore, in the plan for the implementation of a seaside resort there is a section that is specifically dedicated
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to transport, and it is planned to improve the throughput directly. on regional routes and improvement of access roads and the road network in zarubino and access roads directly to buhtealut, where the resort is located. while the easiest way to get to the bay is by car or bus, they plan to launch ferry services and a special tourist train for the new resort. those tourists who come from the primorsky territory by plane, that is, they arrive at vladivostok airport and can be reached there by bus. in principle, you can take a taxi there, there is a train going there, and we will send a tourist train, there is an agreement on this with the management of russian railways that a tourist train will go there, in principle, it is quite possible for us to launch a tui ferry, which will also run, zarubina port, which is nearby. from
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the airport to olliud bay - 180 km. over the past 2-3 years, the average passenger traffic airport increased by 20% per year, primarily due to the development of domestic passenger traffic, we note that in recent years the number of tourists to the primorsky territory has increased; in terms of domestic passenger traffic, last year we set a record of 2,350,000, this is the highest figure. even compared to pre-pandemic 2019,
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wow, we’ve arrived, there’s a turba located very close to olliud bay on cape lukina. the weather changes so quickly here, but in the morning it was cloudy, strong wind, now summer has come, it’s always like this on the coast, you need be prepared for absolutely any weather, founder. here in russia and they are immediately disassembled and arranged for each structure separately, they are assembled separately - well, more experienced personnel assemble
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one structure within 3-4 days, later they added more traditional wooden houses, well, we have a completely... regular customer, and secondly, large companies began to come to us, three of china’s successful projects in the field of tourism, firstly, delicious food, the basis. local cuisine consists of seafood, secondly, healthy sleep and relaxation, in the moscow air you recover almost instantly, but the excess energy can be spent on walking or
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cycling, thirdly, a good story that can be told later, the local is connected with udege folklore. and we took as the basis for our project the language of the indigenous small-membered peoples of the primorsky territory , the udyges, they are one of the few in the far east who have preserved their own language, their own alphabet, and we decided that both residents inside the primorsky territory and guests of our region, we use udege the language is not just as in naming, jugli from uduge means housing, that is , we want this beautiful place to become a home, albeit temporary, for every tourist who visits. to the nature reserve, and the reserve begins a little further, now we can already see frugelm island, but its inhabitants are already met here, oh, how cool, in addition to sea
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walks, at the camp site you can go for a sapakh ride, go to a restaurant, walk along the cape or take a dip into the font. well, we’ve probably been vacationing here constantly for 5 years now we always come here... we go, the place is very beautiful here, clean water, nature, i really like everything here, we constantly pass by, when we were passing, leaving, we saw that some kind of space capsules were being built here, something so unusual, and we wanted to drive here somehow, we were lucky with the weather, i think everything is fine, the fact that soon they will start building a large resort very close by does not scare the founder of the tourist center, on the contrary, in her opinion... primorsky krai is one of our top subjects by tourist attractiveness
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in the far east, it is the first among our 11 regions in terms of the number of tourists, in terms of accommodation, probably in general in terms of business activity, and probably has all the resources for the development of active tourism, cultural, educational, and sports. center of attraction for guests and residents of the primorsky territory, vladivostok. business activity here increases in early autumn, when the eastern economic forum takes place on russky island. the cultural life of vladivostok is rich all year round. artists of the seaside scene.
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stage, on the historical stage of the mariinsky theater, then to the theater, as always, preparing its cultural program. a museum and theater complex is also being built in vladivostok; it is planned to open in 2025. in the center of vladivostok, at the highest point, it is... sobka , a cultural and educational complex with an area of ​​70,000 km is under construction, it will house a branch of the tretyakov gallery, a branch
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of the country's leading theater university rgesi and the marinsky theater with a stage hall for 1,300 people. this cluster will become a new point of attraction both for residents of the far east and for numerous tourists from other regions of russia and countries. central central asia and the asia-pacific region. the primorsky territory hosts major sporting events that bring together guests from different regions and countries. in winter, an ice half-marathon, in the summer , a trail race in the land of the leopard and an international marathon on the famous cable-stayed bridges, russian and golden. today we carry out more than 500 different events and, of course, use them. that infrastructure which we have here on the territory of our region, the pearl of the far east, the primorsky region, washed by the sea of ​​japan.
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there are many rivers, lakes, very beautiful mountains, and we use all this to hold many competitions, mass competitions, attracting, of course, everyone from all regions of our country. in winter, let’s say, we have a race on ice, this is probably the only place, the only competition where you can run on the frozen sea of ​​japan. now in the primorsky territory it is being restored flow of foreign tourists, mainly from china. they are attracted by both cultural events and the nature of the region. a new resort on the coast of the sea of ​​japan with hotels, a water park, thermal complexes and heated swimming pools with sea water can become a new point of attraction for both russians and foreigners. the first tourists will be able to come to the year-round seaside
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resort in buft alioud already. in the summer of 2028, and after all construction work is completed, the resort will be able to host up to 500,000 guests annually.
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there is something to learn from young guys, slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the scammer would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count was in seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they could transfer the money go to the safe window of the bank yourself and... hang
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up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to get money out of you, hang up without talking.


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