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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 31, 2024 10:30am-10:58am MSK

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entrepreneurial initiative to launch cutting-edge projects, but most importantly, my partners and i are committed to jointly solving these problems in the spirit of friendship, mutual respect, consideration, and interest of each other. thank you very much for this detailed interview, mikhail vladimirovich, i think we can congratulate all our five countries on the tenth anniversary of yaes and you, as the chairman of the government, of course, on this holiday, on the tenth anniversary. thank you very much, thank you, thank you.
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why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people, because it historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness. because this is the basis of any national statehood, it is important that everyone who is involved in unconditional treatment of people is established, even if these the criminals are already dead, i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich, you love books, yes, i write books, the classics have arrived, take it, thank you, they would help, i ’m not helping for that, but...
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it stopped working, install, open, look , russian channels all series, movies and cartoons, educational... programs and documentaries. let's see. we look in the application or on the website. the scale is difficult to overestimate. it is almost impossible to identify the work done by a neural network, especially for an untrained teacher. answers artificial intelligence may be indistinguishable from the responses of real people. moreover, many chatbots are trained using problems from school courses. of course, this situation turned many against artificial intelligence, and even steel.
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a small model, it is proposed to issue licenses for each such training, and moreover, in fact, this is an absolutely amazing bill, in my opinion, not in a good way, but rather in the extent to which people do not understand what this is all about , it is said that the developers bear a direct responsibility for any bad deeds of these big models, and not only them, but all, but all the models that are received. even adapting
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them to specific tasks, well, which actually destroys in this particular part of the globe, all the positive activities of using this kind of model. indeed, there are positive examples: generative artificial intelligence can help teachers, for example, videos from chinese social networks, an intelligent system helps a teacher check homework, just imagine how much it saves time... there are similar developments in russia. according to government plans, by 2030, assistance in checking homework and planning the educational process using artificial intelligence should become the norm for russian schools. so is artificial intelligence a problem for modern education or, on the contrary, a tool for solving problems? how to integrate new technologies into the school learning process and explain to children that they also need to think with their own heads. this is a matter of science. i am alexander gasnikov, rector of enopolis university, ivan valerievich is our guest. a few years,
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schoolchildren will completely stop thinking, all the work will be done for them, the corresponding generative models, and in fact the work will only come down to creating the correct request, what is called prompting, are there any such risks, how do you even do this? look at everything, well , firstly, i am absolutely sure of two theses: the first is that no artificial intelligence will ever, which i really hope, replace a school teacher. because school is a unique atmosphere, not just a formal transfer of knowledge, a mathematics teacher does not just teach solving equations, he conveys the spirit of science, teaches to think, and this is communication, pedagogy is the art of communication, on the other hand, i am also
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absolutely convinced, and we see together this is based on examples, communicating with colleagues, that artificial intelligence does not remove the need for humans to think, on the contrary. firstly, at one end of direct, direct knowledge, we have a huge number of interesting, highly paid professions related to including with artificial intelligence, and the number of these professions is growing, the number of jobs is growing, for them, for everyone, you need a good mathematical education, the art of thinking, on the other hand, in ordinary life, if you used to have a telephone at home, in soviet times, for he received a bill and you had to pay as much as was due on the receipt. now a person has a huge variety of choices, artificial intelligence will help a person, provide him with information, but responsibility for what is taken the decision, no matter at work or at home, is borne by
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the person, and if a person does not have a good mathematical education, an appropriate level for life, for a profession or creative work, he will be unsuccessful in life, he will lose to others. lose money even in everyday life, so i am absolutely convinced that school is needed, mathematical education is necessary, and it cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence, another thing is what exactly it should be in the age of artificial intelligence, so that it is interesting, understandable, free from imitation, because really the use of language models, the use of those same gdz in paper form, yes, this is largely a student’s reaction. to the fact that homework is uninteresting, unrealistic, inaccessible, overloaded, the teacher does not think about the volume, i am sure that studying with such models becomes much more interesting, but also more responsible, because the child and parents will be responsible
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for studying honestly later to be successful or to imitate your studies, and education does not tolerate imitation, in fact, how to make friends with each other. technology, school education, the largest it company is planning. find out what developments russian holders of large language models have in our review. not an enemy, but a potential ally. this is how yandex’s position is formulated by company specialists. representatives say that despite all the obvious difficulties that artificial intelligence has already brought to the work of teachers, it can bring much more benefits. yandex gpt for teachers is being introduced into educational programs, for example, a textbook on promting has been developed, art is constructive communicate with ai, but it was created for schoolchildren. a virtual tutor, a neural network that prepares children for the unified state exam in computer science. a user who has received a test task can always ask the robot for advice, what solutions there are, what doesn’t work in its code, but the system will never give a ready-made solution, otherwise what’s the point in learning, you won’t pass the unified state exam if you’re not russian, just prompted the answer, you need to understand how
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this or that problem is solved step by step, the most important thing is to explain the task - and the stages of solution in a language understandable to the student, this is the most important thing, right? that is, not just give a textbook, say: here is action one, action 2, action three, but explain what we are doing and explain it in such a way that the student understands and so that the student can ask an infinite number of times why the first, first action is what we are doing next, what is the progress in solving the problem, sberbank insists on the comprehensive implementation of ai in education, we will have to familiarize everyone with new technologies, teachers, students and their parents, so the company has developed a teaching assistant service created on the basis of gigachat the model translates the teacher’s speech into text and analyzes the course of the lesson, and then makes recommendations on what can be improved; one of the tasks is to personalize the process for a specific student. i like cars, let him multiply and add cars in math, not pears. something doesn’t work out, neroset will tell you exactly where the child lacks knowledge. and with the help of a recommendation system, we can detect those places where he did not learn something or learned
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it worse. let's say that in multiplication examples, a child makes a mistake. and we understand that maybe even the problem is not in the multiplication itself, but that once before he... made mistakes in addition, that is, there is a small gap, there is a small gap that needs to be closed there, and we can accordingly use the adaptability tools select tasks. that are related to addition, consolidate that knowledge base and after you are sure that the child has mastered all addition, increase the number of multiplication problems. education specialists also interact with schools, thematic case championships are held for children, they they suggest coming up with your own scenarios on how to integrate artificial intelligence into the educational process. for example, students create simple but fully functional chat bots; also among the proposed options for creating a virtual physical and chemical laboratory, so that they can carry out experiments, and only the digital simulation would suffer, the guys proposed an idea for a - finding bullying, that is reading from
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school video cameras using artificial intelligence and preventing bullying in schools, by organizing such case championships, we, on the one hand, popularize artificial intelligence for use in real life, but also develop such creativity in children . for the use of new technologies, while experts emphasize that artificial intelligence is, first of all, a challenge for mathematical education, and it is necessary to place a special emphasis on it in the new world. we begin our programs right from the fifth grade, it is at this age that we see that the entry funnel into technical, mathematical directions, so we see our tasks at this age, in this age category, to attract...
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look, that is, on the one hand, we just talked about the fact that artificial intelligence influences the educational process, representatives of leading it companies, on the other hand, in order to know these technologies, artificial intelligence, in turn, need some kind of science, so the question arises, what about what they teach children, future specialists, including in the arts? intellect, how this changes, that is, let's say, if we take, for example, how children were taught 30 years ago, 50 years ago now, this is somehow different, something should be different, in particular, i know that several years ago in school courses, starting from the seventh grade, they began to introduce the theory of probability, perhaps over time linear algebra, optimization will be introduced, this is how you look at it and what arguments do you have when...
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the stones of artificial intelligence, like science and optimization, optimization, of course , the school
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has already introduced a probability statistics course, moreover, it was carried out very gradually, in 2004 this material appeared in the standard, then it appeared a little later in the unified state examination, oge, now it is a separate course in the form of a separate subject, also the updated federal standard has already included small, small elements of linear algebra of a 2x2 matrix, but this it's the first step, guys. they get acquainted with this at school, it will be easier for them to master this material at university, and this is very important. plus there is a lot of discussion and updating of content in the sense that mathematics itself should will become more interesting, because artificial intelligence will undoubtedly relieve us of technical operations. well, for example, no one counts anymore, either in ordinary life or in engineering, on a squared piece of paper. everyone uses a calculator and a computer, in the same way a number of algorithms will be performed by artificial intelligence, but the ability
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to think, discover something new, reason logically, evaluate the result. by the way, on the unified state exam, which our guys are now giving, there are already tasks for estimating the result of calculations, this is also very important, because artificial intelligence, as we know very well, sometimes solves very beautiful and complex problems, and sometimes says, i’m sorry, complete nonsense. making such mistakes that maybe a second grader sometimes won’t even make, and if you trust him and don’t know anything yourself, except...
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what happens is that now, here now, we all need to think carefully and understand how this even happens fundamentally rebuild everything, because the sciences that we teach are many of them hundreds of years old, that is, the foundations of this mathematics were laid many centuries ago, now we take this responsibility and really say that the classical school course should contain elements of theory.
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throughout russia the number of classes with in-depth study of mathematics should increase, this is very important, but to answer your question directly, no, of course, these changes are not drastic, but very important, the ratio of different sections is changing, the role of geometry is slightly decreasing, this inevitable because each section is important, but
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if we want to add a whole probability statistics, something must decrease, naturally weight decreases. that in basic school children should be given, perhaps not separate subjects, but modules included in subjects, devoted to the use of artificial intelligence in this subject, for example, in geography or literature, instead of struggling with essays written by artificial intelligence, you need to teach your child to use it correctly to help you express
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your own thoughts, and that you can’t just take an artificial intelligence text and give literally, without even reading what 's going on there. the same applies to mathematics and the same programming, which is actively changing, more and more it companies understand that developers will use artificial intelligence, they need others, so there is no need to teach every person to write some simple code, so everything is here it should change little by little, but quite carefully. it’s great that the educational system, a rather conservative thing, should change slowly. i'm supposed to be asking questions, but... you answered in such a way that i, in turn , would like to give an example from life that confirms your words, just recently we, in a completely abstract way, without being tied to artificial intelligence, solved a problem related to how to make chocolates correctly, well, in what proportions, there are cocoa beans, milk, something else, this is an
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optimization problem, the problem is that after tasting a chocolate bar we cannot say how tasty it is, we can try one. compare a chocolate bar made in one way and another chocolate bar and say that this chocolate bar tastes better, than this chocolate bar, unlike classical optimization, when we have a given function, we need to find its minimum or maximum, it is available to us for calculation, here we can only compare the value of the function, it would seem that scientists came up with - this is what - then such a specific formulation, motivated by chocolates, and what does artificial intelligence, mathematics have to do with it, how to quickly find the minimum of a function using such a comparative oracle, as they say. we dealt with this problem, developed it to a certain solution, so literally quite recently, when - articles began to appear at the nips conference, one of...
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it helps, i have this analogy here, we should not make robots, teachers, but an exoskeleton for the teacher, it will help the teacher, strengthen, compensate some of his shortcomings, maybe, will help him teach children better, just now, now the guys are taking the unified state exam, these guys who are taking the unified state exam, many of them have already studied in a system where the teacher was helped by artificial intelligence, in preparation for the unified state exam tens in mathematics millions of tasks. were tested by artificial intelligence at the moscow electronic school, they are just taking the unified state exam today, the guys who studied with
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the help of a teacher and artificial intelligence, in no case removed the teachers from the class, they said, you will be taught by artificial intelligence, at the moscow electronic school a system was made that helped the teacher and the child showed mistakes, the teacher did what he should do, taught the child, and how... some technical things were done by an artificial intelligence, only thanks to the fact that mipt has made a project in physics for the whole country together with leading universities, we really hope that this year we will be happy with the results of the unified state exam in physics, and here the task of the unified state exam in physics in preparation is, again, for thousands of schoolchildren helped test artificial intelligence and computers. we will see the results now, but i will emphasize once again that i did not replace the teacher, and i am absolutely sure. that this story is still mutual, as we discussed with you, we need to slowly teach the child closer to high school to use artificial intelligence,
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use it wisely, especially since we have now conducted a lot of research, and indeed modern artificial intelligence models can solve very cool problems, even at the level of international olympiads, about which there are articles in neche, but these are technically complex problems, for example, the first problem of the mathematical festival for. .. and the main thing is that it will become more accessible, because not only statistical results are important to us, it is important to us how much a child, regardless of
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where he is in the country, in a remote village, could receive a good education, mathematics, physics, it, and at the same time we are absolutely convinced that every parent, grandparent, and, if possible , schoolchild should understand that if he thinks more, does mathematics, develops his... thinking, then he will he is more successful in life, he has more prospects, so learn mathematics, in 5-10 years we will live in a completely different world, artificial intelligence will penetrate everywhere, but to be successful, now you need to not forget in school, as children like to talk about mathematics and read, do homework it’s not fair, but to develop your brains. artificial intelligence is changing our lives, including changing... our education, school education, today we talked about what the risks are, but at the same time, i think we realized that without artificial intelligence it will be difficult to keep up. yashchenko,
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ivan valerievich, thank you very much, goodbye, thank you, goodbye. russia will take measures in response to the actions of the polish authorities, who banned russian diplomats from moving around the country. as reported by the ministry of russia, the measures will affect polish representative offices in moscow, irkutsk, kaliningrad and st. petersburg.
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we will discuss the situation right now with the russian ambassador to poland, sergei andreev, he is in direct contact with us, sergei vladimovich, hello, hello, how did the polish authorities explain the introduction of this ban on the movement of russian diplomats around the country? let's clarify, this is not a ban, but a restriction, it is not of such a strict nature, it is really the freedom of movement of our diplomats to our embassy...
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well, such a trip.


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